
  1. smol_str

    small-string optimized string type with O(1) clone

    v0.3.2 1.0M #string #string-interning #stack-allocated #clone #byte #immutability #allocation
  2. scroll

    A suite of powerful, extensible, generic, endian-aware Read/Write traits for byte buffers

    v0.12.0 570K #byte #endianness #immutability #endian #pread
  3. rpds

    Persistent data structures with structural sharing

    v1.1.0 215K #data-structures #persistent #immutability
  4. im

    Immutable collection datatypes

    v15.1.0 295K #immutability #thread-safe #b-tree #hamt #persistent #rrb-tree
  5. immutable-chunkmap

    A fast immutable map and set with batch insert and update methods, COW operations, and big O efficient implementations of set and merge operations

    v2.0.6 125K #set-operations #immutability #set #map #data-structures #persistent #functional
  6. gix-object

    Immutable and mutable git objects with decoding and encoding support

    v0.47.0 541K #git #version-control #codec #object #immutability #mutable #decoding
  7. imbl

    Immutable collection datatypes

    v4.0.1 23K #immutability #b-tree #persistent #hamt #rrb-tree
  8. sized-chunks

    Efficient sized chunk datatypes

    v0.7.0 479K #fixed-size #data-structures #sparse-array #immutability #performance #chunk #double-ended
  9. imbl-sized-chunks

    Efficient sized chunk datatypes

    v0.1.3 22K #fixed-size #sparse-array #data-structures #immutability #performance #sized #chunk
  10. im-rc

    Immutable collection datatypes (the fast but not thread safe version)

    v15.1.0 177K #thread-safe #immutability #b-tree #persistent #hamt #rrb-tree
  11. implicit-clone

    Immutable types and ImplicitClone trait similar to Copy

    v0.5.0 28K #immutability #copy #rc #cheap-clone
  12. cactus

    Immutable parent pointer tree

    v1.0.7 13K #stack #immutability #tree #pointers #parent #node #root-node
  13. grenad

    Tools to sort, merge, write, and read immutable key-value pairs

    v0.5.0 4.5K #key-value #key-value-store #read-write #immutability #sorting #pair #merge
  14. monofs

    monofs is an immutable distributed file system

    v0.2.1 300 #directory #immutability #distributed #filesystem #link #io #symbolic
  15. rearch

    Re-imagined approach to application design and architecture

    v0.10.2 #state-management #incremental-computation #architecture #reactive #design #immutability #dependency-injection
  16. arccstr

    Thread-safe, reference-counted null-terminated immutable strings

    v1.3.3 #string #reference-counting #immutability #cstr #c-str #compile-time
  17. token-string

    Short (up to 65,535 bytes) immutable strings to e.g. parse tokens, implemented in Rust. These are sometimes called 'German Strings', because Germans have written the paper mentioning them.

    v0.8.3 #byte-string #string #immutability #tokens #byte-length #token #small
  18. rearch-effects

    Re-imagined approach to application design and architecture

    v0.6.0 #state-management #architecture #reactive #design #immutability #dependency-injection #incremental-computation
  19. cantrip

    Practical extension methods for standard Rust collections

    v0.4.0 #collection #map #immutability #functional #data-structures #group-by
  20. shared_vector

    Reference counted vector data structure

    v0.4.4 1.2K #reference-counting #immutability #data-structures #counted #shared-data #vector #structure
  21. fingertrees

    Immutable persisten finger trees

    v0.2.11 #constant-time #data-structures #immutability #persistent #tree #finger #structure
  22. pfds

    Purely Functional Data Structures

    v0.5.0 #data-structures #distributed-systems #functional #immutability #concurrency #purely #persistence
  23. ate

    Distributed immutable data store with strong encryption and authentication

    v1.3.0 #distributed-database #secure-communication #immutability #event-bus #quantum-resistant #async #distributed-computing
  24. rpds-pathtree

    Immutable, path-addressable tree data structure

    v0.13.1 160 #tree-structure #tree #immutability #data-structures #path #thread-safe
  25. im-lists

    Persistent unrolled linked lists and vlists

    v0.8.2 310 #linked-list #persistent #list #smart-pointers #immutability #vlist #unrolled-linked-list
  26. im_ternary_tree

