
  1. axum

    Web framework that focuses on ergonomics and modularity

    v0.8.1 5.0M #web-framework #web-apps #http-router #web #framework #http
  2. leptos

    full-stack, isomorphic Rust web framework leveraging fine-grained reactivity to build declarative user interfaces

    v0.7.3 46K #web-framework #user-interface #declarative-ui #full-stack #isomorphic #web-ui #web-apps
  3. actix-session

    Session management for Actix Web

    v0.10.1 55K #session-management #web-apps #session #web-framework #web #session-cookies #http
  4. oha

    Ohayou(おはよう), HTTP load generator, inspired by rakyll/hey with tui animation

    v1.5.0 3.0K #load-testing #web-apps #http #tui #performance #performance-testing #testing-http
  5. gloo

    A modular toolkit for Rust and WebAssembly

    v0.11.0 67K #web-apps #web-api #api-bindings #wasm #toolkit #modular #browser
  6. eframe

    egui framework - write GUI apps that compiles to web and/or natively

    v0.30.0 134K #gui-framework #web-native #egui #web-apps #gui #web-gui #immediate-mode
  7. juniper

    GraphQL server library

    v0.16.1 40K #graphql-server #graphql-schema #apollo-graphql #query-language #web-server #apollo #web-apps
  8. trunk

    Build, bundle & ship your Rust WASM application to the web

    v0.21.5 19K #web-apps #wasm-build #build-tool #wasm #bundler #build-web #compiler
  9. axum-valid

    validation extractors for your Axum application, allowing you to validate data using validator, garde, validify or all of them

    v0.21.0 4.4K #axum #validation #web-framework #web-apps #validator #extractor #garde
  10. leptos_router

    Router for the Leptos web framework

    v0.7.3 35K #leptos #web-framework #isomorphic #web-apps #reactive #full-stack #declarative-ui
  11. aws-sdk-wafv2


    v1.58.0 4.0K #amazon-web-services #web-services #web-apps #ip-address #aws-sdk #load-balancer #api-gateway
  12. server_fn

    RPC for any web framework

    v0.7.3 59K #web-framework #leptos #rpc #web-apps #declarative-ui #isomorphic #full-stack
  13. workflow-rpc

    Workflow RPC (wRPC) framework based on the workflow-websocket crate offering native & in-browser (WASM32) clients and a native server (based on tokio & tungstenite). wRPC supports…

    v0.18.0 1.2K #websocket #rpc #browser #client-server #wasm #async-client #web-apps
  14. sauron

    A versatile web framework and library for building client-side and/or server-side web applications

    v0.61.9 4.0K #web-apps #web-framework #server-side-rendering #web #html #dom #web-components
  15. aws-sdk-elasticbeanstalk

    AWS SDK for AWS Elastic Beanstalk

    v1.54.0 1.3K #aws-sdk #environment #applications #web-apps #amazon-s3 #elastic #beanstalk
  16. axum_typed_multipart

    Type safe multipart/form-data handling for axum

    v0.14.0 71K #axum #web-apps #multipart-form #forms #request-body #form #parser
  17. trillium

    a modular toolkit for building async web apps

    v0.2.20 3.6K #web-apps #async #web-framework #toolkit #modular #applications #framework
  18. typescript-type-def

    Generate TypeScript type definitions for Rust types

    v0.5.13 2.9K #generate-typescript #typescript #json #serde-json #web-apps #javascript #serde
  19. aws-sdk-workspacesweb

    AWS SDK for Amazon WorkSpaces Web

    v1.57.0 2.6K #aws-sdk #web-services #web-apps #operation #web-client #user #access
  20. actix-web-flash-messages

    Flash messages for actix-web applications

    v0.5.0 5.3K #actix-web #web-apps #messages #web-framework #flash #notifications #error-message
  21. aws-sdk-devicefarm

    AWS SDK for AWS Device Farm

    v1.55.0 1.2K #devices #aws-sdk #mobile-devices #web-apps #testing #farm #cloud
  22. crux_core

    Cross-platform app development in Rust

    v0.10.0 8.9K #web-apps #cross-platform-ui #wasm-framework #ui-framework #declarative-ui #wasm #crux
  23. plotters-iced

    Iced backend for Plotters

    v0.11.0 1.4K #plotters #iced #plot #back-end #chart #charts #web-apps
  24. tracing-web

    A tracing compatible subscriber layer for web platforms

    v0.1.3 38K #web-performance #web-apps #logging-tracing #web #tracing #wasm #web-api
  25. aws-sdk-amplify

    AWS SDK for AWS Amplify

    v1.58.0 500 #aws-sdk #web-apps #amplify #operation #web-services #applications #hosting
  26. tokio_with_wasm

    Mimicking tokio functionalies on web browsers

    v0.7.4 54K #web-api #browser #web-apps #wasm #async-io #web-worker #async-task
  27. aws-sdk-apprunner

    AWS SDK for AWS App Runner

    v1.54.0 420 #aws-sdk #web-services #runner #service #operation #web-apps #resources
  28. gloo-net

    HTTP requests library for WASM Apps

    v0.6.0 303K #http-request #wasm #websocket #requests #api-bindings #web-api #web-apps
  29. nineties

    An app starter for traditional web apps

    v0.0.10 360 #starter #web #structure # #assets #apps #web-apps
  30. leptos_integration_utils

    help build server integrations for the Leptos web framework

    v0.7.3 27K #web-framework #web-server #web-apps #integration #isomorphic #ssr #applications
  31. rustyroad

