
  1. scale-info

    Info about SCALE encodable Rust types

    v2.11.6 389K #scale #types #info #encodable #information #variant #encoding
  2. resize

    image resampling library in pure Rust

    v0.8.8 61K #image-resizing #graphics #image #resample #scale
  3. fatality

    extension to thiserror::Error

    v0.1.1 90K #thiserror #error #fatal #annotations #variant #extension #scale
  4. d3_geo_rs

    A port of D3/d3-geo

    v3.0.1 100 #projection #graphics #d3-geo #scale #graphics-api #data #wgpu
  5. pic-scale

    High performance image scaling

    v0.4.1 240 #image-resizing #color-space #resize #scale
  6. scale-typegen

    Type Generation for SCALE encoded Rust Types

    v0.10.0 101K #scale #generation #encoded #definition #types #information #portable-registry
  7. pic-scale-safe

    Fast and safe performance image scaling

    v0.1.4 #image-resizing #resize #scale
  8. tune-cli

    Explore musical tunings and create synthesizer tuning files for microtonal scales

    v0.28.0 #scale #tuning #synthesizer #midi #microtonal #command-line-tool #scales
  9. diffuse_rs_cli

    CLI for diffuse_rs

    v0.1.3 #machine-learning #scale #cli #diffuse-rs #model #flux
  10. tune

    Explore musical tunings and create synthesizer tuning files for microtonal scales

    v0.35.0 #tuning #synthesizer #scale #microtonal #midi #scales #conversion
  11. diffuse_rs_core

    Core package of diffuse_rs

    v0.1.3 #machine-learning #models #inference #image #scale #flux #quantization
  12. shortscale

    Convert numbers into English words using the short scale

    v1.5.1 #english-words #numbers #scale #convert #short #thousands #power
  13. liblrs

    manipulate linear referencing systems

    v0.2.3 #curve #linear #data #scale #distance #systems #anchor
  14. diffusion_rs_cli

    CLI for diffusion_rs

    v0.1.0 #machine-learning #scale #cli #diffusion #diffusion-rs #model #flux
  15. music-theory-query

    Music theory queries

    v1.1.1 #music-theory #music #scale #chord
  16. wasmcloud-host

    wasmCloud host library

    v0.23.0 1.3K #cloud-native #wasmcloud #host #run-time #foundation #scale #team
  17. diffusion_rs_core

    Core package of diffusion_rs

    v0.1.0 #machine-learning #diffusion #models #inference #image #scale #flux
  18. transform-gizmo

    3D transformation gizmo

    v0.4.0 1.9K #gizmo #3d #transformation #egui #rotation #scale #bevy
  19. libafl_targets

    Common code for target instrumentation that can be used combined with LibAFL

    v0.14.1 430 #libafl #fuzzing #testing #instrumentation #target #fuzzer #scale
  20. dpi

    Types for handling UI scaling

    v0.1.1 367K #scaling #gui #hi-dpi #factor #ui #scale #scale-factor
  21. dxfilter

    Process textures with DirectX shaders. Includes few Scale, Color conversion filters and utils to make your own.

    v0.5.13 #filter #directx #shader #scale #graphics #compile-time #graphics-api
  22. sig_fig_histogram

    histogram type that is exponentially distributed and human-friendly

    v0.4.0 360 #histogram #exponential #human-readable #distributed #human-friendly #buckets #scale
  23. cuts

    Constant Uniformity Time Scale

    v0.1.1 250 #constant #time #scale #uniformity
  24. frugalos

    Frugal Object Storage

    v1.2.0 #object-storage #distributed #scale #petabyte #storing #frugal
  25. scale_std

    datastructures and algorithms to be run on the SCALE engine

    v0.1.2 #algorithm #computation #multi-party #scale #data-structures #secure #engine
  26. scale_signature_http

    The definitions and source for the official Scale HTTP Signature for Scale Functions

    v0.3.8 #scale #signature #http #definition #functions #source #typescript
  27. scale_omnibus

    musical scales

    v0.1.2 #scale #musical #intervals #name #omnibus #origin #numbers
  28. nine_patch_drawable

    core functionality to read nine patch bitmaps defined in Android NinePatch drawables and algorithms to scale them

    v0.1.0 #bitmap #android #patch #algorithm #scale #read #defined
  29. scale_signature_interfaces

    The Scale Signature Interfaces for generating host and guest signatures across multiple languages

    v0.1.9 #scale #signatures #interface #guest #host #multiple #run-time
  30. scale_extension_interfaces

    The Scale Extension Interfaces for generating host and guest extensions across multiple languages

    v0.1.4 #scale #extension #interface #language #run-time #guest #host
  31. serialscale

    An IOT server written in rust for reading weighing data on scales via serial port

    v0.1.2 #serial-port #scale #iot #toledo #serialport #server
  32. scale_documentation

    structured SCALE assembly documentation

    v0.1.2 #documentation #scale #assembly #algorithm #structured #secure #computation
  33. fimg

    fast image operations

    v0.4.43 #image #drawing #graphics #affine #scale
  34. staff

    Music theory library with midi, notes, chords, scales, and more

    v0.11.0 #music-theory #midi #chord #scale #notes #score #render
  35. scale_signature