    Structural sharing ternary tree, i.e. immutable data structure

    v0.0.18 #tree #tree-structure #immutability #ternary #data-structures #structual-sharing
  27. list-fn

    A generic lazy list

    v0.20.1 100 #functional-programming #iterator #lazy-evaluation #generator #list #continuation #immutability
  28. atomicow

    A Cow-like data structure where owned data is stored inside an Arc

    v1.0.0 39K #data-structures #reference-counting #arc #thread-safe #immutability #owned #cow
  29. compact_strings

    A more compact but limited representation of a list of strings or bytestrings

    v4.1.2 130 #byte-string #string-representation #compact #list #memory #immutability #allocation
  30. intervaltree

    generic implementation of an immutable interval tree

    v0.2.7 11K #interval #tree #immutability #generic
  31. sif-rtree

    immutable, flat R-tree

    v0.2.11 160 #r-tree #spatial-index #immutability #memory-map #flat #search #nearest
  32. im-pathtree

    Immutable, path-addressable tree data structure

    v0.13.0 200 #tree #immutability #path #data-structures
  33. wolf-graph

    Data structures and algorithms for working with graphs with reference or value semantics

    v0.1.0 #graph #node #immutability #edge #algorithm #semantics #value
  34. sif-kdtree

    immutable, flat k-d tree

    v0.6.2 130 #kdtree #spatial #immutability #spatial-index #tree #nearest #search
  35. append-only-bytes

    Shareable append-only bytes

    v0.1.12 280 #byte-slice #byte-array #byte #append-only #data #immutability #thread
  36. vbs

    Version-tagged serialization adaptor with compile-time version checking

    v0.1.7 2.3K #serialization #compile-time #version #data #deserialize #immutability #checking
  37. gstr

    An immutable string implementation optimized for small strings and comparison

    v0.2.0 #string #immutability #byte-string #comparison #optimized #memory #length
  38. our-string

    Customizable shared strings with inlining

    v0.1.4 #string #shared #shared-data #customizable #immutability #allocation-free #cloning
  39. rocstr

    An immutable fixed capacity stack based generic copy string

    v0.6.1 #string #immutability #stack #fixed-size #thread-safe #data-structures #web-server
  40. sstable

    Sorted String Tables, an on-disk format for storing immutable maps consisting of string,string pairs, and retrieving values by key efficiently. This crate also features bloom filters…

    v0.11.1 280 #bloom-filter #key-value-store #checksum #sorting #table #immutability #string-key
  41. mut-rc

    Temporarily mutable Rc<T> that decays into Rc<T>

    v0.1.3 #rc #mutable #aliasing #immutability #interior-mutability #structures #temporarily
  42. atree

    An arena based tree structure with removal support

    v0.5.2 235K #tree-structure #node-tree #tree-traversal #removal #arena #iterator #immutability
  43. rearch-tokio

    Re-imagined approach to application design and architecture

    v0.10.4 750 #state-management #architecture #reactive #immutability #design #dependency-injection #incremental-computation
  44. oco_ref

    A smart pointer for storing immutable values with relatively-cheap cloning. (Like a Cow meets an Rc!)

    v0.2.0 34K #smart-pointers #reference-counting #immutability #cloning #string #cow #values
  45. incremental-map

    combinators for incremental immutable maps (see crate incremental)

    v0.2.8 130 #incremental #combinator #immutability #maps #incr
  46. vec-strings

    Store any string efficiently in an immutable way

    v0.4.8 26K #string #utilities #immutability #store #compact #serde #box-str
  47. char-list

    A persistent string type with the same API as a linked-list of characters

    v0.4.0 210 #string #immutability #persistent #cons #data-structures #prepend
  48. atefs

    Distributed filesystem built on an immutable data store with strong encryption and authentication

    v1.10.0 #filesystem #immutability #distributed-systems #fuse #fs #data-model #log-file
  49. arkive

    Immutable archive manipulation library

    v0.8.13 #directory-tree #package-management #immutability #archive #filesystem #data-structures #build-tool
  50. append-only

