
  1. loom

    Permutation testing for concurrent code

    v0.7.2 309K #testing #lock-free #concurrency #atomic #thread #memory #model
  2. gltf

    glTF 2.0 loader

    v1.4.1 84K #3d-model #file-format #assets #3d #model #scene
  3. aws-sdk-bedrockruntime

    AWS SDK for Amazon Bedrock Runtime

    v1.69.0 24K #aws-sdk #bedrock #amazon #inference #aws #model #run-time
  4. ollama-rs

    interacting with the Ollama API

    v0.2.3 4.0K #ollama #chat-bot #generation #model #completion #api #streaming
  5. modql

    Model Query Language support

    v0.4.1 490 #query-language #json-query #model #data-model #sea-query #graphql
  6. gsw

    TEOS-10 v3.06.12 Gibbs Seawater Oceanographic Toolbox in Rust

    v0.2.2 950 #oceanography #seawater #teos-10 #sea #toolbox #oceanographic #model
  7. libcprover_rust

    Rust API for CBMC and assorted CProver tools

    v6.4.1 1.9K #verification #api #static-analysis #cbmc #c-prover #model #api-error
  8. rten

    Machine learning runtime

    v0.15.1 2.0K #machine-learning #onnx #tensor #run-time #model #pytorch #neural-network
  9. aws-sdk-lexmodelsv2

    AWS SDK for Amazon Lex Model Building V2

    v1.58.0 1.6K #aws-sdk #operation #amazon #lex #information #model #service
  10. aws-sdk-bedrock

    AWS SDK for Amazon Bedrock

    v1.69.0 2.3K #aws-sdk #model #bedrock #operation #information #service #client
  11. rbx_binary

    Roblox's binary model (rbxm) and place (rbxl) file formats

    v0.7.7 500 #binary-format #roblox #file-format #binary-file #model #serialization #place
  12. web-rwkv

    RWKV language model in pure WebGPU

    v0.10.7 1.4K #language-model #model #language #rwkv #deep-learning #deserialization
  13. elephantry

    Object model manager for PostgreSQL

    v4.0.1 #postgresql #database #object #connection-pool #model
  14. aws-sdk-lexmodelbuilding

    AWS SDK for Amazon Lex Model Building Service

    v1.54.0 370 #aws-sdk #lex #amazon #bot #operation #aws #model
  15. mwa_hyperbeam

    Primary beam code for the Murchison Widefield Array (MWA) radio telescope

    v0.10.0 #radio-astronomy #beam #mwa #primary #array #model #telescope
  16. charybdis

    High-Performance ORM for ScyllaDB

    v0.7.11 170 #orm #scylla-db #model #database #database-table #operations #performance
  17. tenx

    An AI-assisted coding tool

    v0.0.3 280 #coding #step #ai-assisted #tool #retry #session #model
  18. aws-sdk-cleanroomsml

    AWS SDK for AWS Clean Rooms ML

    v1.55.0 600 #aws-sdk #model #ml #clean #rooms #audience #user-data
  19. minbft

    Efficient Byzantine Fault-Tolerance in the partially synchronous timing model

    v1.0.3 #fault-tolerance #fault-tolerant #consensus-algorithm #byzantine #synchronous #unique-identifier #model
  20. aws-sdk-bedrockagentruntime

    AWS SDK for Agents for Amazon Bedrock Runtime

    v1.70.0 550 #aws-sdk #bedrock #information #agent #amazon #model #api
  21. sunspec

    1.1 compliant library with tokio support

    v0.8.0 300 #model #modbus-tcp #models #generated
  22. rbx_xml

    Roblox's XML file formats, rbxlx and rbxmx

    v0.13.5 430 #xml #roblox #file-format #serialization #deserialization #model #properties
  23. rpick

    pick items from a list by various algorithms. Example uses: pick a restaurant you haven't been to in a while, or an album to listen to.

    v0.9.1 #command-line-tool #list #random #model #pick #items #recently
  24. is_debug

    get build model is debug

    v1.0.2 143K #debug #model #build #release #build-model
  25. dmntk

    | Decision Model and Notation Toolkit

    v0.3.6 #decision #toolkit #notation #model #file
  26. netxclient

    netx client assembly

    v2.2.0 2.8K #client #netx #model #assembly #framework #net #interface
  27. rumoca

    A Modelica translator with focus on Casadi, Sympy, JAX, and Collimator generation

    v0.4.5 1.0K #generation #translator #modelica #focus #model #jax #sympy
  28. tensor-man

    A small utility to inspect and validate safetensors and ONNX files

    v0.4.2 #inspect #signature #verify #onnx #pytorch #validate #model
  29. terminal3d

