
  1. anise

    Core of the ANISE library

    v0.5.2 2.0K #spice #frame #navigation #ephemeris #toolkit #astrophysics #space
  2. scip

    SCIP (pronunciation: "skip") is a language-agnostic protocol for indexing source code, which can be used to power code navigation functionality such as Go to definition, Find references, and Find implementations

    v0.5.1 27K #navigation #protocols #indexing #find #intelligence #source #definition
  3. bevy_flowfield_tiles_plugin

    FlowField (vector field) pathfinding as a plugin to the Bevy game engine

    v0.12.0 120 #path-finding #bevy #navigation #game-engine #bevy-plugin #2d-array #2d-3d
  4. rusty-tags

    Create ctags/etags for a cargo project and all of its dependencies

    v3.11.0 100 #ctags #tags #navigation #source #cargo #file-source #cargo-toml
  5. polyanya

    Polygon Any Angle Pathfinding

    v0.12.0 1.7K #path-finding #mesh #navigation #angle #polygon #planning #layer
  6. vleue_navigator

    Navmesh plugin for Bevy

    v0.11.1 2.1K #path-finding #navigation #bevy #navmesh #nav-mesh #mesh-generation
  7. icao-wgs84

    performing geometric calculations on the WGS84 ellipsoid

    v0.4.0 #wgs84 #ellipsoid #navigation #geometry #icao #aerospace
  8. fogo

    📂 Fogo: A fast terminal file explorer replacing cd and ls for quick folder navigation

    v0.1.3 280 #file-explorer #explorer #navigation #terminal-file #file #tui #file-search
  9. landmass

    A navigation system for video game characters to walk around levels

    v0.7.0 #path-finding #navigation #system #artificial-intelligence #avoidance #game-ai #hash-map
  10. mathcat

    Math Capable Assistive Technology ('Speech and braille from MathML')

    v0.6.7 1.8K #mathml #math #braille #speech #technology #navigation #assistive
  11. ferrite-navigation

    Navigation and path handling for Ferrite image viewer

    v0.1.21 500 #encoder #video #image #quality #navigation #path #av1
  12. ferrostar

    The core of modern turn-by-turn navigation

    v0.26.0 290 #navigation #routing #state-machine #valhalla #osrm #data-model
  13. swiftnav

    GNSS positioning and related utilities

    v0.10.0 330 #gnss #navigation #positioning #receivers #gps #swift #utility
  14. ubx2cggtts

    CGGTTS collection from UBlox GNSS receiver

    v0.0.1-alpha #gps #timing #galileo #navigation
  15. unit-sphere

    performing geometric calculations on the surface of a sphere

    v0.3.2 #sphere #geometry #navigation
  16. dms-coordinates

    Package to handle D°M'S'' coordinates

    v1.3.1 1.3K #latitude-longitude #navigation #geospatial #coordinates #altitude #dms #geolocation
  17. bevy-ui-navigation

    A bevy plugin to make implementing ui navigation in your game a piece of cake

    v0.33.1 #bevy-ui #navigation #ui #bevy #bevy-plugin #gamepad #keyboard
  18. nav-types

    Easily work with global positions and vectors

    v0.5.2 5.1K #navigation #wgs84 #latitude #ecef #nav
  19. bevy_landmass

    A plugin for Bevy to handle navigation of AI characters

    v0.8.0 180 #path-finding #navigation #bevy #bevy-plugin #landmass #avoidance #game-ai
  20. sbp-settings

    SwiftNav settings API library

    v0.7.0 420 #settings #swift #navigation #api #swift-nav #source #information
  21. fasb

    faceted answer set browser

    v0.2.4 #set #facet #repl #reasoning #browser #navigation #clingo
  22. controlled_astar

    that provides an enhanced A* pathfinding algorithm with controllable node directions and block statuses, ideal for complex pathfinding scenarios

    v1.0.1 120 #path-finding #algorithm #grid #a-star #pathfinding #navigation
  23. bevy-alt-ui-navigation-lite

