
  1. anyhow

    Flexible concrete Error type built on std::error::Error

    v1.0.95 9.5M #error #error-handling #idiomatic #concrete #flexible #object #built
  2. object

    A unified interface for reading and writing object file formats

    v0.36.7 6.1M #object-file #file-format #read-file
  3. typetag

    Serde serializable and deserializable trait objects

    v0.2.19 358K #serialization #traits #serde #object #deserialize #serializable #deserializable
  4. erased-serde

    Type-erased Serialize and Serializer traits

    v0.4.5 2.0M #serde #traits #serializer-deserializer #erasure #object #erased #object-safe
  5. slotmap

    data structure

    v1.0.7 1.0M #graph-node #reference #arena #arena-allocator #data-structures #storage #object
  6. mockall

    A powerful mock object library for Rust

    v0.13.1 1.9M #unit-testing #mocking #testing #object #language #applications #real
  7. object_store

    A generic object store interface for uniformly interacting with AWS S3, Google Cloud Storage, Azure Blob Storage and local files

    v0.11.2 921K #cloud-storage #azure-blob #google-cloud #object-storage #object #cloud
  8. elf

    A pure-rust library for parsing ELF files

    v0.7.4 131K #object #binary #parser
  9. js-sys

    Bindings for all JS global objects and functions in all JS environments like Node.js and browsers, built on #[wasm_bindgen] using the wasm-bindgen crate

    v0.3.77 4.0M #object #nodejs #global #web #documentation #mozilla #developer
  10. memfd

    A pure-Rust library to work with Linux memfd and sealing

    v0.6.4 385K #linux-kernel #linux #seal #memfd-create #object
  11. coset

    Set of types for supporting COSE

    v0.3.8 321K #cose #cbor #encryption #object #cryptography #rfc #set
  12. enum_dispatch

    Near drop-in replacement for dynamic-dispatched method calls with up to 10x the speed

    v0.3.13 556K #dynamic-dispatch #traits #performance #optimization #dynamic #speed #object
  13. biodivine-lib-bdd

    thread-safe implementation of basic binary decision diagrams

    v0.5.23 220 #bdd #boolean-expression #boolean #data-structures #behavior #object #symbolic
  14. ptr_meta

    A radioactive stabilization of the ptr_meta rfc

    v0.3.0 1.7M #pointers #metadata #rfc #traits #object #pointee #stabilization
  15. trackable

    way to track objects manually as an alternative to mechanisms like backtracing

    v1.3.0 259K #error #tracking #object #failure #track #mechanism #backtracing
  16. managed

    An interface for logically owning objects, whether or not heap allocation is available

    v0.8.0 179K #memory-management #heap-allocation #ownership #heap-memory #collection #generic #object
  17. valuable

    Object-safe value inspection, used to pass un-typed structured data across trait-object boundaries

    v0.1.1 2.6M #serialization #debugging #object
  18. castaway

    Safe, zero-cost downcasting for limited compile-time specialization

    v0.2.3 1.0M #specialization #cast #specialize #generics #object
  19. swift-rs

    Call Swift from Rust with ease!

    v1.0.7 77K #swift #arrays #ease #functions #build-system #calling #object
  20. serde_arrow

    Convert sequences of Rust objects to Arrow arrays and back again

    v0.12.3 14K #arrow #deserialize #arrays #dataframe #object #convert #format
  21. k8-types

    Kubernetes Object Types

    v0.8.7 10K #kubernetes #object #types #metadata #traits #api
  22. cranelift-entity

    Data structures using entity references as mapping keys

    v0.116.0 462K #entity #data-structures #map #set #reference-data #array #object
  23. mry

    but powerful mocking library that supports struct, trait, and function

    v0.10.0 310 #mocking #traits #structs #async-trait #testing #partial #object
  24. gix-ref

    handle git references

    v0.50.0 541K #git-repository #version-control #reference #file #symbolic #object #stored
  25. census

    Keeps an inventory of living objects

    v0.4.2 185K #inventory #reference-counting #object #garbage #track #tantivy #instance
  26. macho-unwind-info

    A parser for Apple's Compact Unwinding Format, which is used in the __unwind_info section of mach-O binaries

    v0.5.0 2.2K #unwinding #binary-parser #parser #apple #exception #object
  27. elephantry

    Object model manager for PostgreSQL

    v4.0.1 #postgresql #database #object #connection-pool #model
  28. gix-pack

    Implements git packs and related data structures

    v0.57.0 489K #index-file #version-control #pack #git #object #data-structures #packs
  29. rpki

    validating and creating RPKI data

    v0.18.4 550 #public-key #certificate #data #object #security #routing #routing-security
  30. gix-object

