
  1. tower

    modular and reusable components for building robust clients and servers

    v0.5.2 6.2M #request-response #service #tower-middleware #async-io #future #http-middleware #non-blocking
  2. tower-lsp

    Language Server Protocol implementation based on Tower

    v0.20.0 88K #language-server-protocol #lsp #tower #client #protocols #async-trait #traits
  3. tower-service

    Trait representing an asynchronous, request / response based, client or server

    v0.3.3 5.7M #request-response #service-request #client-server #tower #middleware #async #traits
  4. tower-sessions

    🥠 Sessions as a tower and axum middleware

    v0.14.0 60K #session-management #session-middleware #tower-middleware #axum #session #sessions #tower
  5. tower_governor

    A rate-limiting middleware for Tower backed by the governor crate that allows configurable key based and global limits

    v0.6.0 26K #rate-limiting #tower-middleware #tower #ip-address #rate-limit #axum #governor
  6. tower-cookies

    Cookie manager middleware for tower

    v0.11.0 70K #cookies #axum #tower #tower-middleware
  7. socketioxide

    Socket IO server implementation in rust as a Tower Service

    v0.16.0 9.3K #socket-io #tower-service #websocket-server #tower #websocket #axum #hyper
  8. tower-sessions-sqlx-store

    SQLx session stores for tower-sessions

    v0.15.0 8.4K #tower-sessions #sqlx #session #sessions #axum #tower #cookies
  9. tower-livereload

    A LiveReload middleware built on top of tower

    v0.9.5 4.2K #live-reload #web #tower #tower-middleware #web-framework #axum #tower-http
  10. tower-sessions-dynamodb-store

    AWS DynamoDB session store. Not for direct use; see the tower-sessions crate for details.

    v0.3.0 33K #tower-sessions #session-management #session-store #dynamo-db #session #sessions #tower
  11. hanoi-speedrapp

    Tower of Hanoi desktop app for speedrunning

    v0.4.3 850 #tower #desktop #hanoi #timer #gameplay #insight #speedrunning
  12. async-lsp

    Asynchronous Language Server Protocol (LSP) framework based on tower

    v0.2.1 5.6K #language-server #lsp #tower #tower-service #server-client #server-framework
  13. axum-aws-lambda

    Tower Layer for compatibility between Axum and AWS Lambda Runtime

    v0.10.0 8.3K #aws-lambda #tower-layer #axum #lambda #aws #tower
  14. tokio-tower

    Bridging the protocol gap between Tokio and Tower

    v0.7.0-rc4 82K #tokio #tower #protocols #async #asynchronous #transport #protocol
  15. socketioxide-parser-common

    Common parser for the socketioxide protocol

    v0.16.0 3.5K #socket-io #tower #hyper #axum #websocket
  16. tower-sessions-redis-store

    Redis session store for tower-sessions

    v0.16.0 3.0K #session-store #tower-sessions #redis #session #axum #sessions #tower
  17. socketioxide-parser-msgpack

    Msgpack parser for the socketioxide protocol

    v0.16.0 #socket-io #tower #hyper #axum #websocket
  18. tower_allowed_hosts

    tower allowed hosts layer

    v0.8.0 650 #host #tower #tower-layer #tower-service #allowed #request #regex
  19. socketioxide-redis

    Redis adapter for the socket.io protocol

    v0.1.0 #socket-io #tower #axum #hyper #websocket #sockets
  20. product-os-router

    Product OS : Router provides a fully featured router leveraging Axum and Tower with a suite of helper methods to make it easier to create an HTTP server, HTTPS server, web socket server and even server-sent events server

    v0.0.26 110 #product-os #websocket-server #http-server #server-sent-events #socket-server #axum #tower
  21. tunnelbana

    Generate redirect lists from cloudflare-style _redirects text files and serve them with tower

    v0.1.0 #redirect #tower #http #tower-service #redirects
  22. tower-sessions-moka-store

