
  1. dccmd-rs

    A command line client for DRACOON

    v0.13.0 320 #user-group #command-line #dracoon #user-info #download #client #encryption
  2. light-openid

    Lightweight OpenID primitives & client

    v1.0.2 550 #open-id #authentication #user-info #primitive #client #flow #authorization
  3. orca

    A Reddit API client for Rust

    v0.7.0 #reddit #api-client #api #client #user-info #data-structures
  4. jwfetch

    package reqwest with trace

    v0.3.3 #http-request #fetch #user-info #jw #debugging #deserialize #serialize-deserialize
  5. url-constructor

    URL builder

    v0.1.0 #url #builder #constructor #host #scheme #user-info #subdomain
  6. quakeworld

    A collection of quakeworld related libraries

    v0.2.3 #quake #state #protocols #message #byte #user-info #client
  7. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  8. hi-auth

    Social account user info libary, include Github,Wechat and Google

    v0.0.4 #we-chat #user-info #github #social #libary #account #google
  9. psn_api_rs

    PSN Network API wrapper

    v0.3.0 #psn #game #playstation #http-client #user-info #user-profile #networking
  10. rocket_sentry_logger

    A Logger wrapper to integrate the Sentry SDK on a Rocket Server

    v0.4.1 #rocket #sentry #server #error #logging #user-info #errors
  11. ghstats

    fetching github user info

    v0.1.0 #github #user-info #graphql #git #stats #cli