
  1. openvino

    High-level bindings for OpenVINO

    v0.8.0 70K #machine-learning #neural-network #ml #safe-bindings #api-bindings
  2. pv_porcupine

    bindings for Picovoice's Porcupine library

    v3.0.3 550 #hotword-detection #voice-command #wake-word-engine #wake-word-detection #neural-network #keyword-spotting #deep-learning
  3. zyx

    Zyx machine learning library

    v0.14.0 1.4K #machine-learning #deep-learning #tensor #neural-network #auto-diff #computer-vision #automatic-differentiation
  4. rten

    Machine learning runtime

    v0.15.1 2.2K #machine-learning #onnx #tensor #run-time #model #pytorch #neural-network
  5. tract-onnx

    Tiny, no-nonsense, self contained, TensorFlow and ONNX inference

    v0.21.8 9.9K #neural-network #tensorflow #onnx
  6. tract-onnx-opl

    Tiny, no-nonsense, self contained, TensorFlow and ONNX inference

    v0.21.8 14K #neural-network #tensorflow #onnx
  7. tract-nnef

    Tiny, no-nonsense, self contained, TensorFlow and ONNX inference

    v0.21.8 16K #neural-network #tensorflow #onnx #inference #nnef #artificial-intelligence #tiny
  8. tract-hir

    Tiny, no-nonsense, self contained, TensorFlow and ONNX inference

    v0.21.8 13K #neural-network #tensorflow #onnx #inference #artificial-intelligence #self-contained #tiny
  9. tract-pulse

    Tiny, no-nonsense, self contained, TensorFlow and ONNX inference

    v0.21.8 5.6K #neural-network #tensorflow #inference #onnx #artificial-intelligence #self-contained #tiny
  10. tract-linalg

    Tiny, no-nonsense, self contained, TensorFlow and ONNX inference

    v0.21.8 13K #linear-algebra #tensorflow #neural-network #onnx #inference #tiny #self-contained
  11. neurons

    Neural networks from scratch, in Rust

    v2.6.2 #neural-network #optimization #feedback #activation #tensor #objective #scratch
  12. tract-pulse-opl

    Tiny, no-nonsense, self contained, TensorFlow and ONNX inference

    v0.21.8 5.4K #neural-network #tensorflow #onnx #inference #artificial-intelligence #self-contained #tiny
  13. mcfly

    replaces your default ctrl-r shell history search with an intelligent search engine that takes into account your working directory and the context of recently executed commands. McFly's…

    v0.9.2 140 #shell-history #neural-network #command
  14. autograph

    A machine learning library for Rust

    v0.2.1 180 #machine-learning #deep-learning #neural-network #autograd #gpu
  15. mininn

    A minimalist deep learnig crate for rust

    v0.1.4 300 #neural-network #deep-learning #machine-learning #ndarray #hdf5
  16. tract-libcli

    Tiny, no-nonsense, self contained, TensorFlow and ONNX inference

    v0.21.8 6.2K #neural-network #tensorflow #onnx #inference #self-contained #artificial-intelligence #tiny
  17. fekan

    building and training Kolmogorov-Arnold neural networks

    v0.6.4 #neural-network #machine-learning #ai #kolmogorov-arnold
  18. nnnoiseless

    Audio denoising, derived from Xiph's RNNoise library

    v0.5.1 10K #audio #neural-network #noise #reduction #wav #denoising #rn-noise
  19. wasmtime-wasi-nn

    Wasmtime implementation of the wasi-nn API

    v28.0.0 1.1K #machine-learning #neural-network #wasm-module #wasm #web-assembly #computer-vision
  20. tract-data

    Tiny, no-nonsense, self contained, TensorFlow and ONNX inference

    v0.21.8 16K #neural-network #tensorflow #inference #onnx #artificial-intelligence #self-contained #tiny
  21. kn-cuda-eval

    A CUDA executor for neural network graphs

    v0.7.3 #neural-network #machine-learning #cuda #onnx #gpu #cpu-gpu #inference
  22. wasmedge-wasi-nn

    High-level Rust bindings for wasi-nn, with LLM extensions

    v0.8.0 2.1K #machine-learning #neural-network #wasm-bindings #wasm #llm #web-assembly #wasi-nn
  23. dfdx

    Ergonomic auto differentiation in Rust, with pytorch like apis

    v0.13.0 210 #deep-learning #tensor #neural-network #compile-time #automatic-differentiation #auto-diff #gpu-accelerated
  24. tract-tensorflow

    Tiny, no-nonsense, self contained, TensorFlow and ONNX inference

    v0.21.8 1.6K #neural-network #tensorflow #onnx
  25. spiking_neural_networks

    A package for designing and simulating biological neural network dynamics with neurotransmission

    v0.23.5 #neural-network #neuron #neural #neuroscience #neurotransmission #biophysics
  26. wasi-nn