    Road is a framework written in Rust that is based on Ruby on Rails. It is designed to provide the familiar conventions and ease of use of Ruby on Rails, while also taking advantage…

    v1.0.16 1.3K #web-framework #web-apps #web #rails #build-web #ruby #framework
  32. aws-sdk-iotfleethub

    AWS SDK for AWS IoT Fleet Hub

    v1.53.0 360 #aws-iot #aws-sdk #web-apps #hub #fleet #applications #management
  33. revolt_rocket_okapi

    OpenAPI (AKA Swagger) document generation for Rocket applications

    v0.10.0 500 #rocket-web #rocket #swagger #openapi #generate-documentation #web-apps #rocket-framework
  34. server_fn_macro

    RPC for any web framework

    v0.7.3 60K #web-framework #leptos #rpc #web-apps #isomorphic #rpc-framework #reactive
  35. yew-bootstrap

    Bootstrap 5 Components for Yew

    v0.11.0 500 #yew #yew-component #yew-web #bootstrap #web-components #web-apps #web-framework
  36. aws-sdk-rum

    AWS SDK for CloudWatch RUM

    v1.53.0 360 #web-apps #performance-monitoring #aws-sdk #web-performance #cloud-watch #client-side #applications
  37. memory-serve

    Fast static file serving for axum web applications

    v1.0.0-beta.1 700 #static-file #file-serving #brotli #web-apps #serve-static #compression #cache
  38. leptos_hot_reload

    types used for dev mode and hot-reloading for the Leptos web framework

    v0.7.3 44K #web-framework #hot-reloading #web-apps #web-dev #reactivity #isomorphic #mode
  39. gotham

    A flexible web framework that promotes stability, safety, security and speed

    v0.7.4 2.0K #web-framework #web-apps #web-server #web #build-web #hyper-http #http
  40. leptos_server

    RPC for the Leptos web framework

    v0.7.3 47K #web-framework #leptos #rpc #user-interface #web-apps #isomorphic #declarative
  41. workflow-terminal

    Terminal abstraction layer over Xterm.js and termion crates for creating terminal applications that function uniformly in native (console) and in browser (WASM32) environments

    v0.18.0 1.0K #terminal-interface #command-line-interface #terminal #browser #abstraction-layer #wasm #web-apps
  42. actix-web-opentelemetry

    OpenTelemetry integration for Actix Web apps

    v0.19.0 24K #actix-web #web-apps #open-telemetry #actix-web-middleware #prometheus-metrics #jaeger #prometheus
  43. actix-web-static-files

    actix-web static files as resources support

    v4.0.1 6.1K #actix-web #static #web #package-manager #serve-static #web-apps #package-json
  44. walkers

    slippy map widget for egui

    v0.32.0 11K #gis #tilemap #geography #gui #web-apps
  45. ntex-cors

    Cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) for ntex applications

    v2.0.0 1.6K #ntex #cors #web #cross-origin #web-apps #sharing #resources
  46. webview_app

    integration of a web view in an application window for windows and linux similar to Electron

    v1.2.1 2.0K #web-view #webview2 #webkit #webview #web-apps #linux #windows
  47. capacitor_bindings

    Capactior bindings to help you build android and ios apps with rust

    v0.12.2 300 #mobile #capacitor #web-apps #bindings #web #web-framework #app
  48. webpki

    Web PKI X.509 Certificate Verification

    v0.22.4 883K #tls-certificates #certificate #pki #web-apps #validation #verification #applications
  49. actix-analytics

    Monitoring and analytics for Actix web applications

    v1.2.0 #web-apps #actix-web #analytics #web-framework #dashboard #middleware #web-api
  50. leptos_i18n

    Translations integration helper for the Leptos web framework

    v0.5.3 1.2K #web-framework #internationalization #translation #locale #component #web-apps #applications
  51. pavex

    A framework for building API services and web applications in Rust

    v0.1.68 1.4K #web-apps #web-framework #web #api-service #web-services #http #web-api
  52. shuttle-runtime

    Runtime to run a service on the Shuttle platform

    v0.49.0 20K #cloud #shuttle-service #deployment #run-time #platform #web-apps #web-framework
  53. formulate

    standalone server that listens for web form data submissions

    v1.1.1 #send-email #rocket-web #env-vars #web-apps #web-framework #web-server #web-dev
  54. aws-sdk-honeycode

    AWS SDK for Amazon Honeycode

    v1.28.0 #aws-sdk #web-apps #amazon #honeycode #team #operation #mobile
  55. axum-analytics

    Monitoring and analytics for Axum web applications

    v1.2.0 #web-apps #axum #analytics #dashboard #middleware #api
  56. leptos_meta

    Tools to set HTML metadata in the Leptos web framework

    v0.7.3 36K #web-framework #metadata #html #web-apps #meta #server-side-rendering #tags
  57. aws-sdk-worklink

    AWS SDK for Amazon WorkLink

    v1.43.0 #aws-sdk #mobile-devices #web-apps #aws #operation #website #cloud
  58. sycamore

    building reactive web apps in Rust and WebAssembly

    v0.9.1 2.8K #web-apps #reactive #wasm #gui #web-ui #ui-component
  59. turf

    Build SCSS to CSS during compile time and inject those styles into your binary

    v0.9.5 300 #css #css-class #scss #web #macro #web-apps #binary-format
  60. biome_text_size

    treat text sizes/ranges in a more type-safe

    v0.5.8 97K #parser #formatter #linter #string-parser #web-apps
  61. kvarn

    A forward-thinking fast web server designed to fit your needs, efficiently

    v0.6.3 #web-server #web-apps #web-framework #web-application #web #server-framework #search-engine
  62. gloo-utils