    Moka session store for tower-sessions

    v0.15.0 600 #session-store #tower-sessions #moka #session #axum #tower #sessions
  23. product-os-capabilities

    Product OS : Capabilities provides a set of features for implementing server features and services in a modular fashion. It is designed to be used with Product OS : Server.

    v0.0.16 110 #product-os #server #capabilities #modular #services #axum #tower
  24. tower-lsp-f

    Language Server Protocol implementation based on Tower

    v0.21.0 4.2K #language-server-protocol #tower #lsp #client #protocols #initialization #response
  25. tower-sessions-sqlx-store-chrono

    SQLx session stores for tower-sessions but using chrono instead of time

    v0.14.2 #tower-sessions #tower #sqlx #sessions #session #axum #cookies
  26. engineioxide

    Engine IO server implementation in rust as a Tower Service

    v0.16.0 9.4K #socket-io #tower-service #websocket-server #socket-server #tower #axum #hyper
  27. axum_session_sqlx

    📝 Sqlx Persistent Database layer for axum_session

    v0.5.0 650 #session-management #session #axum #sqlx #sql-database #tower #persistent-storage
  28. aliri_tower

    Tower middleware for interacting with aliri authorities

    v0.6.1 2.1K #web-api #tower-middleware #access-control #oauth2 #jwt #tower #jose
  29. satex-discovery


    v0.2.2 #service-discovery #load-balancing #satex #tower #hyper #tokio
  30. tower-batch-control

    Tower middleware for batch request processing

    v0.2.41-beta.19 210 #tower-middleware #batch #tower #request #processing #batching #asynchronous
  31. tower-fallback

    A Tower service combinator that sends requests to a first service, then retries processing on a second fallback service if the first service errors

    v0.2.41-beta.19 220 #tower-service #tower #error #fallback #combinator #batch #retries
  32. axum_session_redispool

    📝 RedisPool Database layer for axum_session

    v0.5.0 550 #session-management #redis #session #axum #session-store #tower
  33. axum_odbc

    Provide an ODBC-Api layer

    v0.9.0 #axum #odbc #tower #odbc-api
  34. tower-server

    High-level hyper server interfacing with tower

    v0.3.0 480 #hyper-http #http-server #hyper-server #server #hyper #rustls #tower
  35. cts-rs

    CLI tool designed to interface with AWS Control Tower. It provides capabilities to read AWS Control Tower statuses of your dedicated payer account using the RUST AWS SDK

    v0.1.4-alpha #aws-sdk #tower #control #aws #controltower #command-line-tool
  36. slack-auth-middleware

    A middleware layer for Axum to authenticate requests from Slack using HMAC signatures

    v0.1.4 420 #slack #middleware #axum #tower #authentication
  37. tower-sessions-surrealdb-store

    SurrealDB session store. Not for direct use; see the tower-sessions crate for details.

    v0.5.1 #tower-sessions #session #tower #surrealdb #sessions #axum #cookies
  38. axum_session_mongo

    📝 Mongo Database layer for axum_session

    v0.4.0 250 #session-management #axum #session-store #session #mongo-db #tower
  39. tower-memlim

    Tower based middleware layer to limit requests based on the host's computer memory usage

    v0.3.0 #tower-service #tower #memory #limit #layer #service #tower-middleware
  40. axum_session_surreal

    📝 Surreal Persistent Database layer for axum_session

    v0.4.0 180 #session-management #session #axum #surreal #tower
  41. tower-sombrero

    Tower middleware and utilities to help harden web applications

    v0.1.0 170 #web-apps #security #tower-middleware #tower-http #tower #csp #http
  42. product-os-tower

    Product OS : Tower is a derivative of the tower crate restructured for both std and no_std environments

    v0.0.4 #product-os #tower #std #derivative #framework #tokio #environments
  43. axum-csp

    Some widgets for use with axum to create Content-Security-Policy headers and reduce silly typos

    v0.0.10 #axum #http-header #csp #tower #http
  44. tower-sessions-rusqlite-store

    (tokio-)rusqlite session store for tower-sessions

    v0.13.0 #tower-sessions #tower #rusqlite #session #sessions #axum #cookies
  45. axum-proxy