    Append only versions of std data structures

    v0.0.2 230 #data-structures #append #immutability #versions
  51. ntree-rs

    A mutable n-tree with async support

    v0.1.9 #tree-traversal #mutable #async #algorithm #n-tree #immutability #node
  52. imstr

    Cheaply clonable and slicable immutable strings

    v0.2.0 130 #string-parser #slice #smart-pointers #zero-copy #shared-data #byte-slice #immutability
  53. inline-str

    Efficent and immutable string type, backed by inline-array

    v0.4.0 #immutability #string #stack #compact #database
  54. goldboot-image

    Defines the goldboot image format

    v0.0.4 #operating-system #disk-image #goldboot #infrastructure #immutability #configuration #hardware
  55. tinybuf

    Container for many types of immutable bytes, with optimisations for small arrays

    v0.3.0 #byte-slice #heap-allocation #byte-array #immutability #container #data #u8
  56. pinned-bucket

    Mutable container for pinned and immutable items

    v0.4.3 #immutability #pinned #container #mutable #items
  57. interning

    Thread-Lcoal and Global Interning Library

    v0.2.3 #string-interning #memory #performance #immutability #distinct #global #value
  58. xitca-router

    router for xitca

    v0.3.0 700 #xitca-web #xitca #router #routing #immutability #clean #safe
  59. fplist

    An immutable, persistent, singly-linked list

    v0.2.1 #linked-list #reference-counting #immutability #persistent #data-structures #multi-threading #memory
  60. ware

    middleware chains

    v2.0.2 #middleware #immutability #mutable #chains #modify
  61. loop-let

    An immutable loop structure that can be used as an expression

    v0.1.0 #immutability #let #loops #expression #macro #loop
  62. non-empty-vec

    NonEmpty vector implementation, ensure non-emptiness by construction

    v0.2.3 950 #non-empty #immutability #vec #ensure #construction #traits #pop
  63. bufferbuffer

    Double Buffer design pattern from 'Game Programming Patterns' by Robert Nystrom

    v0.2.0 #design-pattern #game #game-state #buffer #double #immutability #programming
  64. scopegraphs-prust-lib

    fork of prust for scopegraphs

    v0.1.0 #data-structures #persistent #immutability #thread-safe #functional #scopegraphs #ocaml
  65. pumpkindb_engine

    PumpkinDB engine

    v0.2.0 #database-engine #key-value-database #database #key-value-store #immutability #pumpkindb #pumpkin-db
  66. calcit_fingertrees

    (Calcit fork of )Immutable persisten fingertrees

    v0.0.3 #persistent #immutability #data-structures #priority-queue #calcit #tree-structure #constant-time
  67. im_utils

    Extends im and im_rc containers with immutable methods

    v0.1.1 #im #immutability #utilities #im-rc #utils
  68. banyan

    Persistent indexable tree data structure

    v0.17.1 #tree #persistent #immutability #data-structures #database
  69. hash-trie

    Hash Array Mapped Trie (HAMT) Immutable Set Implementation

    v0.4.0 #immutability #functional-programming #hash-map #concurrency #generic #data-structures #no-std
  70. hashcons

    Hash cons'ing for compact representations of shared, immutable data structures

    v0.1.2 #data-structures #merkle-tree #shared-data #memoization #serialization #representation #immutability
  71. strseq

    A string sequence library for Rust

    v0.1.1 #string #string-representation #buffer #sequence #compact #immutability #spans
  72. typed-arena-nomut

    The arena, a fast but limited type of allocator

    v0.1.0 1.0K #arena #allocator #immutability #allocation #single #limited #objects
  73. ppar

    Persistent immutable array

    v0.3.1 #persistent #array #immutability #rope #concurrency #concurrent-programming #data-structures
  74. german-str

    small-string optimized string type with fast comparisons

    v0.1.0 #string #byte-string #comparison #immutability #memory #optimized #german
  75. mucell

    A cell with the ability to mutate the value through an immutable reference when safe

    v0.3.5 #cell #data-structures #immutability #reference #container #safe #value
  76. atedb

    Distributed datachain (database) built on an immutable data store with strong encryption and authentication

    v1.8.0 #distributed-database #immutability #async #database-server #server #url-path #quantum-resistant
  77. string-pool

