
License: MIT

Language: JavaScript

A simple & low-overhead web dashboard for linux systems

Demo  |  Docs

linux-dash Gitter chat


  • Small ----- Under 400KB on disk (with .git removed)!
  • Simple ---- A minimalist, beautiful dashboard
  • Easy ------ Drop-in installation
  • Versatile -- Choose your stack from Node.js, Go, Python, PHP


Step 1

## 1. clone the repo
git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/afaqurk/linux-dash.git

## 2. go to the cloned directory
cd linux-dash/app/server

OR, if you prefer to download manually:

## 1. Download the .zip
curl -LOk https://github.com/afaqurk/linux-dash/archive/master.zip && unzip master.zip

## 2. navigate to downloaded & unzipped dir
cd linux-dash-master/app/server

Step 2

See instructions for preferred server linux-dash server (all included):

If Using Node.js

## install dependencies
npm install --production

## start linux-dash (on port 80 by default; may require sudo)
## You may change this with the `LINUX_DASH_SERVER_PORT` environment variable (eg. `LINUX_DASH_SERVER_PORT=8080 node server`)
## or provide a --port flag to the command below
## Additionally, the server will listen on every network interface (``).
## You may change this with the `LINUX_DASH_SERVER_HOST` environment variable (eg. `LINUX_DASH_SERVER_HOST= node server`)
## or provide a --host flag to the command below
node index.js

If Using Go

## start the server (on port 80 by default; may require sudo)
go run index.go

To build a binary, run go build && ./server -h. See @tehbilly's notes here for binary usage options

If Using Python

# Start the server (on port 80 by default; may require sudo).
python index.py

If Using PHP

  1. Make sure you have the exec, shell_exec, and escapeshellarg functions enabled
  2. Point your web server to app/ directory under linux-dash
  3. Restart your web server (Apache, nginx, etc.)


For general help, please use the Gitter chat room.


It is strongly recommended that all linux-dash installations be protected via a security measure of your choice.

Linux Dash does not provide any security or authentication features.

Project Statistics

Sourcerank 3
Repository Size 8.72 MB
Stars 0
Forks 0
Watchers 1
Open issues 12
Dependencies 0
Contributors 83
Tags 0
Last updated
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Top Contributors See all

Mikkel Kjeldsen Arnaud Bey Chris Andrews Hugo Martins Matt License vernes albertbrufau Michael Litvak Alexander Lozovskoy Erin Darren Whitlen Anthony Bouvier Lorne Gaetz 小明 Andrey Zac noygal Steve Robbins Q-Max Hakan Dilek

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