    A bevy plugin to make implementing ui navigation in your game a piece of cake

    v0.3.1 180 #bevy-ui #navigation #bevy #ui #keyboard #bevy-plugin #gamepad
  24. dodgy_2d

    ORCA, a local collision avoidance algorithm for 2D

    v0.5.4 200 #collision #orca #navigation #avoidance #rvo
  25. dodgy_3d

    ORCA, a local collision avoidance algorithm for 3D

    v0.5.2 140 #collision #orca #navigation #avoidance #rvo
  26. landmass_oxidized_navigation

    An integration between bevy_landmass and oxidized_navigation for AI navigation

    v0.2.0 #navigation #mesh-generation #bevy-plugin #bevy #navmesh #landmass #oxidized
  27. divert

    Rust Lang bindings for Recast Navigation

    v0.6.0 130 #path-finding #navigation #bindings #recast #3d #nav-mesh #concepts
  28. bearingpro

    solving common maritime navigation tasks

    v0.9.0-rc.1 #course #deviation #compass #navigation #bearing #linear-interpolation
  29. savan

    core library for answer set navigation

    v0.3.2 #logic-programming #set #navigation #weighted #faceted
  30. cargo-src

    Semantic code navigation for Rust

    v0.1.8 190 #navigation #semantic #syntax-highlighting #browser #reference #search #identifier
  31. egui_nav

    A navigation control for egui

    v0.2.0 #egui #control #navigation
  32. oxygengine-navigation

    Navigation module for Oxygengine

    v0.46.1 #oxygengine #navigation #ecs #game-engine #module #oxygen
  33. dioxus-daisyui

    Dioxus daisyui

    v0.8.0 120 #dioxus #ui #action #display #input #layout #navigation
  34. navmesh

    NavNet, NavGrid, NavFreeGrid and NavIslands navigation system

    v0.12.1 120 #navigation #system #nav-grid #nav-islands #nav-net #nav-free-grid #path
  35. quicknav

    A way to quickly navigate your filesystem from the command line

    v1.5.0 #command-line #navigation #shortcuts #file #command-line-tool #filesystem #nav
  36. kn


    v0.3.3 #abbreviation #directory #filesystem #utility #navigation #command-line-tool #cd
  37. ryot_pathfinder

    specialized pathfinding functionalities for Bevy 2D, essential for dynamic navigation and movement within games

    v0.2.3 110 #path-finding #bevy #navigation #bevy-ecs #ryot #tiled-2d-games #2d-game
  38. yakf

    Kalman Filter Implementation, as well as, Lie Theory (Lie group, algebra, vector) on SO(2), SO(3), SE(2) and SE(3). [no_std] is supported by default.

    v0.1.12 #kalman-filter #estimation #filtering #ukf #navigation #no-std
  39. edd

    A CLI Tool for Managing TODO.md Tasks

    v0.1.3 #task #md #tool #command-line-tool #navigate #navigation #user
  40. dcmimu

    no_std DCM IMU implementation

    v0.2.2 #imu #kalman #dcm #navigation #sensor-fusion #no-std
  41. lv03

    Conversion between the Swiss coordinate system (LV03/CH1903 or LV95/CH1903 ) and WGS84 coordinates

    v0.1.1 #wgs84 #swiss #coordinates #navigation #switzerland #format
  42. cargo-nav

    Navigate directly to crate links from your terminal

    v1.2.0 #navigation #cargo #links #navigate #crates #jump #shortcut
  43. recast-rs

    Bindings for Recast from recastnavigation

    v0.1.0 #path-finding #navigation #mesh #recast #pathfinding #generate
  44. aviation-calculator

    Useful calculations for aviators

    v0.2.2 #aviation #calculations #unit-conversion #meteorology #navigation #performance #calculator
  45. recastnavigation-sys

