
Extensible self-loading buffer

dub fetch xbuf --version 0.1.0



A buffer that loads data from external source automatically managing its size.

The key parameters are:

  • capacity - initial capacity
  • minLoading - minimum number of bytes to load in one call to the data source
  • loader - a delegate that should load data into buffer, returning number of loaded byts, 0 on end of input and negative to indicate error
  • growBy - granularity of allocation, uses OS page size by default

The application can manipulate contents of the buffer by calling load, resize and compact. Load loads more data into the buffer, extending the buffer to load at least minLoading bytes. load is potentially blocking if loader is doing synchronious I/O. resize allows application to manually resize the buffer for instance to shrink the buffer or to more agressively extend the buffer - for instance if the protocol contains payload size. compact discards a number of bytes up to size, it should be called by application after it processed a number of bytes and no longer needs them. compact invalidates all slices into buffer be careful not to compact while holding references to the buffer.

unittest {
    // capacity 32, min loading size 16, grow granularity 10
    XBuf buf = XBuf(32, 16, (slice) { 
        foreach (i, ref s; slice) {
            s = cast(ubyte)i;
        return cast(int)slice.length;
    }, 10);
    // loaded full buffer of 0..32
    foreach (i; 0..32) {
        assert(buf[i] == i);
    // capacity is 32 16 rounded to 10
    assert(buf.size == 50);
    foreach (i; 0..32){
        assert(buf[i] == i);
    foreach (i; 32..50) {
        assert(buf[i] == i - 32);
    // all of the first 20 bytes were overwritten
    foreach (i; 20..32) {
        assert(buf[i-20] == i);