
  1. quote

    Quasi-quoting macro quote!(...)

    v1.0.38 17.8M #proc-macro #syntax-tree #macro #syn #macros
  2. gix-quote

    gitoxide project dealing with various quotations used by git

    v0.4.14 506K #git #quote #version-control #gitoxide #string #quotations #different
  3. yahoo_finance_api

    adapter for the yahoo! finance API to fetch histories of market data quotes

    v2.4.0 1.4K #market-data #quote #stock #finance #api-bindings #yahoo #http-request
  4. lovesay

    but rusty

    v1.0.0 #quote #love #color-scheme #command-line-arguments #env-vars #variables #different
  5. quote-use

    Support use in procmacros hygienically

    v0.8.4 470K #proc-macro #macro #statement #quote #hygienically #types
  6. syn_derive

    Derive macros for syn::Parse and quote::ToTokens

    v0.2.0 627K #macro-derive #syn #parser #attributes #quote #tokens #boilerplate
  7. splitty

    a string splitter taking quotes into account

    v1.0.2 4.1K #quote #string #split #character #no-std
  8. enquote

    Quotes and unquotes strings

    v1.1.0 73K #string #quote #unquote #unquotes #unescapes
  9. template-quote

    A new-fasioned quote! macro implementation with pretty template-engine like syntax

    v0.4.2 340 #proc-macro #quote #macro #syn
  10. rust-format

    source code formatting crate with a unified interface for string, file, and TokenStream input

    v0.3.4 111K #formatter #rustfmt #quote #format-string #file-input #prettyplease #format-file
  11. fortune-rs

    classic BSD fortune program

    v0.1.0 #fortune #quote #command-line #game #cli
  12. supply-chain-trust-example-crate-000004

    Quasi-quoting macro quote!(...)

    v1.0.38 #proc-macro #macro #syn #quote #tokens #quasi-quoting #repetition
  13. call2-for-syn

    Apply parser functions to proc-macro2 token streams

    v3.0.4 140 #token-stream #proc-macro #macro-helpers #syn #functions #apply #quote
  14. safe-quote

    A fork of quote crate that adds forbid(unsafe_code) and depends on safe-proc-macro2 instead of proc-macro2

    v1.0.15 25K #proc-macro #syntax-tree #quote #tokens #syn #procedural #quasi-quoting
  15. quoty

    CLI program that returns a programming quote

    v0.2.5 #quote #programming #cli #random #author
  16. crowbook-text-processing

    some utilities functions for escaping text (HTML/LaTeX) and formatting it according to typographic rules (smart quotes, ellipsis, french typograhic rules)

    v1.1.1 150 #escaping #text-formatting #quote #ellipsis #latex #rules #html
  17. quasiquote

    quote compatible quasiquote macro with support for interpolating expressions

    v0.1.1 #quote #macro #proc-macro #expressions #interpolation #syntax #compatible
  18. dcap-rs

    Intel Data Center Attestation Primitives (DCAP) Quote Verification Library (QVL) implemented in pure Rust

    v0.1.0 130 #quote #dcap #sgx #tdx #rust #datacenter
  19. cli_tool

    A CLI tool

    v0.1.0 160 #command-line-tool #sorting #quote #date #clear #reverse #random
  20. quote2

    An alternative lightweight version of quote

    v0.9.0 800 #quote #proc-macro #token-stream #version #performance #instance #direct
  21. uniquote

    Quote strings for clear display in output

    v4.0.0 190 #path #quote #print #osstr #unprintable #file-path #no-alloc
  22. dcap-ql

    Idiomatic Rust bindings for libsgx_dcap_ql. SGX: Software Guard Extensions DCAP: DataCenter Attestation Primitives QL: Quoting Library

    v0.4.0 1.9K #intel-sgx #sgx #dcap #sgx-enclave #quote #datacenter #extension
  23. motivation1

    generate a motivational quote

    v0.1.0 130 #cli #motivation #quote #generate #motivational
  24. mc-sgx-dcap-quoteverify

    Rust wrappers for the libsgx_dcap_quoteverify library

    v0.11.0 320 #intel-sgx #sgx #quote #attestation #dcap #verification #api-bindings
  25. trawlcat

