
  1. tree-sitter-rust

    Rust grammar for tree-sitter

    v0.23.2 78K #tree-sitter #incremental #parser #syntax-tree #file-tree #rust
  2. end-rs

    Eww notification daemon in rust

    v0.1.22 1.0K #notification #notifications #daemon #eww #zbus #rust
  3. superboring

    A reimplementation of the 'boring' crate in pure Rust

    v0.1.4 74K #boring-ssl #tls #cryptography #boring #boringssl #api-bindings #rust
  4. rsftch

    Aesthetically pleasing and lightning fast hardware fetch tool written in rust with easy configuration

    v0.7.7 220 #neofetch #fetch #rust #config-file
  5. ocaml

    bindings for Rust

    v1.1.0 4.5K #bindings #interop #ffi #extension #run-time #rust #ocaml-interop
  6. ocaml-interop

    OCaml interoperability

    v0.10.0 56K #ocaml #interop #ffi #rust
  7. dns-bench

    Find the fastest DNS in your location to improve internet browsing experience

    v0.7.2 160 #dns #networking #benchmark #server-response #config-file #toml-config #rust
  8. boytacean

    A Game Boy emulator that is written in Rust

    v0.10.14 320 #gameboy #emulator #emulation #rust #data-transfer #game-state #debug-mode
  9. arbctl

    CLI tool for the Edgegap API, designed for use in automated deployment pipelines

    v0.0.2 260 #clap #edgegap #gamedev #rust #cli #command-line-tool
  10. grip-grab

    A faster, more lightweight ripgrep alternative

    v0.6.7 #grep #ripgrep #line-search #search #regex #rust #cli
  11. git2mail

    Pure Rust OSINT tool to find a GitHub user's email

    v0.4.3 #user-email #github #osint #leak #rust
  12. bacon

    background rust compiler

    v3.7.0 7.1K #background #compiler #watch #inotify #cargo-check #compiler-error #rust
  13. cargo_auto_github_lib

    cargo-auto automation tasks written in rust language with functions for GitHub

    v1.1.8 #github-api #cargo-auto #maintained #ready-for-use #rust
  14. fastenv

    Unintrusive, on-demand environment manager creating lightweight shims for projects, without shell hooks or auto-loading scripts

    v0.1.3 #shim #environment #manager #shell-environment #rust #shims #cli
  15. devicons

    that provides filetype glyphs (icons) for a wide range of common file formats

    v0.6.12 650 #filetype #icons #glyph #file-format #nerd-fonts #rust #glyphs
  16. rata-tetris

    A Tetris-like game written in Rust featuring classic gameplay, scoring, and terminal UI

    v0.1.0 120 #tetris #game #terminal #ui #rust #board-game #rotation
  17. rust_info

    Extracts the current rust compiler information

    v0.3.3 25K #compiler #os #rust
  18. pilgrimage

    A Kafka-like message broker in Rust

    v0.12.0 2.0K #message-broker #broker #message #kafka #rust
  19. itm-parser

    A command-line tool to parse and format ITM (Instrumentation Trace Macrocell) output for embedded systems development using probe-rs

    v0.1.3 110 #itm #probe-rs #swo #embedded #command-line-tool #rust
  20. webfinger-cli

    A WebFinger client and library written in Rust

    v0.0.12 #client #webfinger #cli #library #rust
  21. panic-analyzer

    an audit tool to scan your crate or workspace searching for potential panic points in your codebase

    v0.1.4 #panic #analyzer #ci #error-message #inspector #rust #search-pattern
  22. open_ai

    OpenAI library for Rust

    v0.1.5 #chat-completion #artificial-intelligence #ai #client #api-client #ai-api #rust
  23. headers-remake

    remake of the headers

    v0.1.2 #header #remake #rust #cli
  24. okapi-operation

    Procedural macro for generating OpenAPI operation specification (using okapi)

    v0.3.0-rc3 8.6K #proc-macro #axum #openapi #swagger #rust
  25. rocketmq-filter

    Unofficial Rust implementation of Apache RocketMQ

    v0.3.0 130 #rocketmq-client #apache-rocketmq #rocketmq-rust #rust #rocketmq-rs #programming-language #environment
  26. rookie

    Load cookie from your web browsers

    v0.5.6 320 #cookies #web #session-cookies #linux-macos #rust #lock-files
  27. rocketmq-client-rust

    Unofficial Rust implementation of Apache RocketMQ

    v0.3.0 #send-message #rocketmq-client #rocketmq-rust #apache-rocketmq #rocketmq-rs #rust
  28. adflib

    handle amiga disk files

    v0.1.4 600 #disk-image #amiga #lib #filesystem #read-write #command-line-tool #rust
  29. familiar


    v0.1.1 #command #command-line #rust #set #reserve
  30. glommio

    thread-per-core crate that makes writing highly parallel asynchronous applications in a thread-per-core architecture easier for rustaceans

    v0.9.0 950 #thread-per-core #io-uring #async #async-await #linux-kernel #rust
  31. cargo-fixture

