
  1. memchr

    extremely fast (uses SIMD on x86_64, aarch64 and wasm32) routines for 1, 2 or 3 byte search and single substring search

    v2.7.4 12.5M #string-search #search #substring #search-algorithms #find #memmem
  2. slice-group-by

    Iterators over groups in slices and strs

    v0.3.1 483K #group #slice #string #str #search-algorithms #array-string
  3. fuzzy-matcher

    Fuzzy Matching Library

    v0.3.7 184K #fuzzy-search #search-algorithms #text-search #fuzzy #search #pattern-matching #match
  4. pathfinding

    flow, and graph algorithms

    v4.13.0 56K #graph-algorithms #dijkstra #graph #a-star #flow #search-algorithms #shortest-path
  5. daachorse

    Double-Array Aho-Corasick

    v1.0.0 27K #pattern-matching #double-array #text-search #search-pattern #search #pattern-match #search-algorithms
  6. boyer-moore-magiclen

    fast string search algorithm implemented in Rust

    v0.2.20 30K #string-search #search-algorithms #search #text-search #string #search-pattern #boyer-moore-horspool
  7. stringzilla

    Faster SIMD-accelerated string search, sorting, fingerprints, and edit distances

    v3.11.3 2.1K #sorting #simd #search-algorithms #search #hash #retrieval #character-set
  8. sliceslice

    A fast implementation of single-pattern substring search using SIMD acceleration

    v0.4.3 19K #search-algorithms #text-search #string-search #search #simd #string #text
  9. aneubeck-daachorse

    Daachorse: Double-Array Aho-Corasick

    v1.1.1 1.4K #pattern-matching #double-array #search #data-structures #text-search #search-algorithms #multi
  10. petal-neighbors

    Nearest neighbor search algorithms including a ball tree and a vantage point tree

    v0.11.0 2.6K #nearest-neighbor #search-algorithms #knn #ball-tree
  11. naive_opt

    The optimized naive string-search algorithm

    v0.1.25 120 #string-search #search-algorithms #search #algorithm #naive #optimized #utf-8
  12. fuzzy-muff

    Fuzzy Matching Library

    v0.4.2 390 #search-algorithms #fuzzy-search #fuzzy #search #text-search #match #pattern-matching
  13. lcode

    An application of terminal write leetcode.一个终端刷力扣的应用

    v0.9.8 280 #leetcode #tui #algorithm #fuzzy-search #search-algorithms #terminal #testing
  14. sublime_fuzzy

    Fuzzy matching algorithm based on Sublime Text's string search

    v0.7.0 52K #string-matching #string-search #fuzzy-search #fuzzy-matching #fuzzy-string #text-search #search-algorithms
  15. metaheuristics-nature

    A collection of nature-inspired metaheuristic algorithms

    v10.1.0 #optimization #metaheuristics #genetic-algorithm #search-algorithms
  16. repath

    A fast pathfinding library using A* algorithm, caching, precomputation and path segmentation with concurrent pathfinding

    v0.1.0 310 #path-finding #pathfinding #search-algorithms #game-server #server #navmesh #nav-mesh
  17. tetengo_lattice

    Viterbi search and A* algorithm implementation

    v1.3.2 270 #dynamic-programming #search-algorithms #search #path #viterbi #a-star #events
  18. loki_text

    advanced string manipulation with pattern searching and replacement capabilities

    v0.1.4 310 #string #text-search #pattern #replace #search-algorithms #algorithm #loki
  19. localsearch

    Local Search based Metaheuristics

    v0.17.0 #optimization #metaheuristics #simulated-annealing #search #local #search-algorithms #solution
  20. space-search

    providing basic generic depth-first, breadth-first, heuristic-guided, and A* search space exploration algorithms

    v7.0.0 #search-algorithms #algorithm #manager #optimization #space #solution #searchable
  21. drug-extraction-cli

    A CLI for extracting drugs from text records

    v1.3.0 180 #nlp #string-similarity #extract #text-parser #text #drug #search-algorithms
  22. sniffer-rs

    that simplifies fuzzy string matching in rust

    v1.1.2 #string-matching #fuzzy-string #levenshtein #fuzzy-matching #string-search #search-algorithms #sniffer
  23. crawly

    A lightweight async Web crawler in Rust, optimized for concurrent scraping while respecting robots.txt rules

    v0.1.9 #robots-txt #web-crawler #web-scraping #builder-pattern #search-algorithms #concurrency #async
  24. hora