    Convenience crate for common web_sys features

    v0.2.0 449K #wasm #web-api #api-bindings #web-sys #web-apps #modular #toolkit
  63. zino

    Next-generation framework for composable applications in Rust

    v0.30.1 2.1K #web-apps #web-framework #cron-job #web #http #framework #jwt
  64. workflow-dom

    DOM injection utilities for run-time injection of JavaScript and CSS

    v0.18.0 1.4K #dom #css #wasm #inject #script #web-apps #web-framework
  65. mapboxgl

    Unofficial Rust binding for mapbox-gl-js

    v0.6.0 280 #mapbox #vector-tiles #wasm #map #web-apps #build-web #html-css
  66. leptos-fluent

    Fluent framework for internationalization of Leptos applications

    v0.2.1 550 #leptos #fluent #web-framework #internationalization #localization #web-apps #actix-web
  67. actix-cloud

    Actix Cloud is an all-in-one web framework based on Actix Web

    v0.4.10 500 #web-framework #async-http #actix-web #async #web-apps #framework #web
  68. microbin

    performant, configurable, entirely self-contained Pastebin and URL shortener

    v2.0.4 240 #pastebin #link-shortener #self-hosted #file-sharing #web-apps #actix-web #web-server
  69. surrealdb-core-beta

    A beta release of the surrealdb-core crate

    v2.0.2 #key-value-store #key-value #database #embedded-database #cloud-native #web-apps #back-end
  70. percy-router

    A router for client side web applications with server side rendering support

    v0.5.1 #web-apps #server-side-rendering #client-side #router #wasm #web-client #routes
  71. webauthn_rp

    Server-side Web Authentication (WebAuthn) Relying Party (RP) API

    v0.2.0 150 #webauthn #fido2 #authentication #rp #passkeys #web-apps #api-bindings
  72. patchify

    Support for running applications to automatically update themselves

    v0.2.1 #updater #web-apps #web-server #desktop-applications #api-server #auto-update #http-client
  73. webui

    early development Website UI framework and component library for quickly building websites with native support for Material UI standardization

    v0.10.5 #ui-component #web-apps #ui #wasm #website #ui-framework #wasm-framework
  74. yew

    A framework for creating reliable and efficient web applications

    v0.21.0 29K #web-apps #yew-web #wasm-framework #wasm-client #webasm #web #gui-framework
  75. mogwai

    The minimal, obvious, graphical, widget application interface

    v0.6.8 #gui-applications #web-apps #declarative-ui #front-end #ui #reactive #ui-component
  76. ngyn

    Modular backend framework for web applications

    v0.5.2 330 #web-apps #web-server #web-framework #back-end #applications #hyper-server
  77. trunk-ng

    Build, bundle & ship your Rust WASM application to the web

    v0.17.16 700 #web-apps #build-tool #wasm-build #wasm #bundler #compiler #build-web
  78. patternfly-yew

    PatternFly 5 components for Yew

    v0.6.3 500 #yew-component #yew #html #patternfly #web-apps #web-framework #web
  79. rocket-analytics

    Monitoring and analytics for Rocket web applications

    v1.2.0 #rocket-web #web-apps #analytics #rocket #dashboard #middleware #rocket-framework
  80. dioxus-motion

    Animations library for Dioxus

    v0.2.0 400 #dioxus #animation #web-apps #graphics
  81. workflow-d3

    D3 visualization API bindings and utilities

    v0.18.0 #visualization #d3 #dom #graph #wasm #api-bindings #web-apps
  82. dioxus-fullstack

    Fullstack utilities for Dioxus: Build fullstack web, desktop, and mobile apps with a single codebase

    v0.6.1 11K #axum-server #web-apps #hot-reloading #desktop #mobile #server-framework #web-framework
  83. busybody

    Service Container and Dependency injector crate

    v0.3.14 120 #web #service-container #web-dev #dependency-injection #web-apps
  84. leptos_reactive

    Reactive system for the Leptos web framework

    v0.7.0-preview2 34K #reactive #signal #web-framework #run-time #value #effect #web-apps
  85. axum-reverse-proxy

    A flexible and efficient reverse proxy implementation for Axum web applications

    v0.5.1 380 #reverse-proxy #axum #proxy #web-apps #web #http #http-request
  86. actix-test

    Integration testing tools for Actix Web applications

    v0.1.5 25K #integration-tests #web-apps #web-framework #framework #async #future #web-server
  87. tarjama

    internationalize your rust applications

    v0.2.1 #locale #localization #web-apps #internationalization #applications #actix-web #language
  88. indexed-db

    Bindings to IndexedDB that default the transactions to aborting and can work multi-threaded

    v0.4.1 650 #wasm #web-apps #web #async #wasm-bindings #events
  89. tuono

    Superfast React fullstack framework

    v0.17.0 1.9K #react #full-stack #web-framework #web #typescript #ssr #web-apps
  90. axum_csrf