    View 3d models in your terminal

    v0.1.0 100 #obj #3d #terminal #model #t3d #graphics #3d-model
  30. ostree

    Rust bindings for libostree

    v0.19.1 1.8K #libostree #bindings #deployment #bootloader #tree #operating-system #model
  31. netem-trace

    generating network emulation trace

    v0.3.6 210 #trace #emulation #model #networking #utility
  32. gix-sec

    gitoxide project providing a shared trust model

    v0.10.11 524K #git #version-control #trust #shared #model #gitoxide
  33. vailence

    command-line utility designed for detecting violence or threats by leveraging the OpenAI omni-moderation model

    v0.1.0 #openai #command-line-tool #utility #input #input-file #model #severity
  34. chat-prompts

    Chat prompt template

    v0.19.0 600 #prompt #template #ai #llm #format-string #model #chat
  35. duckai

    DuckDuckGo AI to OpenAI API

    v0.3.1 170 #ai #duck-duck-go #proxy #http #ip #pool #model
  36. acts

    a fast, tiny, extensiable workflow engine

    v0.13.2 350 #workflow-engine #workflow #act #step #yaml #business #model
  37. rs_openai

    The OpenAI Rust library provides convenient access to the OpenAI API from Rust applications

    v0.5.0 #openai #chat-completion #model #image #embedding #api-access #env-var
  38. tract-tflite

    Tiny, no-nonsense, self contained, TensorFlow and ONNX inference

    v0.21.9 2.9K #tensorflow #inference #neural-network #model #onnx #artificial-intelligence #self-contained
  39. sdml-parse

    Parser for Simple Domain Modeling Language (SDML)

    v0.3.1 #modeling #sdml #domain #model #parser-generator #tree-sitter #representation
  40. rllm

    unifying multiple LLM backends

    v1.1.2 800 #chat-completion #openai #back-end #llm #anthropic #multiple #model
  41. easy-gltf

    glTF 2.0 loader with an easy to use output

    v1.1.4 300 #3d-model #gltf #assets #model #3d #scene #file-format
  42. pprog

    An LLM pair programming server with web interface

    v0.0.6 600 #openai #pair #llm #web-interface #model #programmers #api
  43. peace_flow_model

    Flow data model for the peace automation framework

    v0.0.14 #automation #peace #flow #framework #model #items #progress
  44. embed_anything

    Embed anything at lightning speed

    v0.5.1 370 #embedding #vector-database #machine-learning #model #streaming #image #multimodal
  45. dypdl

    Libarary for Dynamic Programming Description Language (DyPDL)

    v0.8.0 #dynamic-programming #variables #modeling #integer #time #model #table
  46. relm

    Asynchronous, GTK+-based, GUI library, inspired by Elm, written in Rust

    v0.24.1 350 #gtk #gui #widgets #async #elm #model #events
  47. dmntk-model-evaluator

    DMNTK | DMN model evaluator

    v0.3.6 #decision #dmn #model #dmntk #evaluator #notation #toolkit
  48. dmntk-feel-parser

    DMNTK | FEEL parser

    v0.3.6 #decision #dmntk #model #toolkit #parser #notation #deprecated
  49. shrub-rs

    working with Evergreen Project configurations

    v0.5.5 #configuration #evergreen #structs #model #settings #convert #shrub
  50. tflite

    Rust bindings for TensorFlow Lite

    v0.9.8 390 #tensorflow #bindings #lite #model #inference #flat-buffers #api
  51. xtalk

    A general-purpose CLI for chat models

    v0.0.1-alpha.3 #model #provider #language-model #openai #chat #llm #default
  52. diffuse_rs_cli

    CLI for diffuse_rs

    v0.1.3 #machine-learning #scale #cli #diffuse-rs #model #flux
  53. dypdl-heuristic-search

    Heuristic search solvers for Dynamic Programming Description Language (DyPDL)

    v0.8.0 #dynamic-programming #model #search #variables #heuristic #solver #programming-language
  54. ocrs

    OCR engine

    v0.9.0 1.3K #computer-vision #text-image #machine-learning #ocr #engine #model #applications
  55. ollama-kernel

    Ollama Jupyter Kernel

    v0.5.0 #jupyter #kernel #ollama #model #local #client #install
  56. zen-engine

    Business rules engine

    v0.39.1 900 #decision #engine #business #json #rules #model #zen
  57. dmntk-feel-evaluator

    DMNTK | FEEL evaluator

    v0.3.6 #dmntk #decision #evaluator #toolkit #model #notation
  58. dmntk-examples

    DMNTK | Examples

    v0.3.6 #decision #dmntk #toolkit #deprecated #model #notation #successor
  59. multimarkov

    generic tool for training and using multi-order Markov chains for procedural generation applications such as generating randomized but authentic-sounding names for characters and locations

    v1.0.0 #procedural-generation #markov-chain #name #states #training #model #locations
  60. redb_model

