
FIXME: write description




For now, just a way of saving a quil sketch to an animated .gif file, and in a way that works just like saving a still frame in a non-looping sketch.


Just like the save and save-frame functions, you can simply put a save-animation invocation in the draw method of a quil sketch at the place you would like to capture the current state of each frame.

First make sure to include gil in your project.clj:

(defproject your-project "1.2.3"
  :dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.6.0"]
                 [quil "1.7.0"]
                 [gil "1.0.0-SNAPSHOT"]])

... then just :use gil in your code:

(ns example
  (:use quil.core)
  (:use gil.core))

(def θ (atom 0))

(defn setup []
  (ellipse-mode :center))

(defn draw []
  (background 0)
  (translate 250 250)
  (let [θ' (radians @θ)
        x (* 150 (cos θ'))
        y (* 150 (sin θ'))]
    (ellipse x y 50 50))
  (swap! θ   20)
  (save-animation "orbiting-circle.gif" 18 0))

  :setup setup
  :draw draw
  :renderer :p2d
  :size [500 500])

The arguments for save-animation are:

  • the name of the file
  • the number of frames to be captured
  • the delay (in centiseconds) between frames


Copyright © 2014

danielle kefford

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License.