    Surround cargo test with arbitrary Rust setup and teardown code

    v1.2.2 #cargo-test #testing #cargo #env-vars #cargo-plugin #http-server #rust
  32. cheetah-string

    A lightweight, high-performance string manipulation library optimized for speed-sensitive applications

    v0.1.6 4.3K #byte #performance #rocketmq-rust #fast #fast-string #rust
  33. rudderanalytics

    The RudderStack Rust SDK is an analytics client to track events from your Rust application

    v1.1.4 1.1K #analytics #data-analytics #data-pipeline #rudderstack #rudder #rust
  34. bhg

    Block Header Generator

    v0.1.2 #generator #blockheader #rust #cli
  35. games-in-rust

    A collection of games written in Rust

    v0.2.1 220 #ncurses #game #rust #generate #generates-random #cli
  36. hop-cli

    Interact with Hop in your terminal

    v0.2.61 #hop #console #command-line-interface #terminal #terminal-interface #rust #cli
  37. ShadowJS

    ShadowJS is a fast, lightweight JavaScript obfuscator built with Rust. It protects your code by converting readable identifiers into obscure formats, ensuring security without sacrificing performance.

    v0.1.0 #shadowjs #javascript #performance #security #obfuscator #format #rust
  38. rustynetics

    A high-performance genomics libary specialized in handling BAM and BigWig files

    v0.1.3 140 #genomics #bioinformatics #rust #data-structures
  39. crab_ai

    OpenAI library for Rust

    v0.1.9 240 #openai #chat-completion #artificial-intelligence #ai #client #api-client #rust
  40. rust-tui-manager

    Una aplicación TUI para gestionar notas, snippets y búsquedas en múltiples fuentes para desarrolladores Rust

    v0.1.7 750 #tui #manager #search #notes #rust
  41. september

    efficient Gemini-to-HTTP proxy

    v0.2.32 #gemini #proxy #env-vars #rust
  42. rustui_merge

    Tailwind Merge and Variants

    v0.1.3 480 #tailwind #variant #css #tailwind-css #leptos #rust
  43. rocketmq-runtime

    Unofficial Rust implementation of Apache RocketMQ

    v0.3.0 #rocketmq-client #apache-rocketmq #rocketmq-rust #asynchronous-programming #rust #rocketmq-rs #memory-safety
  44. ServerLauncher

    server launcher written in Rust

    v0.1.1 #serverlauncher #server #launcher #rust
  45. russenger

    designed to simplify the handling of Facebook Messenger webhook responses

    v0.3.4-rc 130 #facebook #messenger #bot #rust #api-bindings
  46. incr_stats

    Fast, scalable, incremental descriptive statistics in Rust

    v1.0.2 1.0K #data-analysis #statistics #incremental #skewness #kurtosis #data-streaming #rust
  47. bluesniff

    A fast and simple Bluetooth scanner which uses the btleplug library to scan for nearby Bluetooth devices

    v1.0.0 #bluetooth #scanner #0x646e73 #rust
  48. dypi

    A CLI tool to create Rust APIs

    v0.1.7 #tide #cli #command-line-tool #rust #api #generate
  49. door_player

    Door Player, Cross by ffmpeg and egui

    v0.3.14 110 #video-player #ffmpeg #player #egui #cross #rust
  50. crust-trust

    An outstanding Rust crate to manage workspaces with optimal crate handling

    v0.1.0 #workspace #management #automation #crates #rust
  51. cedrh

    console text-editor with syntax highighting written in Rust

    v0.5.1 190 #text-editors #syntax-highlighting #editor #text-editor #utf-8 #terminal-text #rust
  52. yew-alert

    ⚠️ A simple and flexible alert component for the Yew framework

    v0.1.1 #alert #yew #yew-component #rust
  53. reed_solomon_rs

    A Reed-Solomon Error Correction Code Library that uses the Berlekamp Welch Algorithm

    v0.1.2 160 #error-correction #reed-solomon #library #codec #rust
  54. cellang

    Interpreter for the CEL expression language

    v0.3.0 190 #expression-language #interpreter #expression #language #cel #rust
  55. spoify

    a spotify client inside your terminal

    v0.2.11 210 #spotify #client-secret #terminal #api-client #unix #rust #cli
  56. rocketmq-rust

    Unofficial Rust implementation of Apache RocketMQ

    v0.3.0 #asynchronous-programming #rocketmq-client #apache-rocketmq #send-message #rust #rocketmq-rs #programming-language
  57. nebulis