    High-level Rust bindings for wasi-nn

    v0.6.0 45K #machine-learning #neural-network #wasm #wasm-bindings #web-assembly #computer-vision
  27. kn-cuda-sys

    A wrapper around the CUDA APIs

    v0.7.3 #neural-network #machine-learning #cuda #cpu-gpu #inference #onnx #run-time
  28. radiate

    genetic algorithms and artificial evolution

    v1.2.6 300 #genetic #learning #evolution #artificial #search #neural-network
  29. kn-graph

    A neural network inference graph intermediate representation, with surrounding utilities

    v0.7.3 #neural-network #machine-learning #intermediate-representation #graph #cpu-gpu #onnx #inference
  30. dlib-face-recognition

    Unofficial Rust wrappers to the C library dlib, face recognition tools

    v0.3.2 100 #face #neural-network #dlib #recognition #detector #wrappers #identifying
  31. smyl

    Artificial Neuronal Network in Rust

    v0.1.4 #neural-network #machine-learning #deep-learning #matrix-operations #neuroscience #computer-vision #rust
  32. affinitree

    distill faithful decision trees out of neural networks

    v0.22.0 280 #neural-network #machine-learning #explainable-ai #decision-trees #model-distillation #data-structures
  33. femto-gpt

    Minimal Rust library for training GPT language-models

    v0.2.0 #gpt #machine-learning #language-model #opencl #cpu-gpu #neural-network #transformer
  34. kn-runtime

    Dynamic wrapper around CPU and GPU inference

    v0.7.3 #cpu-gpu #neural-network #machine-learning #cuda #inference #onnx #run-time
  35. parmesan

    Parallel ARithMEticS over ENcrypted data

    v0.1.0 #homomorphic-encryption #arithmetic #parallel #homomorphic #fhe #cryptography #neural-network
  36. onnxruntime-sys-ng

    Unsafe wrapper around Microsoft's ONNX Runtime

    v1.16.1 #neural-network #onnx #bindings #cpu-gpu #neural-networks
  37. raybnn


    v0.1.5 #neural-network #machine-learning #gpu #opencl #cpu-gpu #cuda #cpu
  38. zenu-autograd

    autograd library for learning purposes

    v0.1.2 170 #automatic-differentiation #deep-learning #autograd #neural-network #gradients #operations #compute
  39. fann

    Wrapper for the Fast Artificial Neural Networks library

    v0.1.8 #neural-network #neural #classifier #backpropagation
  40. renplex

    capable of modeling complexed-valued neural networks built with Rust

    v0.1.1 #neural-network #complex-numbers #layer
  41. onnxruntime-ng

    Wrapper around Microsoft's ONNX Runtime

    v1.16.1 #neural-network #onnx #bindings #api-bindings #cpu-gpu
  42. rten-simd

    Portable SIMD for stable Rust

    v0.15.1 1.8K #machine-learning #simd #portable #neural-network #run-time #onnx #architecture
  43. ferrite-dl

    Basic deep learning library written in pure Rust

    v0.1.0 #tensor #neural-network #deep-learning #autograd #machine-learning #networking
  44. wasmtime-wasi-threads

    Wasmtime implementation of the wasi-threads API

    v28.0.0 550 #neural-network #wasm #web-assembly
  45. darjeeling

    Machine learning tools for rust. Currently comprising of categorization and generation neural network model training

    v0.3.4 #machine-learning #neural-network #deep-learning #generative #categorization
  46. onnxruntime

    Wrapper around Microsoft's ONNX Runtime

    v0.0.14 500 #onnx #neural-network #bindings #cpu-gpu
  47. zenu-layer

    neural network layer library

    v0.1.1 160 #automatic-differentiation #deep-learning #neural-network #layer #autograd #linear #connected
  48. autograd

    Tensors and differentiable operations in Rust

    v2.0.0-rc3 #machine-learning #neural-network #ndarray #multi-dimensional #numeric
  49. fast-neural-network

    A heavily parallelized neural network library designed for speed and flexability

    v0.7.0 #neural-network #machine-learning #artificial-intelligence #parallel #ai #data-science
  50. neurotic

    A neural network library written for Rust

    v0.2.1 #neural-network #machine-learning #ai #rust #machinelearning
  51. nncombinator

    neural networks that can be written type-safely

    v0.9.0 #neural-network #machine-learning #numeric-calculation
  52. rten-generate

    simplify running auto-regressive models with RTen

    v0.15.1 110 #machine-learning #neural-network #models #onnx #generation #running #r-ten
  53. micrograd_rs_nt

    Andrej Karpathy's micrograd scalar-valued engine

    v0.1.0 #neural-network #autograd #micrograd #scalar #relu #arithmetic-operations #engine
  54. tract-tflite

    Tiny, no-nonsense, self contained, TensorFlow and ONNX inference

    v0.21.8 1.7K #tensorflow #model #inference #neural-network #onnx #artificial-intelligence #self-contained
  55. zenu