    Immutable and mutable git objects with decoding and encoding support

    v0.47.0 541K #git #version-control #codec #object #immutability #mutable #decoding
  31. procspawn

    thread::spawn just with processes

    v1.0.1 3.0K #subprocess #spawn #proc #object
  32. tor-checkable

    Types to ensure that signed or time-bound data is validated before use

    v0.26.0 5.0K #tor #type-state #signature #arti #certificate #data #object
  33. aws-sdk-mediastore

    AWS SDK for AWS Elemental MediaStore

    v1.54.0 350 #aws-sdk #media-store #operation #client #elemental #object #service
  34. clone_dyn

    Derive to clone dyn structures

    v0.29.0 1.8K #traits #proc-macro #cloning #clone #dyn #object #fundamental
  35. conjure-object

    Runtime support for generated Conjure objects

    v4.5.0 #conjure #run-time #generated #object #re-exports #primitive #third-party
  36. gix-diff

    Calculate differences between various git objects

    v0.50.0 489K #version-control #git #difference #object #diffing #calculate #algorithm
  37. aws-sdk-mediastoredata

    AWS SDK for AWS Elemental MediaStore Data Plane

    v1.54.0 360 #aws-sdk #plane #object #data #media-store #elemental #client
  38. gix-hash

    Borrowed and owned git hash digests used to identify git objects

    v0.16.0 548K #version-control #git #digest #git-version #object #owned #borrowed
  39. lgalloc

    Large object allocator

    v0.4.0 4.7K #memory-allocator #object #memory-region
  40. stabby-abi

    stabby’s core ABI, you shouldn’t add this crate to your dependencies, only stabby

    v36.1.1 68K #abi-stable #stabby #traits #compiler-version #sum-types #object #no-alloc
  41. struqture

    HQS tool for representing operators, Hamiltonians and open systems

    v2.0.0-alpha.4 2.3K #quantum-computing #quantum-simulation #sparse-matrix #operator #object #systems #spin
  42. mountpoint-s3-client

    High-performance Amazon S3 client for Mountpoint for Amazon S3

    v0.12.0 700 #amazon-s3 #mountpoint #amazon-web-services #http-client #object #object-storage #aws-sdk
  43. opsview

    API Client Library with batteries included

    v0.1.10 450 #host #configuration-management #monitoring #object #api-client #client-config #rest-client
  44. pyo3-file

    A small helper library for working with python file-like objects with rust

    v0.10.0 3.0K #python #file #pyo3 #read-file #object #file-path #helper
  45. js

    Call JavaScript from WebAssembly

    v0.5.7 120 #wasm #interop #bridge #callback #compilation #javascript #object
  46. allocative

    Inspect rust object tree and output it as flamegraph

    v0.3.4 23K #flame-graph #memory #object #tree #profiler #inspect #memory-size
  47. display-info

    Cross-platform get display info

    v0.5.2 5.6K #display #info #screen #cross-platform #electron #object #instant
  48. duchess

    Silky smooth Java-Rust interop

    v0.3.0 1.0K #java #java-class #interop #smoothing #integration #object #reflection
  49. ipmb

    Inter-process message bus

    v0.8.0-20241122 #ipc #message-bus #inter-process #send-message #send-receive #kernel #object
  50. git_vault

    A simplified version control system built in Rust for local files, quite similar to how git functions

    v0.0.9 #git #git-branch #version-control #control-system #cryptography #development-tools #object
  51. terminus-store

    a triple store library

    v0.21.5 #triple #data-store #object #value #database #subject #node
  52. ra_ap_intern

    Global Arc-based object interning infrastructure for rust-analyzer

    v0.0.259 9.0K #ide #arc #object #interning #language-server #rust-analyzer #infrastructure
  53. leafwing_manifest

    A flexible crate for managing game assets that share a common structure. Manifests are generated from on-disk data, and offer a straightforward way to quickly look-up and generate game objects.

    v0.3.0 110 #manifest #game-assets #bevy #object #loading #unique-identifier #look-up
  54. postman2openapi

    Convert a Postman collection to an OpenAPI definition

    v1.2.1 650 #open-api #postman #collection #object #definition #github #json
  55. lease

    Object pool that leases values and automatically returns them with async support

    v0.5.2 1.3K #object-pool #pool #object #async #cache
  56. downcast

    Trait for downcasting trait objects back to their original types

    v0.11.0 1.4M #traits #object #any #original #back #types #parameters
  57. safe-gc

    A garbage collection library with zero unsafe code and zero dependencies

    v1.1.1 #garbage-collection #heap #zero #gc #object #unsafe #reference
  58. dicom-pixeldata

    A high-level API for decoding DICOM objects into images and ndarrays

    v0.8.1 5.4K #dicom #medical-imaging #pixel #data #object #decoding #multi-dimensional
  59. angust_cli

    A CLI tool for the Angust GUI framework

    v0.1.1 #gui-framework #angust #tool #html #component #template #object
  60. cranelift-object