    Hora Search Everywhere

    v0.1.1 700 #search-algorithms #search #neighbor #simd
  25. oxigen

    Fast, parallel, extensible and adaptable genetic algorithm library

    v2.2.2 #genetic-algorithm #algorithm #genetic #search-algorithms #heuristic #search
  26. ibn_battuta

    Solving the Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP)

    v0.1.1 #simulated-annealing #genetic-algorithm #tsp #acs #rb-acs #search-algorithms
  27. fqdn-trie

    FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name) lookup structures (based on tries)

    v0.4.3 #domain-name #trie #dns #fqdn #search-algorithms #dns-lookup
  28. subslice

    Fast subslice search

    v0.2.3 10K #search-algorithms #find #string-search #byte-string #substring-search #subsequence-search #subslice-search
  29. rlifesrc

    A Game of Life pattern searcher

    v0.6.1 #cellular-automata #life #pattern #search-pattern #search-algorithms #searcher #game-of-life
  30. vpsearch

    Vantage Point Tree search algorithm for fast nearest neighbour search in multi-dimensional metric spaces

    v2.0.1 300 #search-algorithms #search #distance #similarity #knn
  31. flxy

    Full-text searching and scoring of strings

    v0.1.19 #fuzzy-string #string-search #fuzzy-search #full-text-search #search #search-algorithms #string
  32. bbqvec

    Scalable, embeddable, vector storage for approximate K-nearest-neighbors (AKNN)

    v0.0.10 #vector-database #nearest-neighbor #search #vector-search #aknn #database #search-algorithms
  33. algori

    Rust Algorithms

    v0.12.0 #sorting #matrix #math #search-algorithms #search #algorithm
  34. rrt

    Path finding using dual-RRT connect

    v0.7.0 750 #path-finding #robotics #search #tree-search #search-algorithms #search-path
  35. interpolation_search

    Interpolation search - binary search on steroids

    v0.1.3 170 #binary-search #search #sorting #interpolation #search-algorithms #binary #algorithm
  36. tree_traversal

    Find best leaf node in a tree

    v0.3.0 #leaf-node #node-tree #tree-structure #optimization #tree #search-algorithms #combinatorial
  37. bndm

    that implements the BNDM algorithm for fast and efficient pattern matching, with support for wildcard searches

    v1.0.1 #pattern-matching #string-search #search-pattern #search-algorithms #wildcard #search #string
  38. rust-fuzzy-search

    Fuzzy Search with trigrams implemented in Rust

    v0.1.1 1.8K #fuzzy-search #fuzzy-string #string-similarity #search-algorithms #fuzzy #compare #compare-strings
  39. mcts-rs

    Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS) using an arena allocator

    v0.1.0 #arena-allocator #mcts #tree-search #monte-carlo #monte-carlo-tree-search #search-algorithms #rust
  40. memmem

    Substring searching

    v0.1.1 115K #search-algorithms #substring #algorithm #u8 #heuristics #standard #choose
  41. cobyla

    optimizer for Rust

    v0.6.0 200 #optimization #numerical-optimization #constrained #linear-interpolation #derivative-free #optimizer #search-algorithms
  42. magic_string_search

    string search library to rank strings based on their similarity to a query string

    v0.2.1 #string-similarity #string-search #query-string #search-engine #comparison #search-algorithms #lcs
  43. radiate-rust

    genetic algorithms and artificial evolution

    v0.3.0 250 #genetic-algorithm #genetic #evolution #search #learning #artificial #search-algorithms
  44. minimax

    Generic implementations of Minimax

    v0.5.3 #ai #search-algorithms #game-ai #tree-search #negamax #game-state #multi-threading
  45. hora-new

    Hora Search Everywhere

    v0.0.3 140 #search-algorithms #vector-search #search #simd #simd-vector #distance #vector
  46. rabitq

    vector search algorithm

    v0.2.2 160 #vector-search #quantization #search-algorithms #binary-dot-product
  47. resolv

    DNS resolution via glibc

    v0.3.0 #dns-resolution #dns #dns-records #dns-lookup #ip-address #dns-resolver #search-algorithms
  48. cmaze

    Core of tmaze game

    v0.8.0 #maze #algorithm #search-algorithms #terminal #tmaze #generation #configurable
  49. willowtree

    Lazily evaluated trees

    v0.2.0 #tree-traversal #tree #lazy-evaluation #data-structures #tree-structure #collection #search-algorithms
  50. rs_algo

