
  1. idempotent-proxy-server

    Idempotent proxy server

    v1.2.2 #reverse-proxy #proxy-server #proxy #http-proxy #reverse #idempotent #icp
  2. ic_tee_cli

    A command-line tool implemented in Rust for the IC-TEE

    v0.1.3 #tee #canister #icp #nitro #command-line-tool
  3. ic-oss-can

    implementing large file storage in ICP canisters

    v0.9.10 140 #internet-computer #file-storage #icp #oss #object-storage #s3 #fs-file
  4. ic_object_store

    version of the client SDK for the IC Object Store canister

    v0.6.3 #object-store #canister #cbor #icp #encryption #config #internet-computer
  5. ic-auth-client

    A client library for Internet Computer identity authentication services

    v0.3.1 180 #internet-computer #identity #frontend #icp #web-apps #web-api #api-bindings
  6. ic_cose

    version of the client SDK for the IC-COSE canister

    v0.6.3 #canister #icp #cbor #encryption #config #internet-computer
  7. ic_tee_cdk

    A Canister Development Kit to make Trusted Execution Environments (TEEs) work with the Internet Computer

    v0.1.3 380 #tee #canister #icp #internet-computer #nitro
  8. ic_tee_agent

    An agent to interact with the Internet Computer for Trusted Execution Environments (TEEs)

    v0.1.3 #tee #canister #icp #internet-computer #nitro
  9. ic_tee_nitro_attestation

    process Nitro enclaves attestation

    v0.1.3 380 #nitro #tee #icp #canister
  10. nd-icp

    Generic n dimensional implementation of the ICP algorithm based on SVD and the nalgebra linear algebra library

    v0.1.1 #matrix #icp #transformation #dimensional #svd #iteration #algorithm
  11. ic-verifiable-credentials

    Verifiable credentials issuing and verification for IC canisters

    v1.0.1 360 #verifiable-credentials #verifiable #credentials #internet-computer #dfinity #icp
  12. align3d

    Alignment with Iterative Closest Point (ICP) for point clouds and images

    v1.0.3 #point-cloud #image-processing #alignment #icp #3d #rgbd #linear-algebra
  13. ic-http-certification

    Certification for HTTP responses for the Internet Computer

    v3.0.2 14K #request-response #http-gateway #internet-computer #icp
  14. ic-oss-types

    types library used for integrating with ic-oss cluster

    v0.9.10 220 #internet-computer #decentralized-storage #object-storage #icp #s3 #file #file-storage
  15. ic-utils

    Collection of utilities for Rust, on top of ic-agent, to communicate with the Internet Computer, following the Public Specification

    v0.39.2 20K #internet-computer #agent #dfinity #icp #utility #api-bindings
  16. simple-icp

    Kiss icp in pure rust

    v0.1.1 #icp #pure #lidar #kiss #bag #rerun #dataset
  17. ic-certification

    Types related to the Internet Computer Public Specification

    v3.0.2 36K #internet-computer #icp #dfinity #agent #utility #api-bindings #serde-default
  18. pocket-ic

    PocketIC: A Canister Smart Contract Testing Platform

    v6.0.0 14K #canister #internet-computer #icp #smart-contracts #smart-contract #testing
  19. ic-agent

    Agent library to communicate with the Internet Computer, following the Public Specification

    v0.39.2 27K #internet-computer #agent #icp #dfinity #api-bindings
  20. ic-ledger-types

    Types for interacting with the ICP ledger canister

    v0.14.0 11K #ledger #internet-computer #canister #icp #types #cdk #blockchain
  21. dfx-core

    dfx core library

    v0.1.2 300 #internet-computer #icp #dfinity
  22. icx

    CLI tool to call canisters on the Internet Computer

    v0.39.2 #internet-computer #call #icp #dfinity #agent #command-line-tool #root-key
  23. ic-representation-independent-hash

    computing representation-independent hashes as described in the Internet Computer interface specification

    v3.0.2 22K #hash #independent #representation #icp #dfinity #api-bindings
  24. icx-cert

    CLI tool to download a document from the Internet Computer and pretty-print the contents of its IC-Certificate header

    v0.39.2 #internet-computer #icp #dfinity #agent #certificate #command-line-tool
  25. ic-identity-hsm

    Identity implementation for HSM for the ic-agent package

    v0.39.2 4.4K #internet-computer #agent #icp #dfinity #utility #api-bindings
  26. ic-web3-rs

    Ethereum JSON-RPC client for IC canisters

    v0.1.11 #ethereum #icp #dfinity #ecdsa-signature #web3 #rpc #json-rpc-client
  27. icx-asset