    Emit Cranelift output to native object files with object

    v0.116.0 26K #object #cranelift #native #output #wasmtime #emit #aot
  61. minior

    Ergonomic Minio Client

    v0.1.15 240 #minio #client #object #interface #bucket #pagination #module
  62. mdmodels

    generate models, code and schemas from markdown files

    v0.1.8 430 #data-model #markdown #schema #generate #attributes #language-model #object
  63. reap

    parsing Ruby heap dumps

    v0.3.3 #ruby #memory-leaks #heap #dump #object #graph #directed-graph
  64. unicode-icons

    (1869+) unicode icons in rust

    v2.1.2 340 #icons #unicode #console #object
  65. sentry-release-parser

    A parser for the sentry release name format

    v1.3.2 500 #sentry #parser #semver #name #version #object #convert
  66. flatten_objects

    A container that stores numbered objects. Each object can be assigned with a unique ID.

    v0.2.1 1.4K #arceos #object #object-id #unique-id #stores #container #flatten
  67. swift-rs-hatter-fork

    Call Swift from Rust with ease!

    v1.0.6 #swift #arrays #ease #functions #object #returning #import
  68. neon-serde4

    Easily serialize object for use with neon, fork of neon-serde3

    v1.0.0 190 #serialization #neon #value #fork #object #neon-serde3 #named
  69. hfs

    Hereditarily finite sets

    v1.0.0 250 #set #set-operations #theory #zfc #math #object
  70. anndata

    Rust APIs

    v0.6.1 550 #hdf5 #object #matrix-operations #file-format #h5ad #memory #package
  71. moonshine-object

    Bevy Entities are good. Objects are better!

    v0.2.1 #bevy-ecs #entity #bevy #object #traversal #macro-derive
  72. supply-chain-trust-example-crate-000055

    Flexible concrete Error type built on std::error::Error

    v1.0.92 #error #error-handling #built #object #applications #failure #rustc
  73. microcad-lang

    µcad language

    v0.1.0 110 #µcad #language #file #basic #evaluate #microcad #object
  74. taskcluster-download

    Taskcluster Download Support

    v78.0.0 600 #continuous-integration #download #taskcluster #object #client #compatibility #ci
  75. jose-jws

    Pure Rust implementation of the JSON Web Signature (JWS) component of the Javascript Object Signing and Encryption (JOSE) specification as described in RFC7515

    v0.1.2 150 #json #jose #jws #web #data #object #javascript
  76. rutie

    The tie between Ruby and Rust

    v0.9.0 430 #ruby #object #integration #exception #safety #applications #cruby
  77. indexical

    indexed collections

    v0.6.1 100 #data-structures #bit-set #collection #indexed #index #object #numeric
  78. xt-oss

    Aliyun OSS SDK

    v0.5.7 #oss #aliyun #sdk #object #bucket #client #http-request
  79. twinsies

    Smart pointer providing 2-way joint ownership of an object

    v1.2.1 #smart-pointers #shared-ptr #shared-state #joint #ownership #object #cell
  80. cwenum

    A tiny crate to access a strongly typed common weakness enumeration (cwe) object

    v1.0.0 #cwe #security #strongly-typed #access #enumeration #tiny #object
  81. mod3d-base

    3D Models for Gl processing

    v0.2.0 160 #3d-model #geometry #graphics #object #deserialize #gpu #gl
  82. kitsune_p2p_dht

    Kitsune P2p DHT definition

    v0.5.0-dev.1 1.2K #holochain #dht #holo #p2p #dapp #object #networking
  83. oss-sdk-rs

    Aliyun OSS SDK

    v1.2.4 #oss #sdk #aliyun #object #api #fork #port
  84. serde_graphql_input

    serde graphql input serializes to graphqls input objects, as used in graphql functions

    v0.1.2 1.6K #graphql #input #serialization #object #structures #serde #functions
  85. android-binder

    Safe bindings to Android Binder, restricted to the NDK

    v0.1.1 #binder #interface #service #android #parcel #object #transaction
  86. faerie

    ELF and Mach-o native binary object file emitter

    v0.16.0 2.3K #object-file #binary #mach-o #object #elf-binary #elf #compiler
  87. raws

    AWS CLI in Rust

    v0.0.3 #aws-cli #aws-sdk #show #traits #output #part #object
  88. gix-fsck

    Verifies the connectivity and validity of objects in the database

    v0.9.0 400 #git #version-control #object #integrity #check #connectivity #database
  89. rocfl

    A CLI for OCFL repositories

    v1.7.0 480 #object #object-storage #repository #version #object-store #ocfl #object-file
  90. taskcluster-upload

