
  1. socketioxide

    Socket IO server implementation in rust as a Tower Service

    v0.16.0 9.3K #socket-io #tower-service #websocket-server #tower #websocket #axum #hyper
  2. rust_socketio

    socketio client written in rust

    v0.6.0 6.8K #socket-io #protocols #async-client #engineio #client-server #networking #socketio
  3. socketioxide-parser-common

    Common parser for the socketioxide protocol

    v0.16.0 3.5K #socket-io #tower #hyper #axum #websocket
  4. io-streams

    Unbuffered and unlocked I/O streams

    v0.16.3 110 #io-stream #async-io #io #file-io #socket-io #unbuffered #file-access
  5. socketioxide-parser-msgpack

    Msgpack parser for the socketioxide protocol

    v0.16.0 #socket-io #tower #hyper #axum #websocket
  6. engineioxide

    Engine IO server implementation in rust as a Tower Service

    v0.16.0 9.4K #socket-io #tower-service #websocket-server #socket-server #tower #axum #hyper
  7. socketioxide-redis

    Redis adapter for the socket.io protocol

    v0.1.0 #socket-io #tower #axum #hyper #websocket #sockets
  8. socketio-rs

    socketio written in rust

    v0.1.8 440 #socket-io #engineio #protocols #client-server #sockets #networking #network-protocol
  9. kuma-cli

    CLI tool for managing and interacting with Uptime Kuma

    v0.8.0 #monitoring #automation #socket-io #uptime-kuma #command-line-interface #api #api-bindings
  10. my_rust_socketio

    Fork From rust_socken_io but fix infiniy reconnect

    v0.0.3 #socket-io #protocols #engineio #networking #client-server #protocol #client
  11. thruster-socketio

    A SocketIO layer built on Thruster

    v0.2.0 #socket-io #thruster #websocket #web-server
  12. psocket

    the socket for Rust

    v0.1.5 #udp-socket #sockets #tcp-socket #tcp-stream #socket-io
  13. mr_socketio

    A brief description of what your crate does

    v0.1.1 #socket-io #client #protocols #networking #network-protocol #socket-client #protocol
  14. socketioxide-core

    Core of the socketioxide library. Contains basic types and interfaces for the socketioxide crate and all other related sub-crates.

    v0.16.0 3.5K #socket-io #tower #hyper #axum #websocket #socketio
  15. axum-socket-io

    A protocol for event-driven, bi-directional communication between clients and servers

    v0.1.0 #websocket #ws #socket #bidirectional #server #clients #socket-io
  16. engineio-rs

    engineio written in rust

    v0.1.5 310 #engineio #socket-io #protocols #network-protocol #networking #protocol #web-programming-socketio
  17. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  18. socketio-rust-emitter


    v0.1.2 #socket-io #io-emitter #host-port #socketio-emitter
  19. engine_io_parser

    A parser for the engine.io protocol for Socket.IO

    v0.2.0 #engineio #socket-io #websocket #sockets
  20. engine_io_server

    A web framework-agnostic Engine.io protocol implementation for Socket.IO

    v0.1.0 #engineio #socket-io #websocket
  21. engine_io_warp

    The Warp framework adapter for engine_io_server

    v0.1.0 #engineio #socket-io #warp #websocket #hyper #sockets
  22. socket_io_server


    v0.1.0 #engineio #socket-io #websocket
  23. socket-io

    A socket.io library for Iron

    v0.1.1 #sockets #io #iron