
  1. oci-spec

    Open Container Initiative Specifictions in Rust

    v0.7.1 85K #container-image #oci #specification #run-time #spec #container #runtime
  2. cloudevents-sdk

    CloudEvents official Rust SDK

    v0.8.0 27K #cloud-events #sdk #spec #api
  3. write-fonts

    Writing font files

    v0.33.1 380 #font #table #opentype #spec #graphics #editing #engineering
  4. oasgen

    Generates OpenAPI 3.0 spec based on Rust code. Works with axum, actix-web, or independent of a web framework.

    v0.22.0 300 #web-framework #open-api #actix-web #spec #openapi-generator #axum #generate
  5. deno_console

    Console API for Deno

    v0.185.0 13K #console #deno #typescript #javascript #run-time #api #spec
  6. deno_url

    URL API implementation for Deno

    v0.184.0 13K #deno #url #api-url #javascript #typescript #url-pattern #spec
  7. huawei-cloud-api-definitions-DLI

    Huawei Cloud API definitions, generated from OpenAPI spec

    v0.1.20241213 3.9K #huawei-cloud-api-definitions-dli #huawei-cloud #api #definition #open-api #spec #generated
  8. huawei-cloud-api-definitions-ModelArts

    Huawei Cloud API definitions, generated from OpenAPI spec

    v0.1.20241025 2.6K #huawei-cloud-api-definitions-modelarts #huawei-cloud #api #open-api #definition #spec
  9. render-api

    Render client, generated from the OpenAPI spec

    v1.1.2 #render #open-api #client #generated-client #api-client #spec #tokio
  10. huawei-cloud-api-definitions-Live

    Huawei Cloud API definitions, generated from OpenAPI spec

    v0.1.20241129 2.9K #huawei-cloud-api-definitions-live #huawei-cloud #api #definition #open-api #spec
  11. ocptv

    Strongly typed Rust API for OCPTV output

    v0.1.4 550 #validation #hardware #spec #output #json #diagnostics #measurement
  12. huawei-cloud-api-definitions-LTS

    Huawei Cloud API definitions, generated from OpenAPI spec

    v0.1.20241227 2.7K #huawei-cloud-api-definitions-lts #huawei-cloud #api #open-api #definition #spec #generated
  13. ribboncurls

    rendering of mustache templates

    v0.4.1 140 #mustache #template #template-engine #rendering #rendering-engine #testing #spec
  14. paperclip-actix

    Paperclip OpenAPI plugin for actix-web framework

    v0.7.2 10K #actix-web #http-api #open-api #compile-time #plugin #paperclip #spec
  15. huawei-cloud-api-definitions-CloudTest

    Huawei Cloud API definitions, generated from OpenAPI spec

    v0.1.20241101 2.1K #huawei-cloud-api-definitions-cloudtest #huawei-cloud #open-api #definition #spec
  16. huawei-cloud-api-definitions-ELB

    Huawei Cloud API definitions, generated from OpenAPI spec

    v0.1.20240816 2.1K #huawei-cloud-api-definitions-elb #huawei-cloud #definition #api #openapi #generated #spec
  17. toml-test

    Verify Rust TOML parsers

    v1.0.2 1.4K #toml-parser #toml #verification #development #verify #spec
  18. huawei-cloud-api-definitions-WorkspaceApp

    Huawei Cloud API definitions, generated from OpenAPI spec

    v0.1.20240809 1.9K #huawei-cloud-api-definitions-workspaceapp #huawei-cloud #api #definition #open-api #spec #generated
  19. whatwg-infra

    Tiny Rust-based implementation of the WHATWG Infra Standard

    v1.1.0 #whatwg #standard #specification #infra #spec #text-parser #data-points
  20. huawei-cloud-api-definitions-CCI

    Huawei Cloud API definitions, generated from OpenAPI spec

    v0.1.20240402 2.2K #huawei-cloud-api-definitions-cci #huawei-cloud #open-api #definition #spec #generated
  21. huawei-cloud-api-definitions-AAD

    Huawei Cloud API definitions, generated from OpenAPI spec

    v0.1.20241220 3.1K #huawei-cloud-api-definitions-aad #huawei-cloud #api #definition #open-api #spec
  22. huawei-cloud-api-definitions-SecMaster