    Redb model derive macro and DTO type conversion

    v0.11.2 450 #macro-derive #redb #model #generate-table #schema #database-table
  61. model-mapper

    Derive macro to map between different types

    v0.6.1 #macro-derive #mapper #model #derive #from #into
  62. onnx-runner

    Use ORT to run ONNX model

    v0.1.2 #onnx #model #run #ort #yolo
  63. wgml

    Cross-platform GPU LLM inference

    v0.2.0 #gpu #llm #inference #model #cross-platform #shaders #kernel
  64. varlociraptor

    calling of genomic variants using a latent variable model

    v8.6.0 140 #variant #genomics #calling #model #variables #scenario #uncertainty
  65. jaime

    j.a.i.m.e. is an ergonomic all purpose gradient descent engine

    v2.3.1 330 #statistics #ai #gradient #descent #engine #model #dataset
  66. zawgl-core

    Zawgl Graph Core Library

    v0.1.14 #graph #node #relationship #properties #zawgl #repository #model
  67. mmdeploy

    Safe MMDeploy Rust wrapper

    v1.1.0 310 #deployment #model #ci #detector #open-mm-lab #classifier #pose
  68. diffusion_rs_cli

    CLI for diffusion_rs

    v0.1.0 #machine-learning #scale #cli #diffusion #diffusion-rs #model #flux
  69. erniebot-rs

    A unofficial Rust library for the Ernie API

    v0.4.1 #text-generation #api #embedding #ernie #sdk #chat #model
  70. gradio

    Client in Rust

    v0.3.2 #client #huggingface #api-client #model #prediction #interface #command-line
  71. Rustb

    A package for calculating band, angle state, linear and nonlinear conductivities based on tight-binding models

    v0.3.0 3.1K #rustb #physics #model #tight-binding #band #linear #states #surface
  72. misanthropy

    An interface to the Anthropic API

    v0.0.7 #anthropic #claude #model #interface #ai #text-image #api-client
  73. dmntk-model

    DMNTK | DMN model and parser

    v0.3.6 #decision #model #dmn #notation #toolkit #dmntk #parser
  74. gel-protocol

    Low-level protocol implementation for Gel database client. For applications, use gel-tokio. Formerly published as edgedb-protocol

    v0.7.0 #protocols #client #gel #model #database #low-level #applications
  75. re_viewport_blueprint

    The data model describing the layout of the viewport

    v0.21.0 8.3K #viewport #layout #blueprint #model #computer-vision #visualization #data-model
  76. pywr-v1-validator

    Pywr v1.x model JSON validator

    v0.17.1 140 #json #validation #model #pywr
  77. righor

    creates model of Ig/TCR sequences from sequencing data

    v0.2.6 600 #sequence #model #sequencing #recombination #generate #evaluate #package
  78. uno-cli

    rust cli for uno game

    v0.1.7 #command-line #game #uno #model
  79. navm

    Definitions and APIs for the NAVM (Non-Axiomatic Virtual Machine) model

    v0.17.4 #virtual-machine #non-axiomatic-logic #nars #definition #model #api #narsese
  80. jellyfin_api

    Incomplete Rust client for the Jellyfin API

    v10.9.2-1 #jellyfin #api-client #model #bindings-generator #open-api #generate #incomplete
  81. schlandals

    probabilistic inference by projected weighted model counting

    v0.1.3 #probability-distribution #model #probabilistic #weighted #counting #inference #projected
  82. mcp-sdk

    Model Context Protocol (MCP)

    v0.0.3 #protocols #model #context #mcp #server #basic #client
  83. jams-cli

    CLI application for interaction with J.A.M.S - Just Another Model Server

    v0.1.12 700 #cli-applications #model #interaction #server #deprecated #another
  84. dmntk-feel-number

    DMNTK | FEEL number

    v0.3.6 #numbers #decision #dmntk #toolkit #model #notation
  85. atelier_core

    Rust native core model for the AWS Smithy IDL

    v0.2.22 900 #aws-smithy #model #aws #traits #idl #definition #interface
  86. dsntk-model

    dsntk | Decision Toolkit | DMN model and parser

    v0.0.9 #decision #dmn #model #toolkit
  87. dmntk-feel-grammar

    DMNTK | FEEL grammar

    v0.3.6 #decision #dmntk #grammar #toolkit #model #notation #file
  88. gltf-viewer-lib

    glTF 2.0 viewer

    v0.4.5-alpha.0 #3d-model #gltf #viewer #scene #model #3d
  89. dmntk-feel

    DMNTK | FEEL definitions

    v0.3.6 #decision #dmntk #toolkit #model #definition #notation #deprecated
  90. check_openai_models