    Common sorting algorithms and other common computer science algorithms

    v0.2.1 #sorting #computer-science #binary-search #merge #quick #insertion #search-algorithms
  51. graph-algorithms


    v0.1.3 #graph-traversal #search-algorithms #algorithm #directed-graph #df #shortest #bfs
  52. eudex

    A blazingly fast phonetic reduction/hashing algorithm

    v0.1.1 1.3K #nlp #soundex #search #search-algorithms #language #dictionary
  53. rizzer

    Fuzzy matching tool to find string similarity

    v0.2.0 #string-matching #fuzzy-string #fuzzy-matching #string-similarity #unicode-normalization #fuzzy-search #search-algorithms
  54. path-finding

    variety of path finding and graph operations. Work in progress.

    v0.8.0 #graph-algorithms #graph #search-algorithms #graph-node #game #mst #search-path
  55. compound_factor_iter

    Iterator types for output permutations from a function combining multiple discrete factors

    v0.1.1 #probability-distribution #iterator #search #probabilities #manhattan #search-algorithms #algorithm
  56. code-fuzzy-match

    Fuzzy string matching inspired by Visual Studio Code

    v0.2.2 #string-matching #fuzzy-string #visual-studio #fuzzy-matching #fuzzy-search #string-search #search-algorithms
  57. algorithm_rust

    some common rust_algorithms, Everyone can participate, and the project will continue to be updated, all the algorithms comes from <Introduction to Algorithms III>

    v0.6.0 #sorting #search #search-algorithms #matrix #structure #math #continuously
  58. norms

    A collection of distance metrics on strings

    v0.1.1 #string-similarity #fuzzy-matching #search-algorithms #fuzzy-search #string-matching #fuzzy-string #fuzzy
  59. searchlib

    Satisficing and optimal search algorithms

    v0.1.2 #search-algorithms #algorithm #optimal #satisficing
  60. tlsh-fixed

    Rust port of Trend Micro Locality Sensitive Hashing

    v0.1.1 3.7K #hashing #locality #sensitive #byte-stream #tlsh #hash-values #search-algorithms
  61. watchmaker

    A genetic algorithm implementation in Rust

    v2.0.0 #genetic-algorithm #optimization #genetic #evolution #search-algorithms #algorithm
  62. kdbush

    A very fast static spatial index for 2D points based on a flat KD-tree

    v0.2.0 900 #spatial-index #kdtree #spatial #geometry #kd-tree #search-algorithms
  63. fast_forward

    Quering collections blazing fast

    v0.0.2 #collection #index #search #query #filter #search-algorithms #derive-debug
  64. motif_finder

    Find motifs using Gibbs Sampler, Median String, and Randomized Motif Search algorithms in a fasta formatted file of reads Refer to the README to understand the input data

    v0.9.2 #search-algorithms #motif #file-format #algorithm #string #motifs #sequence
  65. jps

    Jump Point Search Implementation for Path Finding

    v1.1.1 #search-algorithms #path-finding #3d #search-path #jump-point-search #drones
  66. quickbacktrack

    back tracking with customizable search for moves

    v0.7.0 300 #procedural-generation #search-algorithms #puzzle #back #generation #procedural #track
  67. algos

    A collection of algorithms in Rust

    v0.4.0 #sorting #search-algorithms #algorithm #pattern-matching #search-pattern #search #pattern
  68. xcov

    Knuth's Algorithm X (featuring dancing links) for solving exact cover problems

    v0.3.1 #dancing-links #dlx #search-algorithms #exact-cover #linked-list #data-structures #lower-level
  69. grid_search_cardinal_point_to_point

    Search algorithm for finding the shortest path between two points in a uniform-cost cardinal grid

    v0.3.1 #search-algorithms #cardinal #grid #algorithm #shortest #points #finding
  70. algorithm_playground

    Algorithms Playground: To learn and understand the working of different algorithms in Computer Science

    v1.0.2 #sorting #computer-science #algorithm #search-algorithms #playground
  71. stara

    A* Search Algorithm

    v0.0.3 #path-finding #search-algorithms #shortest #grid #prelude
  72. bitap

    in rust

    v0.2.0 150 #string-matching #string-search #fuzzy-string #fuzzy-search #edit-distance #search #search-algorithms
  73. reverse_search

    Avis and Fukuda's reverse search algorithm for computing the Minkowski Sums of polytopes

    v0.0.8 #search-algorithms #reverse #computing #algorithm #sums #minkowski #avis
  74. slice_search

    A collection of algorithms for searching within slices

    v0.1.2 #search-algorithms #slice #binary-search #search #linear-search #no-std
  75. norm