    Provide a CSRF (Cross-Site Request Forgery) protection layer

    v0.11.0 470 #web-apps #axum #csrf #cookies
  91. nidrs

    web framework based on axum and tokio

    v0.3.0 #web-framework #axum #http-server #web #framework #web-apps #functional-reactive-programming
  92. dioxus-lib

    Build fullstack web, desktop, and mobile apps with a single codebase

    v0.6.1 13K #ui-framework #ui #gui #react #dom #wasm #web-apps
  93. rustmark

    Extensible web application for serving Markdown-based content

    v0.6.1 390 #markdown #web-apps #web-server #markdown-html #template #html-templating #static-site-generator
  94. hydration_context

    sharing data between web servers and client-side web applications

    v0.2.1 9.0K #web-apps #server-client #web-server #data #applications #isomorphic #client-side
  95. suika

    web stack for building web applications

    v0.1.11 1.0K #stack #server #web #template #middleware #mime #web-apps
  96. doco

    A framework and runner for end-to-end tests for web applications

    v0.1.0 260 #web-apps #runner #applications #framework #test-runner #testing #environment
  97. surrealdb-alpha

    A alpha release of the surrealdb crate

    v2.0.9 #database #key-value-store #web-apps #database-server #cloud-native #key-value #embedded-database
  98. mprober

    program aims to collect Linux system information including hostname, kernel version, uptime, RTC time, load average, CPU, memory, network interfaces, block devices and processes. It…

    v0.11.0-beta.17 950 #cpu-memory #web-apps #system-information #http-api #linux #http-service #monitor
  99. bulwark-cli

    Bulwark is a fast, modern, open-source web application security engine

    v0.6.0 #web-apps #security #detection #bulwark #fraud #machine-learning #web-services
  100. tauri-build

    build time code to pair with https://crates.io/crates/tauri

    v2.0.4 192K #desktop-applications #tauri-app #webview #system #message #web-apps #engineer
  101. workflow-rs

    Rust application development framework for native and web applications

    v0.18.0 #wasm-framework #rpc-framework #websocket #rpc #web-apps #html #web-framework
  102. web-view

    Rust bindings for webview, a tiny cross-platform library to render web-based GUIs for desktop applications

    v0.7.3 1.8K #desktop-applications #cross-platform-gui #gui-applications #desktop #web-gui #gui #web-apps
  103. nidrs-extern

    Nidrs external library

    v0.2.1 230 #web-framework #nidrs #axum #web-apps #http-server #framework #web
  104. turbofuro_worker

    Worker executable for Turbofuro

    v0.1.26 420 #visual-programming #visual #worker #expression-language #language #web-apps #web
  105. velvet-web

    Wrapper stack for webapp apis

    v0.7.0 120 #web-apps #web-api #microservices #api #webapp
  106. cargo-pgml-components

    bundling SCSS and JavaScript Stimulus components like Rails does

    v0.1.25 #web-apps #web-framework #javascript #component #rocket-web #bundle #scss
  107. ayb

    ayb makes it easy to create, host, and share embedded databases like SQLite and DuckDB

    v0.1.9 130 #sqlite #web-apps #embedded-database #command-line #database-server #web-api #sql-database
  108. cargo-shuttle

    CLI for the Shuttle platform (https://www.shuttle.rs/)

    v0.49.0 1.5K #deployment #shuttle #cloud #web #devops #platform #web-apps
  109. percy-dom

    A standalone Virtual DOM creation, diffing and patching implementation

    v0.10.0 #virtual-dom #dom #virtual #wasm #web-apps #assembly #web-assembly
  110. leptos_actix

    Actix integrations for the Leptos web framework

    v0.7.3 14K #web-framework #actix-web #web-apps #integration #isomorphic #applications #wasm
  111. ux-primitives

    Graphics Primitives for Angular Rust

    v0.2.2 #color-space #color-conversion #canvas #color-palette #color #building-block #web-apps
  112. aws-sdk-qapps

    AWS SDK for QApps

    v1.21.0 380 #aws-sdk #amazon #operation #web-apps #user #business #ai
  113. axum-template

    Layers, extractors and template engine wrappers for axum based Web MVC applications

    v3.0.0 850 #web-apps #axum #template-engine #mini-jinja #model-view-controller #handlebars #tera
  114. zero4rs

    powerful, pragmatic, and extremely fast web framework for Rust

    v1.3.0 340 #web-framework #actix-web #web-apps #restful #web-server #ffmpeg #rust
  115. chief

    A Development Tools

    v1.0.0 #env-vars #run #env #dev #log #logging #web-apps
  116. yewdux

    Ergonomic state management for Yew applications

    v0.10.0 3.2K #shared-state #state #yew #yew-web #shared #container #web-apps
  117. bui-backend

    Brower User Interfaces (BUIs) with Tokio

    v0.15.0 #server-sent-events #user-interface #http-server #server #server-api #future #web-apps
  118. wonopui

    parameterized YEW UI framework for building flexible and customizable web applications

    v0.0.5 #ui-framework #tailwind-css #tailwind #yew #web-ui #web-apps #ui
  119. awsm_web

    Wrappers for WASM

    v0.45.0 #webgl #graphics #3d #renderer #web-apps #gamedev #web-api
  120. rocket-starter

    create skeleton for a Rocket-based web application

    v0.4.0 160 #rocket-web #web-apps #web #static #tera-templates
  121. rwf-cli

    Rust Web Framework CLI

    v0.1.14 340 #web-framework #migration #web-apps #rwf #applications #command-line #tool
  122. maia-wasm