    Taskcluster Upload Support

    v78.0.0 600 #continuous-integration #taskcluster #upload #ci #object #client #uploading
  91. plt-rs

    inspecting, analyzing, and instrumenting linux and android applications runtime symbol linkage

    v0.3.0 #hook #elf #symbols #linker #plt #object
  92. dicom-object

    A high-level API for reading and manipulating DICOM objects

    v0.8.1 7.6K #dicom #object #attributes #object-file #read-file
  93. python_marshal

    reading and writing Python marshal files

    v0.1.1 130 #python #marshal #reference #object #byte #load #pyc
  94. jose-jwa

    Pure Rust implementation of the JSON Web Algorithm (JWA) component of the Javascript Object Signing and Encryption (JOSE) specification as described in RFC7518

    v0.1.2 14K #json #jose #algorithm #encryption #web #object #javascript
  95. tile_net

    Continuous tile-based collision detection and resolution

    v2.0.5 #collision-detection #collision #tile #resolution #continuous #net #object
  96. ikal

    Parse icalendar object

    v0.3.0 150 #ical #parser #icalendar #rfc #object #5545
  97. serde-persistent-deserializer

    A wrapper for persistent Serde deserializers

    v0.3.0 460 #deserializer #persistent #object #produces
  98. mod3d-gl

    3D Models for Gl processing

    v0.2.0 #3d-model #opengl #webgl #opengl-context #geometry #graphics #object
  99. vst3

    Rust bindings for the VST 3 API

    v0.1.2 #vst #api-bindings #com-interface #object
  100. aya-obj

    An eBPF object file parsing library with BTF and relocation support

    v0.2.1 16K #object-file #ebpf #object #btf #elf #bpf #low-level
  101. hallomai

    converter USFM<->USJ<->USX

    v0.1.5 130 #file-format #transform #json #marker #content #object #usfm
  102. protoql

    protobuf query language

    v0.6.0 140 #key-value-store #query-language #buffer #key-prefix #protocols #protobuf #object
  103. armc

    that facilitates Mutex access to variables

    v1.4.5 #data-access #shared-data #data-integrity #mutex #variables #object #facilitate
  104. k8s-openapi-ext

    Collection of fluent builder traits for Kubernetes objects

    v0.0.39 750 #kubernetes #builder #object #fluent #traits #collection
  105. mini-v8

    A minimal embedded V8 JavaScript engine wrapper for Rust

    v0.4.1 #javascript-engine #v8 #mini #execute #object #array #context
  106. minwebgl

    Minimal set of tools for concise WebGL programming

    v0.2.0 #webgl #programming #uniform #concise #buffer #object #vertex
  107. kg-tree

    Generic object tree with Opath query language, similar to XPath

    v0.2.1 #query-language #xpath #object #tree #array #element #generic
  108. wasmer-object

    Wasmer Native Object generator

    v5.0.1 15K #object #wasm #wasmer #object-file #wasm-binary #wasm-module #native
  109. store-stream

    Parted storage for large files to S3

    v0.1.0 110 #storage #s3 #upload #object #object-storage #stream #store
  110. object-id

    Unique object ID with no generation

    v0.1.4 950 #object #id #drop
  111. ate-auth

    Represents a standardized data model and API for authenticating an ATE chain-of-trust

    v1.9.0 #authentication #data-model #authorization #distributed-database #distributed-systems #object #crypto
  112. sweetrpg-kv-objects

    Objects for Key-value store

    v0.0.62 320 #key-value #objects #object #key-value-store #sweetrpg
  113. objio

    traits for reading and writing objects

    v0.1.2 #object #serialization #traits #reading #format #serde #types
  114. mopa

    My Own Personal Any: get your own Any with additional functionality

    v0.2.2 6.8K #traits #macro #downcast #generics #own #person #object
  115. uninode

    Universal object type

    v0.4.4 #object #universal #representation
  116. destructure_traitobject

    Unsafe helpers for working with raw trait objects. (Forked from traitobject)

    v0.3.0 205K #traits #object #raw #helper #forked #maintained #traitobject
  117. resourcetrack

    Basic tools for counting objects

    v0.4.1 140 #counting #resource #tracking #counter #object #memory #performance
  118. win32job

    A safe API for Windows' job objects

    v2.0.0 9.3K #job #winapi #process-memory #object #api-bindings #job-object
  119. kv2

    kv2 (keyvalues 2) format parser with serde support

    v0.1.2 #parser #valve #serialization #serde #array #object
  120. reopen

    File reopening utility

    v1.0.3 6.3K #log-file #logging #file-utility #io #run-time #object #reopening
  121. kasm

    The Kerbal Compiler Collection assembler for kOS

    v2.0.3 #assembly #operating-system #compiler #kerbal #space #kos #object
  122. gchemol-readwrite

