
  1. fixedbitset

    bitset collection

    v0.5.7 5.3M #fixed-size #bitset #data-structures #container #bitvec #set-operations #no-std
  2. counter

    package to count generic iterables

    v0.6.0 65K #multiset #bag #count #set-operations
  3. range-set-blaze

    Integer sets as fast, sorted, integer ranges with full set operations

    v0.2.0-alpha1 72K #set-operations #range #set #data-structures #wasm
  4. immutable-chunkmap

    A fast immutable map and set with batch insert and update methods, COW operations, and big O efficient implementations of set and merge operations

    v2.0.6 139K #set-operations #immutability #set #map #data-structures #persistent #functional
  5. intervallum

    Generic interval and interval set library

    v1.4.1 22K #interval-set #set-operations #interval #math #container #data-structures #containers
  6. iprange

    manage IP ranges

    v0.6.7 88K #ip-address #range #address-range #set-operations #exclude #merge #intersect
  7. aws-sdk-iotjobsdataplane

    AWS SDK for AWS IoT Jobs Data Plane

    v1.53.0 300 #aws-iot #aws-sdk #jobs #operations #set-operations #update #execution
  8. sorted-iter

    Typesafe extensions for sorted iterators, including set and relational operations

    v0.1.11 8.3K #set-operations #digest #streaming #hash #compile-time
  9. idlset

    Fast u64 set operations library

    v0.2.5 2.2K #set-operations #set #u64 #sets #data-structures #compression #statistical-analysis
  10. hi_sparse_bitset

    Hierarchical sparse bitset. Incredibly high performance. Compact memory usage.

    v0.6.1 650 #bitset #sparse #bit-set #hierarchical #set-operations #bitmap #container
  11. hibit_tree

    Hierarchical bitmap tree. Prefix tree without memory overhead that act as herarchical bitmap.

    v0.1.0-alpha.3 #tree #bitmap #tree-node #bitset #map #set-operations #node-index
  12. normalize_interval

    Normalizing interval library

    v0.17.5 #set-operations #interval-set #interval #interval-tree #range #set #selection
  13. zet

    zet finds the union, intersection, set difference, etc of files considered as sets of lines

    v2.0.1 150 #set-operations #file-line #union #set #first-line #intersection #input-file
  14. hfs

    Hereditarily finite sets

    v1.0.0 250 #set #set-operations #theory #zfc #math #object
  15. nodeset

    management library

    v0.5.0 #cluster #hpc #set-operations #hostlist #command-line-tool
  16. regex-charclass

    Manipulate and convert regex character classes

    v1.0.3 #regex #union #intersection #difference #set-operations #character-set #complement
  17. intervalsets

    bounded and unbounded intervals implemented as sets with all the associated set operations

    v0.1.0-alpha.2 #set-operations #interval #set #bounds #measure #math #bound
  18. gaol

    OS-level application sandboxing library

    v0.2.1 8.6K #sandboxing #applications #security #process #set-operations #cross-platform #perform
  19. irange

    A data structure to store and manipulate ranges of integers with set operations

    v1.1.2 #set-operations #range #union #intersection #difference #complement #integer
  20. sets

    Generic vectors as sets. Efficiently sorting, merging, ranking, searching, reversing, intersecting, etc.

    v1.2.1 #set-operations #binary-search #ranking #merge-sort #hash-sort
  21. xensieve

    Xenakis Sieve, providing a Sieve from a string expression that filters integer sequences into iterators of integers, Boolean states, or interval widths. Sieves are built from Residuals…

    v0.8.0 #sieve #modulus #set #xenakis #residual #set-operations
  22. rangetools

    Extending the Rust Range structs found in std::ops

    v0.1.4 850 #range #set-operations #set #intersection #union #serde-derive
  23. bedrs

    Genomic interval library in rust

    v0.2.25 #interval #bioinformatics #genomic #range #interval-set #bed #set-operations
  24. fcidr

    Fragmented Classless Inter-Domain Routing (FCIDR)

    v0.8.1 #cidr #set-operations #ipv4 #ip #networking #network-security #cli
  25. uf_rush

    A lock-free, thread-safe implementation of the Union-Find (Disjoint-Set) data structure

    v0.2.1 #disjoint-set #union-find #data-structures #lock-free #thread-safe #set-operations #shared-data
  26. scored_set

    A scored sorted set data structure for Rust

    v0.1.3 #set #set-operations #thread-safe #sorting #score #items #data-structures
  27. rangelist

    A representation of sets as lists of inclusive ranges

    v0.2.0 #set-operations #range #set #interval-set #list
  28. mset

    / multiset / bag implementation

    v0.1.1 3.8K #multiset #set-operations #bag #collection #counter
  29. iter-set-ops

    Fast set operations on an arbitrary number of sorted deduplicated iterators

    v0.2.3 #set-operations #iterator #sorting #set #operator #dedup #sort
  30. sdset

    Set operations for sorted and deduplicated slices. Much performances! Such Wow!

    v0.4.0 #set-operations #slice #sorting #set #operation #sort #dedup
  31. thinset

    A data structure for sparse sets of unsigned integers that sacrifices space for speed

    v0.4.0 #unsigned-integer #set #sparse #sparse-array #set-operations #data-structures #sparse-set
  32. kodiak-sets

    manage generic sets supporting unique features

    v0.2.0 #sequence #set #generic #set-operations
  33. prime_bag

    A bag datatype that used unsigned integers for storage

    v0.3.0 #prime #unsigned-integer #bag #set-operations #numbers #storage #datatype
  34. yrs-kvstore

    Generic persistence layer over Yrs documents

    v0.3.0 350 #key-value-store #crdt #persistence #yrs #set-operations
  35. aph_disjoint_set

    Disjoint set implementation with optimized memory usage and ability to detach elements

    v0.1.1 #disjoint-set #union-find #graph-algorithms #set-operations #data-structures
  36. ransel

    rank/select succinct data structures

    v0.2.1 320 #data-structures #rank #set #bitmap #succinct #set-operations #integer
  37. rsfuzzymind

    fuzzy logic that includes fuzzy set operations, rule-based evaluations, and inference for determining priorities

    v0.1.0 #fuzzy #set-operations #logic #inference-engine #fuzzy-logic #fuzzy-set
  38. commr

    Rust version of comm

    v0.1.0 #text-file #line #difference #intersection #input-file #comparison #set-operations
  39. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  40. pour

    Optionally consed radix tries for fast set operations

    v0.2.1 #arc #data-structures #sync #set-operations #radix #immutability #difference
  41. jset

    a command-line tool for performing set operations on a list of json files

    v0.1.0 #set #json #set-operations #cli #command-line-tool
  42. countdown_latch

    A synchronization aid that allows one or more threads to wait until a set of operations being performed in other threads completes

    v0.1.1 #thread #set-operations #complete #countdown #synchronization #wait #aid
  43. vertree

    A persistent trie where each node is typed and versioned

    v0.2.2 #leaf-node #tree #persistent #trie #immutability #trie-node #set-operations