    A Full Stack Rust/Remix/SurrealDB/GraphQL Project Generator

    v0.1.0 #graphql #surrealdb #remix #rust #back-end #cli
  58. untools

    user-friendly underscore variable naming tool

    v1.0.10 420 #snake-case #camelcase #rust #snakecase
  59. nifty-filter

    A nifty tool to configure netfilter/nftables

    v0.1.1 #env-file #filter #networking #template #env-vars #nftables #rust
  60. twilio

    Rust bindings for the Twilio API

    v1.1.0 800 #webhook #sms #api-bindings #api-client #voice #request-response #rust
  61. rustclr

    Host CLR and run .NET binaries using Rust

    v0.1.1 #dotnet #clr #redteam #rust #api-bindings #windows
  62. vite-rust

    A Vite back-end integration for Rust applications

    v0.2.1 450 #vite #vite-plugin #manifest-file #rust #vite-rust-plugin #json-file #config-file
  63. ti

    terminal timer

    v1.4.0 #timer #tty #figlet #rust #terminal
  64. dfe

    Documentos Fiscais Eletrônicos Brasileiros

    v0.2.2 700 #nfe #rust #api-bindings
  65. wasm-coredump-types

    Wasm coredump shared types

    v0.2.2 2.0K #coredump #wasm #type #types #rust
  66. heapless-bytes

    Newtype around heapless byte Vec with efficient serde

    v0.4.0 2.3K #serde #cbor #rust #no-std
  67. copyrat

    A tmux plugin for copy-pasting within tmux panes

    v0.5.7 130 #tmux #tmux-plugin #tmux-copycat #rust #terminal-text
  68. rusty_oauth

    lightweight, secure OAuth 2.0 library for Rust, providing streamlined authentication flows for applications and services. Includes support for authorization codes, client credentials…

    v0.1.39 1.1K #oauth #authorization #oauth2 #authentication #rust
  69. tweety-rs

    interacting with the Twitter API

    v0.1.4 #twitter #api-client #api-bindings #rust #api #action
  70. draven

    creates obsidian graph files from a rust project structs in real time

    v2.5.1 110 #graph #obsidian #real-time #rust #cli
  71. zero4rs

    powerful, pragmatic, and extremely fast web framework for Rust

    v1.3.0 340 #web-framework #actix-web #web-apps #restful #web-server #ffmpeg #rust
  72. accordion-rs

    ↕️ A highly customizable accordion component for WASM frameworks like Yew, Dioxus, and Leptos

    v0.2.5 450 #accordion #yew #leptos #dioxus #wasm-framework #rust
  73. yew-accordion

    🎵 A simple and flexible accordion component for the Yew framework

    v0.1.2 #yew #accordion #rust
  74. snip-cli

    A CLI tool (snip-cli) for managing Neovim and VSCode snippets

    v0.1.2 180 #neovim #snippets #visual-studio-code #rust #vscode #command-line-tool #cli
  75. poius

    command-line interface (CLI) tool written in Rust for encoding and decoding files and directories using base64 encoding

    v0.1.4 #base64 #codec #directories #command-line-interface #decoding #encode #rust
  76. wasm-coredump-encoder

    Wasm coredump encoding

    v0.2.2 1.9K #coredump #wasm #rust
  77. regecs

    Rust Extended Generic ECS (REGECS)

    v2.0.0-rc.2.0.0 190 #ecs #event-system #generic #extended #events #generics #rust
  78. frb_plugin_tool

    dart rust frb 快速生成项目脚本

    v0.2.0 #plugin #dart #flutter #frb #rust
  79. doclog

    log library based on Rust's compiler logs

    v0.3.0 #logging #log #rust
  80. locking-pomodoro-timer

    A Pomodoro timer with the capability of locking the screen

    v1.2.0 #pomodoro-timer #time-management #pomodoro #timer #rust
  81. cargo_auto_encrypt_secret_lib

    encrypt/decrypt secrets

    v1.1.7 #api-key #ssh-key #api-secret #symmetric-encryption #maintained #rust #ready-for-use
  82. smyl

    Artificial Neuronal Network in Rust

    v0.1.4 #neural-network #machine-learning #deep-learning #matrix-operations #neuroscience #computer-vision #rust
  83. yew-i18n

    🌐 Internationalization (i18n) component for the Yew framework

    v0.1.3 #yew-web #yew-component #yew #internationalization #web-framework #rust #wasm-framework
  84. vec-new

    Generate a rust vector by parsing all lines in a file

    v0.1.0 #linux #file-line #file #vec #generator #rust #string
  85. rocketmq-broker

    Unofficial Rust implementation of Apache RocketMQ

    v0.3.0 120 #message-broker #apache-rocketmq #send-message #rocketmq-client #rocketmq-rust #rust #rocketmq-rs
  86. parse_cfg