    Deep Learning library for Rust

    v0.1.2 120 #deep-learning #neural-network #artificial-intelligence #dataset #mnist #zenu-matrix #autograd
  56. openvino-finder

    A helper crate for finding OpenVINO installations on a system

    v0.8.0 72K #machine-learning #ml #openvino #neural-network #latest-version #env-vars #config-file
  57. rustic_ml

    A machine learning library created from scratch with Rust

    v0.0.3 #machine-learning #neural-network #deep-learning #deeplearning #machinelearning
  58. onnx-ir

    parsing ONNX models

    v0.15.0 400 #machine-learning #intermediate-representation #deep-learning #onnx #tensor #framework #neural-network
  59. od_opencv

    Object detection utilities in Rust programming language for YOLO-based neural networks in OpenCV ecosystem

    v0.1.6 #object-detection #computer-vision #opencv #neural-network #yolo #file-format #yolo-v8
  60. simple_neat

    NEAT like create for rust

    v0.1.2 #ai #neat #neural-network #machine-learning
  61. tract

    Tiny, no-nonsense, self contained, TensorFlow and ONNX inference

    v0.21.8 150 #neural-network #tensorflow #inference #onnx #artificial-intelligence #self-contained #tiny
  62. nsfw

    detecting NSFW images using a neural network

    v0.2.0 #neural-network #onnx #tensorflow #tract
  63. juice

    Machine Learning Framework for Hackers

    v0.3.0 190 #machine-learning #deep-learning #neural-network #framework #cpu-gpu
  64. burn-common

    Common crate for the Burn framework

    v0.15.0 15K #machine-learning #deep-learning #scientific-computing #burn #framework #neural-network #shared
  65. auto-diff

    A neural network library in Rust

    v0.5.9 #neural-network #automatic-differentiation #deep-learning #machine-learning #networking
  66. darknet

    wrapper for Darknet, an open source neural network framework written in C and CUDA

    v0.4.0 550 #neural-network #deep-learning #machine-learning #yolo
  67. unda

    General purpose machine learning crate for neural network development and analysis

    v0.2.2 #neural-network #machine-learning #deep-learning #ai #convolutional #dense-neural-network #networking
  68. ncnnrs

    ncnn, a lightweight neural network inference framework, with separated static library for cross-platform compilation

    v0.1.7 #neural-network #ncnn #ncnn-rust #rust-ncnn #api-bindings #networking
  69. zenu-optimizer

    optimizer for neural networks

    v0.1.1 #optimization #deep-learning #neural-network #gradient #autograd #descent #ze-nu
  70. jiro_nn

    Neural Networks framework with model building & data preprocessing features

    v0.8.1 #machine-learning #neural-network #data-science #data-analysis #gradient-descent
  71. tract-ffi

    Tiny, no-nonsense, self contained, neural network inference

    v0.21.8 190 #neural-network #tensorflow #inference #artificial-intelligence #self-contained #onnx #tiny
  72. tract-kaldi

    Tiny, no-nonsense, self contained, TensorFlow and ONNX inference

    v0.20.7 100 #neural-network #tensorflow #onnx #neural-networks #tensor-flow
  73. wisard

    nets implementation in Rust

    v0.0.3 #neural-network #machine-learning #data-science #weightless #signal-processing #networking
  74. fnn

    Feedforward Neural Network library for Rust

    v0.1.1 #neural-network #feedforward #no-std #no-alloc #networking
  75. mcai-onnxruntime

    Wrapper around Microsoft's ONNX Runtime

    v0.0.15 #onnx #bindings #neural-network #api-bindings #neural-networks
  76. astrai

    A pretty bad neural network library

    v2.2.0 #neural-network #bad #snake #mnist #networking
  77. favannat

    Algorithms to evaluate the function encoded in ANN-like structures

    v0.6.4 #neural-network #ann #traits #evolution #structures #evaluate #net
  78. tract-api

    Tiny, no-nonsense, self contained, TensorFlow and ONNX inference

    v0.21.8 170 #tensorflow #neural-network #onnx #inference #api #tract #tiny
  79. Rust_Simple_DNN

    making optimized modular neural networks in rust

    v0.1.5 #rust_simple_dnn #neural-network #layer #modular #activation #dnn #deep #convolutional
  80. rust_neural_network

    Rust Neural Network

    v0.18.0 1.5K #neural-network #neural #rust-neural-network
  81. tract-nnef-resources

    Tiny, no-nonsense, self contained, TensorFlow and ONNX inference

    v0.21.8 180 #neural-network #nnef #neural-networks
  82. set_genome

    A genetic data structure for neuroevolution algorithms

    v0.6.7 #neural-network #neuro-evolution #data-structures #set #ann #genetic-algorithm #genome
  83. tract-rs

    Tiny, no-nonsense, self contained, TensorFlow and ONNX inference

    v0.21.8 190 #neural-network #tensorflow #inference #onnx #artificial-intelligence #tiny #self-contained
  84. nnsplit

    split text using a neural network. For sentence boundary detection, compound splitting and more.