    Tower service for reverse proxy

    v0.3.0 #reverse-proxy #tower-service #axum #proxy #tower #reverse #http
  46. axum_session_redis_bb8_pool

    📝 RedisPool (BB8) Database layer for axum_session

    v0.3.0 160 #session #redis #session-management #axum #bb8 #tower
  47. tower-no-ai

    A tower Service and Layer to redirect all AI scraping bots

    v0.2.0 150 #ai #tower-service #tower #axum #tower-layer
  48. hmac-predicate

    Tower predicate HMAC verification of query params

    v0.6.0 #query-parameters #hmac #http-request #verification #tower #predicate #query-string
  49. tower-sessions-libsql-store

    A small library for using tower-sessions with libsql

    v0.4.0 #tower-sessions #libsql #session #tower #sessions #axum #cookies
  50. tower-sessions-file-store

    Store sessions for Tower Session store on the file system

    v0.1.3 190 #tower-sessions #session #tower #axum #cookies
  51. exc-make

    The abstraction layer of exchanges

    v0.7.3 #exchange #tower #abstraction-layer #exc
  52. deno_tower_lsp

    fork of https://crates.io/crates/tower-lsp, used in Deno. At the moment only floating patches.

    v0.1.0 3.6K #client-server #language-server-protocol #lsp #deno #tower #protocols #io
  53. composable-tower-http

    Highly costumizable http utilities built on top of tower

    v0.3.0 #tower-http #tower #http #composable #extension #http-middleware #middleware
  54. shield-tower

    Tower integration for Shield

    v0.0.4 300 #shield #tower #integration #web
  55. rparrett/taipo

    A Typing Tower Defense Game for learning Japanese

    GitHub 0.5.0 #japanese #typing #learning #tower #recognition #defense #practice
  56. tower-request-id

    A tower (hyper, axum, warp) service to add a unique id for every request

    v0.3.0 15K #request-id #unique-id #hyper-request #tower-service #tower #hyper #warp
  57. exc-symbol

    The abstraction layer of exchanges

    v0.7.3 #exchange #abstraction-layer #tower #exc
  58. tower-ipfilter

    A middleware for filtering requests based on IP addresses

    v0.2.0 #tower #axum #tower-http #http #ipfilter #async #ip-address
  59. argonic

    Tower compatible implementation of JSON-RPC 2.0

    v0.1.0 #json-rpc #compatible #tower #together #become #module #deployed
  60. tunnelbana-redirects

    Generate redirect lists from cloudflare-style _redirects text files and serve them with tower

    v0.1.1 #redirect #tower #tower-http #http #tower-service #redirects
  61. tower-surf

    🌊 A stateless CSRF middleware for tower

    v0.3.0 #csrf-token #secret-key #tower #tower-middleware #cookie #request #stateless
  62. tunnelbana-headers

    Parse cloudflare-style _headers files and add them to your HTTP servers

    v0.1.1 #header #tower #tower-http #http #tower-service #headers #http-response
  63. client-util

    Help you to build requests and handle responses by several extension trait!

    v0.1.1 #http-client #http-middleware #hyper-client #hyper-http #tower-middleware #http-request #tower
  64. tower_type_steer

    Steer (aka route, aka dispatch) request to service based on their types

    v0.1.0 #service-request #dispatch #tower #routes #aka #future #derive
  65. shuttle-tower

    Service implementation to run a tower webserver on shuttle

    v0.51.0 #tower-service #tower #shuttle-service #web-server #deployment #web-framework #run-time
  66. tunnelbana-hidepaths

    Hide specific paths in tower services by sending them to a 404 service

    v0.1.0 #tower #tower-service #tower-http #http #blocking #security #http-response
  67. tower-sessions-file-based-store