    Parse and evaluate Rust’s cfg(any(condition)) attribute syntax and target triples

    v4.1.1 33K #cfg #target #syntax #attr #rust #expression-parser
  87. parasail-rs

    Rust bindings and wrapper for parasail, a SIMD C library for pairwise sequence alignment

    v0.7.6 350 #bioinformatics #parasail #ffi #alignment #rust
  88. vercel_runtime_router

    Vercel Rust Function Runtime Router

    v1.1.4 1.4K #vercel #router #serverless #function #functions #rust
  89. coffeeldr

    A COFF (Common Object File Format) loader written in Rust

    v0.1.3 #loader #coff #file-format #redteam #object-file #memory-buffer #rust
  90. zl_todos

    todo list application written in Rust

    v0.1.3 #todo #demo #slint #zl #utilities #rust #to-do
  91. dcap-rs

    Intel Data Center Attestation Primitives (DCAP) Quote Verification Library (QVL) implemented in pure Rust

    v0.1.0 130 #quote #dcap #sgx #tdx #rust #datacenter
  92. enma

    serving anime and manga information 📦

    v0.7.4 460 #anime #manga #scraper #otaku #rust
  93. getpocket

    API (https://getpocket.com/)

    v0.2.5-rc3 #pocket #afterread #rust #web-api #web-services #api
  94. radiors

    🎛️ A highly customizable radio buttons component for WASM frameworks like Yew, Dioxus, and Leptos

    v0.0.4 360 #radio #yew #leptos #dioxus #rust
  95. libsocks_client

    SOCKS client rust implementation,supporting SOCKS4,SOCKS4a,SOCKS5 protocols

    v0.1.2 #sock #socks #rust #udp-socket #async #tcp-connection #sockets
  96. cosey

    Data types and serde for public COSE_Keys

    v0.3.1 450 #cose #public-key #cbor #set-key #key-set #rust #no-std
  97. rsmod-pathfinder

    A breadth-first search path finder

    v5.0.4 #pathfinder #bfs #search-path #rsmod #wasm #rust #web-assembly
  98. rocketmq-namesrv

    Apache rocketmq name sever

    v0.3.0 120 #rocket-mq #nameserver #rust #namespaces #name-server
  99. alert-rs

    ⚠️ A highly customizable alert component for WASM frameworks like Yew, Dioxus, and Leptos

    v0.2.2 #alert #yew #leptos #dioxus #wasm-framework #rust
  100. yew-scroll

    🔝 A sleek and customizable Yew component for effortless scroll to top functionality

    v0.1.1 #yew-component #yew #scroll-to-top #rust
  101. mvt-reader

    decoding and reading mapbox vector tiles in Rust and WebAssembly

    v1.6.0 150 #pbf #wasm-module #mvt #web-assembly #wasm #rust
  102. launchpadlib

    accessing Launchpad.net

    v0.4.2 360 #launchpad #rust #api #api-bindings #resources
  103. rust_kafka_like

    A Kafka-like message broker in Rust

    v0.1.0 #message-broker #kafka #broker #message #rust
  104. cargo-consolidate

    A command-line tool to consolidate dependencies in a Rust workspace

    v0.1.0 #workspace #cargo #cargo-toml #dependencies #rust
  105. flush

    A Fluent Shell

    v0.2.0 #shell #fluent #command-line #ergonomics #rust
  106. img_rcc

    image processing with CUDA, C

    v0.1.0 150 #image-processing #cuda #gpu #benchmark #cpu-gpu #rust #computer-vision
  107. dialogue-macro

    An extension to dialoguer that simplifies command-line interaction interfaces

    v0.3.3 180 #command-line-interface #dialoguer #macro #rust #user-interface
  108. yew-sidebar

    📁 An ultra-flexible and lightning-fast sidebar component for the Yew framework

    v0.1.4 #yew #yew-component #sidebar #rust
  109. webfinger-rs

    A WebFinger client and library written in Rust

    v0.0.12 #http-client #client #webfinger #cli #http-request #library #rust
  110. advanced_string_generator

    A command-line tool for generating strings based on customizable regex patterns

    v0.1.2 #string-pattern #regex #generator #command-line-tool #rust
  111. scroll-rs

    🖱️ A headless, customizable scroll-to-target component for WASM frameworks like Yew, Dioxus, and Leptos

    v0.2.2 #scroll #yew #dioxus #leptos #wasm-framework #rust
  112. rusty-anthropic

    SDK for interacting with the Anthropic API, supporting Vision and more

    v0.1.1 #anthropic #api-key #sdk #api-client #api-bindings #rust #api
  113. rucron

    Job Scheduling Crate

    v0.1.6 130 #job-scheduling #job-scheduler #cron-scheduler #cron #scheduler #rust
  114. rocketmq-example

    Unofficial Rust implementation of Apache RocketMQ

    v0.3.0 #rocketmq-client #rocketmq-rust #apache-rocketmq #rust #rocketmq-rs
  115. relgen

