
  1. divan

    Statistically-comfy benchmarking library

    v0.1.17 67K #performance #benchmark #criterion #instrument #measure
  2. measure_time

    Provices macros to measure the time until end of scope

    v0.9.0 250K #elapsed-time #measure #elapsed #wall #human-readable #time #humantime
  3. medians

    Median, Statistical Measures, Mathematics, Statistics

    v3.0.12 3.0K #median #data-analysis #statistics #math #measure #statistical #standard-deviation
  4. quantities

    Unit-safe computations with quantities

    v0.13.3 800 #unit #quantity #arithmetic #measure #unit-safe #numerical-computation #unit-system
  5. fun_time

    that allows you to easily time your function calls with a simple attribute!

    v0.3.4 2.3K #execution-time #timing #function #measure #measure-time #time
  6. time-test

    Measure how long your test cases take with one simple macro

    v0.3.0 3.1K #testing #unit-testing #measure #long #test-cases #how #macro
  7. tolerance

    Math representation of the physically needed permissible deviation of measures

    v1.1.2 #deviation #value #measure #range #math #accuracy #representation
  8. pwsh-startup

    measuring the Powershell startup time

    v0.1.1 #startup #time #power-shell #measuring #measure #profile #ms
  9. intervalsets

    bounded and unbounded intervals implemented as sets with all the associated set operations

    v0.1.0-alpha.2 #set-operations #interval #set #bounds #measure #math #bound
  10. criterion-perf-events

    Measure perf events for criterion

    v0.4.0 5.3K #perf-events #performance-analysis #criterion #benchmarking #hardware #linux #measure
  11. chinese-format

    Convert data types to Chinese, with Rust

    v0.9.0 #chinese #convert #format #localization #measure #data-conversion #logograms
  12. harness

    Precise and reproducible benchmarking

    v0.0.8 #performance #benchmark #measure #instrument
  13. jetty

    Jet clustering

    v0.4.1 #physics #algorithm #clustering #jets #jet #measure #kt
  14. scaling

    A lightweight benchmarking library that measures scaling behavior

    v0.1.3 2.9K #linear-regression #benchmarking #benchmark #measure #behavior #iteration #bench
  15. coppers

    custom test harnass that measures the energy usage of your test suite

    v0.1.1 #energy #test-harness #testing #green #measure #test-suite #power
  16. rprofile

    measure processor timings in selected samples of execution

    v0.1.3 #timing #execution #measure #sample #processor #statistics #resources
  17. timing_rdtsc

    Easily time a block of code

    v0.1.2 #timing #x86-64 #rdtsc #architecture #block #measure #human-readable
  18. loan_ec

    providing loan level EC measures

    v0.2.1 #loan #risk #measure #portfolio #ec #capital #contributions
  19. tempus_fugit

    A tiny library to measure the execution time of Rust expressions, with nanosecond precision

    v0.11.0 #execution-time #measuring #nanosecond #measurement #expression #precision #measure
  20. howlong

    Measure how long it takes for a program to execute in different clocks

    v0.1.7 200 #timer #clock #chrono #measure #different #execute #how
  21. performance_measure

    measuring the performance of Rust code

    v2.0.0 #performance #benchmark #measure #benchmarking #time-measurement #time
  22. chrono-probe

    Compare and measure the time complexity of algorithms

    v0.1.0 #algorithm #plot #measure-time #measure #benchmark #time-complexity
  23. perfer

    A CLI tool which let's you track the memory used by a program

    v0.1.2 #memory #process #process-memory #performance #command-line-tool #cli #measure
  24. convrt

    Convert between measures

    v0.1.0 #measure #convert
  25. ingredient

    recipe ingredient parser

    v0.3.0 #recipe #parser #nom #unit #measure #ingredient-parser #modifier
  26. core-to-core-latency

    Measures CPU core-to-core latency

    v1.2.0 190 #latency #cores #cpu #measure #cache #thread #measuring
  27. measures

    A unit-of-measure and electrical calculations library

    v0.1.0 #measure #calculations #circuit #si-units #electrical #norton #thevenin
  28. astronomical-quantities

    Unit-safe computations with astronomical quantities

    v0.13.0 #astronomical #unit #quantity #measure #unit-safe
  29. time_measure

    measure the execution time of code blocks

    v0.1.0 #measure #execution #blocks #execution-time
  30. scopetime

    log runtime of arbitrary scope

    v0.1.2 490 #profiling #logging #scope #run-time #execution #measure #part
  31. spectre

    A lightweight toolkit for analysing p2p network topologies

    v0.7.0 #p2p #networking #adjacency-matrix #graph #network-connectivity #measure #toolkit
  32. rs-measures

    macros to encapsulate numbers in measures, provided with units of measurement, allowing any meaningful operation, but statically forbidding meaningless operations with them

    v0.4.0 #measurement #units #measure #macro #operations #numbers #encapsulate
  33. harness-probe-perf

    harness probe for reporting linux perf-event counter values

    v0.0.6 #performance #benchmark #measure #instrument
  34. timers

    Like GNU's time but in Rust! (timeRS)

    v0.3.0 #timer #measure #user #time #system #output
  35. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  36. fft_bench