    File-based session store for tower-sessions

    v0.1.3 140 #tower-sessions #session-store #tower #session #axum #file
  68. tower-http-cors-config

    Deserializable config types for tower_http::cors

    v0.1.2 #tower-http #cors #tower #version
  69. tunnelbana-etags

    Generate etags for static files and serve them with tower

    v0.1.0 #etags #cache #caching #tower #serve #tower-service #static
  70. tower-image-xform

    🖼️ Image transformations as a tower middleware

    v0.1.0 #image-resizing #tower-middleware #image #tower #resize #axum
  71. satex-matcher


    v0.2.2 #satex #hyper #matcher #tower #tokio #layer #satex请求匹配接口定义和通用实现
  72. tower-web

    Web framework with a focus on removing boilerplate

    v0.3.7 270 #web-framework #http-request #web-apps #response #boilerplate #tower #tokio
  73. tower-github-webhook

    that simplifies validating webhooks received from GitHub

    v0.2.0 #github-webhook #github #webhook #tower-service #tower #tower-layer #layer
  74. exc-types

    The abstraction layer of exchanges

    v0.7.3 #abstraction-layer #exchange #tower #api #types #exc #define
  75. exc-service

    The abstraction layer of exchanges

    v0.7.3 #abstraction-layer #exchange #tower #request #traits #exc
  76. metriki-tower

    Metriki integration with tower

    v0.2.5 #metrics #tower #monitoring #observability
  77. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  78. satex-layer


    v0.2.2 #service-discovery #load-balancing #satex #layer #tower #hyper #tokio
  79. tower-sessions-mongodb-store

    MongoDB session store for tower-sessions

    v0.11.0 #tower-sessions #mongo-db #tower #session #axum #sessions #cookies
  80. origin_check

    A minimal Tower middleware layer for mitigating CSRF attacks

    v0.2.2 #tower-middleware #csrf #middleware #tower #http #http-header #http-request
  81. tower-hyper-http-body-compat

    Adapters between hyper 0.14-1.0, http-body 0.4-1.0, and tower-service 0.3

    v0.2.0 190 #hyper-http #hyper #tower-http #axum #tower #hyper-server
  82. exc-okx

    OKX exchange services

    v0.7.3 #exchange #okx #tower #api-service
  83. tower-amqp

    Framework for building AMQP workers with tower

    v0.1.0 #amqp #worker #tower #tower-middleware #task #tokio-task #applications
  84. satex-serve


    v0.2.2 #satex #load-balancing #service-discovery #hyper #tower #tokio #layer
  85. tower-lsp-macros-f

    Internal procedural macros for tower-lsp-f

    v0.9.0 #tower #lsp #language-server-protocol #proc-macro #procedural #protocols #tower-lsp-f
  86. hyper-server

    High level server for hyper and tower

    v0.6.0 #server #hyper #axum #tonic #tower #networking
  87. tower-buffer

    Buffer requests before dispatching to a Service

    v0.3.0 5.8K #buffer #requests #tower #service #middleware #buffering #request
  88. satex-service


    v0.2.2 #satex #load-balancing #service-discovery #tower #satex请求处理接口定义和通用实现
  89. socketioxide-core

    Core of the socketioxide library. Contains basic types and interfaces for the socketioxide crate and all other related sub-crates.

    v0.16.0 3.5K #socket-io #tower #hyper #axum #websocket #socketio
  90. tower-request-id-nano

    A tower (hyper, axum, warp) service to add a unique id for every request

    v2.0.0 #request-id #tower-service #unique-id #tower #hyper-request #axum #hyper
  91. tower-balance

    Balance load across a set of uniform services

    v0.3.0 3.1K #load-balancing #services #tower #uniform #middleware #balance #across
  92. tower-helmet

    securing your tower servers with various HTTP headers

    v0.3.0 100 #http-header #security #header #tower #http #service #https
  93. tower-timeout

    Apply a timeout to requests, ensuring completion within a fixed time duration

    v0.3.0 7.4K #timeout #tower #requests #duration #completion #fixed #tower-middleware
  94. tower-load-shed