    Huawei Cloud API definitions, generated from OpenAPI spec

    v0.1.20241227 2.4K #huawei-cloud-api-definitions-secmaster #huawei-cloud #api #definition #open-api #spec
  23. huawei-cloud-api-definitions-CBR

    Huawei Cloud API definitions, generated from OpenAPI spec

    v0.1.20241227 2.5K #huawei-cloud-api-definitions-cbr #huawei-cloud #api #open-api #definition #generated #spec
  24. huawei-cloud-api-definitions-OCR

    Huawei Cloud API definitions, generated from OpenAPI spec

    v0.1.20250103 3.0K #huawei-cloud-api-definitions-ocr #huawei-cloud #api #definition #open-api #spec #generated
  25. bbqr

    Implementaion of the bbqr spec in rust

    v0.3.4 180 #qr #coinkite #split #spec #codes #implementaion #join
  26. huawei-cloud-api-definitions-DBSS

    Huawei Cloud API definitions, generated from OpenAPI spec

    v0.1.20241211 2.6K #huawei-cloud-api-definitions-dbss #huawei-cloud #api #open-api #definition #generated #spec
  27. huawei-cloud-api-definitions-BMS

    Huawei Cloud API definitions, generated from OpenAPI spec

    v0.1.20241227 2.5K #huawei-cloud-api-definitions-bms #huawei-cloud #api #open-api #definition #generated #spec
  28. rc_conf_demo_crate

    example crate for _SPEC testing

    v0.1.0 #spec #testing #universe #growing
  29. axum-openapi3

    Facilitate the generation of OpenAPI 3.0 documentation for axum applications

    v0.1.0 120 #axum #openapi #openapi-v3 #applications #spec #routes #endpoints
  30. huawei-cloud-api-definitions-OMS

    Huawei Cloud API definitions, generated from OpenAPI spec

    v0.1.20240823 2.0K #huawei-cloud-api-definitions-oms #huawei-cloud #api #definition #open-api #spec #generated
  31. iamgroot

    Rust code generation from Open-RPC spec

    v0.2.8 #open-rpc #generation #json-rpc #generator #spec #stark-net #generate
  32. huawei-cloud-api-definitions-DeH

    Huawei Cloud API definitions, generated from OpenAPI spec

    v0.1.20241018 2.1K #huawei-cloud-api-definitions-deh #huawei-cloud #api #open-api #definition #spec
  33. libp2p-webrtc-utils

    WebRTC in libp2p

    v0.3.0 400 #web-rtc #p2p #decentralization #spec
  34. huawei-cloud-api-definitions-CodeArtsArtifact

    Huawei Cloud API definitions, generated from OpenAPI spec

    v0.1.20240830 1.8K #huawei-cloud-api-definitions-codeartsartifact #huawei-cloud #api #definition #open-api #spec #generated
  35. vrm-spec

    VRM data structures

    v0.0.3 #vrm #structures #spec #format #data-structures #gltf #schema
  36. huawei-cloud-api-definitions-ER

    Huawei Cloud API definitions, generated from OpenAPI spec

    v0.1.20240402 2.1K #huawei-cloud-api-definitions-er #huawei-cloud #api #definition #open-api #spec
  37. wasm-testsuite

    Generic test harness for WebAssembly Runtimes

    v0.4.0 800 #wasm #testing #test-suite #proposal #spec #version #run-time
  38. huawei-cloud-api-definitions-EC

    Huawei Cloud API definitions, generated from OpenAPI spec

    v0.1.20240402 2.1K #huawei-cloud-api-definitions-ec #huawei-cloud #api #open-api #definition #generated #spec
  39. deno_websocket

    WebSocket API for Deno

    v0.190.0 4.0K #deno #websocket #run-time #typescript #spec #html #whatwg
  40. huawei-cloud-api-definitions-CloudIDE

    Huawei Cloud API definitions, generated from OpenAPI spec

    v0.1.20240402 2.1K #huawei-cloud-api-definitions-cloudide #huawei-cloud #api #definition #openapi #spec #generated
  41. huawei-cloud-api-definitions-CodeCheck