    Reading/writing chemical objects for gchemol

    v0.1.11 #chemistry #file #gchemol #object #reading-writing
  123. polyvalue

    A weak-typed analog for rust

    v0.3.4 #system #dynamic #serialization #value #array #object #currency
  124. methods-enum

    Two macros for easy implementation of 'state' design pattern and other dynamic polymorphism using enum instead of dyn Trait

    v0.3.2 #design-pattern #enums #state #polymorphism #methods #dyn #object
  125. gchemol

    Graph-based CHEMical Objects Library

    v0.1.7 #graph #chemical #molecule #data-structures #linear-algebra #object #structure
  126. rustpython-vm

    RustPython virtual machine

    v0.4.0 2.1K #python #virtual-machine #python-3 #interpreter #rustpython #wasm-interpreter #object
  127. lineriver

    Non-blocking buffered line reader for Read objects

    v0.7.1 #async-io #non-blocking #read-line #io #buffered #reader #object
  128. pi_bon

    attempt to downcast the triat object to a concrete type

    v0.2.4 120 #serialization #binary-serialization #pi #downcast #object #triat #concrete
  129. idbag

    A bag of integers

    v0.2.2 #bag #identifier #integer #allocation #allocated #object
  130. list_with_depth

    List objects from object_store with the given prefix and depth

    v0.1.1 320 #object #cloud #object-storage #storage
  131. ring-alloc

    Specialized allocator for short-living objects

    v0.2.0 #memory-allocator #allocator #memory-management #ring-buffer #alloc #concurrency #object
  132. pyo3-filelike

    Rust access to Python file-like objects

    v0.3.0 3.2K #pyo3 #read-write #object #seek #traits #python #file-like
  133. motion

    A bare metal physics engine

    v0.1.6 #bare-metal #physics-engine #object #events #shape #loop #velocity
  134. datafrost

    Data format and acceleration structure management

    v0.1.7 480 #data-management #directed-acyclic-graph #scheduling #data-access #format #resources #object
  135. rust-tfidf

    calculate TF-IDF (Term Frequency - Inverse Document Frequency) for generic documents

    v1.1.1 #document #text-document #tf-idf #text #tfidf #statistics #object
  136. prost-dto

    Data transfer object conversion macros for prost

    v0.0.3 800 #prost #transfer #object #conversion #macro
  137. kv3

    kv3 (keyvalues 3) format parser with serde support

    v0.1.1 #parser #valve #serde #serialization #array #object
  138. ssi-cose

    CBOR Object Signing and Encryption for the ssi library

    v0.1.0 700 #cose #decentralized-identity #cbor #ssi #object #encryption #key
  139. netview

    mutual nearest neighbor graphs for genome-wide, fine-scale population structure determination and visualization

    v0.4.0 140 #nearest-neighbor #visualization #population-structure #population-graph #object
  140. trybox

    stable, no_std-compatible, fallible heap allocation

    v0.1.2 #allocation #heap-allocation #fallible #stable #error #failure #object
  141. noise_search

    Nested Object Inverted Search Engine

    v0.8.0 #search-engine #case-sensitive #json #text-search #nested #matching #object
  142. my_json_parser_proj

    A CLI JSON parser with customizable error handling and a rule-based parsing system

    v0.1.1 140 #json-parser #validate-json #error #pest-parser #grammar #object #structure
  143. scope-lock

    Safely extend lifetimes

    v0.2.5 350 #lifetime #extend #safely #scope #lock #thread #object
  144. shuttle-persist

    Plugin for persist objects

    v0.51.0 200 #shuttle-service #persistence #serialization #serialize-deserialize #object #persist #devops
  145. twurst-error

    Twirp error struct

    v0.1.0 170 #error #struct #twirp #twirp-error #http #object #axum-07
  146. microrm

    Lightweight ORM using sqlite as a backend

    v0.5.0-rc.2 #sqlite #orm #database #database-migrations #object #database-schema #relational
  147. fakehub-server

    GitHub API Server Stub. Fully functional fake version of a GitHub API that supports all the features and works locally, with no connection to GitHub at all.

    v0.0.10 #github-api #api-server #mocking #layer #object
  148. kalosm-vision

    A set of pretrained vision models

    v0.3.2 190 #ai #ocr #image-generation #text-image #segment-anything #object
  149. typestate

    A proc macro DSL for typestates

    v0.9.0-rc2 200 #state-machine #proc-macro #state-transition #dsl #error #object #compiler
  150. encdec-base

    encdec simple encoder/decoder base types and traits

    v0.10.0 1.3K #codec #traits #base #encdec #helper #object #types
  151. neo-babylon

    A wasm-bindgen-based wrapper for Babylon.js

    v0.2.0 #wasm-bindgen #wasm-bindings #3d #js #babylon #scene #object
  152. hit-data

    Hierarchical Indexed Typed data structure

    v0.0.5 #data-structures #document #hit #object #hierarchical #typed #indexed
  153. hakuban