    A TUI tool to check and display OpenAI models information

    v0.1.2 #openai #tui #models #api #model #cli #api-key
  91. burn-import

    importing datamodels into the Burn framework

    v0.16.0 340 #deep-learning #machine-learning #model #burn #framework #import #pytorch
  92. peace_data

    Data model for the peace automation framework

    v0.0.14 #automation #peace #framework #build-automation #configuration #model #state
  93. sqlx-model

    sqlx model

    v0.2.3 #orm #async-orm #sqlx #database #model #sql-database #async
  94. filigree-cli

    Scaffolding utility for the Filigree web application framework

    v0.4.1 #web-apps #web-framework #model #scaffolding #filigree #applications #configuration
  95. gpt_sovits_rs

    A GPT_Sovits inference lib in Rust base on pytorch

    v0.3.4 900 #pytorch #inference #gpt-sovits #lib #model #path #base
  96. peace_cfg

    Configuration model for the peace automation framework

    v0.0.14 #automation #peace #configuration #framework #state #model #parameters
  97. ormlite-attr

    See ormlite

    v0.22.9 370 #sql-database #model #orm #ormlite #sql-query #derive #postgresql
  98. gmt_m2-ctrl_asm_preshape-filter

    Giant Magellan Telescope primary mirror control system

    v0.2.1 #control-system #telescope #astronomy #mirror #magellan #giant #model
  99. libffm

    Field-aware factorization machines in Rust

    v0.2.0 #factorization #machine #model #prediction #field-aware #data #command-line-tool
  100. mongoose

    Convenient MongoDb Wrappers

    v0.6.2 #mongo-db #async-trait #bson #database #model #wrapper #traits
  101. kind-openai

    Highly opinionated OpenAI API wrapper crate. By Kindness Inc.

    v0.3.9 1.1K #chat-completion #highly #opinionated #structured #model #inc #kind
  102. fastlem

    generating procedural terrains based on simplified landscape evolution model (LEM)

    v0.1.4 190 #terrain #procedural-generation #evolution #model #graph #landscape #simulating
  103. wasmedge_stable_diffusion

    using stable diffusion functions when the Wasi is being executed on WasmEdge

    v0.3.2 300 #wasm-edge #diffusion #stable #wasi #executed #model #functions
  104. japan-geoid

    Calculates geoid heights for Japan using GSI's geoid model

    v0.4.1 #japan #geodesy #geoid #gsi #model #gis #python
  105. bolero-kani

    kani plugin for bolero

    v0.12.0 7.4K #testing #model #properties #proof
  106. rwkv-tokenizer

    A fast RWKV Tokenizer

    v0.9.0 #tokenizer #rwkv #model #world-tokenizer #v5 #v6 #performance
  107. fbsim-core

    american football simulation

    v1.0.0-alpha.3 440 #model #football #fbsim #library #simulation
  108. ask_gemini

    interacting with the Google Gemini API

    v0.1.4 #gemini #google #api-key #response #model #async-api #api-calls
  109. spark-orm

    Mongodb ORM in Rust

    v0.3.1 750 #orm #mongo-db #model #collection #mapping #structs #built
  110. gmt-fem

    Giant Magellan Telescope Finite Element Model

    v5.1.1 #finite-element #telescope #model #fem #magellan #giant #astronomy
  111. dmntk-feel-temporal

    DMNTK | FEEL temporal

    v0.3.6 130 #decision #temporal #dmntk #toolkit #model #notation #file
  112. infect

    Intent/effect/task - A variation on the Model View Intent (MVI) and State Action Model (SAM) paradigms

    v0.0.30 #applications #model #dataflow #unidirectional
  113. yammer

    ollama-compatible client library

    v0.12.0 260 #model #chat #ollama #prompt #client #generate #stream
  114. rustpotter

    An open source wakeword spotter forged in rust

    v3.0.2 #audio-stream #detection #wakeword #reference #model #frequency #mel
  115. atelier_smithy

    Rust native Smithy language format for the AWS Smithy IDL

    v0.2.13 850 #aws-smithy #model #idl #parser #language-model #selector #read-write
  116. libnail

    that performs profile Hidden Markov Model (PHMM) biological sequence alignment

    v0.3.0 #sequence-alignment #biological #model #markov #hidden #profile #phmm
  117. llama-core

    The core library of LlamaEdge

    v0.26.1 600 #chat-bot #model #llm #rag #api-server #llama #applications
  118. altrios-core

    ALTRIOS Core model for train simulation

    v0.2.3 #train #simulation #altrios #model #energy #component #package
  119. atelier_json

    Rust native JSON format for the AWS Smithy IDL

    v0.2.7 800 #aws-smithy #json #idl #json-parser #json-format #model #atelier
  120. lighthouse-protocol

    Protocol types for Project Lighthouse

    v3.4.0 #lighthouse #model #protocols #api-bindings #types #server
  121. ledger-models