    Maia SDR WASM frontend

    v0.6.1 220 #sdr #web-apps #webgl2 #front-end #wasm #fpga #web-frontend
  123. fama

    Pipeline Manager

    v0.3.6 #pipeline #events #web #web-dev #pipeline-pattern #data-pipeline #web-apps
  124. terracotta

    Boilerplate webserver application based on Axum

    v0.4.1 330 #web-apps #web-server #boilerplate #authentication #web-framework #tera-templates #example
  125. wadl

    parser for Rust

    v0.5.0 370 #web-apps #parser #bindings-generator #description #applications #language #generate
  126. stylist

    CSS-in-Rust styling solution for WebAssembly Applications

    v0.13.0 2.7K #css #yew-web #web-apps #web #yew #css-in-rust
  127. hypersynthetic

    An HTML template engine that chose composition over inheritance

    v0.8.0 #template-engine #html #template #web-apps #web-framework #hypermedia #html-macro
  128. ianaio

    backend frontend written in Rust Web Assembly RustWasm TS website

    v0.1.7 300 #web-apps #web-frontend #wasm-framework #web-api #web-framework #frontend #assembly
  129. lambda_web_adapter

    Run web applications on AWS Lambda

    v0.8.0 360 #aws-lambda #web-apps #lambda #api-gateway #web-framework #aws #http-api
  130. maomi

    Strict and Performant Web Application Programming

    v0.5.0 #web-apps #web-framework #applications #template #strict #component #browser
  131. actix-web-validation

    A common validation interface for actix-web applications

    v0.7.0 130 #actix-web #validation #web-request #web-apps #error #interface #automatic
  132. gloo-worker

    Convenience crate for working with Web Workers

    v0.5.0 60K #web-worker #web-apps #wasm #gloo #web-api #browser #tasks
  133. js-utils

    Useful utilities to make development of browser-targeted Rust applications slightly less painful

    v0.1.5 #web-apps #browser #wasm #web #js
  134. logisheets

    A web spreadsheets application written in Rust and Typescript

    v0.7.0 #spreadsheet #xlsx #web-apps #excel #ooxml #spreadsheets #user-interface
  135. web2app

    Turn any web page into a desktop app (but, lightweight ~3MB)

    v0.2.12 #desktop-applications #web-page #web-apps #turn #enter #convert #icons
  136. leptos_dom

    DOM operations for the Leptos web framework

    v0.7.3 48K #web-framework #dom #isomorphic #web-apps #reactive #operations #wasm
  137. uploat

    Share files between multiple devices effortlessly

    v0.1.1 #devices #multiple #share #file #user #delete-file #web-apps
  138. actix-middleware-etag

    ETag middleware for Actix web >= 4.8

    v0.4.2 600 #actix-web #actix-middleware #etag #header #web-apps #http-response #web-server
  139. orsomafo

    Event dispatcher crate

    v0.5.0 #events #web-apps #web #async-trait #web-dev #event-dispatcher
  140. dipper

    An out-of-the-box modular dependency injection web application framework

    v0.5.3 600 #web-apps #web-framework #async-http #http-server #server #async #web
  141. pax-chassis-web

    Platform-specific chassis allowing Pax cartridges to be executed as Web apps

    v0.38.3 190 #web-apps #pax #cartridge #rendering-engine #wasm #browser #user-interface
  142. actix-http-test

    Various helpers for Actix applications to use during testing

    v3.2.0 26K #async-http #web-framework #testing-http #async #future #helper #web-apps
  143. rocket-governor

    Governor rate limiter for Rocket

    v0.2.0-rc.3 470 #rocket-web #rate-limiting #rocket #rate-limit #web-apps #web-framework #web-request
  144. gloo-storage

    Convenience crate for working with local and session storage in browser

    v0.3.0 53K #storage-api #local-storage #storage #web-api #browser #web-apps #serde-json
  145. dioxus-web

    Web-sys renderer for Dioxus: Build fullstack web, desktop, and mobile apps with a single codebase

    v0.6.1 15K #ui #ui-framework #dom #wasm #gui #wasm-framework #web-apps
  146. leptos_axum

    Axum integrations for the Leptos web framework

    v0.7.3 13K #web-framework #axum #web-apps #applications #integration #isomorphic #wasm
  147. ssr_rs

    Server side rendering with the v8 engine for parse and evaluate the javascript code

    v0.7.0 800 #javascript-engine #ssr #web-apps #web #react #rendering-engine #actix-web
  148. filigree-cli

    Scaffolding utility for the Filigree web application framework

    v0.4.1 #web-apps #web-framework #model #scaffolding #filigree #applications #configuration
  149. named_routes_axum

    Give Axum routes names

    v0.1.13 #axum #routing #web #web-dev #router #web-apps
  150. favicon-generator

    generate favicons with different formats and sizes

    v0.4.3 1.7K #favicon #icons #web-apps #generate #icon #web-app #file-path
  151. huxi-server

    A site engine for web applications, based on Axum and PostgreSQL

    v0.9.0 160 #web-apps #web #blog #site #engine
  152. justshell

    webapp wrapper

    v0.3.1 130 #web-apps #gtk #pdf #local #html #viewer #url
  153. actix-jwt-auth-middleware

    implements a JSON Webtoken (JWT) middleware for the actix-web framework

    v0.5.0 270 #jwt #actix-web #actix-web-middleware #middleware #web #authentication #web-apps
  154. micro-web

    the async micro web framework

    v0.1.0-alpha.8 650 #web #http #async #web-server #web-framework #web-apps
  155. stylish-ansi

    stylish helpers for writing styles as ANSI escape codes

    v0.1.2 500 #text-styling #ansi #web-apps #ansi-codes #escaping #stylish #cli-applications
  156. heart