    Huawei Cloud API definitions, generated from OpenAPI spec

    v0.1.20240402 2.1K #huawei-cloud-api-definitions-codecheck #huawei-cloud #api #open-api #definition #generated #spec
  42. huawei-cloud-api-definitions-Image

    Huawei Cloud API definitions, generated from OpenAPI spec

    v0.1.20240524 2.5K #huawei-cloud-api-definitions-image #huawei-cloud #api #open-api #definition #spec #generated
  43. huawei-cloud-api-definitions-PanguLargeModels

    Huawei Cloud API definitions, generated from OpenAPI spec

    v0.1.20240402 2.1K #huawei-cloud-api-definitions-pangulargemodels #huawei-cloud #api #definition #open-api #spec #generated
  44. huawei-cloud-api-definitions-SIS

    Huawei Cloud API definitions, generated from OpenAPI spec

    v0.1.20240402 2.1K #huawei-cloud-api-definitions-sis #huawei-cloud #api #open-api #definition #generated #spec
  45. mainstay-lang-idl-spec

    Mainstay framework IDL spec

    v0.1.0 #idl #mainstay #framework #spec #lang #semantic
  46. huawei-cloud-api-definitions-OA

    Huawei Cloud API definitions, generated from OpenAPI spec

    v0.1.20240402 2.1K #huawei-cloud-api-definitions-oa #huawei-cloud #api #definition #openapi #spec #generated
  47. huawei-cloud-api-definitions-CMS

    Huawei Cloud API definitions, generated from OpenAPI spec

    v0.1.20240402 2.0K #huawei-cloud-api-definitions-cms #huawei-cloud #api #definition #open-api #generated #spec
  48. did-key

    did:key method

    v0.2.1 1.1K #did #key #spec #intended #methods #uri
  49. deno_webstorage

    WebStorage API for Deno

    v0.180.0 2.9K #deno #typescript #web-storage #html #javascript #spec #run-time
  50. huawei-cloud-api-definitions-KVS

    Huawei Cloud API definitions, generated from OpenAPI spec

    v0.1.20241108 750 #huawei-cloud-api-definitions-kvs #huawei-cloud #api #definition #openapi #spec #generated
  51. icechip

    A mostly true to spec Twitter Snowflake implementation, with multiple modes

    v0.1.1 #snowflake #modes #twitter #spec #u64 #multiple
  52. foreign_vec

    Unofficial implementation of Apache Arrow spec in safe Rust

    v0.1.0 88K #apache-arrow #safe #foreign #spec #vec
  53. oca-parser-xls

    Command line tool for parsing XLS file into OCA

    v3.0.0-rc.6 190 #xls #oca #command-line-tool #arguments-parser #spec #file
  54. huawei-cloud-api-definitions-IAMAccessAnalyzer

    Huawei Cloud API definitions, generated from OpenAPI spec

    v0.1.20240802 220 #huawei-cloud-api-definitions-iamaccessanalyzer #huawei-cloud #api #open-api #definition #generated #spec
  55. huawei-cloud-api-definitions-OrgID

    Huawei Cloud API definitions, generated from OpenAPI spec

    v0.1.20240402 600 #huawei-cloud-api-definitions-orgid #huawei-cloud #api #definition #open-api #generated #spec
  56. postman

    client, generated from the OpenAPI spec

    v3.0.0 #client #generated-client #open-api #spec #postman-client #model
  57. huawei-cloud-api-definitions-DataArtsFabric

    Huawei Cloud API definitions, generated from OpenAPI spec

    v0.1.20241220 #huawei-cloud-api-definitions-dataartsfabric #definition #api #cloud #spec #generated #open-api #huawei
  58. specker

    Testing utility that simplifies file matching against bunch of templates

    v0.3.5 #testing #file-content #specification #utility #spec #dev #file-path
  59. huawei-cloud-api-definitions-SMSApi

    Huawei Cloud API definitions, generated from OpenAPI spec

    v0.1.20241129 #huawei-cloud-api-definitions-smsapi #definition #api #cloud #open-api #generated #spec #huawei
  60. sqlmo_openapi

    create sqlmo models from openapi v3 spec

    v0.22.0 #sql-query #open-api #sql-database #models #sqlmo #database-schema #spec
  61. laboratory

    expressive unit test framework for Rust

    v2.0.0 100 #unit-testing #test-framework #testing #unit #spec #debugging #test-runner
  62. rpmspec

