
Forked from flyingmachine/brave-clojure-web

Language: HTML

Clojure for the Brave and True

Pull requests Clojure for the Brave and True are very much welcome! I'll use them as errata reports. Please keep in mind that the HTML was generated by Adobe InDesign or some such, so it's pretty crappy - and that's OK. I'm not concerned with that; I am concerned with inaccuracies in the content.

All the textual content's under /content/cftbat.

After installing ruby and bundler, build with

guard init nanoc

Start a server at localhost:3000 with nanoc view.

Project Statistics

Repository Size 13.4 MB
Stars 1
Forks 0
Watchers 1
Open issues disabled
Dependencies 0
Contributors 44
Tags 3
Last updated
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Top Contributors See all

Daniel Higginbotham Daniel Gerigk Ed Maphis oemmerson Michael Fogleman John Warwick Arron Mabrey Steve Leonard Spencer Baugh Jarrod Matthias Nehlsen Tony van Riet Jeremy Thurgood Natalie Klestrup Röijezon Andrew Wharton Artem Medeu Paul Kögel Kit Patella Ruthan Andrew Goode

Recent Tags See all

v1.0.0 December 17, 2015
v0.0.1 September 22, 2015
design-1 October 22, 2014

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