    A comprehensive model library for financial products (securities, prices, transactions, etc). Protobuf used for serialization, with language-specific implementations

    v0.1.92 550 #serialization #protobuf #financial #model #transactions #bindings #price
  122. sbv2_core


    v0.2.0-alpha4 #onnx-runtime #model #style-bert-vits2 #text-to-speech #cuda #tensor-rt #cuda-tf32
  123. ollama-rest

    Asynchronous Rust bindings of Ollama REST API

    v0.5.2 210 #ollama #model #async #bindings #api-bindings #embedding #running
  124. sorm

    ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) built on SQLx

    v0.1.2 #orm #mapping #sqlx #model #primary-key #built #table
  125. oswo

    Organize your sway outputs

    v1.1.1 140 #outputs #sway #organize #model #cfgs
  126. polyfit-residuals

    Efficiently calculate the residual errors (in the least squares sense) of all polynomial models (up to some degree) for a given dataset and compute least-squares polynomial fits

    v0.6.4 #polynomial #regression #model #numerical-methods #mathematics #math #statistics
  127. mdl

    Data model library to share app state between threads and process and persist the data in the filesystem. Implements a simple way to store structs instances in a LMDB database and other methods like BTreeMap

    v1.0.5 #data-model #state #lmdb #model #key-value-store #data-access #data-store
  128. limo

    Interactive shell for Project Lighthouse model servers

    v3.1.0 #unix-command #lighthouse #shell #model #interactive #resources #repl
  129. dot_ix_model

    Model for the dot_ix diagramming application

    v0.9.1 170 #graphviz #dot #graph #model #applications #interactive #diagramming
  130. minetest-gltf

    glTF 2.0 loader with an easy to use output. Modified extensively for the minetest-rust engine.

    v3.0.1 390 #3d-model #gltf #3d #assets #model #minetest #file-format
  131. libtenx

    building AI-assisted coding tools, with session management, patch validation, and multiple model support

    v0.0.4 600 #model #session #coding #session-management #patch #step #ai-assisted
  132. fmi

    interface to FMUs (Functional Mockup Units) that follow the FMI Standard. See http://www.fmi-standard.org/

    v0.4.1 #model #ode #modelica
  133. pywr-v1-schema

    Pywr v1.x schema for validation and (de)serialization of model JSON files

    v0.17.1 320 #json #json-schema #schema-validation #model #deserialize #pywr #de
  134. dynamixel_ct

    working with the control tables of Dynamixel servos

    v0.1.1 #table #control #dynamixel #model #servos #dp #88
  135. jonswap

    CLI for JONSWAP wave model

    v0.2.1 #wave #spectrum #model #time #spectral #plot #gnuplot
  136. gpca

    'Async Hyper-Graph Cellular Automata' computational model

    v0.2.1 #cellular-automata #parallel-processing #hypergraph #computation #gpu #acceleration #model
  137. decthings-api

    Official Rust API client for Decthings

    v0.1.5 200 #machine-learning #artificial-intelligence #model #api-client #ai-api #decthings #cloud
  138. ai00-core

    RWKV language model in pure WebGPU

    v0.5.12 #language-model #deep-learning #model #llm #rwkv
  139. smodel

    Symbol semantic modeling for Rust

    v1.0.13 #dynamic-dispatch #symbol #semantics #model #inheritance #semantic #class
  140. orthanq

    quantify haplotypes in an uncertainty-aware manner

    v1.7.9 180 #bayesian #quantification #haplotype #model #aware #uncertainty-aware #manner
  141. risico-2023

    Wildfire Risk Assessment Model by CIMA Research Foundation

    v0.3.4 #risk #model #foundation #research #assessment #input #wildfire
  142. nacfahi-derive

    Derive proc-macro for nacfahi

    v0.3.7 #proc-macro #model #nacfahi #array #fit #parameters #api
  143. aria-query

    Rust port of ARIA Query

    v0.0.4 #aria #role #web #query #model #dom #programmatic
  144. below-model

    Model crate for below

    v0.8.1 #below #linux #resources #system-resources #model #monitor
  145. weld-codegen

    Code generation for smithy models

    v0.7.0 800 #generation #smithy #model #codegen #wasmcloud #language #generator
  146. cube-rotations

    Models the rotations that can happen on a cube without changing the set of planes to which its faces are parallel

    v1.0.0 #cube #rotation #parallel #set #faces #model #happen
  147. simple_llama

    run llama.cpp in Rust. based on llama-cpp-2

    v0.1.3-b #llama #model #prompt #interaction #cpp #interface #llama-cpp-2
  148. apt-edsp

    data model of the APT External Dependency Solver Protocol

    v0.4.1 #apt #solver #protocols #model #external
  149. timely-container-master

    Container abstractions for Timely

    v0.13.0-dev.1 2.5K #timely-dataflow #container #abstraction #distributed #low-latency #model
  150. groq-cli

