
  1. ublox

    communicate with u-blox GPS devices using the UBX protocol

    v0.4.5 550 #gps #protocols #devices #ubx #communicate #packet #found
  2. rust_nmea

    NMEA (0183) parser and information library for Rust

    v1.2.6 #nmea #gps #robotics #ublox #gpio #detect #date-time
  3. ublox-cellular-rs

    Driver crate for u-blox cellular devices, implementation follows 'UBX-13002752 - R65'

    v0.4.0 #cellular #ublox #arm #cortex-m #logging #log-level
  4. ublox-short-range-rs

    Driver crate for u-blox short range devices, implementation follows 'UBX-14044127 - R40'

    v0.1.1 #wifi #ublox #bluetooth #shortrange #log-level
  5. embedded-sensors

    Sensors in one place, with only one feature away

    v0.1.1 #ublox #mpu6500 #ak8963 #bh1750 #mpu9250
  6. ublox_derive

    macros for the ublox crate

    v0.1.0 1.0K #ublox #devices #macro #gps #protocols #ubx #packet
  7. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  8. ublox-core

    Ublox M8 driver for embedded hal

    v0.1.0 #ublox #gps #embedded-hal-driver #gnss #m8