
  1. crossbeam-utils

    concurrent programming

    v0.8.21 9.8M #thread-synchronization #atomic #thread #cache #scoped #synchronization-primitive #data-structures
  2. scoped-tls

    standard library’s old scoped_thread_local! macro for providing scoped access to thread local storage (TLS) so any type can be stored into TLS

    v1.0.1 2.0M #thread-local #thread-local-storage #local-storage #tls #scoped #access #scoped-thread-local
  3. async-scoped

    Spawn scoped (non 'static) asynchronous futures for async_std and tokio runtimes

    v0.9.0 207K #async-std #tokio #async-await #async #scoped #spawn #run-time
  4. scoped-tls-hkt

    more flexible version of scoped-tls, allowing the following additional features: Storage of references to dynamically sized types. Storage of mutable references. Storage of…

    v0.1.5 25K #dynamically-sized #thread-local-storage #reference #scoped #mutable #lifetime #types
  5. environmental

    Set scope-limited values can can be accessed statically

    v1.1.4 217K #variables #values #env-vars #access #scoped #cargo-toml #statically
  6. better_scoped_tls

    scoped-tls, but with good error message

    v1.0.0 475K #thread-local #error-message #thread-local-storage #local-storage #scoped #variables #scoped-tls
  7. easy-parallel

    Run closures in parallel

    v3.3.1 7.3K #thread #spawn #scope #scoped
  8. scoped_threadpool

    scoped and cached threadpools

    v0.1.9 169K #thread-pool #thread #scoped #pool #cache #threadpools
  9. scoped-mutex

    An abstraction over closure-based mutexes

    v0.1.0 #mutex #closures #abstraction #scoped #fork #closure-based #blocking
  10. bumpalo-herd

    Support for bumpalo in scoped threads & rayon

    v0.1.2 550 #rayon #multi-threading #thread #bumpalo #scoped #bump-allocator #scenario
  11. scoped_stack

    A scoped stack data structure

    v1.2.1 #data-structures #stack #scoped #scope #structure #value #key-value
  12. bitmask

    generator for enum scoped bit flags

    v0.5.0 6.8K #bit-flags #enums #scoped #generator #time #default #automatic
  13. scoped-mutex-traits

    An abstraction over closure-based mutexes

    v1.0.0 #mutex #closures #abstraction #traits #scoped #fork #embassy-sync
  14. rs-macro-di

    Rust dependency injection by macro

    v0.3.4 350 #injection #macro #service #scoped
  15. pond

    scoped and cached threadpools that keep a state

    v0.3.1 #thread-pool #scoped #state #pool #stateful #per-thread #threadpools
  16. scoped-env

    A lifetime scoped env variable setting

    v2.1.0 650 #env #lifetime #variables #env-vars #setting #scoped #scope
  17. styled

    Scoped styles for your Leptos components

    v0.2.0 #leptos #style #scoped #css #styling
  18. yastl

    scoped threadpool library

    v0.1.2 6.5K #thread-pool #pool #scoped #thread #threadpool
  19. mutex

    An abstraction over closure-based mutexes

    v0.1.0 #mutexes #scoped #blocking #closure-based #abstraction #closures
  20. tyco

    Macro for generating scoped TYped COntexts

    v0.0.9 1.3K #context #scoped #typed #arguments #open-telemetry #generate #sync
  21. scoped-thread-pool

    A flexible thread pool providing scoped threads. Updated fork of https://github.com/reem/rust-scoped-pool

    v1.0.4 #thread-pool #scoped #scope #wait-group #flexible #static #github
  22. poolite

    A lite threadpool library

    v0.7.1 #thread-pool #scoped #thread #threadpool
  23. styled-yew

    Scoped css for Yew

    v0.3.0 #yew #css #styled #styled-components #scoped #scoped-css
  24. scoped-threadpool-std

    scoped threadpool implementation and related tests including a password hasher

    v0.1.1 100 #thread-pool #scoped #password #hasher #nightly #feature #testing
  25. malogany

    tree/hierarchical logging library

    v0.2.0 #logging #tree-hierarchical #branch #scoped #enter #enter-branch #exit-branch
  26. ctx-thread

    Cooperative, scoped threads based on crossbeam and golang’s context package

    v0.1.1 #thread #context #golang #scope #scoped #cooperative #crossbeam
  27. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  28. scoped_reference

    Runtime-checked borrow lifetimes

    v0.1.3 #reference #lifetime #borrow #scoped #runtime-checked #abort #static
  29. scoped-pool

    A flexible thread pool providing scoped threads

    v1.0.0 1.6K #thread-pool #scoped #flexible #scope #static #execute #wait
  30. scoped-gc

    Derive plugin for the scoped-gc crate

    v0.1.5 #garbage-collection #scoped #scope #lifetime #dropped #plugin
  31. scoped-trace

    Collect scoped backtraces

    v0.1.0 #trace #backtrace #scoped #tree #bounds #define #execution
  32. spawner

    Tiny wrapper for thread::spawn which optionally auto-joins threads on drop

    v0.3.2 #thread #spawn #scoped #drop #join
  33. scoped_tasks_prototype

    A quick-and-dirty attempt to get scoped tasks in Rust

    v0.1.0 #memory #async #scoped #tasks #attempt #quick-and-dirty
  34. scoped

    Run deferred closures at success, failure, or exit of a scope. Also supports cancelling them

    v0.1.2 #scope #guard #defer
  35. scoped-sleep

    RAII sleep

    v0.1.0 110 #sleep #raii #scoped
  36. scoped_allocator

    A scoped linear allocator

    v0.1.4 #allocator #scoped #memory #linear #allocation
  37. safe-async-scoped

    A minimal, safe library for scoped async tasks

    v0.1.1 #tasks #scoped #async-task #safe #send #future
  38. scoped-thread

    scoped thread implementation

    v0.1.1 #thread #scoped #scoped-thread
  39. entangled

    fork-join task executor

    v1.3.0 #async-task #task #scoped #async #task-pool
  40. eko-gc

    Scoped garbage collector

    v0.0.2 #garbage-collection #scoped #collector #scripting-language #eko
  41. lazy-scoped

    Super-simple scoped single-threaded lazily-initialised objects

    v0.1.0 #lazy-evaluation #scoped #objects #lazily-initialised #single-threaded #super-simple
  42. scoped_signal

    scoped interface to signal handlers that are only active for the lifetime of a given closure

    v0.1.2 #signal #closures #scoped #interface #active #lifetime #handlers
  43. thread-scoped

    Unsafe and deprecated std::thread::scoped

    v1.0.2 28K #scoped #thread #spawn
  44. irq

    Scoped interrupt handlers and interrupt locks for sharing data

    v0.2.3 #interrupt #handler #scoped #handling
  45. scoped-gc-derive

    Scoped garbage collection for Rust

    v0.1.5 #garbage-collection #scoped #control #lifetime
  46. scoped-vec

    scoped Vecs, allowing multi-level divergence from the root element

    v0.0.1 #scoped #vec #root #element #allowing #free #divergence
  47. scoped_css

    css! macro

    v0.0.1 #css #scoped #class #static #macro #struct