
  1. crossbeam-queue

    Concurrent queues

    v0.3.12 3.2M #mpmc #lock-free-queue #producer-consumer #queue #data-structures #lock-free
  2. rtrb

    A realtime-safe single-producer single-consumer ring buffer

    v0.3.1 67K #wait-free #lock-free #lock-free-queue #spsc #queue
  3. thingbuf

    I'm at the buffer pool. I'm at the MPSC channel. I'm at the combination MPSC channel and buffer pool.

    v0.1.6 18K #ring-buffer #mpsc #channel #lock-free-queue #lock-free #queue #pool
  4. cordyceps

    Mycelium intrusive data structures

    v0.3.2 46K #data-structures #linked-list #lock-free-queue #intrusive #lock-free #list #queue
  5. st3

    A very fast lock-free, bounded, work-stealing LIFO queue

    v0.4.1 7.9K #lock-free-queue #queue #fifo-queue #lock-free #bounded #work-stealing #stack
  6. bbqueue

    A SPSC, lockless, no_std, thread safe, queue, based on BipBuffers

    v0.5.1 5.2K #single-consumer #thread-safe #lock-free-queue #producer #producer-consumer #memory #dma
  7. rc_event_queue

    VecDeque-like fast, unbounded, FIFO, concurent read-lock-free message queue

    v0.4.3 #message-queue #fifo-queue #queue #lock-free-queue #lock-free #mpmc
  8. omango

    Concurrency collections

    v0.2.6 480 #mpmc #wait-group #bounded-channel #lock-free-queue #thread-safe #singlesource #singlefligt
  9. swap-buffer-queue

    A buffering MPSC queue

    v0.2.1 #mpsc #atomic #lock-free #async #lock-free-queue #higher-level #io-write
  10. direct_ring_buffer

    A high-performance, lock-free ring buffer for single-producer, single-consumer scenarios

    v0.2.1 #ring-buffer #lock-free #lock-free-queue #spsc #circular-buffer #producer-consumer #data-access
  11. atomic-queue

    bounded lock-free queue for use in Audio applications, ported from https://github.com/max0x7ba/atomic_queue

    v2.2.0 #lock-free-queue #producer-consumer #audio #multi-consumer #multi-producer #real-time #bounded
  12. atomicring

    AtomicRingBuffer is a constant-size almost lock-free concurrent ring buffer

    v1.2.9 440 #ring-buffer #lock-free-queue #concurrency #low-memory #low-overhead
  13. bus_queue

    Lock-free Bounded non-Blocking Pub-Sub Queue

    v0.5.3 #lock-free-queue #queue #message-queue #lock-free #pub-sub #async #future
  14. ref_count

    Efficient, low-level asynchronous synchronization for real-time and embedded systems

    v0.1.2 #reference-counting #no-alloc #lock-free-queue #non-blocking #embedded #sync #low-overhead
  15. audio-processor-standalone-midi

    Stand-alone MIDI hosting for a VST host or an audio-processor-traits implementor

    v1.13.0 #midi #lock-free-queue #vst #audio #standalone #real-time #host
  16. magnetic

    Low-latency lock-free queues

    v2.4.1 #lock-free-queue #fifo-queue #queue #lock-free #fifo #producer-consumer
  17. mini-io-queue

    Fixed-length, allocation and lock-free, async I/O oriented single-producer single-consumer queues

    v0.2.0 #async-io #lock-free-queue #queue #io #lock-free #reader-writer #io-write
  18. unbounded-spsc

    An unbounded spsc queue built from bounded_spsc_queues

    v0.1.9 #queue #lock-free-queue #unbounded #spsc #consumer #performance #send
  19. swap-queue

    A lock-free thread-owned queue whereby tasks are taken by stealers in entirety via buffer swapping

    v1.1.0 #lock-free-queue #task-queue #batching #batch #buffer #constant-time #swapping
  20. npnc

    Lock-free queues

    v0.2.1 #queue #lock-free-queue #mpmc
  21. bastion-qutex

    Synchronization mechanisms that rely on lock-free and other non-(thread)blocking techniques, such as Rust futures, to guarantee mutually exclusive or shared exclusive access to data

    v0.2.4 #future #mutex #lock #async #futures #data-structures #lock-free-queue
  22. lf-queue

    A lock-free multi-producer multi-consumer unbounded queue

    v0.1.0 #lock-free-queue #mpmc #spsc #spmc #mpsc
  23. faa_array_queue

    Fetch-And-Add Array Queue implementation for Rust

    v0.1.2 #queue #lock-free-queue #lock-free #mpmc
  24. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  25. lockness


    v0.0.2 #atomic #lock-free #lockless #queue #mpmc #lock-free-queue
  26. ff_buffer

    A fork of ff_buffer that provides FastFlow channels on Rust

    v0.1.0 #channel #queue #fork #buffer #lock-free-queue #porting #ff