
Homebrew Casks for Audio Plugins such as VST, VST2, VST3, AU, AAX

License: MIT

Language: Ruby

Keywords: audio, homebrew, homebrew-cask, homebrew-tap, vst


Homebrew Casks for Audio Plugins such as VST, VST2, AU, AAX. This was to scratch an itch that wasn't being served by the core repos. It's highly likely that these will get out of date. Feel free to fork this repo and submit a PR with new software or an update. Someday I plan to get a bunch of those freeware plugins listed in here.


After you install homebrew, tap this repo:

$ brew tap joshka/audio

You can now install casks from this repo.

$ brew cask install d16-frontier


MIT License

Project Statistics

Sourcerank 4
Repository Size 59.6 KB
Stars 6
Forks 2
Watchers 1
Open issues 0
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Contributors 1
Tags 0
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Josh McKinney

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