    v0.5.9 190 #machine-learning #neural-network #deep-learning #language-model #tokenizer #pytorch #sentencizer
  85. const_cge

    Neural network compiler with a focus on no_std targets

    v0.2.1 #neural-network #machine-learning #neural #cge #compile-time #compiler-optimization #computer-vision
  86. rapid-nn

    Rapid Neural Networks in Rust: A lightweight and fast neural network library that's easy to use

    v1.0.0 #neural-network #deep-learning #machine-learning #neural-networks
  87. rcudnn

    safe Rust wrapper for CUDA's cuDNN

    v1.8.0 #cudnn #neural-network #cuda #nvidia
  88. psylink

    GUI for PsyLink neural interface for receiving/graphing biosignals and predicting user's intentions

    v0.3.0 200 #neuroscience #hardware #bci #hardware-devices #ai #neural-network #embedded
  89. tract-metal

    Tiny, no-nonsense, self contained, TensorFlow and ONNX inference

    v0.21.7 #tensorflow #metal #neural-network #kernel
  90. numcodecs-fourier-network

    Fourier feature neural network codec implementation for the numcodecs API

    v0.1.1 750 #fourier #numcodecs #compression #encoding #neural-network #networking
  91. evo-rl

    A neuroevolution-based ML library for reinforcement learning inspired by NEAT

    v0.1.0-alpha.5 #neural-network #reinforcement-learning #machine-learning #artificial-intelligence #neuro-evolution #algorithm #neat
  92. tract-extra

    Tiny, no-nonsense, self contained, TensorFlow and ONNX inference

    v0.21.8 230 #tensorflow #neural-network #tensor-flow #neural-networks
  93. neuroforge

    A neural network library with advanced features including quantum-inspired neurons, adaptive architecture, and neuro-symbolic integration

    v0.1.2 #neural-network #machine-learning #quantum #neuro-symbolic #neuron
  94. kratom

    neural network library

    v1.0.1 100 #neural-network #machine-learning #neural #learning #machine #networking
  95. phoenix_gui

    A GUI library for visualizing data in a simple and easy way

    v0.2.12 #visualization #neural-network #data #plot #gui-applications #gui #phoenix
  96. openvino-sys

    Low-level bindings for OpenVINO (use the openvino crate for easier-to-use bindings)

    v0.8.0 70K #machine-learning #neural-network #unsafe-bindings #api-bindings #ml #openvino
  97. fann-sys

    Low-level bindings to the Fast Artificial Neural Networks library

    v0.1.8 #neural-network #fann #neural #classifier #backpropagation #network
  98. cge

    Common Genetic Encoding (CGE) for directly-encoded neural networks

    v0.1.1 #neural-network #genetic #artificial
  99. candle-ltc

    LTCNN implementation using candle

    v0.1.0 130 #candle #ltcnn #liquid #paper #neural-network #constant #time
  100. intricate

    A GPU accelerated library that creates/trains/runs machine learning prediction models in safe Rust code

    v0.7.0 130 #machine-learning #neural-network #layer #gpu-accelerated #deep-learning #opencl #model
  101. corgi

    Machine learning, and automatic differentation implementation for Rust

    v0.9.9 #machine-learning #automatic-differentiation #neural-network #deep-learning #tensor #autograd
  102. ocl-convolution

    OpenCL-accelerated 2D convolutions

    v0.3.0 #opencl #convolution #deep-learning #neural-network #open-cl #building-block
  103. tfdeploy

    Tiny, no-nonsense, self contained, TensorFlow inference

    v0.0.10 #tensorflow #neural-network #inference #tiny #model #protobuf #self-contained
  104. ferrite-ml

    was moved to ferrite-dl

    v0.2.0 #autograd #tensor #deep-learning #machine-learning #neural-network
  105. rustml

    doing maching learning in Rust

    v0.0.7 #machine-learning #neural-network #matrix-vector #linear-regression #clustering #classification #opencv
  106. cogent

    Basic neural network library for classification

    v0.6.3 #neural-network #deep-learning #machine-learning
  107. fksainetwork

    neural network

    v0.2.0 #neural-network #learning #activation #initialization #sigmoid #relu #inner
  108. RayBNN_Neural

    Neural Networks with Sparse Weights in Rust using GPUs, CPUs, and FPGAs via CUDA, OpenCL, and oneAPI

    v2.0.3 440 #raybnn_neural #neural-network #opencl #cuda #machine-learning #cpu-gpu #deep-learning #open-cl
  109. psyche

    AI Toolset

    v0.2.19 #artificial-intelligence #neural-network #research #toolset #brain #practopoiesis #evolution
  110. psyche-host

    Host module for Psyche AI Toolset

    v0.2.19 #neural-network #artificial-intelligence #toolset #host #brain #module #research
  111. leaf

