
  1. if_chain

    Macro for writing nested if let expressions

    v1.0.2 909K #macro #nested #pattern #let #expressions #called #recursion
  2. serde_stacker

    Serde adapter that avoids stack overflow by dynamically growing the stack

    v0.1.11 36K #stack-overflow #serialization #serde #data #nested #recursion #adapter
  3. arrow_convert

    Convert between nested rust types and Arrow with arrow

    v0.8.0 2.9K #arrow #data-conversion #serialization #convert #nested #array #types
  4. cntr

    A container debugging tool based on FUSE

    v1.5.4 #debugging-tool #container #fuse #mount #filesystem #nested #exec
  5. moddef

    Macro for convenient module declaration. Each module can be put in a group, and visibility can be applied to the whole group with ease.

    v0.2.6 2.2K #module #declaration #nested #group #modules #no-alloc #groups
  6. equator

    Composable assertion library

    v0.4.2 201K #assertions #testing #assert #diagnostics #composable #condition #nested
  7. dvcompute_branch

    Discrete event simulation library (nested simulation)

    v2.0.0 #discrete-event #computation #simulation #process #events #nested #continuation
  8. reactive_stores

    Stores for holding deeply-nested reactive state while maintaining fine-grained reactive tracking

    v0.1.3 12K #reactive #store #reactivity #field #state #signals #nested
  9. yew-nested-router

    A router for Yew which supports nesting

    v0.7.2 800 #yew-router #yew-web #yew #nested #router #html #html-rendering
  10. ensc-testsuite

    generate TAP or JUnit reports

    v0.1.7 1.0K #integration-tests #junit #test-suite #tap #reports #results #nested
  11. dvcompute_gpss_branch

    Discrete event simulation library (support of GPSS-like DSL language for nested simulation)

    v2.0.0 #discrete-event #simulation #events #nested #dsl #block #computation
  12. nestify

    offers a macro to simplify and beautify nested struct definitions in Rust, enabling cleaner, more readable code structures with less verbosity. It's especially valuable for handling API responses.

    v0.3.3 1.3K #api-response #nested #struct #macro #syntax #serde #named-fields
  13. edtui-jagged

    A jagged array data structure for the edtui editor

    v0.1.12 #nested #vec #jagged #edtui #data-structures
  14. structstruck

    Nested struct and enum definitions

    v0.5.0-beta.1 4.0K #proc-macro #nested #struct #definition #data #json #json-schema
  15. arrow2_convert

    Convert between nested rust types and Arrow with arrow2

    v0.5.0 6.6K #arrow #data-conversion #data-pipeline #arrow2 #format-conversion #convert #nested
  16. nestac

    access nested structures using path-like string format

    v0.4.1 350 #json-path #string-format #nested #access #json-format #structures #python
  17. serde-nested-json

    Helpers for de/serializing nested JSON strings with Serde

    v0.1.3 440 #serde-json #nested #string #deserializing #helper #deserialize #foo
  18. reductor

    Generic abstractions for combining and nesting reduction patterns for iterables

    v0.0.12 420 #iterable #reduction #pattern #nested #abstraction #generic #combining
  19. codize

    language-agnostic library that pretty-prints code for your code-generation tool

    v0.3.3 #print #nested #format #block #code #input-output #pretty-print
  20. iter-tree

    Convert between iterators and tree structures in both directions

    v0.1.10 #tree-structure #iterator #data-structures #parser #node-tree #nested #convert
  21. dvcompute_experiment_branch

    Discrete event simulation library (support of experiments for nested simulation)

    v2.0.1 #discrete-event #simulation #experiment #nested #events #distributed #optimistic
  22. committable

    Keccak256-based structured commitments

    v0.2.4 4.2K #commitment #data-structures #hash #structured #nested #domain #separation
  23. nested_intervals

    nested & overlapping interval set functions, overlap, union, etc

    v0.6.0 #interval-set #interval #interval-tree #intervals #nested #overlapping #range
  24. chainerror

    Make chaining errors easy

    v1.0.0 300 #error #backtrace #debugging #chaining #nested #output #format
  25. clap-nested-commands

    Rust macros to automate the definitions for nested commands in a clap CLI

    v0.0.2 #command #clap #nested #commands #cli-command #cli
  26. sval_flatten

    Value flattening for sval

    v2.13.2 950 #serialization #sval #flattening #flatten #nested #value #onto
  27. dvcompute_results_branch

    Discrete event simulation library (support of simulation results for nested simulation)

    v2.0.0 #discrete-event #simulation #results #nested #events #distributed #framework
  28. jsonformat

    Formats JSON extremely fast

    v2.0.0 390 #json #format-json #formatting #extremely #formatter #nested
  29. noise_search

    Nested Object Inverted Search Engine

    v0.8.0 #search-engine #case-sensitive #json #text-search #nested #matching #object
  30. nested