    Hypermedia-based web development of the 1990 future!

    v0.1.21 #web #stack #html #prelude #future #web-apps #hypermedia-based
  157. workflow-utils

    Miscellaneous utilities for the workflow-rs ecosystem

    v0.18.0 #utilities #framework #native #applications #web-apps #dom #websocket
  158. gloo-history

    Universal Session History

    v0.2.2 40K #history #wasm #session #web #web-apps #api-bindings #universal
  159. actix-di

    A dependency injection system for Actix web applications

    v0.1.1 #actix-web #web-services #web #services #di #service #web-apps
  160. split-yew

    Yew component for the Split.js library: a resizable split view for web apps

    v0.2.1 #yew-component #split #yew #web-apps #component #resizable #wrapper
  161. makepad-example-fractal-zoom

    Makepad fractal zoom example

    v0.6.0 #cargo-makepad #zoom #web-apps #fractal #ui-framework #cargo-build #applications
  162. tusk-rs

    Postgres-backed Web APIs

    v0.8.3 2.6K #web-api #postgresql #web-apps #middleware #database #queries #applications
  163. ic-auth-client

    A client library for Internet Computer identity authentication services

    v0.3.1 180 #internet-computer #identity #frontend #icp #web-apps #web-api #api-bindings
  164. seed

    framework for creating web apps, using WebAssembly

    v0.10.0 5.4K #web-apps #frontend-framework #wasm-framework #state-management #wasm #front-end #web-framework
  165. noria

    Client bindings for Noria

    v0.6.1 #web-apps #database-client #dataflow #sql-database #sql-query #database #backend
  166. rwf

    Framework for building web applications in the Rust programming language

    v0.2.1 200 #framework #model-view-controller #orm #web-framework #web-apps #web #http
  167. dot_ix_playground

    Interactive dot graphs playground web application

    v0.8.1 #web-apps #dot #graphviz #graph #interactive #applications #playground
  168. dto_mapper

    create dynamic DTOs (Data Transfer Object) from a structure

    v0.3.1 #dto #data-transfer #struct-fields #data-transfer-object #dto-pattern #web-apps #model-mapper
  169. autortr_rocket

    autortr_rocket is a lightweight Rust library designed for automatic route mapping in web applications for the Rocket framework. It simplifies the process of defining and managing HTTP routes by automatically…

    v0.2.2 #rocket-web #web-apps #rocket #rocket-framework #web-framework #web #router
  170. sycamore-web

    proc-macro crate for Sycamore

    v0.9.1 2.8K #wasm #reactive #gui #proc-macro #web-apps #ui-component
  171. sauron-html-parser

    parsing dynamically parsing html at runtime

    v0.61.9 180 #html-parser #web-apps #web-framework #html #web #server-side-rendering #html-rendering
  172. workflow-serializer

    Serialization framework for wrapping Borsh-serialized payloads

    v0.18.0 1.9K #serialization #borsh #binary #binary-encoding #wasm #nodejs #web-apps
  173. rust-blueprint

    A scalable and modular blueprint for building web applications with rust

    v0.1.0 #web-apps #web-framework #applications #scalable #blueprint #integration #modular
  174. sycamore-reactive

    Reactive primitives for Sycamore

    v0.9.1 2.9K #reactive #web-apps #ui-component #wasm #web-ui #gui #web-gui
  175. silkenweb

    building web apps

    v0.8.0 #web-apps #server-side-rendering #web-framework #dom #reactive #html #browser
  176. exocore-transport

    Transport layer of Exocore (Distributed applications framework)

    v0.1.26 120 #distributed-applications #transport-layer #mobile #web-apps #p2p #web-assembly #wasm
  177. stylish-html

    stylish helpers for writing styles as HTML elements

    v0.1.2 180 #web-apps #syntax-highlighting #output-format #stylish #styling #text-styling #data
  178. ngyn_shared

    Modular backend framework for web applications

    v0.5.2 410 #web-apps #web-framework #ngyn #web-server #backend-web #platform #shared
  179. sycamore-router

    Router for Sycamore

    v0.9.1 700 #web-apps #reactive #wasm #gui
  180. teensy-cms

    A teensy CMS for embedding pages in your web app

    v0.1.0-alpha6 #page #cms #web-apps #applications #teensy #system #content
  181. tauri-plugin-aptabase

    Tauri Plugin for Aptabase: Open Source, Privacy-First and Simple Analytics for Mobile, Desktop and Web Apps

    v0.5.1 #web-apps #tauri-plugin #analytics #tauri-app #desktop #aptabase #mobile
  182. rocket-sentry

    Simplifies integration between the Rocket web framework and Sentry application monitoring system

    v0.18.0 170 #rocket-web #web-apps #rocket #performance-monitoring #sentry #web-framework #monitoring
  183. clio-auth

    OAuth 2 helper library for CLI and desktop applications

    v0.8.0 #desktop-applications #oauth2 #desktop #authentication #cli-applications #cli #web-apps
  184. reinda

    Easily embed and manage your assets for your web application to build standalone-executables. Offers filename hashing, templating, compression and more.