    Machine Learning Framework for Hackers

    v0.2.1 #machine-learning #deep-learning #framework #neural-network #artificial-intelligence #hacker
  112. esp-idf-unda

    Embedded neural network forward feeding for precompiled models created by the unda crate

    v0.1.2 #neural-network #pre-compiled #unda #ml #models #forward #file-io
  113. smelte-rs

    Efficient inference ML framework written in rust

    v0.1.0 #deep-learning #cpu-gpu #neural-network #tensor #cpu #gpu
  114. gtensor

    Reverse-mode autodifferentiation of computational graphs with tensors and more for machine learning

    v1.0.0 #machine-learning #automatic-differentiation #auto-diff #neural-network #ml #deep-learning #math
  115. deep_thought

    Feed-forward neural networks in rust

    v0.1.2 #neural-network #machine-learning #deep-learning #deep-neural-networks
  116. convolutions-rs

    Fast, minimal dependency, completely Rust implementation of convolutions for machine learning

    v0.3.4 500 #machine-learning #convolution #pytorch #image #compatible #neural #neural-network
  117. mnnrs

    mnn, a lightweight neural network inference framework, with separated static library for cross-platform compilation

    v0.1.4 #neural-network #mnn #mnn-rust #rust-mnn #api-bindings #networking
  118. ducky-learn

    ML rust framework

    v0.2.1 #machine-learning #text-classification #neural-network #algorithm #ml #framework #user-friendly
  119. neural_networks_rust

    Neural Networks framework with model specification & data preprocessing features

    v0.5.0 #neural-network #machine-learning #data-science #data-analysis #gradient-descent
  120. rten-imageio

    loading images for use with RTen

    v0.15.1 150 #image #machine-learning #tensor #r-ten #input #neural-network #preprocessor
  121. neuroflow

    The neural network library implemented in Rust

    v0.2.0 #neural-network #machine-learning #backpropagation #data-learning
  122. neuralneat

    Kenneth Stanley's NeuroEvolution of Augmenting Topologies

    v0.3.0 #neural-network #machine-learning #networking #neural-networks
  123. kaffe

    Pytorch, but make it rust :)

    v0.2.0 #neural-network #matrix #pytorch #tensorflow #numpy #ai
  124. elm

    A minimalist framework for Extreme Learning Machines (ELMs)

    v0.3.2 110 #neural-network #machine-learning #ai #blas #neuroscience
  125. tract-proxy-sys

    Tiny, no-nonsense, self contained, TensorFlow and ONNX inference

    v0.21.8 160 #neural-network #tensorflow #onnx #inference #artificial-intelligence #self-contained #tiny
  126. cambrian

    A Pragmatic Global Black-Box Optimizer

    v0.2.2 #black-box-optimization #optimization #genetic-algorithm #global-optimization #data-processing #neural-network #optimizer
  127. rstorch

    from scratch of a neural network framework in Rust inspired by PyTorch

    v0.2.0 #deep-learning #machine-learning #neural-network #pytorch
  128. newron

    train and infer deep learning models

    v0.5.1 #deep-learning #neural-network #deep #learning #neural #optimization #networking
  129. neuros

    package for Artificial (Feedforward) Neural Networks (ANNs) processing

    v0.1.0 #neural-network #machine-learning #metaheuristics #evolutionary #science
  130. nnv-rs

    Verification and Statistics on Deep Neural Networks

    v0.6.1 150 #neural-network #deep-learning #machine-learning #verification #ndarray #statistics
  131. mynn

    Experimental no_std type-safe neural network library

    v0.1.1 #neural-network #machine-learning #embedded #micro-controller #experiemntal #no-std
  132. entity-gym-rs

    Rust bindings for the entity-gym library

    v0.8.0 #agent #action #neural-network #entity #bindings #gym #training
  133. poro

    toy neural network library

    v0.1.2 #neural-network #toy #tensor #operation #basic #layer #networking
  134. cudnn

    safe Rust wrapper for CUDA's cuDNN

    v1.3.1 1.1K #cuda #neural-network #nvidia
  135. vinyana

    A neural network library written in Rust

    v0.3.1 #neural-network #perceptron #machine-learning
  136. nevermind-neu

    Machine learning library with terminal user interface

    v0.2.1 #machine-learning #tui #neural-network #opencl #deep-learning #terminal #layer
  137. collenchyma-nn

    collenchyma plugin providing Neural Network operations

    v0.3.4 #neural-network #hpc #computation #collenchyma #back-end #plugin #networking
  138. onnxruntime-sys

    Unsafe wrapper around Microsoft's ONNX Runtime

    v0.0.14 430 #onnx #bindings #neural-network
  139. psyche-graphics

    Graphics generation module for Psyche AI Toolset

    v0.2.19 #artificial-intelligence #neural-network #graphics #research #toolset #theory #psyche
  140. mlcr