    A collection of distance metrics on strings

    v0.1.1 #fzf #search #search-algorithms #fuzzy #match #fuzzy-matching #string-similarity
  76. pg_bm25

    Full text search for PostgreSQL using BM25

    v0.4.0 #postgresql-extension #text-search #full-text-search #search-algorithms #bm25 #pgrx #ranking
  77. arbor

    A generic interface to the Monte Carlo Tree Search algorithm

    v0.2.0 #tree-search #search #tree #game #ai #mcts #search-algorithms
  78. path-finding-lib

    variety of path finding and graph operations. Work in progress.

    v0.3.1 #path-finding #graph #path #mst #graph-node #graph-algorithms #search-algorithms
  79. bsutils

    Binary search utilities with efficiency

    v0.1.2 #binary-search #algorithm #utilities #search-algorithms #utils #duplicates
  80. fuzzy-search

    collections for fuzzy search

    v0.1.0 #levenshtein #edit-distance #fuzzy-string #search #search-algorithms #collection #tree
  81. algods

    A collection of data structures and algorithms

    v0.1.0 #search-algorithms #graph-algorithms #algorithm #graph #data-structures #sorting #collection
  82. grid_search_cardinal_best

    Search algorithm for finding the shortest path to the best cell in a uniform-cost cardinal grid

    v0.3.1 #best #grid #search-algorithms #cardinal #cell #finding #shortest
  83. gchemol-neighbors

    Neighborhood search for chemistry

    v0.1.3 140 #oct-tree #chemistry #search #search-algorithms #algorithm #atoms #periodic
  84. stalin-binary-search

    alike binary search but any checking element which is not target one is eliminated

    v0.0.4 #binary-search #element #checking #target #search-algorithms #stalin #sorting
  85. grid_search_cardinal

    Collection of search algorithms for uniform-cost cardinal grids

    v0.3.1 #search-algorithms #cardinal #algorithm #grids #collection #uniform-cost
  86. gap_solver

    A solver for the generalized assignment problem

    v0.2.0 #assignment #search #graph #math #search-algorithms #algorithm #mathematics
  87. eytzinger-map

    array/vec based map using eytzinger search algorithm

    v0.1.1 190 #binary-search #eytzinger #search-algorithms #vecmap #arraymap
  88. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  89. building_blocks_search

    Search algorithms for voxel data

    v0.7.1 #voxel #search-algorithms #real-time #rendering #algorithm #3d #data
  90. alcs

    All Longest Common Subsequences and String Fuzzy Search

    v0.1.3 #string-search #fuzzy-search #longest #search-algorithms #substring #algorithm #subsequences
  91. needle

    Fast search functions for finding things in Strings, Arrays and iterators

    v0.1.1 #search #find #moore #search-algorithms #horspool #boyer
  92. scour

    A fuzzy search algorithm

    v0.1.0 #fuzzy-search #fuzzy #search #match #weighted #ftw #search-algorithms
  93. cuckoo

    search algorithm

    v0.8.0 #search-algorithms #algorithm #optimization
  94. mickey

    Accessibility utility to move mouse cursor using keyboard with binary search algorithm

    v0.1.1 #cursor #binary-search #mouse #x11 #search-algorithms #left-wm #mouse-button
  95. aigraph1

    Graph serching algorithms

    v0.1.0 #graph #algorithm #search-algorithms #serching
  96. py_pathfinding

    A* and Jump-Point-Search algorithms using ndarray which makes them easy to use via pyo3 in Python

    v0.1.5 #a-star #jps #jumppointsearch #search-algorithms #jump-point-search #astar
  97. AitSar

    implementations of algorithms faster then Binary Search

    v0.1.1 #aitsar #binary-search #search-algorithms #algorithm #faster #hash #hash-table #fibonacci
  98. gosh-linesearch

    Line search algorithms for geometry optimization

    v0.1.0 #line-search #search-algorithms #optimization #algorithm #linesearch #back-tracking #univariable
  99. super_mass

    MASS: Mueen's Algorithm for Similarity Search in Rust!

    v0.1.0 #time-series #mass #hpc #data-science #search-algorithms #similarity-search #data-query
  100. contrail

    state restoration for backtracking search algorithms using a trail

    v0.3.0 #search-algorithms #trail #search #state #memory #restoration
  101. caboose

    A generic and parallel implementation of Continuous Conflict-Based Search algorithm for Multi-Agent Path Finding

    v0.0.1 #path-finding #search-algorithms #multi-agent #planning #robotics