    Raw FFI bindings for recastnavigation

    v1.0.3 #path-finding #detour #navigation #mesh #recast
  46. jumper

    command line utility to store and jump to folders on your system for blazingly fast workflow

    v0.1.3 #command-line #command-line-tool #fuzzy-search #filesystem #navigation #workflow #directory
  47. dodgy

    ORCA, a local collision avoidance algorithm

    v0.3.0 170 #collision #orca #navigation #avoidance #rvo
  48. swiftnav-sys

    FFI bindings for libswiftnav

    v0.10.0 280 #gnss #gps #bindings #navigation #swiftnav #receivers #libswiftnav
  49. nctok

    A program for interactive navigating through weighted hierarchical structured data and analyzing them. Weighted means that each item have its own value - number

    v0.1.0 #weighted #tree #navigation #hierarchy #tui #git-commit #terminal-file
  50. ferrite-core

    Core functionality for Ferrite image viewer

    v0.1.21 1.9K #ferrite #image #image-viewer #navigation #cache #framework
  51. rgpsd

    A minimal replacement for gpsd in rust

    v0.1.1 #gps #gpsd #navigation #devices #nmea2000 #replacement #ais
  52. cargo-go

    A Cargo subcommand to ease navigation to the crates.io, documentation, home, and repository pages of a package

    v0.4.4 #cargo #cargo-subcommand #navigation #home #documentation #repository #io
  53. hassium-navigation

    Navigation module for Hassium home automation engine

    v0.1.3 #home-automation #navigation #engine #hassium #nodejs #module #node
  54. tauri-plugin-swipe-back-ios

    swiping gesture navigation support in iOS

    v1.0.0 #ios #navigation #tauri-plugin #swiping #gesture #swipe-back-ios
  55. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  56. taxi

    Navigation library for Polyhorn

    v0.4.1 #user-interface #polyhorn #navigation #cross-platform #building #warnings #build
  57. ju

    A Command Line Tool for Fast System Navigation in Rust

    v0.2.3 #command-line-tool #path #navigation #system #jump #name #store
  58. leemaze

    generalized Lee Algorithm - Fastest Flood Fill Path type - solver for 2d, 3d, 4d or even 5d binary block mazes (5d Vec<Vec<Vec<Vec<Vec<bool>>>>>). # Convert your data into a vector maze of wall trues and open falses…

    v0.1.11 #maze #navigation #lee #path
  59. recast_navigation

    Rust wrappers for recast navigation

    v0.1.0 #navigation #wrappers #recast #path-finding #degree #queries #navmesh
  60. amethyst-navigation

    Navigation module for Amethyst Engine

    v0.1.0 #amethyst #navigation #agent #engine #driver #nav #game
  61. eskf

    Navigation filter based on an Error State Kalman Filter (ESKF)

    v0.2.0 #kalman-filter #filter #kalman #navigation #orientation
  62. navigation

    basic navigation between GPS waypoints

    v0.1.7 #gps #vehicle #waypoints #autonomous #algorithm #estimation #direction
  63. pnav

    A b2b tool for project navigation (currently in development)

    v0.1.0 #tool #navigate #directory #navigation #b2b #name #reserve
  64. intellij-demos-external-lib-navigation

    Example for navigation issue

    v0.1.0 #navigation #issue #samples
  65. sourcenav

    parsing of SourceEngine .nav files

    v0.2.0 #parser #nav #source-engine #quad-tree #area #navigation #coordinate
  66. detour-sys

    ffi bindings to recast navigation

    v0.1.0 #navigation #bindings #recast
  67. jumpto

    CLI utility to navigate to directories

    v0.1.0 #directory #jump #navigation #command-line-tool #command-line-utilies
  68. rt-navi

    High precision navigation in real time

    v0.0.1 #real-time #navigation #gps #high-precision #timing #glonass #galileo
  69. celestial-nav

    Celestial navigation library

    v0.0.1 120 #navigation #space #celestial #camera #sensor #stars #imu