    Data-object sharing library

    v0.7.3 100 #object #data-synchronization #load-balancing #synchronization #share #sync #networking
  154. ecoord

    transforming between 3D coordinate frames

    v0.0.1-alpha.4 140 #frame #coordinate #3d #transform #object #space #rotation
  155. interns

    Object interner

    v0.1.1 #interning #object #element
  156. async-defer

    Asynchronous Deferred Calls

    v0.2.1 #object #deferred #active #call #defer #design-pattern #async-channel
  157. hc-wasmer-object

    Wasmer Native Object generator

    v4.3.6-hc.1 #wasm #object #object-file #wasm-module #compilation #wasmer #native
  158. sulfite

    A high-level S3 client built on AWS SDK for Rust for bandwidth saturation

    v0.0.3 #s3 #object-storage #storage #object #aws-sdk
  159. elfbin

    Build ELF object files defining symbols with fixed binary data

    v0.4.0 #binary-data #elf-file #elf #object-file #object #binary #data-file
  160. oss-rust-sdk

    Aliyun OSS SDK

    v0.10.0 150 #oss #sdk #object #aliyun #object-file #help #api
  161. directorate

    A object wrapper of rust_embed that lets you treat your embeded data as a ownerable object type

    v0.0.4 #object #directory-embedding #rust-embed-wrapper #lets #treat #data #ownerable
  162. sodg

    Surging Object DiGraph (SODG)

    v0.0.32 #garbage-collection #virtual-machine #graph #data #oop #object #edge
  163. doi

    Digital Object Identifier (DOI) resolver

    v0.3.0 120 #digital #identifier #resolver #metadata #object #retrieve #blocking
  164. rustiq-core

    Quantum circuit synthesis library in rust

    v0.0.10 240 #quantum-circuit #synthesis #gate #structures #object #depth #count
  165. yukon

    trait for the ability to cheaply duplicate an object

    v0.1.2 #claim #object #ability #duplicate #cheaply #derive #context
  166. nucypher-core

    Nucypher network core datastructures

    v0.14.0 #nucypher #data-structures #object #protocols #network-protocol #bindings #networking
  167. zhersh_json_parser

    A CLI JSON parser with customizable error handling and a rule-based parsing system

    v0.1.0 #json-parser #validate-json #error #pest-parser #grammar #zhersh #object
  168. mopa-maintained

    My Own Personal Any: get your own Any with additional functionality

    v0.2.3 3.7K #traits #macro #downcast #own #any #object #person
  169. scan-lib

    A directory searcher library for rust

    v0.1.1 #string-search #directory #searcher #object #version #turbo-scan
  170. qt_core

    Bindings for QtCore C++ library

    v0.5.0 1.6K #qt #class #object
  171. simple_elf

    parser for amd64 elf files

    v0.1.1 #elf #parser #binary #object #elf-binary
  172. bevy_save-erased-serde

    Type-erased Serialize and Serializer traits

    v0.4.0 #serializer-deserializer #traits #erasure #serde #erased #object #generic
  173. thread-object

    Abstraction over thread-local storage allowing dynamic creation of TLS variables

    v0.2.0 #thread-local-storage #thread-local #tls #thread #object #filesystem #object-id
  174. onsen

    Memory pool

    v0.14.0 #memory-pool #memory-management #pool #performance #locality #memory-allocator #object
  175. echonet-lite

    Pure Rust ECHONET Lite implementation

    v0.1.6 #lite #echonet #devices #object #pure #configuration #properties
  176. neon-serde3

    Easily serialize object for use with neon, fork of neon-serde

    v0.10.0 1.6K #neon #serialization #fork #object #neon-serde #value #compatible
  177. obj-pool

    object arena

    v0.5.1 #object #arena #linked-list #ownership #lifetime #structures #graph
  178. xdr-rs-serialize

    XDR object serialization for Rust

    v0.3.1 550 #xdr #serialization #deserialization #object #format #de #error
  179. bevy_tiled_prototype

    A plugin for rendering tiled maps

    v0.2.5 #tiled #bevy #tile #maps #rendering #editor #object
  180. pink-erased-serde

    Type-erased Serialize and Serializer traits

    v0.3.23 #serde #traits #serializer-deserializer #erasure #object #erased #object-safe
  181. lwm2m-registry

    registry for LwM2M specification files

    v0.1.0 #specification #registry #object #lw-m2m #lwm2m #version #read
  182. ps-deflate

    Object wrapper around libdeflater

    v0.1.0-9 480 #deflate #object #libdeflater
  183. seraphine-core

    Core of the seraphine programming language

    v0.1.1 #programming-language #seraphine #arithmetic-operations #statement #object #iterator #member
  184. objid

