
  1. socketcan

    Linux SocketCAN library. Send and receive CAN frames via CANbus on Linux.

    v3.5.0 29K #linux #frame #linux-networking #network-communication #bus #async-io #sockets
  2. renet

    Server/Client network library for multiplayer games with authentication and connection management

    v1.0.0 3.0K #client-server #message-delivery #multiplayer-game #transport-layer #communication-channel #game-networking #network-communication
  3. ros2-client

    ROS2 client library based on RustDDS

    v0.7.6 2.8K #dds #network-communication #networking #network #protocols #network-protocol #rtps
  4. bevy_matchbox

    A Bevy extension for Matchbox WebRtc networking

    v0.11.0 470 #bevy-networking #web-rtc #p2p #bevy #networking #multiplayer-game #network-communication
  5. cyphernet

    set of libraries for privacy-preserving networking apps

    v0.5.2 330 #noise-protocol #tor #nym #privacy #end-to-end-encryption #network-communication #ip-address
  6. ockam

    End-to-end encryption and mutual authentication for distributed applications

    v0.145.0 420 #secure-communication #distributed-applications #encryption #cryptography #network-communication #communication-channel #network-programming
  7. matchbox_protocol

    Common interfaces between matchbox_socket and matchbox_server

    v0.11.0 600 #signaling-server #p2p-communication #web-rtc #networking #network-communication #peer-connection #gamedev
  8. no-std-net

    Rust's std::net... without the 'std'.

    v0.6.0 457K #sockets #networking #std #network-communication #net #tcp-udp #ip
  9. monoio-transports

    Monoio Transporter

    v0.5.3 100 #connection-pool #network-communication #connector #monoio #io-uring #tls-connection #transport-layer
  10. crab-hole

    Pi-Hole clone written in rust using hickory-dns/trust-dns

    v0.1.11 150 #dns #dnssec #bind #network-communication #networking #named #cross-platform
  11. fsd_interface

    serialising and deserialising FSD (Flight Simulator Daeomon) protocol network messages

    v0.3.1 150 #fsd #networking #network-communication #client-server #flight-simulation #vatsim #tcp-connection
  12. busrt

    Local and network IPC bus

    v0.4.13 250 #ipc #pub-sub #bus #rt #network-communication #networking
  13. sillad-sosistab3

    A scramblesuit-like obfuscation protocol within the sillad framework

    v0.2.11 500 #network-communication #obfuscation #framework #encryption #sillad #tcp-connection #network-protocol
  14. wtransport-proto

    WebTransport (over HTTP3) protocol

    v0.5.0 3.9K #web-transport #http-3 #webtransport #low-latency #bidirectional #network-communication #networking
  15. picomux

    A protocol to multiplex multiple AsyncRead/Write streams over a single one, inspired by smux and http2

    v0.1.9 650 #network-communication #stream #http2 #networking #network-protocol #protocols #connection
  16. sillad

    A framework for talking about TCP-like dialers and listeners, within the futures-io ecosystem

    v0.2.5 750 #tcp-listener #networking #tcp-connection #framework #tcp-client #stream #network-communication
  17. etherage

    An EtherCAT master in pure-Rust very close to the ethercat nature

    v0.5.0 #ethercat #real-time #fieldbus #ethernet #network-communication #motion-control #network-protocol
  18. dicom-ul

    Types and methods for interacting with the DICOM Upper Layer Protocol

    v0.8.0 1.9K #dicom #medical-imaging #network-protocol #networking #associations #layer #network-communication
  19. flood-rs

    Bit and octet streams

    v0.0.12 220 #network-communication #network-protocol #ipc #stream #file-format #data #deserialize
  20. ether-dream

    A full implementation of the Ether Dream Laster DAC protocol

    v0.2.5 600 #dac #protocols #laser #network-communication #tcp-stream #network-protocol #lazer
  21. garage_net

    Networking library for Garage RPC communication, forked from Netapp

    v1.0.1 #object-storage #storage-service #garage #networking #distributed #s3-compatible #network-communication
  22. geph5-misc-rpc

    Geph5 misc RPC protocols

    v0.2.11 470 #network-communication #geph5 #bridge #pipe #session #broker #misc
  23. links_core

    Core create of the links collection

    v0.2.12 #network-communication #networking #byte-array #applications #performance #data #low-level
  24. steam-vent

    Interact with the Steam network via rust

    v0.3.1 130 #steam #protobuf #communication #rpc #network-communication #networking #authentication
  25. udis

    A tiny local service discovery system

    v0.1.3 #service-discovery #discovery #network-communication #multicast #mdns #networking
  26. rusty_network_manager

    interacting with network_manager using zbus

    v0.5.3 380 #network-manager #linux-networking #zbus #networking #network-communication
  27. mproxy-reverse

    MPROXY: Reverse Proxy. Send upstream data to downstream socket listeners.

    v0.1.8 #reverse-proxy #proxy-server #tcp-udp #networking #udp-server #network-communication #sockets
  28. msgtrans

    Support for a variety of communication protocols such as TCP / QUIC / WebSocket, easy to create server and client network library

    v0.1.6 340 #network-communication #quic #tcp-udp #tcp #server-client #udp #network-protocol
  29. links_blocking

    Blocking implementation of links_blocking crate

    v0.2.12 #network-communication #networking #blocking #performance #byte-array #applications #low-level
  30. geph5-broker-protocol

    Broker protocol for Geph5

    v0.2.25 470 #broker #geph5 #network-communication #routes #bridge #called #exit
  31. links_nonblocking

    Nonblocking implementation of the links_nonblocking crate

    v0.2.12 #network-communication #non-blocking #networking #performance #byte-array #applications #ergonomics
  32. sn_node_rpc_client