    A memory efficient container for nested collections (like Vec<String> or Vec<Vec<T>>)

    v0.1.1 157K #collection #heap #heap-allocated #container #packed #vec #dynamically-sized
  31. egui_grid

    Create grid-based layouts for egui

    v0.5.1 #egui #grid #layout #ui #nested #cells #row
  32. task-motel

    Opinionated (Tokio) task manager with nested task groups and stoppable tasks

    v0.1.0 1.9K #task-manager #tokio-task #group #nested #opinionated #executor #stoppable
  33. dvcompute_rand_dist

    Discrete event simulation library (random number generator primitives for optimistic distributed simulation and nested simulation)

    v2.0.0 #discrete-event #simulation #distributed #numbers #optimistic #events #nested
  34. nested_containment_list

    A data structure for efficiently storing and querying nested intervals

    v0.3.1 290 #nested #data-structures #list #interval #overlapping #containment
  35. derive_variants

    derives an additional enum from a nested enum that contains only variants and no nested fields

    v1.0.0 100 #enums #nested #variant #derive #fields
  36. validated_struct

    Easily generate nested structures with getters and predicated setters

    v2.1.0 42K #proc-macro #getter-setter #structures #nested #generate #procedural-macros #predicated
  37. cond

    Rust macro to use a match-like syntax as an elegant alternative to nesting if-else statements

    v1.0.5 #macro #statement #syntax #nested #match #condition #elegant
  38. serde_inner_serialize

    A package of proc macros to assist in serializing nested structures flatly via serde

    v0.1.1 #serialization #proc-macro #structures #serde #assist #nested #flatly
  39. deep-flatten2

    Useful utility for deep flattening nested Options and Result

    v0.1.0 #nested #convert #flatten #result #options
  40. yuuka

    A helper library to generate complex and nested structures by a simple macro

    v0.6.0 #serialization #nested #structures #macro #generate #complex #helper
  41. tuplemagic

    manipulating tuples through various operations like mapping, filtering, nesting, and reducing

    v0.1.3 #tuple #nested #operations #recursion #filtering #mapping #reducing
  42. chive

    A low-level type-safe binary serialization library with support for numbers, arrays, strings, and nested sub-archives

    v0.1.0 #binary-serialization #serialization #archive #binary-format #deserialize #nested #string
  43. serde_nested_with

    Use serde attributes on nested fields

    v0.2.5 #serde #nested #proc-macro #serialize-deserialize #attributes #serde-derive #module
  44. babushka

    bin packing and nesting library

    v0.1.10 100 #nested #geometry #packing #nesting
  45. cmd-args

    Command line argument parser with nested command support

    v0.2.0 #arguments-parser #command-line #command-line-arguments #command-line-interface #nested #subcommand #group
  46. debug2

    Space Efficient Pretty Printer

    v0.1.1 #pretty-printing #debugging #space #formatting #string-formatting #formatter #nested
  47. vec_vec

    When dealing with Vec<Vec<T>> is unavoidable

    v0.5.1 #vec #nested #vec-t #matrix #data #dealing #vec-vec-t
  48. serde_structuredqs

    serialize/deserialize structured query-string

    v0.2.0 #query-string #serialization #structured #nested #struct
  49. template-nest

    TemplateNest is a template engine for Rust, designed to process nested templates quickly and efficiently

    v0.2.2 #template #template-engine #nested #process #quickly #nest
  50. erdp

    display an error and its nested errors

    v0.1.1 300 #error #display #error-reporting #nested #debugging #displaying
  51. benchman

    A benchmark tool that focuses on one-shot benchmark

    v0.2.6 #benchmark #nested #statistics #tagging #colored #output #average
  52. rofi-menus

    CLI app that runs nested rofi dmenus based on json files

    v0.1.2 #json #menu #rofi #nested #json-file #website #theme
  53. loop_chain

    Macro for writing nested Loop expressions

    v0.1.1 #nested #macro #loop #expressions #chain
  54. chemical-formula

    Chemical formula parser that can handle wt% and nested structure

    v0.1.0 #parser #formula #chemical #nested #chemisty #weight #percent
  55. crumble

    A robust, minimal library for parsing MIME documents

    v0.10.2 #document #mime #parser #nested #robust #multipart #input
  56. cargo-mod

    A cargo sub command for generating modules in your project. Reducing time spent writing boilerplate.

    v0.1.5 #cargo-subcommand #module #generate #sub #time #command #nested
  57. nested-env-parser

    Nested Env Parser is a crate for getting the final value of a string with nested environment variables

    v1.1.0 #env-vars #variables #clap #environment #nested #parser #config
  58. menu_genie

    Multi-level terminal menu library

    v0.1.1 #menu #terminal #multi-level #action #builder #nested #api
  59. keypath

    Derivable, type-safe Swift-style keypaths

    v0.2.0 #reference #nested #fields #keypaths #derivable #concepts #compile-time
  60. result