    v0.3.0 #web-apps #web #assets #embed #standalone #http
  185. codas

    Compact and streamable data format that works anywhere--from web apps to robots

    v0.4.0 #web-apps #format #compact #binary-format #binary-data #robots #fields
  186. yew-more-hooks

    More hooks for Yew

    v0.3.3 750 #yew #hook #yew-web #web-apps #web-framework #applications
  187. capp

    Common things i use to build Rust CLI tools for web crawlers

    v0.4.3 #web-crawler #web-scraping #async-executor #task-queue #async #executor #web-apps
  188. sycamore-futures

    Futures, suspense, and async/await support for Sycamore

    v0.9.1 2.3K #reactive #web-apps #wasm #gui
  189. rapid-web

    server for the Rapid framework

    v0.4.9 #web-framework #web-apps #web-server #rapid #server-framework #server
  190. vial

    a micro micro-framework

    v0.1.9 110 #web-framework #web #web-apps #http-request #http #http-server #single-file
  191. next-rs

    📈 UI in Rust made simple

    v0.0.13 120 #next #yew #web-apps #rust
  192. dioxus-static-site-generation

    Static site generation for Dioxus

    v0.6.0-alpha.4 480 #ssg #ui #react #web-framework #axum-server #gui #web-apps
  193. aegis-waf

    web application firewall

    v3.3.1 #web-apps #applications #firewall #waf #rules #aegis #rate
  194. gluer

    A wrapper for Rust frameworks that eliminates redundant type and function definitions between the frontend and backend

    v0.8.3 #web-apps #web-framework #generate-typescript #macro #api #front-end #macro-expansion
  195. neocities_cli

    A CLI tool for managing websites hosted on Neocities

    v0.2.1 #neocities #static-site #webmasters #open-source #cli-tool #web-apps #webmaster
  196. hframe

    Show HTML content "inside" your egui rendered application

    v0.4.1 #html-content #egui #web-apps #applications #wasm #webview #browser
  197. rocket-recaptcha-v3

    can help you use reCAPTCHA v3 (v2 is backward compatible) in your Rocket web application

    v0.3.6 #rocket-web #web-apps #recaptcha #rocket #web-framework #captcha #rocket-framework
  198. itconfig

    Easy build a configs from environment variables and use it in globally

    v1.1.1 #env-vars #configuration #environment #config #env #macro #web-apps
  199. maple-core

    A VDOM-less web library with fine grained reactivity

    v0.4.3 #ui-component #reactive #web-apps #wasm #gui #web-gui
  200. gloo-console

    Convenience crate for working with browser's console

    v0.3.0 44K #console-log #browser #wasm #web #logging #gloo #web-apps
  201. sandy

    HTTP server and template rendering engine in Rust

    v0.2.7 #http-server #web-apps #rendering-engine #server #template-engine #back-end #http
  202. leo-ver-serv

    A web server which accepts snapshots from Leo, and serves web application for browsing history of known Leo files

    v0.1.10 #web-apps #version-control #web-server #leo #delta #web #fossil
  203. livid

    lightweight frontend Rust crate for creating web apps via webassembly

    v0.2.13 #web-frontend #web-apps #wasm #frontend #wasm-framework #frontend-framework #web-framework
  204. pavex_cli

    The companion CLI for Pavex, a Rust framework to build API services and web applications

    v0.1.68 1.0K #web-apps #api-service #pavex #web-services #web-api #build-web #back-end
  205. penguin-app

    Dev server with auto-reload, static file server, proxy support, and more. Language and framework agnostic. This is the CLI app, but Penguin exists as a library, too.

    v0.2.6 #static-file #file-server #dev-server #proxy-server #web-dev #web-apps #web-framework
  206. pact

    Compact and streamable data format that works anywhere--from web apps to robots

    v0.4.0 #data #compact #format #web-apps #systems #robots #streamable
  207. feature-probe-server-sdk

    FeatureProbe Server Side SDK for Rust

    v2.3.2 #server-side #features #web-server #sdk #management #applications #web-apps
  208. gloo-file

    Convenience crate for working with JavaScript files and blobs

    v0.3.0 67K #web-apps #wasm #web-api #blobs #api-bindings #applications #built
  209. desirable

    A minimal Rust web application framework

    v0.0.5 #web-apps #web-framework #async-http #web #async #http #tracing-subscriber
  210. rwf-admin

    Admin panel for applications written with the Rust Web Framework

    v0.1.12 250 #web-framework #admin #web-apps #framework #web #model-view-controller
  211. eframe_tao

    egui framework - write GUI apps that compiles to web and/or natively

    v0.23.0 #gui-framework #egui #gui #cross-platform-gui #web-gui #web-apps #web-native
  212. zino-model

    Domain models for zino

    v0.28.1 1.8K #web-apps #orm #web #schema #model #web-framework
  213. axum-limit

    A rate limiting library using token buckets, centered around extractor-based limits for async web applications

    v0.1.0-alpha.2 #rate-limiting #web-apps #limit #rate #axum #extractor #state-management
  214. url-prefix

    creating URL prefix strings

    v2.0.4 #url #prefix #http-https #https #ftp #http #web-apps
  215. makepad-audio-graph

    Makepad audio graph

    v0.6.0 #makepad #ui-framework #audio #cargo-makepad #applications #graph #web-apps
  216. axum-router-plugin

