
IntelliJ IDEA Community edition - my hacks

License: Apache-2.0

Language: Java

Project Statistics

Sourcerank 4
Repository Size 764 MB
Stars 26
Forks 34
Watchers 4
Open issues 5
Dependencies 0
Contributors 39
Tags 0
Last updated
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Top Contributors See all

Anna Kozlova Maxim Shafirov Maksim Mosienko Iris24 Nikolay Chashnikov Bas Leijdekkers Dmitry Jemerov Greg Shrago Max Medvedev Eugene-Kudelevsky Eugene Zhuravlev Roman Shevchenko Kirill Likhodedov Konstantin Bulenkov Roman Chernyatchik Oleg Shpynov Dmitry Trofimov sashache Yann Cébron Dennis Ushakov

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