    A basic Cli to interact with Groq Api

    v0.1.1 #groq #cli #interact #basic #model #cargo-build #api-key
  151. kazama

    an ollama wrapper in rust

    v0.1.3 #chat-completion #ollama #model #wrapper #embedding #client #pull
  152. asdi

    Simplistic Datalog Implementation (in Rust)

    v0.2.5 #logic-programming #datalog #inference #simplistic #representation #parser #model
  153. fmu-runner

    A high level Rust wrapper for executing FMU's that follow the FMI 2.0 standard

    v0.4.3 1.9K #model #fmu #ode #fmi #modelica #api-bindings
  154. atelier_describe

    Rust native documentation generator for the AWS Smithy IDL

    v0.1.10 #aws-smithy #documentation-generator #idl #model #atelier #generate #somedoc
  155. slack-blocks

    Models + clientside validation for Slack's JSON Block Kit

    v0.25.0 100 #slack #models #messages #model
  156. rgrow

    A modular Tile Assembly Model simulator, inspired by Xgrow

    v0.18.0 #tile #assembly #model #simulation #interface #events #xgrow
  157. somedoc

    A very simple document model and markup generator

    v0.2.10 #markdown #document #model #markup #write #common-mark #writer
  158. calibrator

    methods for calibration of scalar and vector measurement systems

    v0.1.2 110 #measurement #calibration #system #response #model #stimulus #mocking
  159. blender_theme

    Blender Theme Model

    v0.1.1 #theme #blender #model #facilitate #creation
  160. dmntk-common

    DMNTK | Common definitions

    v0.3.6 #decision #definition #dmntk #notation #toolkit #deprecated #model
  161. microflow

    A robust and efficient TinyML inference engine

    v0.1.3 #machine-learning #tiny-ml #inference #engine #compiler #model #run-time
  162. rmgl

    A small and kinda working ray marching graphics lib

    v1.0.4 #graphics #opengl #ray #marching #modeling #check #model
  163. gosh-model

    Chemical model for gosh

    v0.2.1 #chemical #model #gosh
  164. htrpc

    HTTP based RPC library

    v0.0.19 190 #rpc #http #rpc-framework #communication #client-server #model #channel
  165. fbxcel-dom

    FBX DOM library

    v0.0.10 130 #3d-model #fbx #3d #model #tree-traversal
  166. nnli

    🔭 interactively explore onnx networks in your CLI

    v0.0.19 #onnx #model #node #interactively #tui #explore #data
  167. dmntk-recognizer

    DMNTK | Decision Table Recognizer

    v0.3.6 #decision #table #dmntk #toolkit #deprecated #notation #model
  168. mini_ollama_client

    ollama client with minimal dependency in rust

    v0.1.0 #ollama #send-request #client #mini #response #server #model
  169. bevy_simple_networking

    authoritative server networking library for Bevy

    v0.4.0 #bevy-networking #bevy #multiplayer-game #udp-server #authoritative #gamedev #model
  170. openai-rst

    OpenAI API Rust client

    v0.2.0 #chat-completion #api-client #model #optional #gpt-4 #request #api-key
  171. r2rs-stats

    Statistics programming for Rust based on R's stats package

    v0.1.1 #data #plot #model #statistics #test #testing
  172. langsan

    sanitizing language model input and output

    v0.0.10 #language-model #language #model #sanitization
  173. kolorwheel

    Color palette generator for GUI applications

    v1.1.1 130 #color-palette #gui-applications #hsl #step #generator #base #model
  174. wfrs-model

    Workflow RS - Model with Zero-copy deserialization

    v0.20.2 250 #deserialize #zero-copy #workflow #model
  175. zino-model

    Domain models for zino

    v0.29.1 750 #web-apps #orm #web #schema #model #web-framework
  176. sweetrpg-model-core

    Core model definitions for SweetRPG

    v0.0.4 #model #sweetrpg #core
  177. misty-vm

    building view models

    v0.1.6 #view #models #model
  178. fleetmod

    Kubernetes model for fleet

    v0.1.1 250 #model #kubernetes #fleet #gitee #git #com-enterprises #oschina
  179. assemblyline-models

    Data models for the Assemblyline malware analysis platform

    v0.1.21 #malware-analysis #model #assemblyline #platform #component
  180. postman

    client, generated from the OpenAPI spec

    v3.0.0 #client #generated-client #open-api #spec #postman-client #model
  181. tower-sessions-rorm-store

    Session Store implementation for rorm

    v0.4.0 #tower-sessions #session-store #rorm #user-defined #model
  182. coqui-stt