    The definitions and tooling required to test and consume Rust Signatures for Scale Functions

    v0.2.11 #scale #signatures #functions #typescript #golang #definition #testing
  36. parity-scale-codec

    SCALE - Simple Concatenating Aggregated Little Endians

    v3.6.12 707K #codec #binary-encoding #serialization #scale #data-encoding #substrate #parity
  37. ordiseq

    A MIDI sequencer library

    v0.1.0 #sequencer #midi #scale #chord #now #alpha #experimental
  38. rust-music-theory

    that procedurally implements music theory notions like Scale, Chord, Interval, Note

    v0.2.0 #music-theory #music #chord #scale #procedural #interval #note
  39. music-note

    Music theory library with midi, notes, chords, scales, and more

    v0.3.1 #music-theory #midi #chord #scale #notes #note #pitch
  40. http-rust

    http library implementation for small scale web apps

    v0.1.2 #http-request #http-response #web-apps #http-parser #scale #response-headers #requests
  41. musika-rs

    basic music elements

    v0.1.0 #chord #scale #music #chords
  42. chinese-numerals

    Convert numbers to Chinese numerals

    v0.2.2 #chinese #numeral #numbers #scale #convert #integer #big-integer
  43. chords

    getting chords from scale

    v0.2.7 #chord #scale #music #notation #scales
  44. scale-decode

    Decode SCALE encoded bytes into arbitrary types at runtime

    v0.16.0 271K #scale #decoding #parity
  45. fcwt

    Fast Continuous Wavelet Transforms

    v0.1.3 #signal-processing #fft #wavelet #transform #continuous #analysis #scale
  46. serde-scale

    Serde serializer and deserializer for the SCALE encoding

    v0.2.2 #substrate #scale #serialization #serializer-deserializer #serde #serialize-deserialize
  47. gluster

    interface with Gluster's CLI. This is being leveraged by a Juju charm to manage a Gluster deployment

    v1.0.8 #cli #interfacing #interface #deployment #scale #command #juju
  48. scale-encode

    Encode types to SCALE bytes given a desired target type

    v0.10.0 171K #scale #parity #encoding
  49. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  50. escalon-jobs

    way to scale your jobs application

    v0.1.11 #jobs #applications #scale
  51. solana-test-validator

    Blockchain, Rebuilt for Scale

    v2.1.7 7.7K #solana #blockchain #scalable #override #scale #rebuilt #install
  52. numcodecs-fixed-offset-scale

    (x-o) / s codec implementation for the numcodecs API

    v0.2.0 #numcodecs #scale #offset #compression #encoding
  53. toledo

    An IOT server written in rust for connecting via serial port to toledo scales

    v0.1.1 #scale #iot #serial-port #server
  54. scales

    converting values between scales

    v0.1.3 #scale #values #converting #parameters #linear #logarithmic #ui
  55. ark-scale

    Arkworks serialization wrapped in Parity SCALE codec

    v0.0.13 296K #scale #serialization #arkworks #parity #wrapped #codec #traits
  56. tiny-ml

    A very basic ml libary

    v1.0.0 #neural-network #ml #basic #tiny #scale #learning #parallelization
  57. solana-measure

    Blockchain, Rebuilt for Scale

    v2.1.7 91K #solana #blockchain #scale #rebuilt #install #version #rustup
  58. solana-stake-accounts

    Blockchain, Rebuilt for Scale

    v2.1.7 850 #solana #blockchain #command #process #scale #rebuilt #version
  59. serde-scale-wrap

    Wrapper for types implementing Serialize/Deserialize to implement Encode/Decode automatically

    v0.3.0 #substrate #scale #serialization #serde #serialize-deserialize
  60. loadcell

    A no-std embedded-hal package for the hx711 load cell, based on the embedded hal. Has optional support for interrupts on the esp32.

    v0.2.0 #esp32 #cell #measurement #load #interrupt #embedded-hal #scale
  61. best-path

    Shortest/longest path algorithms, where edge weight accumulation via either a sum or a product

    v0.1.1 #path #graph #scale #floyd-warshall #graph-algorithms
  62. nd_vector

    [WIP] Lengthen! Shrink! Iterate! Scale! Twist and turn to your imagination along any dimension on a vector!

    v0.1.0 #vector #scale #along #dimension #iterate #turn #shrink
  63. resonata

    A music theory library for Rust

    v0.3.0 #music-theory #scale #chord #intervals #harmony #interval #chords
  64. googology

    giving names to large numbers

    v0.2.1 #numbers #name #math #scale #powers #digits #give
  65. scale-bits

    A SCALE compatible representation of a collection of bits

    v0.7.0 176K #bits #scale #codec #parity #decoding #bit #encoding
  66. johnston

    generatating JI pitch lattices

    v0.4.0 #music #lattice #tuning #intonation #scale #pitch #systems
  67. solana-turbine

    Blockchain, Rebuilt for Scale

    v2.1.7 7.8K #version #solana #blockchain #cluster #order #scale #rebuilt
  68. musical_scales

    scales in western music theory, with parsing from/to strings, MIDI note numbers, control voltages

    v0.2.0 #scale #musical #western #notes #control #note #midi
  69. solana-local-cluster

