
  1. paste

    Macros for all your token pasting needs

    v1.0.15 7.2M #macro #identifier #pasting #token #compiler #define #no-alloc
  2. meep

    pasting service

    v1.0.1 #pasting #pastebin #rocket #service #syntax-highlighting #pastebin-service #curl
  3. grids

    2D grid data structure for games

    v0.2.3 #2d-grid #game #structure #cloning #pasting #glam #offset
  4. bins

    pasting from the terminal

    v2.0.0 #github #pastebin #gist #snippets #pasting #fedora #bitbucket
  5. keypaste

    Paste clipboard contents by simulating keystrokes

    v0.1.0 #clipboard #paste #content #virtual-machine #pasting #simulating #key
  6. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  7. affix

    Macros for all your token pasting needs. Fork of https://github.com/dtolnay/paste with casing fixed

    v0.1.2 116K #paste #macro #pasting #fork #token #case #changing
  8. polywrap_paste

    Macros for all your token pasting needs

    v1.0.0 #macro #paste #pasting #token #pasted #identifier
  9. paste-test-suite

    Test suite of the paste crate

    v0.0.0 850 #paste #identifier #macro #concatenated #suite #pasting #token
  10. llm-minify

    shrink files when pasting into LLMs

    v0.1.1 #llm #pasting #file #xml #shrink #numbers
  11. aorist_paste

    A fork of the paste module: (v 1.0.4) with a small change for inflector behavior. Do not use unless using the aorist project.

    v0.0.1 #paste #macro #token #pasting #pasted #aorist #change