    Safe wrapper around the Coqui STT C library

    v1.0.2 100 #speech-recognition #speech-to-text #stt #audio #coqui #api #model
  183. pkrs-fork

    wrapper around the PluralKit API

    v0.4.0 140 #api #plural-kit #pkrs #system #model #client #pk-client
  184. cervo-asset

    A unified asset type for Cervo using ONNX or NNEF models

    v0.7.0 #machine-learning #inference #model #ml-model
  185. autoregressive

    model for generate series data

    v0.1.5 #series #ar #data #model #generate #random #process
  186. cheminee-similarity-model

    Builds a Morgan fingerprint encoder model to accelerate similarity searches

    v0.1.6 300 #encoder #model #similarity #builds #searches #accelerate #fingerprint
  187. perplexity


    v0.1.1 #ai #chat #api-client #sdk #model #completion #anthropic
  188. amfiteatr_classic

    some classic game theory problems to research on

    v0.5.0 400 #game-theory #reinforcement-learning #player #model #theory #game #modeling
  189. redb_model_trait

    Redb model trait

    v0.8.0 #redb #macro-derive #model #conversion #dto #traits #database-table
  190. ortn

    Rust bindings for ONNXRuntime

    v1.19.2 #onnx-runtime #bindings #tensor #model #ndarray #flags #platform
  191. flutterwave-v3-models

    models crate for flutterwaveV3

    v0.1.2-alpha.1 #models #model #flutterwave #flutterwave-v3
  192. llmservice-flows

    LLM Service integration for flows.network

    v0.5.0 #flows #llm #integration #service #api-integration #model #chat
  193. fbxcel

    Excellent FBX library

    v0.9.0 170 #3d-model #fbx #3d #model #binary-format #data-access #binary-data
  194. stedi-sdk-client-guides

    Stedi SDK for Rust that includes Guides client

    v0.1.76 270 #guide #client #sdk #error #model #service #stedi
  195. replicate-rs

    A minimal async http client for Replicate

    v0.8.7 #machine-learning #http-client #async-http-client #replicate #async-client #api-client #model
  196. atelier_rdf

    Rust native RDF format for the AWS Smithy semantic model

    v0.1.12 #aws-smithy #rdf #model #serialization #semantic #graph #representation
  197. r2rs-nmath

    Statistics programming for Rust based on R's nmath package

    v0.1.1 120 #statistics #plot #data #model
  198. modelcards

    A fast modelcard generator with built-in templates

    v0.1.1 #ml-model #model #modelcard #generator #governance #ml #render-template
  199. localllm

    qwen2 model lib by llama.cpp

    v0.2.0 #model #api-bindings #qwen2 #llama #cpp #lib
  200. vmdl

    Rust parser for valve model files

    v0.2.0 #model #parser #source #valve #engine #mdl #vvd
  201. dade

    data definition for Rust structures

    v0.2.0 120 #serialization #data #data-structures #json-schema #validation #model #enums
  202. dmntk-evaluator

    DMNTK | FEEL and DMN model evaluator

    v0.3.6 #decision #dmn #dmntk #evaluator #model #toolkit #deprecated
  203. locodrive

    A model railroad connection handler to read message from and write messages to serial port

    v0.1.2 #serial-port #model #railroad #control #train #messages #connection
  204. dmntk-workspace

    DMNTK | Workspace

    v0.3.6 #decision #dmntk #workspace #model #toolkit #notation #deprecated
  205. genanki-rs

    create decks for the open source flashcard platform Anki. Based on Python library genanki

    v0.4.0 140 #flashcards #anki #model #python #field #decks #genanki
  206. whisper-rs-sys

    Rust bindings for whisper.cpp (FFI bindings)

    v0.11.1 1.7K #whisper #bindings #cpp-bindings #flags #model #gpu #open-blas
  207. relm-state

    Non UI part of relm

    v0.16.0 320 #relm #gui #ui #elm #model #update #events
  208. xc3_model

    High level library for xc3_lib

    v0.16.0 150 #texture #file-format #model #animation #material #level #processing
  209. dmntk-server

    DMNTK | API server

    v0.3.6 #decision #dmntk #api-server #toolkit #model #notation
  210. dmntk-gendoc

    DMNTK | Documentation generator

    v0.3.6 #documentation-generator #dmntk #decision #model #toolkit #notation #successor
  211. tetris_core

    Tetris game model with no UI or Game engine

    v0.2.1 #tetris #game-engine #ui #model #logic #game #interface
  212. paperdoll

    2D paper doll model

    v0.1.1 #slot #paper #model #doll #image #fragment #2d
  213. stedi-sdk-client-partners

    Stedi SDK for Rust that includes Partners client

    v0.1.76 #error #stedi #model #service #partner #api-client #sdk
  214. kalast

    Thermophysical Model for Binary Asteroids

    v0.4.1 160 #binary #model #space #asteroid #thermophysical
  215. bondora

    API client

    v0.2.5 #api-client #model #api-version #generate #tokio #auction-request
  216. warpgrapher