    An RPM spec file parser

    v0.4.0 #rpm #packaging #spec #build #system
  63. graphql-schema-validation

    A spec compliant implementation of GraphQL SDL schema validation

    v0.1.3 #graphql-schema #schema-validation #graphql #sdl #spec #compliant #query
  64. parity-multihash

    multihash format

    v0.2.3 2.2K #multi-hash #ipfs #p2p #format #spec #decentralization
  65. sendgrid2

    Sendgrid client, generated from the OpenAPI spec

    v4.0.0 #client #sendgrid #open-api #generated #spec
  66. huawei-cloud-api-definitions-MaStudio

    Huawei Cloud API definitions, generated from OpenAPI spec

    v0.1.20241129 #huawei-cloud-api-definitions-mastudio #definition #api #cloud #open-api #spec #generated #huawei
  67. frclib-datalog

    WPI's DataLog spec

    v0.1.3 #datalog #wpi #spec #writer #frclib #value #path-buf
  68. postman-api

    Postman client, generated from the OpenAPI spec

    v2.0.0 #client #postman #open-api #spec #generated #model #description
  69. huawei-cloud-api-definitions-IoTDM

    Huawei Cloud API definitions, generated from OpenAPI spec

    v0.1.20240809 #huawei-cloud-api-definitions-iotdm #huawei-cloud #api #definition #open-api #spec #generated
  70. webrtc-constraints

    A pure Rust implementation of WebRTC Media Constraints API

    v0.1.0 #stream #media #spec #capture #constraints #web-rtc #pure
  71. twilio-rs

    Twilio client, generated from the OpenAPI spec

    v0.1.1 #twilio #open-api #spec #generated #client #model #page
  72. rustic_hal

    creating Hal representations of resources, based on serde

    v0.2.0 #hal #resources #serde #serialization #serde-json #rustic #spec
  73. harvest-api

    Harvest client, generated from the OpenAPI spec

    v5.0.0 #client #generated #open-api #spec #harvest
  74. spectest

    A lightweight library for defining behavior-driven development (BDD) style tests in exernal files and running them with cargo test

    v0.1.2 #testing #bdd #spec #cargo-test #tests #test-files
  75. recurly

    client, generated from the OpenAPI spec

    v48.0.0 #generated #open-api #spec #model #order #tokio #sorting
  76. openai2

    OpenAi client, generated from the OpenAPI spec

    v2.0.0 #openai #open-api #spec #generated #client #model #open-ai-client
  77. primer-api

    primer client, generated from the OpenAPI spec

    v2.0.0 #client-token #spec #open-api #generated #primer #model #primer-client
  78. ics23

    Merkle proof verification library - implements Cosmos ICS23 Spec

    v0.12.0 38K #merkle-proof #spec #file #proto-file #step #path #binary
  79. eris-rs

    Encoding for Robust Immutable Storage (ERIS) spec draft

    v1.0.0 #immutability #storage #eris #robust #spec #encoding #draft
  80. sc-chain-spec

    Substrate chain configurations

    v38.0.0 14K #chain #spec #genesis #run-time #substrate #configuration #extension
  81. pve

    Proxmox VE API client, generated from the official JSONSchema spec

    v0.1.0 #proxmox #json-schema #api-client #ve #spec #generated
  82. network-tables

    WPI's Network Tables spec

    v0.1.3 #table #spec #wpi #networking #client
  83. msn-kit

    CLI for working with Mass Spec data

    v0.2.5 #mass-spectrometry #data #spec #output-format #kit #subcommand #flags
  84. deno_timers

    Timers API implementation for Deno

    v0.34.0 #timer #deno #typescript #api #javascript #spec #run-time
  85. jrpc

    types for the jsonrpc specification, ultra lightweight

    v0.4.1 #json-rpc #spec #request-object #specification #response-object #request-response #jsonrpc
  86. lupinas-lullaby

    Automatically generate TypeScript interfaces from a Swagger 2.0 spec

    v0.3.3 #swagger #interface #typescript #spec #generate #json #ts
  87. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  88. kal