    Benchmark using FFT

    v0.1.1 #fft #benchmark #wav #bench #processing #build #measure
  37. inpu

    CLI tool to measure JavaScript library bundle size

    v0.2.0 #javascript #size #bundle #command-line-tool #measure #cli
  38. t-cmd

    CLI utility to measure CPU time and RSS of a process

    v0.1.0 #cpu #rss #measure #time #process #cpu-time #command-line-tool
  39. allowance

    Rust Datatype to representate the deviation of measures

    v0.10.0 #measure #floating-point #math #value #deviation #representation #datatype
  40. cargo-libyear

    measure of software dependency freshness

    v0.1.0 #latest-version #measure #freshness #cargo #behind #cargo-metadata #libyear
  41. took

    Easily measure & report elapsed time

    v0.1.2 4.0K #elapsed-time #time #measure #stopwatch #elapsed #run-time
  42. async-alloc-counter

    measures max allocations in a future invocation

    v0.2.1 #future #measure #allocations #alloc #allocator #counter #invocation
  43. measured-future-rs

    A wrapper for std::future::Future that measures the CPU-time it takes to be computed

    v0.4.2 #measure #future #cpu-time #computed
  44. c2clat

    Command-line utility to measure core-to-core latency

    v1.0.0 #heatmap #latency #cpu #cli #command-line-tool #testing #measure
  45. memu

    Implementations of memory units and working with them

    v0.1.3 #units #memory #measure #memory-units #unit #unit-conversion #computer-sience
  46. entropy-lib

    Measures the Shannon and metric entropy of files

    v1.0.2 #entropy #metrics #shannon-entropy #byte #measure #numbers #length
  47. harness-cli

    Precise and reproducible benchmarking

    v0.0.9 #performance #benchmark #measure #instrument
  48. etime

    measure elapsed time

    v0.1.8 #elapsed #elapsed-time #duration #measure
  49. zng-wr-malloc-size-of

    Internal utility to measure memory usage in WebRender

    v0.0.3 700 #webrender #memory #web #renderer #zng #firefox #measure
  50. yoric/yaiouom-checker

    Prototype extension of the Rust type system towards checking units-of-measure

    GitHub 0.1.0 #measure #system #checking #yaiouom #unit #unify #units-of-measure
  51. hot-ranking-algorithm

    Algorithm that measures how relevant a given data set is, kinda like Reddit

    v2.0.0 #reddit #measure #data-set #how #algorithm #kinda
  52. kperf

    macOS kpc_* instrumentation API wrapper

    v0.1.0 #performance #measure #instrument
  53. entropia

    Measure the information entropy of some text

    v0.1.0 #entropy #command-line #information #text #calculate #measure
  54. meas

    A command-line tool for measuring duration of execution of a command

    v0.1.0 #duration #execution #command #command-line-tool #measuring #measure #time
  55. simple_units

    unit sytem for Rust

    v0.1.0 #units #measure #unit #physics #unit-system #si-units #science
  56. unitage

    interaction with units of measurement

    v0.0.2 #units #unit #measurement #conversion #measure
  57. actix-web-isucon-measured

    A middleware to measure request processing time for ISUCON

    v0.1.2 #actix-web #actix-web-middleware #time #processing #measure #request #isucon
  58. units

    Measure for Rust. Easy to use, type-safe and customizable.

    v0.1.0 #type-level #unit #measure #customizable #type-safe
  59. divan-macros

    Macros for Divan, a statistically-comfy benchmarking library

    v0.1.17 65K #benchmark #performance #measure #criterion #instrument
  60. ucum

    Unified Code for Units of Measures (UCUM)

    v0.1.0 #measure #unit #parser
  61. qty-macros

    Macros supporting the implementation of quantities

    v0.13.1 360 #unit #quantity #arithmetic #measure #unit-safe #math
  62. wr_malloc_size_of

    Internal utility to measure memory usage in WebRender

    v0.1.0 #webrender #memory #measure #firefox #fork #bundling
  63. code_timer

    measure code execution time (native wasm)

    v0.1.2 #native #execution-time #measure #wasm
  64. howmuch

    Measure elapsed time by tagged sections

    v0.1.2 #section #elapsed #measure #tagged #elapsed-time #tags
  65. bench

    Run a program, measure execution time and print statistics

    v1.1.0 #print #measure #execution #statistics #benchmark #execution-time #command
  66. speedometer

    Measure throughput per second

    v0.2.2 #measure #per #second #io
  67. cost

    measure the cost of running your functions

    v0.1.1 #running #measure #functions #expose #callback
  68. om2

    A set of classes generated from the OM2 RDF schema (mainly Unit)

    v0.1.9 #ontology #measurement #unit #class #measure #generated #schema
  69. measure

    Estimate data transfer speed between two streams

    v1.1.3 #data-transfer #stream #estimate #speed
  70. meter_proxy

    A TCP proxy that measures latency and throughput of a client-server application

    v0.2.3 #proxy #meter #measure #forwarder #client-server #latency #tcp