
  1. eycorsican/leaf-bin

    A versatile and efficient proxy framework with nice features suitable for various use cases

    GitHub 0.10.9 #proxy #transport #versatile #framework #suitable #secure #cases
  2. fmt-derive

    A more robust and versatile derive macro for Debug and Display

    v0.1.2 #macro-derive #derive-debug #debugging #display #versatile #printing #robust
  3. vqf

    Versatile Quaternion-based Filter (VQF) algorithm for sensor fusion

    v0.4.1 310 #filter #versatile #gyroscope #accelerometer #quaternion-based #update #described
  4. ussr-nbt

    A very fast and versatile NBT library for Minecraft: Java Edition

    v0.2.1 #nbt #minecraft #java #edition #tags #versatile #compound
  5. xavier

    lightweight and versatile XML parsing library designed to streamline the process of handling XML data with ease and efficiency

    v0.1.3 2.9K #xml-parser #xml-data #xml #data-processing #versatile
  6. kiwi-ecs

    A performant, small and versatile entity component system

    v1.4.1 #ecs #gamedev #component #world #versatile #flags #zero-dependency
  7. fetchr

    A versatile Rust CLI tool for making HTTP requests

    v0.1.3 #http-request #requests #data #fetching #versatile #tool #fetch
  8. aria2r

    download tool, written in Rust, is a lightweight and versatile solution that supports multiple protocols (HTTP/HTTPS, FTP, SFTP), as well as BitTorrent and Metalink

    v0.1.0 140 #bittorrent #sftp #solution #download #multiple #ftp #versatile
  9. okv

    A versatile key-value storage library

    v0.3.1 #key-value-store #rocksdb #messagepack #back-end #database #versatile #integration
  10. fenris-geometry

    Geometry functionality for fenris

    v0.0.6 #finite-element #fenris #geometry #fem #computation #domains #versatile
  11. rypt

    Versatile standalone command-line encryption tool

    v0.8.0 #password #encryption #key-file #encryption-decryption #key-pair #tool #versatile
  12. minidt

    A lightweight and efficient Jinja compiler for SQL generation

    v0.1.0 #sql-query #jinja #generation #templating #template #compiler #versatile
  13. director

    versatile, ergonomic state machine in Rust-lang

    v0.5.0 #state-machine #versatile #engine #game
  14. xavier-internal

    Internal module of Xavier. Xavier is a lightweight and versatile XML parsing library designed to streamline the process of handling XML data with ease and efficiency.

    v0.1.2 3.0K #xml-parser #xml #xml-data #xavier #ease #process #versatile
  15. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  16. peg-pack

    Versatile parser generator for PEG grammars

    v0.1.0 #peg #grammar #generator #parser-generator #instructions #pack #versatile
  17. merkletree-mintlayer

    A merkle tree versatile implementation with inclusion proof implementation, the one that is used in mintlayer-core

    v0.1.1 1.2K #merkle-tree #proof #versatile #hash #mintlayer #hasher #mintlayer-core
  18. nibbletree

    Tree datastructure for versatile prefix lookups based on the Tree-bitmap algorithm

    v0.2.0 #lookup #prefix #algorithm #data-structures #tree-bitmap #versatile
  19. fmt-derive-proc

    A more robust and versatile derive macro for Debug and Display

    v0.1.2 130 #display #debugging #derive-debug #robust #versatile #macro-derive #drive
  20. memorize

    Versatile and fast closure cacher with support for recursive algorithms

    v2.0.0 #closures #hash-map #cache #recursion #versatile #argument #effectless
  21. director_core

    Director is a simple, versatile, ergonomic state machine in Rust-lang

    v0.5.0 #engine #state-machine #versatile #director #game
  22. swissknife

    A versatile utility tool set for Rust

    v0.0.1 #set #versatile #utility #tool
  23. director_macros

    Director is a simple, versatile, ergonomic state machine in Rust-lang

    v0.4.0 #engine #state-machine #versatile #director #game