    Helpers for dealing with nested Result and Option types

    v1.0.0 78K #nested #options #invert #dealing #helpers #type #extension
  61. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  62. flatvec

    An indirection-collapsing container that stores all its elements in at most 2 allocations

    v0.3.0 #container #allocations #nested #elements #stores #indirection-collapsing #objects
  63. nested-struct

    Create nested structs using a macro

    v0.1.0 #nested #struct #fields #attributes #macro
  64. unflatter

    unflatter is a Rust library providing extension traits for flattening and unwrapping nested structures, including nested Option and Result types. It simplifies working with deeply…

    v0.1.1 #nested #flattening #extension #structures #traits #options #boilerplate
  65. nested-modules

    Building blocks for nested module systems

    v0.2.0 #module #nested #compiler #blocks #systems #path #root
  66. nested_router

    Nested route-recognizers

    v0.2.1 #routes #nested #router #path #route-recognizers #path-segment
  67. nested-ref

    References to data contained in one or more nested RefCells

    v0.1.0 #refcell #nested #ref #reference-data #refref #refmut #no-alloc
  68. json_extract

    This macro reduces boilerplate when using serde_json::Value variants when trying to get into a nested property

    v0.1.4 #serde-json #variant #reduce-boilerplate #nested #property #trying #macro
  69. free_function_pipes

    a bunch of traits that makes composing functions together easier

    v1.0.1 #pipe #traits #together #free #functions #composing #nested
  70. new_flattened

    Macro to flatten nested calls of news

    v0.1.1 #macro #calls #flatten #nested #box #write
  71. flat_enum

    Expand nested enum into flattened enum

    v0.1.0 #enums #macro #nested #flat #expand #flattened #flatten
  72. flat_vec

    macro to flatten nested Vecs. Particularly useful when you want to write a rules of egg which contains rules both => and <=>.

    v0.1.0 #write #macro #egg #rules #flatten #nested #vec
  73. rust-flatten-json

    Tiny Rust library for flattening JSON and JSON type inference

    v0.2.0 #json #flattening #inference #flat #nested #tiny #type
  74. qmap

    LinkedHashMap alternative using nested VecDeque as LinkedList replacement

    v0.1.0 #nested #linked-list #vec-deque #replace #hash-map #linked-hash-map
  75. complexity

    Calculate cognitive complexity of Rust code

    v0.2.0 #cognitive #lint #calculate #nested #index #syntax #syn
  76. flats

    flattens nested structures into a flat single dimension map

    v0.1.0 #nested #map #flat #dimension #single #structures #flatten
  77. func_wrap

    Helper crate for procedural macro authors that wish to duplicate some received function inside its body, so as to be able to wrap with some prologue, epilogue, cache-ing, etc

    v0.1.3 28K #wrap #function #decorator #proc-macro #nested #macro-helpers
  78. serde_inner_serialize_core

    A package of proc macros to assist in serializing nested structures flatly via serde

    v0.1.1 #serialization #proc-macro #structures #serde #assist #nested #flatly
  79. nested_qs

    Serializing/deserializing nested style querystrings with serde

    v0.1.2 #serde #querystrings #object #nested #style #serializing-deserializing #key
  80. deep-struct-update

    Struct update syntax with nesting

    v0.1.0 #update #nested #struct #deep #macro #no-alloc
  81. tombl

    Interopability between bash and the TOML serialization format

    v0.2.2 #toml #bash #format #serialization #db #interopability #nested
  82. cain

    Procedural macro to transform sequential branches into nested branches

    v0.1.2 #sequential #branch #nested #macro #procedural #proc-macro #statement
  83. bevy_states_utils

    Small utils for bevy states, such as nested states and Gc

    v0.3.0 #bevy #states #nested #gc
  84. mona

    Transform nested container types

    v0.1.0 #type #nested #container #transform
  85. deep-flatten

    Useful utility for deep flattening nested Options

    v0.1.0 #deep #flatten #nested
  86. flatfish

    A macro to write Fully Qualified Syntax without nesting turbofishes

    v0.1.0 #syntax #nested #write #ff #macro #chain #qualified
  87. nestle

    Encode/decode arbitrary nested tree-structured data with a single integer

    v0.1.0 #serialization #encoding #nested #integer #single #encode-decode #data
  88. include_str_nested_directory_mre

    An MRE of a include_str! nested directory bug

    v0.1.0 #nested #directory #bug #mre #include-str
  89. flatten_json

    Lib to flatten nested JSON

    v0.1.0 #flatten #json #nested #flat
  90. search_json

    A convient tool for big mass json file search

    v0.1.0 #json #process #json-file #nested #deep #search #big
  91. yew-nested-router-macros

    Macro support for yew-nested-router

    v0.7.2 850 #yew-router #nested #yew #router #html #web
  92. for_ch

    to flatten nested for-loop

    v0.1.3 #iterator #nested #loops #syntax #loop