    CLI tool for generating Pull Requests to multiple repositories

    v0.1.3 #pull-request #github #rust #command-line-tool #generate #command-line-interface #cli
  116. genesis_rs

    Enabling developers with Genesis. Genesis is a powerful, flexible, and user-friendly project starter tool designed for Go and Rust developers. It streamlines the initial setup process…

    v2.0.0 #go #genesis #starter #generate #rust
  117. rustui_merge_prototype

    Tailwind Merge and Variants

    v0.3.1 #tailwind #variant #tailwind-css #leptos #css #rust
  118. ms_toollib

    Algorithms for Minesweeper

    v1.4.11 #minesweeper #algorithm #solver #game #rust
  119. cands_cli

    Digitalservo USBCAN CLI

    v0.1.3 #japan #rust #command-line-tool #cli
  120. vercel_runtime

    Vercel Rust Function Runtime

    v1.1.4 1.4K #vercel #function #serverless #functions #rust
  121. rust-sasa

    RustSASA is a Rust library for computing the absolute solvent accessible surface area (ASA/SASA) of each atom in a given protein structure using the Shrake-Rupley algorithm

    v0.2.4 #bioinformatics #sasa #rust
  122. webvtt-parser

    WebVTT parser for Rust

    v1.0.0-beta.4-rc.5 600 #subtitle #parser #web-vtt #rust
  123. pyszczek

    C compatible library to show an animal face

    v0.1.11 360 #face #ffi #c #animal #rust
  124. polymers

    Modeling Library

    v0.3.7 450 #julia #python #rust
  125. version-manager

    version manager for your projects

    v2.5.0 #version #rust #manager
  126. sensor-core

    Core library for the sensor-bridge/display project

    v1.12.26 180 #sensor #display #embedded #desktop-applications #rust
  127. goup-version

    goup is an elegant Go version manager

    v0.9.6 220 #version-manager #goup #golang #tool #rust
  128. lineic

    Flexible linear interpolator for Rust

    v0.4.0 #interpolation #math #rust #mathematics #algorithm
  129. upcloud-sdk

    Async UpCloud API client for Rust

    v0.1.1 260 #async #client #api-client #upcloud #rust #api-bindings #api
  130. xpwd

    quick password generator for enhanced security

    v1.0.4 #password #security #rust
  131. nightly2version

    #[no_std] and fast crate a Rust version to a timestamp and vice-versa (along other things)

    v1.83.0 100 #version #nightly #rust
  132. morse_code_parser

    A Morse code parser and decoder implemented in Rust

    v0.1.2 200 #morse #parser #rust
  133. specler

    way to write specifications on values

    v0.18.0 1.8K #specification #validation #rust
  134. rusty-format

    rusty_format is a Rust crate that provides a simple and flexible way to create, manage, and handle cookies and client

    v0.1.4 290 #server #ssr #web #rust
  135. prefix-tree-rs

    A Trie (prefix tree) implementation

    v0.1.1 210 #prefix-tree #trie #data-structures #rust
  136. rocketmq-cli

    Unofficial Rust implementation of Apache RocketMQ

    v0.3.0 #rocketmq-client #rocketmq-rust #apache-rocketmq #rust #rocketmq-rs
  137. shopping-parser

    A Rust-based parser for parsing structured product information and shopping lists, supporting multiple currencies and units

    v0.1.1 130 #shopping #parser #cli #rust #json-file #cli-parser
  138. rust_redux

    A Redux-like state management library for Rust

    v0.1.0 #state-management #redux #rust
  139. i18nrs

    🌐 A highly customizable Internationalization (i18n) component for WASM frameworks like Yew, Dioxus, and Leptos

    v0.1.3 #leptos #yew #dioxus #wasm-framework #internationalization #rust
  140. algolia-monitoring-rs

    interacting with the Algolia Monitoring API

    v0.1.6 #monitoring #api-client #algolia #performance-monitoring #http-request #rust
  141. wasm-coredump-builder

    Wasm coredump builder API for Rust

    v0.2.2 1.9K #coredump #wasm #api #rust #generate
  142. ts-bind

    easy to use Rust crate for TypeScript bindings

    v0.1.7 #typescript-bindings #generate-typescript #typescript #full-stack #bindings #rust
  143. neurotic

    A neural network library written for Rust

    v0.2.1 #neural-network #machine-learning #ai #rust #machinelearning
  144. aag_cli_tools

    A set of command-line tools

    v0.1.0 #tool #rust #cli-tool #cli #date-time
  145. r-perms

    Una herramienta de línea de comandos para calcular permisos granulares en aplicaciones basadas en roles

    v0.1.2 #permissions #role #security #rust #cli
  146. schema_generator

    initially created for parsing XML files containing forestry data and generating corresponding Rust structs. It parses XML documents and automatically generates Rust data structures that map XML elements to fields…

    v0.1.2 #xml #json-xml #json #convert-json #parser #json-file #rust
  147. rust-assistant

