
License: MIT

Language: Elixir


Font Awesome is the Internet's icon library and toolkit, used by millions of designers, developers, and content creators.

This provides precompiled SVG icons from Font Awesome Free 6.4.2.


Add FontAwesome to your mix.exs:

defp deps do
    {:fontawesome, "~> 0.3"}

After that, run mix deps.get.


By default, the regular style is used. If that is not available, solid or brands is used. This could be changed by providing the solid or brands attributes.

Arbitrary HTML attributes can also be passed and applied to the svg tag.


<FontAwesome.heart />
<FontAwesome.heart solid />
<FontAwesome.heart class="h-4 w-4" />

The docs can be read at https://hexdocs.pm/fontawesome.

This was inspired by the Heroicons library. Huge thanks to its contributors.

This work was supported by Webformix. Huge thanks to them.

Project Statistics

Sourcerank 3
Repository Size 633 KB
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Forks 0
Watchers 1
Open issues 0
Dependencies 2
Contributors 1
Tags 3
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Aaron Tinio

Packages Referencing this Repo

Phoenix components for Font Awesome!
Latest release 0.3.1 - Updated

Recent Tags See all

v0.3.0 June 04, 2023
v0.2.0 March 27, 2023
v0.1.0 November 08, 2022

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