    Generate a random object identifier

    v0.1.11 #random #identifier #generates-random #id-generator #object #object-id #command
  185. bartleby

    A symbol renaming toolkit, based on LLVM

    v0.2.3 #symbol #object #llvm #mach-o #symbols #elf #namespaces
  186. zip_clone

    Zip an iterator to a repeately cloned object

    v0.1.1 170 #iterator #clone #object #zip #cloning #iteration #cloned
  187. rustc-arena-modified

    rustc-arena ported to stable rust with additional features

    v0.1.1 #arena #rustc-arena #arena-allocation #stable #object #retain #clear
  188. urex

    wip UnityRustExtractor and patcher

    v0.0.3 #unity #object #version #asset
  189. tc-state

    TinyChain's general state enum

    v0.5.0 #generic #deserialization #collection #chain #object #scalar
  190. minparser

    parsing functions

    v0.3.0 170 #parser #scanner #position #functions #text-parser #object #line
  191. vmi-os-windows

    Windows OS specific code for VMI

    v0.1.1 #vmi #introspection #kernel #section #process #object #memory
  192. rustpython-doc

    Python __doc__ database

    v0.3.0 2.4K #documentation-generator #python #cpython #attributes #rust-python #object #extract
  193. singleton-manager

    A programatical singleton manager

    v0.1.4 #singleton #thread-safe #service-factory #manager #instance #state #object
  194. rgraph

    A task graph library

    v0.2.2 #directed-acyclic-graph #task #solver #data #input #defined #object
  195. peview

    A minimal and fast zero-copy parser for the PE32+ file format

    v0.2.3 160 #file-format #parser #executable #binary-parser #pe #object #object-file
  196. fruit-salad

    Compare apples and oranges (and more). Trait object reference casting and trait object comparisons.

    v0.0.2 #traits #object #pin #eq #ord #macro-derive
  197. datafu

    extracting data from config objects and other arbitrary object graphs

    v0.1.0-alpha.2 #query-language #graph #object #xpath #json-query #extracting #config
  198. bourne

    JSON library

    v0.2.0 100 #json #indent #object #index-map #element #preserve-order #error
  199. rsgc

    Concurrent GC library for Rust

    v1.1.0 #garbage-collection #gc #object #concurrency #thread #collector #allocation
  200. lightswitch-object

    Deals with object files

    v0.1.0 #object #deals #profiler #cpu #linux
  201. dynamic-proxy

    Dynamic Proxy Implementation for Rust

    v0.4.0 #proxy #dynamic #object #logging #surrogate #add #proxies
  202. uniffi_core

    a multi-language bindings generator for rust (runtime support code)

    v0.28.3 74K #bindings-generator #foreign-interface #multi-language #ffi #uni-ffi #cross-platform #object
  203. rof-rs

    Rust Object Format API for Rust

    v0.1.7 #programming-language #serialization #object #text-format #deserialize #file #string
  204. exon-bcf

    Exon BCF

    v0.32.4 500 #bioinformatics #bcf #exon #data #file #format #object
  205. bevy_adventure

    A framework for building adventure games in Bevy

    v0.6.0 380 #scene #adventure #bevy #interactive #state #object #framework
  206. static_interner

    Similar to internment crate, but with interface and performance tweaks

    v0.1.1 2.4K #interning #memory #performance #tweak #internment #interface #object
  207. parkour

    A fast, extensible command-line arguments parser

    v0.1.0 #arguments-parser #command-line-arguments #extensible #clap-parser #macro-derive #error #object
  208. esvg

    Document object model based SVG library

    v0.5.0 #vector-graphics #svg #dom #document #object #model #attributes
  209. lluvia

    A stripped down Entity Component System that allows for no-nonsense data storage in finite time

    v0.0.2 #ecs #entities #object #zero #finite #table #footprint
  210. raws-s3

    RAWS s3 component

    v0.0.3 #amazon-s3 #aws #aws-cli #aws-sdk #object #component #show
  211. honk-rpc

    implementing an asynchrynous, bi-directional, dynamic, and BSON-based remote procedure call system

    v0.3.0 #remote-procedure #onion-service #bidirectional #bson #object #anonymous #dynamic
  212. unsize

    A stable alternative to CoerceUnsize

    v1.1.0 40K #smart-pointers #unsized #memory #traits #conversion #allocator #object
  213. vector-growing

    The growing vector with free indexes

    v0.1.0 #memory #growing #index #free #object #size #vg
  214. rosy

    Ruby bindings for Rust

    v0.0.9 #ruby #api-bindings #object #exception #class #performance #safety
  215. tlrepo

    Thread-local git2::Repository, shareable across threads

    v0.7.0 #thread-local #repository #git2 #object #share #sharing #across
  216. fut-compat