    Rust Assistant Library

    v0.5.0 290 #assistant #gpt #chatgpt #openai #rust
  148. todor

    cli TODO in Rust

    v1.10.0 #command-line #todo #task-manager #rust #cli
  149. ocaml-boxroot-sys

    Boxroot for OCaml: fast movable GC roots (C API)

    v0.3.1 54K #ocaml #foreign-interface #ffi #rust #smart-pointers
  150. rustgenhash

    generate hashes from the command line

    v0.10.0 #hash #password-hashing #password-hash #hashes #cryptography #rust #command-line-interface
  151. open_ai_rust

    Open AI SDK for Rust. To my knowledge, the only fully comprehensive and up-to-date Open AI crate built in and for Rust. Provides both low-level control with high level ergonomics for…

    v0.2.8 290 #openai #sdk #api #ai-api #library #rust #api-bindings
  152. ampapi

    An API that allows you to communicate with AMP installations from within Rust

    v0.1.6 #amp #api-client #rust #api #api-url #install #api-calls
  153. dredd-rs

    rules engine for Rust, adapted from the Dredd implementation for Android

    v0.1.8 #rules #engine #dredd #rust
  154. hide_qr

    creating QR codes with hidden messages

    v1.0.1 #qr #secret #steganography #hide #error-correction #rust
  155. zhobo

    A cross-platform TUI database viewer written in Rust. Personally maintained gobang project

    v0.1.0 150 #tui #database #rust #terminal #cli
  156. ff_rithmic_api

    Rithmic api for easy connection to rithmic RProtocol servers

    v0.2.4 #algorithmic-trading #rithmic #proto-file #crate #rust #api-bindings #api
  157. bodkin

    Proc macro to simplify the integration of Arrow Data

    v0.1.16 1.6K #apache-arrow #proc-macro #rust #macro-derive
  158. quick_pswd

    quick password generator for enhanced security

    v1.0.3 #password-generator #password #security #rust #cli-password
  159. rastapi

    REST API library inspired by python FastAPI/Flask

    v0.1.0 130 #rest #http #file-content #fastapi #rust #file-upload #api
  160. ronky

    Export a part of the Rust AST to JSON

    v0.0.25 340 #ast #json #exporter #development-tools #rust
  161. mssmt

    Merkle-Sum Sparse Merkle Tree (MS-SMT)

    v0.0.3 #merkle-tree #data-structures #sparse-merkle-tree #rust
  162. jfetch

    command-line system information tool written tool like neofetch but in rust 🦀

    v0.0.7 #system-information #fetch #cargo #command-line-tool #cross-paltform #screenfetch #rust
  163. aarambh-net

    HTTP, TCP, and UDP clients and servers

    v0.1.2 190 #tcp-udp #http #udp #tcp #rust #http-request #setup
  164. anthropic-rs

    Anthropic Rust SDK

    v0.1.7 200 #anthropic #ai #api-client #rust #ai-api
  165. animi-okapi

    Structs for OpenAPI (AKA Swagger) documents

    v0.9.1 #openapi #swagger #generate-documentation #web-api #rust #web-framework
  166. privatemail

    Service to forward custom emails to personal email server

    v0.2.4 #email #mail-server #aws-lambda #security #lambda #aws #rust
  167. yolo-rs

    YOLO object detection model in Rust. Currently on YOLO v11.

    v0.1.1 170 #onnx #object-detection #yolo #machine-learning #rust
  168. rust-style-guide

    applying Rust coding guidelines

    v0.1.4 370 #coding #guidelines #style-guide #rust
  169. convex-typegen

    Type safe bindings for ConvexDB in Rust

    v0.1.1 #type #convex #typegen #types #database #rust #table-column
  170. goup-rs

    goup is an elegant Go version manager

    v0.9.6 190 #version-manager #goup #golang #tool #rust
  171. rusty_kan

    Kolmogorov-Arnold Networks in Rust

    v0.1.1 #data-science #machine-learning #deep-learning #rust #networking
  172. rusql-alchemy

    Rust Alchemy is Django ORM like lib for Rust

    v0.4.1-rc #orm #lib #django-orm #rust
  173. goup-downloader

    goup is an elegant Go version manager

    v0.9.6 190 #version-manager #goup #golang #tool #rust #tar-archive
  174. json_to_markdown

    convert JSON data into well-structured Markdown format

    v0.1.0 #json #markdown #convert-json #serde #conversion #convert #rust
  175. copilot-rs