    Command Abstraction Layer

    v0.5.0 #abstraction-layer #command #command-arguments #bot #spec #fragment #subcommand
  89. aws-dev-machine


    v0.0.17 260 #spec #aws-dev-machine #machine
  90. problem-spec

    problem spec lib

    v0.1.0 #problem #spec #lib
  91. sg1

    Definition and types for the SG1 interface

    v3.15.0 220 #burn #fair #fee #spec #nft #fees #address
  92. url-pattern

    VERY INCOMPLETE implementation of the WhatWG URL Pattern standard https://https://urlpattern.spec.whatwg.org/. Seriously DON’T USE THIS (yet)!

    v0.1.1 #url #pattern #standard #incomplete #whatwg #spec #org
  93. utxorpc-spec

    Auto-generated structs for the UTxO RPC spec

    v0.15.0 1.7K #utxo #blockchain #grpc #auto-generate #spec #structs #u-tx-o-based
  94. boot-loader-spec

    Parses and manipulates Boot Loader Spec entries

    v0.1.4 #boot #loader #spec #comments #parse #bootloader #entry
  95. soroban-spec

    Soroban contract spec utilities

    v22.0.5 10K #soroban #contract #spec #sdk #utilities
  96. bump-api

    Bump client, generated from the OpenAPI spec

    v2.0.0 #bump #open-api #spec #generated #client #url #definition
  97. ckb-resource

    Bundled resources for the CKB binary

    v0.121.0-rc1 6.0K #ckb #bundled #resources #binary #spec #branch #template
  98. wpilog-rs

    WPI's DataLog spec

    v0.1.2 #datalog #spec #wpi
  99. alloy-eip7547

    EIP-7547: Inclusion Lists types

    v0.9.2 900 #alloy #eip-7547 #list #type #engine #spec #api
  100. wpilog

    WPI's DataLog spec

    v0.1.2 #datalog #spec #wpi #format #found #specs
  101. ssz_rs

    ethereum's simple serialize

    v0.9.0 86K #serialization #ssz #ethereum #traits #types #spec #merkleization
  102. bpfman-csi

    gRPC bindings to the CSI spec

    v1.8.0 100 #csi #grpc #spec #bindings
  103. specit

    Spec "it" for Rust testing

    v0.4.0 360 #spec #testing #test
  104. spiget

    client, generated from the OpenAPI spec

    v0.1.0 #client #spec #generated #open-api #model #sorting #fields
  105. greenwasm

    Webassembly spec in Rust

    v0.3.1 #spec #wasm #wasm-module #binary-format #wasm-binary #test-suite #text-format
  106. svanill-vault-openapi

    svanill-vault common code generated from openapi spec

    v0.1.0 #openapi #generated #models #spec #svanill-vault #openapi-v3 #yaml
  107. openapi

    Rust bindings for openapi schemas

    v0.1.5 180 #swagger #schema #serialization #spec #path #yaml #documentation
  108. staging-chain-spec-builder

    building chain-specification files for Substrate-based runtimes based on sp-genesis-builder

    v6.0.0 290 #run-time #spec #chain #substrate #builder #preset #build
  109. blend-api

    Blend client, generated from the OpenAPI spec

    v2.0.0 #blend #generated #spec #open-api #client
  110. oci

    oci rust

    v0.1.1 #spec #parser #config
  111. firrtl-parser

    a stupid simple, single function firrtl parser library

    v0.1.0 #firrtl #nom #parser #single #rtl #spec #stupid
  112. petstore

    client, generated from the OpenAPI spec

    v9.0.0 #open-api #spec #generated #client
  113. huawei-cloud-api-definitions-BCS

    Huawei Cloud API definitions, generated from OpenAPI spec

    v0.1.20240705 1.8K #huawei-cloud-api-definitions-bcs #huawei-cloud #api #definition #open-api #generated #spec
  114. posix-invariant-checker

    A FUSE shim to ensure the underlying filesystem is behaving according to the POSIX spec

    v0.4.0 #posix #fuse #spec #ensure #shim #behaving #filesystem
  115. soroban-spec-rust