    Safe Node RPC Client

    v0.6.36 160 #rpc-client #decentralized-storage #network-communication #safenode #p2p-communication #instance #node
  33. kuska-sodiumoxide

    Fast cryptographic library for Rust (bindings to libsodium), with conversion from ed25519 to curve25519

    v0.2.5-0 250 #encryption-decryption #libsodium #network-communication #cryptography #nacl #crypto
  34. rings-transport

    Transport layer implementation for Rings Core

    v0.7.0 330 #transport-layer #web-rtc #network-communication #rings #webrtc #p2p #native
  35. aldrin-parser

    Aldrin schema parser library

    v0.11.0 #interprocess-communication #rpc #rpc-service #networking #service #async #network-communication
  36. skrillax-packet

    Packet definition to serialize and deserialize to and from frames for Silkroad Online packets

    v0.3.0 #network-communication #silkroad #packet #packets #networking #client-server
  37. musli-wire

    Fully upgrade stable format for Müsli suitable for network communication

    v0.0.117 #network-communication #binary-encoding #serialization #networking #data-model #encode-decode #binary-data
  38. safina-net

    Safe async network functions - ARCHIVED: Code moved to safina crate

    v0.1.9 #safe #net #async #tcp #async-networking #async-executor #network-communication
  39. wiring

    An async binary serialization framework with channels support

    v0.2.2 #binary-encoding #async-stream #serialization #async #rpc #network-communication #networking
  40. sosistab

    An obfuscated datagram transport for horrible networks

    v0.5.43 320 #network-communication #datagram #transport #networking #game-networking #anti-censorship #unreliable
  41. rjrssync

    Fast rsync-like tool for incrementally copying files. Runs natively on both Windows and Linux and uses network for communication.

    v0.2.7 #cross-platform #sync #tool #network-communication #filesystem #binary #dry-run
  42. musli-json

    JSON support for Müsli

    v0.0.117 #serialization #binary-serialization #network-communication #encode-decode #networking #no-alloc
  43. rust-raknet

    RakNet Protocol implementation by Rust

    v0.12.0 #network-communication #networking #game-networking #async-networking #raknet #reverse-engineering #game
  44. oscq_rs

    OSCQuery implementation to provide discovery of OSC endpoints over network

    v0.0.3 #osc #creative-coding #network-communication #service-discovery #networking #oscquery #http-service
  45. safe_thing

    part of the Secure Access For Everything framework, which is an IoT framework for software developers integrating IoT devices to the SAFE Network, preventing them from worrying about network infrastructure…

    v0.0.3 #safe-network #iot #secure-communication #safe #communication #network-security #network-communication
  46. skrillax-codec

    A framing codec for Silkroad Online network packets

    v0.1.1 #byte-stream #silkroad #codec #network-communication #frame #networking #online
  47. sn_interface

    Safe Network Interfaces. Messaging and Types.

    v0.22.4 #safe-network #decentralized-storage #decentralized-networking #node #network-communication #messaging #data
  48. nanorpc-sillad

    nanorpc transport over sillad pipes

    v0.1.2 390 #network-communication #transport #pipe #sillad #nanorpc #connection #networking
  49. netapp

    A toolkit library for distributed software

    v0.10.0 #distributed #secure-communication #rpc #networking #mesh #network-communication #peer-connection
  50. links_bindings_python

    Python bindings for the links_connect_nonblocking library

    v0.2.12 230 #network-communication #python-bindings #networking #performance #ergonomics #links-connect-nonblocking #methods
  51. jget

    Rust tools

    v0.4.1 #network-communication #serialization #byte-stream #deserialize #serialization-deserialization #derive #networking
  52. canadensis_linux

    Linux SocketCAN compatibility for canadensis (Cyphal)

    v0.3.0 #cyphal #uavcan #uav #network-communication #can #distributed-computing
  53. syndicate

    Syndicated Actor model for Rust, including network communication and Dataspaces

    v0.42.0 #actor-model #network-communication #message #dataspaces #networking #spaces #links
  54. rechannel

    Server/Client network library for reliable communication channels in multiplayer games

    v0.0.7 120 #multiplayer-game #channel #networking #network-communication #reliable #communication-channel #game-networking
  55. canary

    ergonomic abstractions for network communication and more

    v0.3.3 #rpc #async #microservices #api #network-communication #networking
  56. sn_fault_detection

    The Safe Network Node Fault Detection

    v0.15.6 #safe-network #node #fault #detection #decentralized #network-communication #decentralized-storage
  57. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  58. humbird

    network communication core library,universal server function wrapper library

    v0.1.4 #network-communication #server #networking #response #request-response #universal #http
  59. tari_comms

    A peer-to-peer messaging system

    v1.0.0-rc.5 #tari #messaging #communication #cryptocurrency #network-communication #layer #comms
  60. profidcp

    Profinet discovery protocol

    v1.0.3 #profinet #industrial-automation #protocols #network-communication #dcp #discovery #configuration
  61. sockets

    general socket library for easy network communications with Rust

    v0.1.2 #udp-socket #udp #tcp-udp #tcp #networking #async #network-communication
  62. lnp_node

    LNP node

    v0.9.1 #bitcoin #smart-contracts #lnp #communication-channel #lightning-network #bifi #network-communication
  63. igcp

    ergonomic abstractions for network communication; communication backend of Canary

    v0.1.6 #rpc #async #microservices #api #network-communication #back-end #networking
  64. nislib

    encrypted decentralized network communication

    v0.1.0 #encrypted #networking #decentralized #communication #network-communication