
D port of wjakob/nanogui

License: Other

Language: D

Keywords: dlang, dlanguage, gui, nanogui, opengl

What is it? .github/workflows/main.yml


Release 1.0.0 is a regular release and is not a major one. The only reason to make this release was transition to dsemver. It means that versions like 0.x.x are not possible so this release was numbered 1.0.0. The release contains experimental widgets List and TreeView but they are under development, also arsd backed has been dropped.

D port of nanogui

The port is incomplete - not all widgets are ported, but all ported widgets are fully usable.

There is difference with origin. For example:

  • instead of const references passing by value is used
  • as a color and vector implementation gfm.math is used (in origin eigen used as a vector implementation and own implementation of color type)
  • no locking on glfw, instead two backends are available - arsd.simpledisplay (no external dependencies) and SDL2 (depends on SDL2 library obviously), SDL backend is more developed than arsd one (due to lack of time). Other backend like glfw, sfml etc can be easily added, nanogui is agnostic to underlying layer.

Install dependencies

On Ubuntu and debian based Linux run this command to install system dependencies:

sudo apt-get install libfontconfig1-dev

Cloning source

git clone https://github.com/drug007/nanogui.git


Directory examples contains a package, providing example for sdl backends. To run example cd example/sdl and run dub command. For example:

cd examples/sdl


Screenshot is a bit old and do not show some widgets for example GLCanvas Screenshot

Project Statistics

Sourcerank 6
Repository Size 4.25 MB
Stars 29
Forks 7
Watchers 3
Open issues 2
Dependencies 2
Contributors 4
Tags 25
Last updated
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Top Contributors See all

drug007 Timo Taipalus Andrea Fontana Lawrence Aberba

Packages Referencing this Repo

Port of nanogui to dlang.
Latest release 1.5.0 - Updated - 29 stars

Recent Tags See all

v1.5.0 July 27, 2024
v1.4.1 July 04, 2024
v1.4.0 October 02, 2022
v1.3.0 September 22, 2022
v1.2.0 May 19, 2022
v1.1.1 January 09, 2022
v1.1.0 April 26, 2021
v1.0.1 April 26, 2021
v1.0.0 April 12, 2021
v0.4.0 March 18, 2020
v0.3.1 March 06, 2020
v0.3.0 January 08, 2020
v0.2.1 July 14, 2019
v0.2.0 April 01, 2019
v0.1.1 March 25, 2019

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