    Global immutable string pool, like Java

    v0.2.1 #string #string-cache #immutability #pool #java #eventually #found
  78. eris-rs

    Encoding for Robust Immutable Storage (ERIS) spec draft

    v1.0.0 #immutability #storage #eris #robust #spec #encoding #draft
  79. an-rope

    an rope for large text documents

    v0.3.1 #string #rope #data-structures #binary-tree #structure #document #immutability
  80. ax_banyan

    Persistent indexable tree data structure

    v0.18.0 #tree #tree-structure #persistent #immutability #data-structures #database
  81. banyan-utils

    work with banyan trees

    v0.10.1 #tree #immutability #persistent #database
  82. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  83. fixed-index-vec

    A vector-like data structure whose indices do not change when elements are removed

    v0.1.0 #indices #version-control #structure #index #data-structures #immutability #order
  84. persistent_rope

    An immutable persistent rope data structure

    v0.1.3 #persistent #rope #immutability #data-structures
  85. final

    Wrap a value in a type that does not give out mutable references

    v0.1.1 #immutability #value #wrap #reference #give #mutable #guarantees
  86. stringid

    Lightweight system to manage identifier as human readable string and unique number

    v0.1.0 #unique-identifier #human-readable #string #numbers #editor #gamedev #immutability
  87. prust-lib

    Persistent & Immutable Data Structures in Rust

    v0.1.0 #data-structures #immutability #persistent #prust #thread-safe
  88. frozenset

    frozenset(), for Rust

    v0.2.2 #immutability #set #hashing #utility
  89. passive

    A trio of marker traits to classify passive data structures

    v0.1.4 #data #pod #data-structures #traits #marker #classify #immutability
  90. valistr

    Creating immutable string wrapper types with values validated with regexes

    v0.1.0 #string #immutability #regex #validate #types #input #identifier
  91. cash

    An immutable library to create, calculate, format and exchange currency

    v0.3.4 #currency #immutability #exchange #calculate #create #format
  92. lazy-cogs

    Lazy Cogs is a implementation of lazy clonable data structures

    v1.0.0 #lazy-evaluation #data-structures #clone #immutability #lazy #immutable-data
  93. error

    A fancy error type for highly generic cases

    v0.1.9 2.9K #errors #extensible #type-safe #traits #downcast #checking #immutability
  94. mutification

    Convert immutable reference to mutable reference

    v0.3.0 #reference #immutability #mutable #mutable-borrow #convert #complex #field
  95. buf-ref-reader

    Faster, growable buffering reader for when there's little to no need to modify data, nor to keep it alive past next read

    v0.3.0 #read #reader #growable #buffering #immutability #next #data
  96. rual-bin

    A slim, embeddable language

    v0.1.0 #language #embeddable #syntax #lua #immutability #functional-first #rual
  97. freezable

    immutable data

    v0.1.8 #immutability #freeze #thaw #no-std #debugging #data
  98. pour

    Optionally consed radix tries for fast set operations

    v0.2.1 #arc #data-structures #sync #set-operations #radix #immutability #difference
  99. trove

    arena allocator

    v1.0.1 #arena-allocator #immutability #cloneable #thread-local #data-structures #value
  100. big_num

    A big number implement in rust

    v0.1.0 #big-integer #numbers #immutability #represented #operations #notation #arbitrary-precision
  101. fral

    Functional random-access lists

    v1.0.2 #list #immutability #persistent #cons #performance #fast #data-structures
  102. persistent-list

    A singly-linked persistent thread safe list

    v0.1.0 #list #persistent #immutability #thread-safe
  103. lexorank

    An immutable class implementation of the LexoRank ranking system by Atlassian JIRA

    v2.0.0 380 #jira #rank #immutability #ranking #class #atlassian #system
  104. fremkit

    broadcast log

    v0.1.1 #log #broadcast #reader #immutability #bounded #messages #structure
  105. sealingslice