    Soroban contract spec utilities for generating Rust

    v22.0.4 14K #soroban #contract #spec #generate #sdk #utilities
  116. did-rs

    Implements a parser for decentralized identifiers

    v0.1.5 #decentralized-identifier #did #parser #spec
  117. greenwasm-validation

    validation section from the Webassembly spec

    v0.3.0 #validation #spec #section #wasm #wasm-module
  118. greenwasm-execution

    execution section from the Webassembly spec

    v0.3.0 #execution #vm #spec #section #wasm
  119. soroban-spec-tools

    Tools for using a contract's XDR spec

    v22.2.0 550 #spec #contract #soroban #utilities #xdr
  120. tg4

    Tgrade-4 Interface: Groups Members

    v0.17.1 #group #contract #members #spec #membership #structures #hook
  121. manas_specs

    types to represent spec requirements, and exports statics for different specs in solid ecosystem

    v0.1.0 #requirements #web #spec #solid #specs #static #ecosystem
  122. image-spec

    opencontainers image spec

    v0.1.1 #spec #image #opencontainers
  123. huawei-cloud-api-definitions-IdentityCenterOIDC

    Huawei Cloud API definitions, generated from OpenAPI spec

    v0.1.20240402 #huawei-cloud-api-definitions-identitycenteroidc #huawei-cloud #open-api #definition #spec #generated
  124. swagger_spec

    Swagger Spec, specify swagger specification based on swagger 3.0 for rust api so that you can have swagger doc gen and api type checking all at once

    v0.2.0 #swagger #docs #spec #checking #api #gen #once
  125. paper-mc

    PaperMC client, generated from the OpenAPI spec

    v0.1.0 #open-api #spec #generated #client #paper #mc #model
  126. pseudocode_cie_9618

    pseudocode interpreter for the cie 9618 spec

    v0.1.0 #cie #spec #pseudocode #interpreter #binary #file #9618
  127. thegraph-graphql-http

    GraphQL-over-HTTP spec for The Graph network services

    v0.3.2 1.9K #graphql #graph #spec #services #graph-ql-over-http #point
  128. oci-runtime-spec

    OCI Runtime Spec serde types for Rust translated from JSON Schema by QuickType

    v0.0.4 #run-time #json-schema #oci #spec #container #serde #translated
  129. anchor-lang-idl-spec

    Anchor framework IDL spec

    v0.1.0 22K #idl #anchor #framework #solana #spec #lang #smart-contracts
  130. wasi-types

    bindings for WASI libc types

    v0.1.6 #wasi #libc #types #bindings #definition #spec
  131. oasgen-macro

    Dependency of oasgen. Generates OpenAPI 3.0 spec based on Rust code. Works with actix-web, but architected to easily extend to other frameworks (or no framework).

    v0.22.0 360 #spec #actix-web #framework #oasgen #open-api #generate #axum
  132. vault-api

    Vault API library

    v0.7.2 #vault #interface #api #swagger #spec #documented #file
  133. openapi_rocketapi

    Rust bindings for openapi schemas

    v0.1.5 #openapi #swagger #schema #path #spec #serialization #documentation
  134. rust-toolchain

    Types which define a Rust toolchain

    v0.21.1 #toolchain #define #rust-releases #index #spec #follow #process
  135. znap

    Performance-first Framework to build APIs compatible with the Solana Actions Spec

    v0.1.37 130 #action #solana #framework #spec #compatible #api #build
  136. subspector

    Minimal implementation of Substrate spec

    v0.11.0 #substrate #spec #re-implementation
  137. pallas-utxorpc

    Pallas interoperability with the UTxORPC spec

    v0.32.0 330 #pallas #interop #spec #utxo #u-tx-orpc
  138. papermc

    client, generated from the OpenAPI spec

    v0.1.0 #spec #generated #open-api #client #model #paper-mc-client
  139. avalanche-ops


    v0.8.5 220 #avalanche #spec #node #operation
  140. truid

    client, generated from the OpenAPI spec

    v0.1.0 #open-api #spec #generated #client #id
  141. spectrust_fastly_worker

    SpecTrust library to integrate Spec Proxy with Fastly Compute@Edge

    v0.1.0 #fastly #spec #proxy #spectrust #request-response #edge-worker
  142. readme-api

    Readme client, generated from the OpenAPI spec

    v0.1.0 #open-api #spec #generated #client