    Shared library-based plugins for Axum

    v0.1.2 190 #web-apps #axum #router #web #plugin #plugins #template-engine
  217. wampire

    A asynchronous WAMPv2 client and router implenting the basic WAMP profile

    v0.2.1 #wamp #rpc #microservices #pub-sub #websocket #web-apps #wamp2
  218. hxql

    Easily build dynamic apps with HTMX, GraphQL, and Handlebars

    v0.1.2 #web-apps #web-framework #graphql #htmx #handlebars #dynamic #cli
  219. mogwai-dom

    mogwai's DOM view implementation

    v0.2.6 #dom #gui-applications #reactive #web-apps #ui #front-end #web-ui
  220. actix-web-nextjs

    Actix Web service for hosting statically exported Next.js apps

    v0.2.7 #actix-web #web-services #web-apps #index-file #static-file #routes #js
  221. actix_route_rate_limiter

    Actix Web middleware to rate limit routes

    v0.2.2 #rate-limiting #actix-web-middleware #web-server #rate-limit #web-apps #http-request #actix
  222. cargo-web

    A Cargo subcommand for the client-side Web

    v0.6.26 100 #web-apps #web #build-web #wasm-build #cargo-subcommand #cargo #cargo-build
  223. roa

    async web framework inspired by koajs, lightweight but powerful

    v0.6.1 #web-framework #async #async-http #web-apps #web #http-server #framework
  224. eternaltwin_app

    Eternaltwin web application files

    v0.16.0 #web-apps #eternal-twin #applications #etwin
  225. tower-sombrero

    Tower middleware and utilities to help harden web applications

    v0.1.0 #web-apps #security #tower-middleware #tower-http #tower #csp #http
  226. workflow-http

    HTTP client for native and WASM32 targets

    v0.18.0 2.0K #http-client #http-request #wasm #request #http #wasm-client #web-apps
  227. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  228. kanha

    🦚 Compile once, Hack forever

    v0.1.2 #web-apps #osint #pentesting #recon #command-line #red-teaming #dns-lookup
  229. ngyn-hyper

    Hyper Platform for ngyn web framework

    v0.2.1 340 #web-framework #hyper #web-apps #ngyn #platform #run-time #web-server
  230. css-in-rust-next

    CSSinRust is a package for use with WASM applications providing a component level CSS styling experience

    v0.8.0 210 #css #web-apps #web #yew #yew-component #cs-sin-rust #frontend
  231. makepad/makepad-web-server

    Makepad web server

    GitHub 0.3.0 #web-server #makepad #ui-framework #web-apps #cargo-makepad #applications #web-framework
  232. filigree

    web application framework

    v0.4.1 #web-apps #web-framework #applications #web-server #axum #configuration #template
  233. tailwag

    main crate for the Tailwag suite, an experimental framework for building batteries-included application prototypes

    v0.2.0 #applications #postgresql #rapid #web-apps #prototype #web-services #web-framework
  234. parfait

    Most lightweight and easy to use web framework

    v0.1.1 100 #web-framework #web-apps #web #tokio #async #web-server #future
  235. pinwheel

    Build web applications with Rust

    v0.2.0 #web-apps #applications #web-ui #ui-component #web-components #style #rendering
  236. loates

    load testing framework, with focus on ease of use and flexiblity

    v0.1.0-alpha #load-testing #performance-testing #web-apps #testing #test-framework #api-testing #http
  237. ybc

    A Yew component library based on the Bulma CSS framework

    v0.4.0 190 #bulma #yew #yew-router #web #web-apps #sass #wasm
  238. lightning-path

    Route Recognizer library for lightning-fast matching

    v1.0.2 #routes #url-path #nfa #web-framework #routing #web-apps #matching
  239. yew-state

    No longer maintained. Please use Yewdux instead.

    v0.5.2 #shared-state #state-management #yew-component #yew-web #web-apps #access #component-model
  240. web-static-pack

    Embed static resources (GUI, assets, images, styles, html) within executable. Serve with hyper or any server of your choice.

    v0.5.0-beta.2 #hyper-server #static #web-apps #web-server #resources #hyper #http
  241. workflow-i18n

    i18n layer for workflow-rs framework

    v0.18.0 120 #internationalization #language #translation #web-apps
  242. simple-gallery

    Generates a single-page static web application, with no JS, serving a simple photogallery

    v0.1.1 #web-apps #gallery #web #static-site #photos #photo #generate-html
  243. exomind

    CLI for Exomind, a personal knowledge management tool

    v0.1.15 170 #knowledge-management #web-apps #mobile #distributed-applications #task-management #raspberry-pi #decentralized
  244. ruxt

    An Actix-based Rust framework for building HTMX applications

    v0.1.2 #web-apps #web-framework #web #htmx #actix-web #web-page #framework
  245. virtual-node

    A standalone Virtual DOM

    v0.5.0 100 #virtual-dom #dom #virtual #browser #wasm #web-apps
  246. message_verifier

    Rust Message Verifier library compatible with Rails' MessageVerifier and MessageEncryptor

    v2.0.0 #session-cookies #security #web-apps #encryption-decryption #rails #session #cookies
  247. spring-web

    Integration of rust application framework spring-rs and Axum web framework

    v0.3.0 430 #web-framework #spring #web-apps #http-request #http-response #web-api #tower-http
  248. standard-error

    simplifies returning meaningful errors for axum services

    v0.1.5 #error-message #web-framework #web-apps #axum #yaml #locale #structured