    An adaptive machine-learning-based cache tracker/replacement policy

    v0.2.0 #cache #replacement #neural #machine #lru #filesystem #neural-network
  141. prophet

    A neural network implementation with a focus on cache-efficiency and sequential performance

    v0.4.2 #neural-network #deep-learning #classifier #machine-learning
  142. tensor-rs

    A typeless tensor library

    v0.5.9 #machine-learning #deep-learning #neural-network
  143. runnt

    Easy Neural Network for machine learning

    v0.7.0 #reinforcement-learning #neural-network #machine-learning #learning #ai #reinforcement #qlearning
  144. rustneat

    NeuroEvolution of Augmenting Topologies NEAT http://nn.cs.utexas.edu/downloads/papers/stanley.ec02.pdf with a Continuous-Time Recurrent Neural Networks

    v0.2.1 #neural-network #neuro-evolution #neat #algorithm #genetic-algorithm #genetic #aumenting-topologies
  145. neural_lib

    lib to declare multiple groups of neurons, classicals learning process are includes

    v0.1.12 140 #neural-network #learning #neuron #propagation #group #process #lib
  146. instant-clip-tokenizer

    Fast text tokenizer for the CLIP neural network

    v0.1.0 160 #neural-network #clip #tokenizer #openai #instant #model #networking
  147. tensorboard-rs

    Write data for Tensorboard from Rust

    v0.5.9 150 #machine-learning #deep-learning #neural-network
  148. libtashkeel_base

    Arabic-text diacritic restoration using neural networks

    v1.5.0 160 #neural-network #arabic #text #restoration #diacritic #diacritics #arabic-text
  149. cuda11-cublasLt-sys

    cuda ffi

    v0.3.0 #cuda11-cublaslt-sys #deep-learning #neural-network #machine-learning
  150. cuda11-cudnn-sys

    cuda ffi

    v0.3.0 #deep-learning #neural-network #machine-learning
  151. wyrm

    A low-overhead, define-by-run autodifferentiation library

    v0.9.1 #low-overhead #automatic-differentiation #machine-learning #artificial-intelligence #sparse #neural-network #gradients
  152. burn-efficient-kan

    An efficient pure-Rust implementation of Kolmogorov-Arnold Network (KAN)

    v0.2.0 200 #neural-network #deep-learning #machine-learning #burn #kan #networking #neural-networks
  153. neural-network-rs

    A neural network library

    v0.1.4 #neural-network #machine-learning #dataset #shape #plot #circle #color
  154. skynet_ai

    creating neural networks

    v0.1.2 #neural-network #machine-learning #ai #neural #machine #learning
  155. juggernaut

    Neural Network in Rust

    v0.9.0 #neural-network #ai #deep-learning #networking
  156. tract-core

    Tiny, no-nonsense, self contained, TensorFlow and ONNX inference

    v0.21.8 12K #tensorflow #neural-network #onnx #model #inference #self-contained #artificial-intelligence
  157. mcai-onnxruntime-sys

    Unsafe wrapper around Microsoft's ONNX Runtime

    v0.0.15 #onnx #bindings #neural-network #cpu-gpu #neural-networks
  158. tiny-ml

    A very basic ml libary

    v1.0.0 #neural-network #ml #basic #tiny #scale #learning #parallelization
  159. object-detection-opencv-rust

    Object detection utilities in Rust programming language for YOLO-based neural networks in OpenCV ecosystem

    v0.1.0 #opencv #computer-vision #yolo #neural-network #object-detection #yolo-v8
  160. only-brain

    Neural Network library, without the learning part

    v0.1.4 #neural-network #learning #nn #nalgebra #weight #manipulate #brain
  161. smarty_pants

    A light wheight Neural Network library with a focus on ease of use and speed

    v1.0.1 #neural-network #machine-learning #ai
  162. profqu_neat

    that implements the NEAT algorithm

    v0.1.1 #neural #neat #genetic #neural-network #connection #algorithm #networking
  163. alumina

    An Experimental Deep Learning Library

    v0.3.0 #deep-learning #deep #learning #neural #machine #neural-network #network
  164. darknet-sys

    -sys crate for Rust darknet wrapper

    v0.4.0 500 #darknet #bindings #neural-network #cuda #run #recursion #source
  165. rust-lstm

    LSTM (Long Short-Term Memory) neural networks

    v0.1.0 #neural-network #lstm #long #memory #weight #cell #short-term
  166. neat_lib

    NeuroEvolution of Augmenting Topologies

    v0.1.1 #neural-network #neuro-evolution #neat #connection #topologies #performance #augmenting
  167. dariotd_simple_ml

    A single-threaded simple machine learning

    v1.0.0 #machine-learning #neural-network #single-threaded #ffn #networking
  168. candlelighter

    A Keras like abstraction layer on top of the Rust ML framework candle

    v0.4.0 230 #machine-learning #candle #abstraction-layer #ml #neural-network #machine #learning
  169. psyche-simulator-cli