    Blockchain, Rebuilt for Scale

    v2.1.7 850 #cluster #solana #local #blockchain #check #scale #rebuilt
  70. progress-monitor

    Track any progress

    v0.0.3 #progress #monitor #applications #track #scale #worked #numeric
  71. solana-genesis

    Blockchain, Rebuilt for Scale

    v2.1.7 850 #solana #blockchain #cluster #scale #rebuilt #version #install
  72. freqiterator

    no-dep lib for note frequency iterators

    v2.0.0 #iterator #scale #generator #frequency #frequencies #mode #note
  73. cli_graph

    Small crate to generate simple CLI graphs

    v0.3.0 #graph #cli #range #bar #height #scale #scatter
  74. color_scaling

    Functions to scale colors: get a weighted color between 2 colors

    v0.0.5 #color #weighted #scale #scaling #rgb
  75. agave-watchtower

    Blockchain, Rebuilt for Scale

    v2.1.7 650 #validation #cluster #blockchain #monitor #validator-identity #scale #notifications
  76. temp_convertor

    that will convert any temperature value given by the userfrom Celsius to Fahrenheit scale or from Fahrenheit to Celsius scale

    v0.1.0 #fahrenheit #celsius #scale #temperature #convert #value #userfrom
  77. scale-info-legacy

    Create type information that can be used to decode historic data from Substrate based chains

    v0.2.2 340 #scale #decoding #codec #parity #encoding
  78. solana-tps-client

    Blockchain, Rebuilt for Scale

    v2.1.7 800 #solana #latest #blockchain #scale #rebuilt #version #install
  79. solana-cli-output

    Blockchain, Rebuilt for Scale

    v2.1.7 13K #version #solana #blockchain #order #cluster #scale #process
  80. usb_scale

    Interact with USB Scales with Rust

    v0.1.0 #scale #usb #usb-device #devices #weight #iot
  81. windows_dpi

    API for marking a process as DPI-aware on windows systems. Works for Windows 7 , using the newer API when available. Also provides a method for getting the DPI appropriate for an HWND…

    v0.3.0 #platform #dpi #stub #window #api #scale #would
  82. hedged

    A "Hedged Requests" implementation as described in "The Tail at Scale" paper

    v0.1.3 #distributed #async #requests #scale #tail #described #hedge
  83. weighty

    reading from HID scales

    v0.1.1 #hid #scale #reading #units #weigh
  84. tuning-library-rs

    Micro-tuning format parsing and frequency finding library

    v0.1.0 #midi #scale #tuning #scala #music
  85. mumuse

    Small music theory library written in Rust with MIDI capabilities

    v0.7.0 #midi #music-theory #music #stream #chord #scale #capabilities
  86. serde_scala

    A .scl scala file parser

    v0.1.2 #scala #scale #serde #scl #music
  87. veles

    development of large scale interactive applications

    v0.1.0 #interactive-applications #scale #coming
  88. planar

    Strongly typed planar geometry

    v0.1.2 #geometry #typed #position #transform #points #width #scale
  89. risedb

    Unlock state access to scale EVM!

    v0.1.0 #state #evm #access #scale #unlock
  90. aspect-fit

    Scale up a rectangle to be as big as possible while keeping aspect ratio and fitting inside a container rectangle. Based on https://github.com/maxtherocket/aspect-fit.

    v0.1.0 #rectangle #aspect #scale #ratio #fit
  91. solana-watchtower

    Blockchain, Rebuilt for Scale

    v1.18.26 360 #validation #solana #cluster #blockchain #monitor #validator-identity #scale
  92. blobd

    Blob storage designed for huge amounts of random reads and small objects with constant latency

    v0.2.1 #objects #reads #latency #constant #random #huge #scale
  93. waffles-solana-measure

    Waffle Labs maintained Blockchain, Rebuilt for Scale

    v1.16.0 220 #blockchain #solana #version #waffle #labs #rustup #scale
  94. eosio-scale-info

    Info about SCALE encodable Rust types

    v2.1.3 #types #fields #variant #scale #info #encodable #registry
  95. scale-info-derive

    Derive type info for SCALE encodable types

    v2.11.6 576K #types #scale #info #encodable #variant #path #static
  96. libnzhash

    Experimental Hashing algorith and facilities. Hash is dependant os byrte size required, scales to very large hash.

    v1.0.0 #hashing #size #hash #scale #facilities #experimental #required
  97. mel

    convert scalars and vectors from hertz to mel scale

    v0.3.0 #vector #hertz #convert #scale #scalars #mfcc
  98. trassel

    Unique ID integers that scale

    v1.0.0 #id #scale #unique-id #integer
  99. waffles-solana-remote-wallet

    Waffle Labs maintained Blockchain, Rebuilt for Scale

    v1.16.0 180 #solana #waffle #labs #blockchain #version #remote #scale
  100. scale-core

    low level datastructures and functionality for compiling for SCALE via wasm

    v0.1.2 #scale #low-level #compilation #data-structures #wasm #instructions #circuit