    SDK for interacting with chat models, providing easy-to-use functions and tools

    v0.1.2 #sdk #macro #chat-model #rust #function-tools
  176. ergani

    Rust SDK for the Greek government Ergani API for employee workflows

    v0.1.14 #sdk #api-client #rust #api
  177. next-rs

    📈 UI in Rust made simple

    v0.0.13 #next #yew #web-apps #rust
  178. rsclip

    CLI utility to copy the contents of a file to the clipboard written in Rust

    v0.2.1 #clipboard #command-line-tool #file-copy #file-content #rust #cli
  179. rusty-roots

    CLI tool that replicates the Unix 'tree' command with enhanced features

    v0.3.0 270 #directory-tree #tree #filesystem #directory-structure #unix-command #command-line-tool #rust
  180. thumbs

    A lightning fast version copy/pasting like vimium/vimperator

    v0.7.1 #tmux #vimium #tmux-plugin #vimperator #rust
  181. revolt_okapi

    Structs for OpenAPI (AKA Swagger) documents

    v0.9.1 420 #documentation-generator #openapi #swagger #generate-documentation #rocket-web #web-api #rust
  182. quantum_cryptographic_toolkit

    A toolkit for developing, testing, and deploying quantum-resistant cryptographic algorithms

    v0.2.0 #post-quantum-cryptography #cryptography #post-quantum #key-exchange #quantum #signature-scheme #rust
  183. compare_version

    comparing semantic versioning strings and checking version compatibility

    v0.2.2 310 #version #comparison #semantic-version #semver #compare #rust
  184. noteit

    command-line notes application for managing personal notes

    v1.0.0 #notes #productivity #rust #command-line-utilities #cli
  185. jni_helper

    java function descriptor generate

    v0.1.4 350 #java #generate #kotlin #rust
  186. rusty-render

    Rust-based server that listens on a TCP socket and renders HTML pages dynamically based on incoming requests

    v0.1.14 550 #html #render #server #ssr #rust
  187. afetch

    A CLI system information tool written in Rust

    v0.0.7 #system-information #fetch #tool #color #command-line-tool #rust #text-color
  188. websocket_toolkit

    A WebSocket toolkit for Rust, enabling efficient real-time communication with flexible reconnection and message handling capabilities

    v0.2.0 150 #websocket #real-time #web-socket #async #networking #rust #exponential-backoff
  189. cos_upload

    uploading files to COS (Cloud Object Storage)

    v0.1.1 #cloud-storage #upload #object-storage #cos #rust
  190. imggen

    image generator

    v0.1.0 #image-generation #image #generator #rust
  191. geocoder

    that provides an easy way to use the Google Geocoding API

    v0.1.2 #google-maps #latitude-longitude #geocoding #api-bindings #rust #tokio
  192. transitive

    derive macros for Rust

    v1.0.1 2.6K #macro-derive #convert #macro #path #rust #converting #try-from
  193. asana

    bindings for rust

    v0.1.1 #api-bindings #api-client #rust #generated-bindings
  194. mcts-rs

    Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS) using an arena allocator

    v0.1.0 #arena-allocator #mcts #tree-search #monte-carlo #monte-carlo-tree-search #search-algorithms #rust
  195. kaede

    adalah rust library untuk operasi matematika sederhana

    v0.1.2 #matematika #library #rust
  196. snake_ladder

    terminal-based implementation of Snakes and Ladders in Rust

    v0.2.0 310 #game #terminal-game #rust #snakes-and-ladders #board-game
  197. opai

    OpenAI Rust SDK

    v0.3.2 #openai #ai #rust
  198. fuzzy-pickles

    A low-level parser of Rust source code with high-level visitor implementations

    v0.1.1 #tokenizer #parser #rust
  199. senpy-ffi

    FFI bindings for senpy-rs

    v0.1.3 #anime #senpy #senpy-club #rust #safe-bindings
  200. sequential_gen

    sequential generator

    v0.1.2 300 #sequential #generator #data-structures #sequential-generator #rust
  201. facere

    project to create typescript files with rust :)

    v0.1.8 #typescript #generate-typescript #scaffold #rust #command-line-tool #cli
  202. term_tools

    Colorize Your Terminal with Term-Tools: A Rust-powered Formatting Tool

    v0.1.0 #terminal #tool #cli #coloize #rust
  203. senpy-cli

    Command-line interface to The Senpy Club API

    v0.1.2 #senpy #anime #rust #json-file #yaml #command-line-interface
  204. speedymd

    A CLI tool for setting up Markdown speedily

    v0.1.3 140 #markdown #setting-up #rust #command-line-tool #cli
  205. colorlight

    detecting and sending frames to Colorlight 5A-75 LED receiver cards via Ethernet

    v0.1.0 #ethernet #led #rust #dataframe
  206. get-full-year

    An unofficial Rust client for getfullyear.com that helps you get the full year

    v1.0.0 #year #enterprise #fetching #rust
  207. data_storage_units

    Unit converter for rust language

    v0.1.2 #unit-conversion #converter #byte-converter #byte-calculator #library #convert-bytes #rust
  208. orch