    CLI simulator for Psyche AI Toolset

    v0.2.19 #artificial-intelligence #toolset #neural-network #research #psyche #theory #brain
  170. wasi-nn-safe

    High-level and Safe Rust API bindings for wasi-nn system calls

    v0.1.0 #neural-network #wasm #api-bindings #syscalls #input-output
  171. bullet_lib

    Neural Network Trainer for 2-Player Games

    v1.0.0 #neural-network #cuda #trainer #chess #bullet #nn #back-end
  172. cudnn-sys

    FFI bindings to cuDNN

    v0.0.3 460 #cudnn #cuda #sys #neural-network #nvidia
  173. blasphemy

    Inspired by Keras, powered by BLAS. Construct neural networks with one line of code per layer. That's BLASphemy.

    v0.0.2 #layer #neural #neural-network #linear #blas #keras #networking
  174. vec-rac

    Evolving AI vector racing

    v0.4.2 120 #ai #evolution #racing #vec #neural-network #grid #rac
  175. nnrs

    Rust Neural Network Library

    v0.2.3 #neural-network #rust #artificial-intelligence #networking
  176. Brains

    Rust based Artificial Neural Network framework with TensorFlow

    v0.2.0 #brains #tensorflow #neural-network #framework #artificial #layer #bindings #gpu
  177. tinygrad

    You like pytorch? You like micrograd? You love tinygrad! ❤️

    v0.1.0 #deep-learning #machine-learning #pytorch #neural-network
  178. neuralnetwork

    A small neural network lib written from scratch

    v0.1.1 #neural #lib #scratch #node #learning #input #train
  179. puffpastry

    basic rust neural network framework

    v0.1.0 #neural-network #machine-learning #feedforward-netowrk
  180. cuda11-cudart-sys

    cuda ffi

    v0.3.0 #deep-learning #neural-network #machine-learning
  181. wasm-nn

    deep learning framework for WebAssembly

    v0.1.0 #wasm-framework #deep-learning #neural-network #wasm #machine-learning
  182. neurs

    feed-forward-only, but efficient, neural network and reinforcement learning library

    v0.1.1 #neural-network #neural #light-weight #evolution #machine-learning #networking
  183. super-auto-pets-ai

    Super Auto Pets AI, built with Rust

    v0.1.2 #ai #auto #super #built #pets #game #neural-network
  184. zyx-opencl

    Zyx OpenCL backend

    v0.1.1 #machine-learning #auto-diff #tensor #neural-network #deep-learning #computer-vision #automatic-differentiation
  185. aprilasr

    High-level wrapper for the april-asr C api (libaprilasr) using aprilasr-sys

    v0.2.0 #nlp #bindings #speech-recognition #audio #neural-network #wrapper
  186. tensorgraph-sys

    backbone for tensorgraph, providing memory manamagement across devices

    v0.1.11 #cuda #numeric #blas #neural-network #machine-learning
  187. hextral

    Six dimensional Neural Network testing. Has Laplace and quantum fourier transform capabilities.

    v0.3.0 #neural-network #relu #sigmoid #tanh #l2 #l1 #regularization
  188. aprilasr-sys

    Low-level FFI bindings for the april-asr C api (libaprilasr)

    v0.1.3 190 #bindings #nlp #wrapper #bindings-generator #audio #neural-network
  189. compiled-nn

    A JIT Compiler for Neural Network Inference

    v0.12.0 #neural #jit #jit-compiler #inference #neural-network
  190. cuda11-cuda-sys

    cuda ffi

    v0.2.0 #deep-learning #neural-network #machine-learning
  191. zyx-compiler

    Zyx OpenCL backend

    v0.1.1 #machine-learning #deep-learning #tensor #neural-network #auto-diff #computer-vision #automatic-differentiation
  192. cntk

    Wrapper around Microsoft CNTK library

    v0.2.1 #neural-network #deep-learning #machine-learning #api-bindings
  193. neural_networks

    neural network library

    v0.0.2 #neural-network #train #csv
  194. snail_nn

    small neural network libary, running on the cpu with parallelized stochastic gradient descent

    v0.1.0 #neural-network #descent #gradient #stochastic #libary #cpu #parallelized
  195. nnapi

    safe abstraction of the Android NNAPI FFI bindings

    v0.2.0 #android-ndk #ndk #android #neural-network #machine-learning
  196. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  197. primitiv

    A Neural Network Toolkit

    v0.3.0 #neural-network #deep-learning #machine-learning
  198. onnxruntime-sys-patch

    Unsafe wrapper around Microsoft's ONNX Runtime

    v0.0.14 #onnx #bindings #neural-network
  199. oxineat-nn

    A neural-network implementation of the OxiNEAT crate's Genome trait

    v0.1.1 #neural-network #neat #genome #traits #input #oxineat #activation
  200. qmachina

