
  1. sprocket

    A package manager for the Workflow Description Language files

    v0.9.0 310 #workflow-engine #bioinformatics #wdl #description #language-server #analysis #linting
  2. acts

    a fast, tiny, extensiable workflow engine

    v0.13.2 350 #workflow-engine #workflow #act #step #yaml #business #model
  3. obelisk

    Deterministic workflow engine

    v0.8.0 180 #workflow-engine #component-model #wasm-component #deterministic #run-time #webhook #sqlite
  4. obeli-sk

    Deterministic workflow engine

    v0.5.0 #workflow-engine #component-model #wasm-component #deterministic #activities #wasi #run-time
  5. wdl-ast

    An abstract syntax tree for Workflow Description Language (WDL) documents

    v0.9.0 310 #syntax-tree #ast #workflow #bioinformatics #wdl #workflow-engine #parser
  6. wdl-analysis

    Analysis of Workflow Description Language (WDL) documents

    v0.5.0 250 #workflow #analysis #bioinformatics #language #workflow-engine #document #description
  7. bbox-processes-server

    BBOX OGC API Processes Service

    v0.6.1 #processes #workflow #process #workflow-engine #task #back-end
  8. obeli-sk-val-json

    Internal package of obeli-sk

    v0.9.0 300 #workflow-engine #run-time #deterministic #obeli-sk #wasm
  9. forester-rs

    Workflow framework based on the behavior trees

    v0.4.1 #behavior-tree #workflow-engine #artificial-intelligence #task #game-ai #framework #action
  10. wdl-lsp

    Language Server Protocol implementation for WDL

    v0.5.0 230 #language-server-protocol #workflow #bioinformatics #protocols #wdl #workflow-engine #document
  11. obeli-sk-db-sqlite

    Internal package of obeli-sk

    v0.8.0 260 #workflow-engine #sqlite #deterministic #wasi #run-time #obeli-sk #wasm
  12. f-tree

    the cli app to execute the commands from forester

    v0.2.5 #behavior-tree #task #workflow-engine #ai #forester #framework #execute-command
  13. flawless

    Toolkit for writing durable execution workflows in Rust

    v1.0.0-beta.3 190 #durable-execution #workflow #execution-engine #workflow-engine #toolkit
  14. acts-channel

    acts client channel for acts-server

    v0.7.0 340 #workflow-engine #client #channel #acts #message #acts-server #workflow-channel
  15. wfrs-engine

    Workflow RS - Engine to drive workflows via bpmn diagrams

    v0.20.2 240 #workflow-engine #bpmn #diagram #drive
  16. obeli-sk-concepts

    Internal package of obeli-sk

    v0.9.0 290 #workflow-engine #deterministic #wasm #obeli-sk #wasi
  17. dipen

    Distributed petri net runner as workflow engine

    v0.1.0 #workflow-engine #petri #runner #distributed #net
  18. obeli-sk-executor

    Internal package of obeli-sk

    v0.8.0 260 #workflow-engine #run-time #deterministic #wasi #obeli-sk #wasm #durable-functions
  19. argo-workflows-rs

    Argo Workflows is an open source container-native workflow engine for orchestrating parallel jobs on Kubernetes. For more information, please see https://argoproj.github.io/argo-workflows/

    v0.0.2 #workflow-engine #kubernetes #source #client #api-client
  20. obeli-sk-wasm-workers

    Internal package of obeli-sk

    v0.8.0 230 #workflow-engine #deterministic #wasm #obeli-sk #run-time #wasi
  21. yao

    a fast, tiny, extensiable workflow engine

    v0.1.4 #workflow-engine #workflow #yaml #model #step #user #branch
  22. obeli-sk-utils

    Internal package of obeli-sk

    v0.8.0 240 #engine #wasm #obeli-sk #workflow-engine #deterministic #wasi #sqlite3
  23. zeebe

    client for defining, orchestrating, and monitoring business processes across microservices using Zeebe

    v0.4.2 #workflow-engine #microservices #job #job-queue #queue #async #jobs
  24. homestar-invocation

    Homestar core library for working with tasks, instructions, etc

    v0.3.0 #ipld #ucan #ucan-invocation #ipvm #workflow-engine #package
  25. tes

    working with the Task Execution Service (TES) specification

    v0.2.0 #task-execution #specification #service #workflow #bioinformatics #workflow-engine
  26. bpxe

    Business Process eXecution Engine

    v0.2.1 #execution-engine #workflow-engine #business #workflow #process #bpmn #memory-safety
  27. barley-runtime

    The Barley runtime

    v0.6.0 #workflow-engine #scripting #run-time #context #barley
  28. barley-std

    The Barley standard library

    v0.4.0 #standard #barley #workflow-engine #action #library #stdlib
  29. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  30. barley-interface

    A runtime interface for Barley

    v0.3.0 #interface #run-time #barley #cli-interface #workflow-engine
  31. okti

    A workflow engine that runs anywhere

    v0.1.0 #workflow-engine #workflow #process #engine #bpmn
  32. kosha

    A Workflow Execution Engine

    v0.0.1 #workflow #workflow-engine #execution #execution-engine