
Provides a Zabbix format reporter and server for Telemetry.Metrics definitions.

License: MIT

Language: Elixir


Provides a Zabbix format reporter and server for Telemetry.Metrics definitions. Submits data to Zabbix Trapper Items using Zabbix Sender Protocol. Powered by zabbix_sender.


The package can be installed by adding telemetry_metrics_zabbix to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

def deps do
    {:telemetry_metrics_zabbix, "~> 0.1"}


Add approperiate config section to your config.exs

config :telemetry_metrics_zabbix, :config,
  host: "",
  port: 10051,
  hostname: "",
  batch_window_size: 1000,
  timestamping: true


Add TelemetryMetricsZabbix to your application supervision tree and pass metrics as a param. Create a Zabbix Trapper Item on for every measurement key you want to collect. Set data type on the Trapper Item to Numeric.


metrics = [
  Telemetry.Metrics.sum("http.request.latency", tags: [:host])

children = [
  {TelemetryMetricsZabbix, metrics: metrics}
opts = [strategy: :one_for_one, name: MyApp]
Supervisor.start_link(children, opts)

Currently supported metrics

  • Telemetry.Metrics.Counter: counts events
  • Telemetry.Metrics.Sum: sums events' values
  • Telemetry.Metrics.Summary: calculates events' values average
  • Telemetry.Metrics.LastValue: returns all events' values with timestamps

Measuremet to zabbix value conversion

Measurements are aggregated by event name, measurement and tag values. All those parts are included as Zabbix Sender Protocol key. Tag values are treated as Zabbix key parameters sorted by tag key.


with metric

Telemetry.Metrics.sum("http.request.latency", tags: [:host, :method])

and event

:telemetry.execute([:http, :request], %{latency: 200}, %{host: "localhost", method: "GET"})

Zabbix Trapper key will be http.request.latency["localhost","GET"]

Known isuues

Currently TLS encryption (both PSK and RSA) is not supported by zabbix_sender and there are no plans for it. A PR would be welcome though.


Docs can be found at


TelemetryMetricsZabbix source code is released under MIT License. Check LICENSE file for more information.

Project Statistics

Sourcerank 3
Repository Size 24.4 KB
Stars 2
Forks 0
Watchers 1
Open issues 0
Dependencies 2
Contributors 1
Tags 0
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Łukasz Samson

Packages Referencing this Repo

Provides a Zabbix format reporter and server for Telemetry.Metrics definitions.
Latest release 0.3.2 - Updated - 2 stars

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