    A mutable slice that can seal its initial part off from mutability, and hand out the sealed parts as immutable references

    v0.2.0 #slice #immutability #unsafe #no-std #interior
  106. quetta

    Immutable, reference-counted strings for rust

    v0.1.0 #string #immutability #reference-counting #text #primary
  107. ate-files

    Model and helper functions for access files stored in ATEs

    v1.2.0 #immutability #fs #filesystem
  108. send-cell

    Immutable memory region with runtime Send checking

    v0.1.4 #send #immutability #run-time #thread #memory-region #checking #happen
  109. signed

    working with signed numbers' absolute values avoiding confusion

    v0.1.1 #numbers #absolute #values #drop #abs-n #avoiding #immutability
  110. immutable_string

    Immutable Single Instance Strings for Rust

    v0.1.1 #immutability #string #instance #single
  111. simple-observable

    observable pointer for mutable and immutable data

    v0.2.2 #observer #event #observable #pointers #data #immutability #mutable
  112. cons-list

    An immutable singly-linked list, as seen in basically every functional language

    v0.0.3 #immutability #list #functional #language #seen #data-structures #singly-linked
  113. im_interval_tree

    An immutable data structure for storing and querying a collection of intervals

    v0.1.1 #interval-tree #immutability #querying #storing #collection #structure #bounds
  114. disjoint-borrow

    Disjoint mutable borrows of slices

    v0.1.1 #borrow #disjoint #slice #mutable #immutability #numbers #intersect
  115. pathtree

    An immutable tree data structure for fast path operations

    v0.1.0 #path #tree #immutability #structure #operations #clone #data-structures
  116. bytestr

    cheaply cloneable and sliceable immutable string

    v0.1.0 #zero-copy #string #cloneable #immutability #encoded-string #cheaply #sliceable
  117. rootasrole-core

    This core crate contains the RBAC and main features for the RootAsRole project

    v3.0.4 #rootasrole #rbac #immutability #root-as-role
  118. freezie

    small library that disables mutation for the contained type

    v1.0.0 #immutability #freeze #mutation #disable #contained #impl #deref-mut
  119. atomic_immut

    Atomic immutable value

    v0.1.4 430 #atomic #immutability #value #arc #thread #sync #move
  120. immutable-avl

    An Immutable map and set implement for rust based on an AVL tree

    v1.0.0 #immutability #avl #avl-tree #persistent
  121. ax_banyan_utils

    work with banyan trees

    v0.11.1 #tree #immutability #persistent #tree-structure #database
  122. grapes

    Persistent graph data structures: Tree, Graph, Arena & more

    v0.3.0 #graph #persistent #tree #immutability #data-structures
  123. halo

    elm inspired state manager in rust

    v0.1.0 #elm #state #immutability #redux
  124. bcbypass

    Borrow Checker Bypass Utility

    v2.1.0 #checker #value #bypass #mutable #reference #functions #immutability
  125. cachingmap

    A caching Hashmap accepting new entries through interior-mutability

    v0.2.1 #entries #hash-map #cache #reference #accepting #immutability #values
  126. mutability_marker

    Marker types describing mutability

    v0.1.1 #marker #immutability #mutability #state #mutable #const #mut
  127. semistr

    Immutable string stored inline or on heap

    v0.1.0 #immutability #string #heap #inline #stored #byte #length
  128. pyrpds

    Python Wrapper for Rust Persistent Data Structures

    v0.0.7 #python #persistent #immutability #data-structures #pyrsistent
  129. movable

    A structure whose internal content can be moved out immutably

    v0.1.1 #immutability #move #immutable
  130. immutable-map

    An immutable ordered map and set based on weight-balanced tree

    v0.1.2 #functional #immutability #map #tree #set #data-structures #binary-search-tree
  131. graph-arena

    Collection type to store immutable graph structures efficiently

    v0.1.0 #immutability #graph #collection
  132. wk

    immutable development environment management cli

    v0.5.0 #cli #immutability #environment #management
  133. vertree

    A persistent trie where each node is typed and versioned

    v0.2.2 #leaf-node #tree #persistent #trie #immutability #trie-node #set-operations
  134. sbral

    Fast immutable lists

    v0.1.0 #list #immutability #persistent
  135. joe-db

    Embedded, in memory, immutable, key-value database

    v0.1.0 #immutability #memory #database #key-value #key-value-database