    Immediately reject requests if the inner service is not ready. This is also known as load-shedding.

    v0.3.0 5.7K #load #tower #tower-middleware #service #inner #request #ready
  95. reverse-proxy-service

    Tower service for reverse proxy

    v0.2.1 #reverse-proxy #tower-service #reverse #proxy #tower #axum #http
  96. tower-sessions-firestore-store

    tower-sessions store using Cloud Firestore

    v0.2.1 #tower-sessions #firestore #session-store #tower #session #google-cloud #sessions
  97. backoff-tower

    A tower layer to apply a backoff strategy to retried requests

    v0.1.6 #tower-layer #tower #backoff #requests #strategy #retry #async-await
  98. tower-api-client

    Toolkit for creating API clients with Tower

    v0.1.1 #api-client #client #tower #toolkit #request-response #pagination #api
  99. tower-sessions-deadpool-sqlite-store

    deadpool-sqlite session store for tower-sessions

    v0.1.1 #tower-sessions #tower #deadpool #session #axum #rusqlite
  100. tower-async-layer

    Decorates a Service to allow easy composition between Services. An “Async Trait” fork from the original Tower Library

    v0.2.0 #async-trait #service #tower #layer #networking #traits #middleware
  101. tower-fallthrough-filter

    A Tower middleware that gives controll to a defined service if the filter matches and otherwise falls through to the inner service

    v0.0.3 #tower-middleware #tower #tower-service #filter #middleware #fallthrough
  102. niklasei/oicana

    A tower-defense game with some puzzle aspects

    GitHub 1.6.0 #game #puzzle #jam #mini #tower #submission #tower-defense
  103. tower-abci

    A tower-based interface to Tendermint’s ABCI

    v0.18.0 1.7K #abci #requests #tower #service #interface #consensus #tendermint
  104. matrix-http-rendezvous

    A Tower service which implements MSC3886

    v0.1.12 #rendezvous #http #msc3886 #tower #service #server #module
  105. felixs-tower-lsp

    Language Server Protocol implementation based on Tower

    v0.20.0 #language-server-protocol #tower #client #lsp #protocols #initialization #async-trait
  106. tower-vm

    A language independent stack based VM

    v0.3.0 #vm #stack #tower #machine #virtual #independent
  107. tower-async-service

    Trait representing an asynchronous, request / response based, client or server. An "Async Trait" fork from the original Tower Library

    v0.2.0 #client-server #request-response #service-request #async-trait #tower #traits #foundation
  108. tower-async-hyper

    Bridges a tower-async Service to be used within a hyper (1.x) environment

    v0.1.0 #hyper #bridge #async #tower #service #tower-async #environment
  109. satex-core


    v0.2.2 #satex #tower #tokio #hyper #layer #matcher #satex核心库,提供基础和通用的一些功能。
  110. arrpc

    RPC library for modular-monolith development

    v0.2.0 130 #rpc #hyper-http #hyper #http #tower #format #http-client
  111. exc-core

    The abstraction layer of exchanges

    v0.7.3 #exchange #abstraction-layer #tower #api #exc #part #low-level
  112. tower-reconnect

    Automatically recreate a new Service instance when an error is encountered

    v0.3.0-alpha.2 #tower #automatic #error #instance #service #reconnect #recreate
  113. kaspa-utils-tower

    Kaspa utilities and middleware for Tower HTTP

    v0.15.0 280 #kaspa #tower #middleware #full-node #utilities #tower-http #stable
  114. request-id

    A few common request id implementations for use with tower-http

    v0.3.0 #tower-http #tower #request #id
  115. tower-load

    Strategies for measuring the load of a service

    v0.3.0 8.0K #load #tower #service #measuring #strategies #request
  116. tower-async-bridge

    Bridges a tower-async Service to be used within a tower (classic) environment, and also the other way around

    v0.2.0 #tower #service #async #bridge #classic #tower-async #environment