    Automate web service creation with GraphQL and Graph Databases

    v0.11.2 450 #graph-database #graphql #web-services #neo4j #neptune #api-service #model
  217. bevy_icon_creator

    A plugin to automatically create Icons from entities/models in bevy

    v0.1.7 #icons #texture #bevy #model #bevy-plugin #gamedev #icon
  218. ira_drum

    A packaging format for textures and models

    v0.3.1 #game-engine #texture #model #format #packaging #ira #mesh
  219. gosh-adaptor

    Adaptor for chemical model

    v0.4.1 #parquet-file #chemistry #computational #opt #adaptor #vasp #model
  220. gpcas_cpu_model

    General Purpose Core Architecture Simulator (GPCAS) CPU model definition

    v0.7.1 #cpu #architecture #model #gpcas #simulator #definition #cpu-model
  221. rbxm

    Reader for Roblox model files

    v0.3.0 #roblox #instance #model #mesh #format #reader #read
  222. rusk_crate

    SOmething is not wrong

    v0.2.0 #enums #car #model #lensi #dynamics #explore #wrong
  223. intricate

    A GPU accelerated library that creates/trains/runs machine learning prediction models in safe Rust code

    v0.7.0 130 #machine-learning #neural-network #layer #gpu-accelerated #deep-learning #opencl #model
  224. sample-consensus

    Abstractions for sample consensus algorithms such as RANSAC

    v1.0.2 490 #consensus-algorithm #consensus #sample #model #computer-vision #estimator #ransac
  225. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  226. mos6502_model

    MOS6502 hardware model

    v0.2.1 #hardware #model #mos6502
  227. yao

    a fast, tiny, extensiable workflow engine

    v0.1.4 #workflow-engine #workflow #yaml #model #step #user #branch
  228. tfdeploy

    Tiny, no-nonsense, self contained, TensorFlow inference

    v0.0.10 #tensorflow #neural-network #inference #tiny #model #protobuf #self-contained
  229. replicate-rust

    An Unofficial Rust Client for Replicate

    v0.0.5 #replicate #api-client #model #api-response #input #structs #deserializing
  230. tangram

    Make predictions with a Tangram model from your Rust app. Learn more at https://www.tangram.dev/.

    v0.7.0 #machine-learning #model #predictions #dev #learn
  231. spawn-stochastic

    simulating multiple stochastic processes including ABM, GBM, Ornstein-Uhlenbeck, Feller Square Root, and Brownian Bridge

    v0.1.0 #stochastic #square-root #math #simulation #finance #model #mathematical
  232. depict

    Picture systems, tell stories

    v0.3.0 #diagram #systems #label #complex #drawing #draw #model
  233. coze

    An egui app for playing with a local open source LLM

    v0.1.7 190 #llm #egui #model #local #prompt #huggingface #prompting
  234. wasm-ast

    A WebAssembly syntax model useful for generate, reading, and emitting WebAssembly code

    v0.1.0 #wasm-module #syntax-tree #ast #ast-parser #model #generate #validation
  235. text-document

    Text document structure and management

    v0.0.5 #document #model #text-format #format #text-image #text #plain-text
  236. fhirbolt

    FHIR library

    v0.4.0 #fhir #json-xml #deserialize-json #hl7 #resources #model #experimental
  237. rust_nb

    but generic Naive Bayes Model in Rust

    v0.1.1 #bayes #naive #model #class #generic #features #index
  238. gltf-viewer

    glTF 2.0 viewer

    v0.4.1 #3d-model #gltf #viewer #3d #model #scene
  239. libprosic

    calling of genomic variants using a latent variable model

    v0.7.3 160 #model #variant #genomics #variables #calling #single #cell
  240. data_model

    [highly unstable] data model for virtualization

    v0.1.1-alpha.1 130 #virtualization #model #unstable #highly #data
  241. amfiteatr_core

    A framework to model and simulate game theory problems with many agents

    v0.5.0 #game-theory #model #player #reinforcement-learning #theory #game
  242. relm-gen-widget

    relm-attributes and relm-derive

    v0.16.0 180 #widgets #gui #relm #attributes #generation #model #elm
  243. tuic

    Delicately-TUICed 0-RTT proxy protocol

    v5.0.0 #protocols #quic #proxy #networking #abstraction #model #un
  244. mvc-rs

    mvc traits for Rust

    v3.3.0 #model-view-controller #model #view #controller
  245. create_vox

    creating magicavoxel files

    v1.0.1 #magica-voxel #voxel #magicavoxel #model
  246. amfiteatr_rl

    Extensions providing reinforcement learning implementations for amfiteatr

    v0.5.0 #reinforcement-learning #game-theory #model #player #data-model #env-vars #theory