    A CLI for fetching value of trawl resource while omitting surrounding quotes

    v0.2.10 #resources #quote #x11 #configuration #trawl #value #fetching
  26. proc-quote

    A procedural macro implementation of quote!

    v0.4.0 4.3K #proc-macro #syntax-tree #quote #procedural #tokens #syn #quasi-quoting
  27. litime

    A command line tool to display the current time ish with a literature quote

    v3.3.0 #quote #time #command-line #command-line-tool #literature #display #terminal
  28. typing_test

    Typing speed test in rust

    v0.2.6 650 #speed-test #typing #quote #words #themes
  29. mdbook-curly-quotes

    mdBook preprocessor that replaces straight quotes with curlyquotes, except within code blocks or code spans

    v0.4.37 #mdbook #quote #markdown #replace #curly #straight
  30. aris_1

    Package 1

    v0.1.3 #tick #position #price #token #quote #liquidity #reward
  31. proc-macro2-fallback

    Only the non-libproc_macro-based codepath of the proc-macro2 crate

    v1.0.66 #proc-macro #build #compiler #quote #syn #codepath
  32. snailquote

    Escape and unescape strings with shell-inspired quoting

    v0.3.1 23K #escaping #quote #shell-escape
  33. rquote

    A command line tool that prints random quotes. Essentially fortune, but written in Rust.

    v0.1.0 #quote #fortune #file #prints #random #line #tool
  34. avatarsay

    Beautiful quotes from Avatar: The Last Airbender

    v0.1.1 #quote #avatar #terminal #last #image #display #airbender
  35. thus-saith

    Thus saith my waifu!

    v0.4.0 150 #quote #character #waifu #config-file #saith #per #time
  36. csv-tools

    reading, creating and manipulating CSV files easily

    v1.1.1 #csv #parser #data #reading #read #io #quote
  37. comma-separated

    Iterator over a comma-seperated string, ignoring any commas inside quotes

    v0.1.0 180 #comma #quote #iterator #string #separated #comma-seperated #ignoring
  38. csv-sniffer

    A CSV file format sniffer for Rust

    v0.3.1 3.5K #csv #file-format #data #character #quote #delimiter #details
  39. wiserone

    Daily nuggets of wisdom in a clean, minimalist design, inspiring deeper thought and personal growth with every visit

    v0.0.5 #quote #reflection #insight #wisdom #inspiration #csv #json-file
  40. quote_into

    Easily & efficiently generate code by quoting it in a macro

    v0.2.0 5.1K #proc-macro #quote #macro #performance #syn
  41. regex_quote_fixer

    Rewrites grep regexpressions for the use in the regex crate

    v0.2.1 100 #regex #grep #convert #string #quote #translation #regexpression
  42. finnhub-rust

    Rust client for Finnhub

    v0.1.9 350 #finnhub #api-client #tokio #api-key #quote
  43. quoted

    CLI program to print a random quote from a JSON list

    v0.1.2 #quote #json-configuration #random #config-file #user #cli #json-file
  44. lily

    command-line tool to give you positivity and encouragement!

    v0.4.0 #quote #command-line-tool #positivity #quotes #cli
  45. quote-impersonated

    Quasi-quoting macro quote!(...)

    v0.1.0 #proc-macro #syntax-tree #quasi-quoting #syn #quote #procedural #tokens
  46. dcap-provider

    DCAP quote provider using the Intel Trusted Services API as a backend. This crate compiles into libdcap_quoteprov.so, which is needed as a backend when using libsgx_dcap_ql. To use this library…

    v0.4.0 #intel-sgx #dcap #sgx #quote #back-end #pck #api-service
  47. quote-generator

    This project is a .deb package for generating random quote thanks to the dummyjson API

    v1.0.0 #quote #generator #motivationnal-quote #generate
  48. quote-it

    A quoting utility in the terminal

    v0.1.0 #quote #fun #quotes #command-line-tool #cli
  49. dequote

    Remove nested quotes around text

    v0.9.0 #quote #trim #quotes #text-processing #no-std #nostd
  50. quotick

    Embedded tick market data (trade, quote, ..) database storage optimized for billions of data points

    v0.2.3 #market-data #tick #data-points #optimized #trade #epoch #quote
  51. kanyey

    cli tool for generating quotes in your terminal from Kanye West

    v0.1.3 #quote #terminal #kanye #image #command-line-tool #west #generate
  52. windows_quote

