
JetBrains idea fork

License: Apache-2.0

Language: Java

Project Statistics

Sourcerank 4
Repository Size 598 MB
Stars 6
Forks 1
Watchers 1
Open issues 0
Dependencies 0
Contributors 21
Tags 0
Last updated
Last pushed

Top Contributors See all

Anna Kozlova Maxim Shafirov Maksim Mosienko Bas Leijdekkers Nikolay Chashnikov Iris24 Greg Shrago Roman Chernyatchik sashache Konstantin Bulenkov Dmitry Jemerov Oleg Shpynov imegorskaya1 Eugene Zhuravlev Constantine Plotnikov Dennis Ushakov Eugene-Kudelevsky Max Medvedev Serge Baranov Alexey Pegov

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