
  1. bounded-vec

    Non-empty rust Vec wrapper with type guarantees on lower and upper bounds for items quantity

    v0.8.0 112K #upper-bound #vec #bounded #non-empty #bounds #lower #guarantees
  2. scoped-futures

    imposing upper bounds on Future lifetimes

    v0.1.4 129K #upper-bound #future #scope #futures #hrtb #liftime
  3. primal

    primal puts raw power into prime numbers. This crates includes: optimised prime sieves, checking for primality, enumerating primes, factorising numbers, and state-of-the-art estimation of upper and…

    v0.3.3 16K #prime #upper-bound #lower-bounds #math #number-theory
  4. ipopt

    Rust language bindings for the Ipopt non-linear constrained optimization library

    v0.6.0 130 #optimization #non-linear #constrained #newton #upper-bound #lower-bounds
  5. primal-estimate

    State-of-the-art estimation of upper and lower bounds for π(n) (the number of primes below n) and p_k (the k-th prime)

    v0.3.3 17K #prime #lower-bounds #math #upper-bound #number-theory #mathematics
  6. bounded-counter

    Generic Incremental Bounded Counter

    v0.1.3 420 #incremental #counter #bounded #generic #upper-bound #increment
  7. abstract_integers

    Defining specification-friendly bounded natural integer types

    v0.1.5 #integer #upper-bound #formal-verification #modular-arithmetic #integer-arithmetic #specification #bounds
  8. bounded-vec-deque

    A double-ended queue|ringbuffer with an upper bound on its length

    v0.1.1 21K #upper-bound #ring-buffer #deque #buffer #ring
  9. exhaustigen

    exhaustive test generator

    v0.1.0 170 #generator #testing #test #write #bounds #random #upper-bound
  10. prefix-range

    Compute bounds for prefix string queries for BTreeSet/BTreeMap::range

    v0.1.0 500 #prefix #string #key-prefix #prefix-tree #string-key #tree #upper-bound
  11. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  12. git-spy

    command-line tool to efficiently collect github repository

    v0.1.2 #github #scraping #command-line-tool #upper-bound #cli #terminal #lower-bounds
  13. f3l_filter

    3D Point Cloud Library

    v0.2.0 #point-cloud #3d #filter #computer-vision #processing #upper-bound #grid