    Code gen support for the windows crate

    v0.30.0 1.6K #gen #windows-quote #quote #windows
  53. unwrap-enum

    generate methods to access enum variants

    v0.1.0 #enums #variant #quote #macro #methods #generate #unwrap
  54. proc-macro2-impersonated

    A substitute implementation of the compiler’s proc_macro API

    v0.1.1 #proc-macro #macro #syn #quote #context #spans #source
  55. etrade

    Wraps the etrade API and implements the oauth flows

    v0.6.0 #stocks #quote #finance #api-client #stock-options #api-bindings #secret-store
  56. winsplit

    split string into command line arguments mirroring CommandLineToArgV with VC 2008 parsing rules

    v0.1.0 12K #windows #split #quote #words #shell #command-line-arguments
  57. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  58. syn_builder

    Builder functions for syn structures and enums to ease the generation of Rust code

    v0.2.0 #syn #meta-programming #quote #proc-macro
  59. fin_model

    The provider-neutral model for financial operations

    v0.1.2 #financial-data #financial #quote #company #stock #data-provider #data-model
  60. flexgen

    A flexible, yet simple quote-based code generator for creating beautiful Rust code

    v0.4.5 #generate #doctest #quote #syn #config-file
  61. squote

    A clone of the quote crate that uses a String as its backing store

    v0.1.2 650 #quote #string #token-stream #backed #popular #sorting #store
  62. quote-data

    A tokenization Library for Rust

    v1.0.0 #token-stream #macro-derive #quote #tokenization #proc-macro #data #enums
  63. awzod

    Manager of Awesome Shakhzod

    v0.1.4 #quote #shakhzod #kudratov #awesome #collection #manager #source
  64. quote-alias

    A helper macro for easily reusing static token streams

    v1.0.3 #token-stream #macro-helpers #macro #proc-macro #quote #syn #macros
  65. syn_str

    what syn is to proc_macro::TokenStream for proc_macro::TokenStream::to_string,quote! being format! with String::parse::<TokenStream>

    v0.1.58 #proc-macro #string #macro #syn #procedural #quote #str
  66. squ

    command-line utility for converting quotation marks in plaintext files to "smart quotes"

    v0.1.0 #quote #smart #convert #quotes #command-line #line #command
  67. intel-tee-quote-verification-rs

    Intel(R) TEE Quote Verification Rust Library

    v0.3.0 260 #quote #intel #tee #verification #sgx #linux #attestation
  68. perm-text

    curling straight/dumb quotation marks ("") and apostrophes (') into their curly/smart (“”’) equivalents

    v1.0.4 #quote #text #apostrophes #cli #curly #command-line-tool
  69. sin

    Sin aims to be an alternative to the proc-macro2/syn ecosystem geared towards developer UX and custom syntax parsing

    v0.0.2 #syn #proc-macro #quote #parser
  70. speak_bot

    Run a Discord bot that responds to mentions

    v1.0.0 #discord-bot #discord #quote #responds #mentions #token
  71. csvstream

    Serialize and deserialize CSV streams

    v0.2.0 #csv #field #parser #record #quote #deserialize #double
  72. motivator

    Indulge in some motivation via random quote(s)

    v0.7.1 #quote #json-file #motivation #random #command-line #indulge #cli
  73. decent-synquote-alternative

    alternative to the syn and quote crates for when you want to write your own derive proc-macro. It was originally based on the microserde code, but has grown a lot since then. It is not as complete…

    v0.4.0 #proc-macro #syn #quote #compile #write #was #own
  74. rains

    💹 命令行 A 股沪深北证股票信息行情数据查询工具

    v0.2.2 #quote #ci #stock #命令行 #股沪深北证股票信息行情数据查询工具 #command-line #💹
  75. iroha

    A tokenization Library for Rust

    v0.1.7 #tokenization #quote #enums #derive #foo-bar #implemented #macro-derive
  76. korwin

