
Cross-platform single-file library for native dialogs.

library, gui, tui, dlang, linux, macos, ui, windows
dub fetch tinyfiledialogs --version 0.10.1



Native dialog library for Windows, macOS, GTK , Qt, console & more. SSH supported via automatic switch to console mode or X11 forwarding.

Originally pure C89. To build in betterC mode, enable BC subconfiguration.

For examples and info take a look at the documentation.

Short example of how to open a save dialog and show the name of chosen file in a message box:

import tinyfiledialogs;

// pairs of pattern list and optional description
const TFD_Filter[] filters = [
    { ["*.png"           ],   "PNG image" },
    { ["*.jpg", "*.jpeg" ],  "JPEG image" },
    { ["*.tif", "*.tiff" ],  "TIFF image" },
    { ["*.tga"           ], "TarGA image" },
// it blocks until the dialog is closed
const char* filename = tinyfd_saveFileDialog("Save as...", "Untitled.png", filters);
if (filename)
    // now we can save our file physically
    tinyfd_messageBox("The filename is", filename, "ok", "info", 1);

NOTE: the main purpose of this package is to implement native file and color dialogs in beamui, so don't expect much support and development.