    Language model orchestration library

    v0.0.16 #language-model #openai #llm #ollama #artificial-intelligence #rust
  209. dingtalk-cli

    CLI tools for dingtalk

    v0.1.0 #dingtalk #sdk #api #api-bindings #rust #cli
  210. rust_sync_force

    Salesforce Sync REST API Client

    v0.3.2 #salesforce #api-client #rust #api
  211. rustlay

    CLI tool for generating Clean Architecture project boilerplates

    v0.1.1 110 #boilerplate #generator #clean-architecture #command-line-tool #rust
  212. licensebat-rust

    get information about your Rust dependencies

    v0.23.0 220 #compliance #license #validation #policy #rust
  213. rusty-jwt

    encoding and decoding JSON Web Tokens (JWT)

    v0.1.14 #jwt #json-web-token #authentication #rust
  214. gyazo_client

    Gyazo Client for Rust

    v0.2.7 #gyazo #client #api-client #rust #async #api #file-upload
  215. twilly

    Twilio API in Rust built upon Reqwest and Serde

    v0.2.1 #twilio #http-request #reqwest #api-client #rust #api-access #api
  216. fix-getters-rules

    Fix get functions name by removing the get prefix when applicable

    v0.3.2 1.2K #getter #migration #programming #code #rust
  217. rusty_units

    storing units of measurement in Rust

    v0.1.0 #units #measurement #unit #rust
  218. specler_arbitrary

    For generating arbitrary values for specler specifications

    v0.18.0 550 #specification #validation #rust
  219. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  220. embedded-io-extras

    Additional utilities for embedded-io, including a Cursor type for no_std environments

    v0.0.2 #cursor #embedded #rust #std-io #no-std
  221. pl_0

    pl/0 compiler implemented in rust

    v0.1.1 #vm #complier #rust #parser
  222. trapezoid

    A PSX emulator, backed by vulkano for rendering

    v0.1.2 #vulkan #psx #emulator #emulation #rust #games-and-graphics
  223. qrcoder

    CLI tool that generates a QR code from a given string

    v0.2.1 #qr #command-line-tool #string #generate #rust #cli
  224. sacloud-rs

    Rust SDK for Sakura Internet API

    v0.1.0 #sakura #rust #api #internet #sdk
  225. hiveware

    A fast and minimal wrapper for the nix package manager

    v0.1.1 #nix-package #package-manager #nix #package-management #hive #command-line-tool #rust
  226. gents

    generate Typescript interfaces from Rust code

    v0.8.0 #generate-typescript #typescript #interface #wasm #ts-rs #rust
  227. rs_container_ffi

    Wrap Rust Vec, std::collections::{BTreeMap, BTreeSet} for C

    v2025.1.6 270 #container #ffi #c #rust
  228. chip-ahoyto

    A CHIP-8 emulator in Rust

    v0.4.2 #chip8 #emulator #rust
  229. entoli

    A functional programming library inspired by haskell

    v0.1.2 #functional-programming #functional #haskell #fp #prelude #rust
  230. cfpyo3_rs_core

    a collection of performant utilities

    v0.1.13 #pyo3 #rust #python
  231. jankenstore

    Database operation helpers library

    v0.2.0 #helper #sqlite #database #rust
  232. mesh

    Rust SDK to build AI-powered apps

    v0.5.2 #ai #anthropic #openai #replicate #rust
  233. synerlogikos

    A high-level, generic, abstracted Rust library for building any integration. It is designed to abstract away common patterns found in all integrations multiple times.

    v0.2.1 #integration #webhook #automation #api-bindings #rust
  234. git-commitizen

    commitizen CLI tool in rust

    v0.1.1 #conventional-commits #git-commit #git #commitizen #command-line-tool #rust
  235. ocaml-sys

    Low-level OCaml bindings for Rust

    v0.25.0 63K #ocaml #ffi #rust #extension
  236. aqara-cli

    CLI tools for aqara

    v0.1.0 #iot #zigbee #cli #aqara #rust #api-bindings
  237. yikes-intenum

    Augment integer-based enums with an unknown variant; a macro that makes you say "yikes!"

    v0.0.4 410 #enums #variant #unknown #say #rust #macro #yikes
  238. rustle_cli

    The CLI for the Svelte compiler, rewritten in Rust

    v0.1.3 #svelte #compiler #nodejs #rust
  239. replic

    Replicate Rust SDK

    v0.1.3 #artificial-intelligence #replicate #ai #api-client #rust
  240. serenity_utils

    provide additional utilies for Discord bots created with serenity

    v0.7.0 #discord-bot #serenity #discord #utilities #rust