    Janusz Korwin-Mikke quotes generator

    v0.4.0 #korwin-mikke #generator #quote #janusz
  77. catalist

    Cat, but for lists

    v0.8.0 #cat #list #cli #read #content #data #quote
  78. standalone-quote

    Fork of quote that allows disabling the proc-macro feature in proc-macro2 so as to remove the rustc dylib dependency

    v0.5.0 #proc-macro #quote #tokens #fork #rustc #remove #dylib
  79. synthez-core

    Internal implementations of synthez crate

    v0.3.1 88K #syn #proc-macro #synthez #quote #codegen
  80. fin_iex

    The IEX provider for financial operations

    v0.1.2 #financial #quote #stock #company
  81. dcap-ql-sys

    Bindings for libsgx_dcap_ql. SGX: Software Guard Extensions DCAP: DataCenter Attestation Primitives QL: Quoting Library

    v0.2.1 500 #intel-sgx #sgx #dcap #quote #datacenter #api-bindings
  82. make-quote

    A funny toy project that can help you generate a image from someone's quote

    v0.5.3 110 #image #generate #quote #font #user-input #help #funny
  83. quote-doctest

    doctest generator for quote

    v0.3.2 #doctest #quote #macro #syn
  84. pgident

    escaping and quoting Postgres identifiers/names

    v0.0.3 #postgresql #escaping #sql-database #quote #sql #database #escape
  85. lovecraft

    brings back the Lovecraft quotes on panic

    v0.2.0 #quote #panic #back #met #disorder #bring #own
  86. financeapi

    API for financeapi.net

    v0.1.1 #stock #quote #finance #etf #api-key #api-bindings
  87. dcap-qvl

    implements the quote verification logic for DCAP (Data Center Attestation Primitives) in pure Rust

    v0.2.0 250 #quote #dcap #primitive #verify #attestation #sgx #pure
  88. synthax

    Synthesize syntax with quasiquoting plugins

    v0.4.1 #plugin #syntax #quasiquoting #quote #synthesize #quoted #token
  89. unquote

    A reverse quote macro... that is: A macro to parse input from a ParseStream according to a given pattern.

    v0.0.7 #syn #quote #macro #parse-input #reverse #pattern #parse-stream
  90. ssv

    SSV means Space-Separated Values, and is an alternative to CSV

    v0.1.0 #byte #values #line-break #row #quote #csv #spacing
  91. strfile

    Tiny package to read strfile headers

    v0.1.2 #fortune #header #tiny #read #quote #reading #utility
  92. swq

    Fetch and add Star Wars quotes (and GIFs!) from the CLI

    v0.1.3 #quote #gif #sw
  93. stockquote

    Safe and easy to use stock quote library. All data coming from Yahoo Finance.

    v0.1.2 #quote #stock #finance #yahoo #data #coming
  94. smart_quotes

    Heuristic for implementing smart quotes

    v0.1.0 #quote #smart #heuristic #decision #character #opening #would
  95. random_quote

    Pull a random quote from zenquotes.io

    v0.1.3 #quote #random #pull #io #zenquotes
  96. stoicsay

    A command line tool to print a random quote from the Stoics

    v0.1.0 #quote #command-line #cli #stoicism #command-line-tool
  97. ruquotes

    command line tool to get random quotes

    v0.2.0 #quote #random #line #command-line #command-line-tool #api
  98. kanye

    KAAS (Kanye As A Service)

    v0.1.1 #quote #service #kaas
  99. nq

    no quotes

    v0.0.6 #quote #commit #git-commit #alias #gcnq
  100. forismatic

    Thin API wrapper for Forismatic, an online quote provider

    v0.3.1 #thin #quote #provider #online #api
  101. intel-tee-quote-verification-sys

    Intel(R) TEE Quote Verification Rust Library

    v0.2.1 2.2K #verification #quote #tee #intel #sgx-dcap-quoteverify #intel-sgx
  102. teepot-tee-quote-verification-rs

    Fork of intel-tee-quote-verification-rs

    v0.2.2 #intel-sgx #key-value-store #quote #tee #verification #attestation #remote
  103. quote-use-macros

    Support use in procmacros hygienically

    v0.8.4 559K #macro #quote #proc-macro #quote-use #hygienically #prelude #ident
  104. gcnq

    gcq ab cd ... = git commit -m 'ab cd ...'

    v0.0.3 #git-commit #cd #alias #gcq #quote #ab