    A small library for Quant Machine Learning development

    v0.3.0 #machine-learning #technical-analysis #neural-network #quant #quantitative
  201. candle-neat

    that uses candle-rs under the hood for training/testing NEAT

    v0.1.0 #neuro-evolution #neural-network #genetic-algorithm #speciation #network-topologies #neuroevolution
  202. simple_nn

    nueral network library

    v0.1.2 #neural-network #rand #linear-algebra #random #math
  203. micrograd-rs

    Andrej Karpathy's micrograd scalar-valued engine with basic neural network

    v0.0.3 #neural-network #engine #micrograd #andrej #karpathy #autograd #scalar-valued
  204. zyx-cpu

    Zyx cpu backend

    v0.1.1 #automatic-differentiation #deep-learning #auto-diff #machine-learning #tensor #neural-network
  205. quickbrain

    neural network library

    v0.1.0 #neural-network #layer #dense #networking #toy #model
  206. siarne

    Fast simulation of artificial neurons

    v0.4.0 #ai #neural-network #integer-weights #networking
  207. tensorgraph-math

    backbone for tensorgraph, providing math primitives

    v0.1.11 #blas #cuda #neural-network #machine-learning #numeric
  208. zyx-torch

    Zyx libtorch backend

    v0.1.1 #deep-learning #neural-network #auto-diff #machine-learning #tensor #back-end #automatic-differentiation
  209. nanograd

    A nano neural network library. Scalar valued types with a PyTorch like API.

    v0.1.2 #neural-network #pytorch #scalar #nano #api #andrej #karpathy
  210. zyx-nn

    Zyx nn modules

    v0.1.1 #deep-learning #neural-network #tensor #machine-learning #auto-diff #computer-vision #automatic-differentiation
  211. brainy

    neural networks

    v0.2.3 #neural-network #neural #networking
  212. zyx-optim

    Zyx optimizers

    v0.1.1 #tensor #deep-learning #neural-network #auto-diff #machine-learning #automatic-differentiation #computer-vision
  213. cuda11-cutensor-sys

    cuda ffi

    v0.3.0 #deep-learning #neural-network #machine-learning
  214. sarek

    A work-in-progress, experimental neural network library utilizing TensorFlow Keras

    v0.1.0 #tensorflow #machine-learning #framework #neural-network #keras
  215. coaster-nn

    coaster plugin providing Neural Network operations

    v0.5.0 #neural-network #coaster #hpc #computation #plugin #back-end
  216. sann

    Neural Network

    v0.1.0 #nn #neural-network
  217. yarnn

    Neural Network framework

    v0.1.0 #neural-network #framework #machine-learning #deep-learning
  218. mininn-derive

    Deive macros for mininn crate

    v0.1.0 #ndarray #neural-network #deep-learning #hdf5 #machine-learning
  219. rail

    A GPU-Accelerated ML Library akin to Keras

    v0.3.1 #ml #gpu-accelerated #neural-network #keras #akin #training #artificial-intelligence
  220. tsuga

    An early-stage machine learning library for building neural networks in Rust

    v0.1.1 #machine-learning #neural-network #machine #learning #networking
  221. rogue-net

    Pure Rust implementation of the RogueNet neural network

    v0.4.1 #neural #pure #net #neural-network #entity #rogue #networking
  222. libdt

    training neural networks

    v2.0.3 #neural-network #training #trainer
  223. f-trak

    A neural network based face detection program that tracks face movement in screen space

    v0.2.0 #face-detection #vision #computer-vision #neural-network #networking
  224. compiled-nn-bindings

    A JIT Compiler for Neural Network Inference

    v0.12.0 180 #neural-network #jit-compiler #inference #networking
  225. solana-oasis-node

    A Layer 2 solution bridging Solana's L1 with an AI enabled L2 with features like scalable neural network operations

    v0.1.0 #ai #neural-network #solana #blockchain #layer2
  226. elifim

    Evolution simulation of agents with neural networks

    v0.2.0 #evolution #agent #simulation #neural-network
  227. neural_network

    Modular neural network with an implementation of back propagation learning algorithm

    v0.1.3 #modular #ai #neural #back #learning #propagation #prop
  228. aicore

    subprogram library for an artificial neural network

    v0.1.0 #neural #neural-network #artificial #subprogram #network
  229. rust_nn

    An educational Neural Network framework in Rust

    v0.1.0 #neural-network #ai #ml #networking #neural-networks
  230. auto-diff-data-pipe

    A data loader

    v0.5.9 #deep-learning #machine-learning #neural-network
  231. syron

    building, training and running basic neural networks

    v0.1.1 #neural-network #scientific #machine-learning #development-tools-debuggings
  232. neuro

    A deep learning library that runs on the GPU

    v0.1.0 #deep-learning #neural-network #machine-learning #cnn
  233. n3-parser

    Super-Simple semantic neural network model parser

    v0.3.5 #model #neural #semantic #neural-network #parser #super-simple #networking