    Offers compatibility between the tokio and async_std runtimes

    v0.1.0 #async-await #async-std #async #tokio #compatibility #future #object
  217. rabex

    wip UnityRustExtractor and patcher

    v0.0.3 #unity #version #object #assets
  218. k8-diff

    Used for computing diff between Kubernetes objects

    v0.1.2 4.4K #kubernetes #diff #object #computing #api
  219. px-wsdom-axum

    use wsdom with axum

    v0.0.2 160 #axum #wsdom #api-bindings #object #socket-to-browser #integration #conveniently
  220. px-wsdom-ts-convert

    wsdom crate

    v0.0.2 170 #wsdom #object #system #invocation #distributed #remote #javascript
  221. devsync

    Backup tool for software developers - an object driven approach

    v0.3.2 #backup-utility #backup #developer #directory #sync #session #object
  222. tsar

    Tsar programming language

    v0.3.0 #programming-language #intermediate-representation #compiler #golang #foreign-interface #object #typed
  223. watson_rs

    Wasted but Amazing Turing-incomplete Stack-based Object Notation (WATSON)

    v0.1.0 #esolang #vm #watson #esoteric #object #notation #stack-based
  224. monkey-object

    a object system for monkey lang

    v0.9.1 #programming-language #monkey #object #interpreter #compiler #system
  225. object_admin

    A client and model library for Liferay DXP's object admin api, auto generated by open-api-generator

    v0.1.0 #object #admin #liferay #api-client #auto-generate #dxp #open-api
  226. sel4

    High-level Rust interface to the seL4 kernel

    v0.0.12 #interface #kernel #type-safe #higher-level #object #thread #low-level
  227. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  228. jsoncanvas

    creating and manipulating jsoncanvas data

    v0.1.5 #json #data #json-format #canvas #file-format #json-file #object
  229. rcore-os/zircon-object

    Zircon kernel objects

    GitHub 0.1.0 #zircon #object #microkernel #kernel #linux #elf #zcore
  230. serde_watson

    Wasted but Amazing Turing-incomplete Stack-based Object Notation (WATSON)

    v0.1.0 #configuration-language #serialization #object #notation #watson #esoteric #esolang
  231. nucomcore

    Nucom, cross-platform Component Object Model implementation

    v0.1.1 #com #nucom #object #model #cross-platform #component #idl
  232. stylish-stringlike

    API for string-like objects that have styles applied

    v0.3.0 #style #string #styled #object #terminal #stylish #widgets
  233. caet

    Cause-and-effect tester; help prototype a system before writing real code

    v0.1.1 #object #universe #testing #events #judge #system #prototyping
  234. smdton

    Data Tree Object Notation

    v0.1.2 #notation #object #tree
  235. query_interface

    Dynamically query a type-erased object for any trait implementation

    v0.3.5 260 #traits #interface #object #query #dynamically #dynamic #type-erased
  236. rcore-os/linux-object

    Linux kernel objects

    GitHub 0.1.0 #linux-kernel #object #zircon #microkernel
  237. reductionist

    S3 Active Storage server

    v0.9.0 #s3 #binary-data #ndarray #object #endianness #active #computation
  238. com-scrape-types

    Support code for bindings generated with com-scrape

    v0.1.1 #generated-bindings #com-interface #smart-pointers #object #reference-counting #class #com-scrape
  239. v8_valueserializer

    V8's ValueSerializer and ValueDeserializer

    v0.1.1 7.4K #v8 #serialization #deserialize #value #value-serializer #wasm #object
  240. zvxryb-broadphase

    A broadphase collision detection library

    v0.1.2 110 #collision-detection #broad-phase #sorting #spatial-index #layer #order #object
  241. dof

    Tools to read and write the DTrace Object Format (DOF)

    v0.3.0 5.4K #dtrace #object #object-file #section #probe #format #provider
  242. neon-serde

    Easily serialize object for use with neon

    v0.4.0 #neon #serialization #deserialize #convert #value #object #handle-js-value
  243. nu_plugin_s3

    An S3 plugin for Nushell

    v0.44.0 320 #nushell-plugin #s3 #shell #object #nu #aws
  244. razorpay

    api bindings

    v0.3.3 #api-bindings #strava #entity #object #razorpay-rs
  245. trait_enum

    Easy enum wrapper that implements all traits that the wrapped objects implement

    v0.5.0 4.2K #enums #traits #object #impl #wrapped #manage #deref
  246. python-objects

    that implements the architecture of the CPython objects. with this crate you can crate a list with any data type from rust

    v0.0.7 #python #objects #object
  247. git-repository

    now named 'gix' and not available under this name anymore

    v0.35.0 250 #git #repository #version-control #performance #object #cache #name
  248. zkstate

    Share a struct across multiple instances of an application using zookeeper

    v0.1.23 #zookeeper #shared-state #struct #share #update #local #object