    CLI tool to manage assets on an asset canister on the Internet Computer

    v0.21.0 550 #asset #assets #internet-computer #icp #dfinity #agent #command-line-tool
  28. ic-asset-certification

    Certification for static assets served over HTTP on the Internet Computer

    v3.0.2 #internet-computer #icp #dfinity #agent #utility #file-path #api-bindings
  29. ic-canister-sig-creation

    creating canister signatures on the Internet Computer

    v1.1.0 8.7K #canister #internet-computer #dfinity #public-key #icp #utility
  30. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  31. rustic

    building canisters on the Internet Computer

    v0.1.9 #unit-testing #internet-computer #icp #smart-contracts #blockchain
  32. dfx-json-inspector

    A command-line tool for analyzing dfx.json files in Internet Computer projects

    v0.1.1 #internet-computer #dfx #canister #icp #command-line-tool #cli
  33. ic-oss

    version of the client SDK for the ic-oss cluster

    v0.9.10 600 #oss #storage #s3 #icp #file #file-storage #object-storage
  34. icp_2d

    A 2D Iterative Closest Point implementation in Rust

    v0.1.2 #point #icp #clouds #2d #algorithm #iterative #matrix-operations
  35. ic-asset

    storing files in an asset canister

    v0.21.0 360 #assets #icp #internet-computer #dfinity #api-bindings
  36. evm-rpc-canister-types

    Types for interacting with the EVM RPC canister

    v3.0.0 1.0K #internet-computer #icp #dfinity #evm-rpc-canister #ethereum
  37. icx-proxy

    CLI tool to create an HTTP proxy to the Internet Computer

    v0.11.1 #internet-computer #proxy #agent #icp #dfinity #http-proxy #command-line-tool
  38. ic-solidity-bindgen

    Generates bindings for solidity contracts. Uses web3 under the hood. This is a fork of graphprotocol/solidity-bindgen

    v0.1.21 150 #ethereum #icp #dfinity #bindings-generator #web3 #rpc
  39. ic-evm-utils

    Utils for interacting with Ethereum from ICP canisters

    v3.2.0 350 #icp #internet-computer #ethereum #dfinity #evm-rpc-canister #public-key
  40. kiss-icp-runtime

    Unofficial Pure Rust Implementation of kiss-icp

    v0.1.0 #icp #slam #kiss-icp #parallel-processing
  41. ic_cose_types

    types library used for integrating with IC-COSE

    v0.6.3 600 #cbor #icp #internet-computer #canister #encryption #config
  42. kiss-icp-ops

    Unofficial Pure Rust Implementation of kiss-icp

    v0.1.0 #icp #slam #kiss-icp
  43. ic-http-gateway

    An HTTP Gateway implementation for interfacing with the Internet Computer over HTTP

    v0.1.0 #http-gateway #gateway #http #internet-computer #icp #dfinity #api-bindings
  44. ic_candy

    ICP data types wrappers and additional functions

    v0.2.0 #icp #dfx #dfinity #motoko #canisters #byte-size
  45. ic-web3

    Ethereum JSON-RPC client for IC canisters

    v0.1.7 390 #ethereum #icp #dfinity #web3 #rpc-client #ecdsa-signature #rpc
  46. kiss-icp-ops-sophus

    Unofficial Pure Rust Implementation of kiss-icp

    v0.1.0 #icp #slam #kiss-icp
  47. ic-commerce

    Crates for integrating ICP cansiters with e-commerce platforms

    v0.1.0 #platform #integrating #icp #e-commerce #cansiters
  48. transaction-utils

    handling transactions

    v0.1.0 #canister #ledger #icp #icrc1 #candid
  49. ic-rand

    random number generator for icp

    v0.1.4 #random #generator #numbers #icp
  50. kiss-icp-ops-eigen

    Unofficial Pure Rust Implementation of kiss-icp

    v0.1.0 #icp #slam #kiss-icp #parallel-processing
  51. ck-doge-types

    General purpose rust library for using and interoperating with Dogecoin. Renamed to dogecoin

    v0.3.2 280 #web3 #icp #dapp #dogecoin #defi
  52. dogecoin

    General purpose rust library for using and interoperating with Dogecoin

    v0.5.3 #icp #web3 #dapp #defi
  53. kiss-icp-pyo3

    Unofficial Pure Rust Implementation of kiss-icp

    v0.1.0 #icp #slam #kiss-icp
  54. icp-eth

    ICP Ethereum cross-chain utilities

    v0.2.3 #icp #utilities #ethereum #cross-chain #canpack
  55. kiss-icp-ops-core

    Unofficial Pure Rust Implementation of kiss-icp

    v0.1.0 #icp #kiss-icp #slam