
  1. tera

    Template engine based on Jinja2/Django templates

    v1.20.0 492K #html-templating #template-engine #tera-templates #template #jinja2 #django #html
  2. askama

    Type-safe, compiled Jinja-like templates for Rust

    v0.12.1 410K #html-templating #template #html #template-engine #html-rendering #compile-time #jinja2
  3. form_urlencoded

    Parser and serializer for the application/x-www-form-urlencoded syntax, as used by HTML forms

    v1.2.1 7.8M #parser-serializer #forms #url #serialization #parse-url #html #applications
  4. scraper

    HTML parsing and querying with CSS selectors

    v0.22.0 248K #html-parser #web-scraping #css-selectors #html-css #css-parser #html #css
  5. html-escape

    encoding/escaping special characters in HTML and decoding/unescaping HTML entities as well

    v0.2.13 319K #escaping #html #encode #html-text #encode-decode #decode #generate-html
  6. html2text

    Render HTML as plain text

    v0.13.6 32K #convert-html #html-parser #plain-text #html-text #html #html-rendering #text-rendering
  7. language-tags

    Language tags for Rust

    v0.3.2 1.3M #http-header #internationalization #html-parser #header-parser #http #html #html-xml
  8. tauri-utils


    v2.1.1 216K #desktop-applications #tauri #tauri-app #webview #message #system #html
  9. sailfish

    small, and extremely fast template engine for Rust

    v0.9.0 14K #template-engine #html-templating #template #html #markup
  10. ammonia

    HTML Sanitization

    v4.0.0 179K #security #html-parser #html #sanitization #xss #web-page
  11. tl

    Fast HTML parser written in pure Rust

    v0.7.8 41K #html-parser #html #dom #parser
  12. rinja

    Type-safe, compiled Jinja-like templates for Rust

    v0.3.5 60K #template #template-engine #html #jinja #compile-time #jinja2 #markup
  13. liquid

    templating language for Rust

    v0.26.9 61K #template-engines #static-site-generator #html-templating #templating #language #html #template
  14. minifier

    tool/lib for JS/CSS/JSON files

    v0.3.2 74K #minify #html-css #css #js #html
  15. htmlize

    Encode and decode HTML entities in UTF-8 according to the standard

    v1.0.5 16K #html-string #escaping #html #codec #entities #decode #html-text
  16. tinytemplate

    lightweight template engine

    v1.2.1 2.3M #html-templating #template-engine #html #minimalist #template #system #limited
  17. libxml

    wrapper for libxml2 - the XML C parser and toolkit developed for the Gnome project

    v0.3.3 16K #xml-parser #xml #xml-document #xpath #html-parser #parser #html
  18. html5gum

    A WHATWG-compliant HTML5 tokenizer and tag soup parser

    v0.7.0 10K #html-parser #html #tokenizer #html5 #whatwg #tokenize #parser
  19. hyperlink

    Very fast link checker for CI

    v0.1.43 130 #broken-links #static-site #link #html #performance #ci #validation
  20. build_html

    basic server-side rendering written in pure rust

    v2.5.0 15K #html-string #html #html-content #server-side-rendering #builder-pattern #web #html-rendering
  21. imessage-exporter

    Export iMessage data and run iMessage diagnostics

    v2.2.2 2.0K #imessage #export #diagnostics #apple #html #reverse-engineering #run
  22. rstml

    Rust templating for XML-based formats (HTML, SVG, MathML) implemented on top of proc-macro::TokenStreams

    v0.12.0 49K #proc-macro #html-templating #rsx #html #jsx #syn #macro
  23. htop

    HTML to PDF converter

    v0.2.0 650 #headless-chrome #chrome #pdf #convert-html #headless #html #converter
  24. monolith

    CLI tool for saving web pages as a single HTML file

    v2.8.3 31K #web-page #html #web #command-line #single-file #command-line-tool #download
  25. ramhorns

    Experimental Mustache-like templating engine

    v1.0.1 3.3K #template-engine #html-templating #html-rendering #template #mustache #html #macro-derive
  26. marmite

    easiest static site generator

    v0.2.3 900 #static-site #site #static #blog #html #html-content #web
  27. ftml

    Foundation Text Markup Language - a library to render Wikidot text as HTML

    v1.28.1 210 #markup-language #ast #html #wikidot #wikijump #parser #parsing
  28. tauri-codegen

    code generation meant to be consumed inside of tauri through tauri-build or tauri-macros

    v2.0.4 193K #desktop-applications #tauri-app #generation #webview #system #html #interface
  29. ludtwig

    Linter / Formatter for Twig template files which respects HTML and your time

    v0.9.0 #html-templating #template #html #twig #formatter #analyzer #syntax-tree
  30. v_htmlescape

    The simd optimized HTML escaping code

    v0.15.8 173K #escaping #html #simd
  31. lol_html

    Streaming HTML rewriter/parser with CSS selector-based API

    v2.1.0 31K #html-parser #css-selectors #html #css-parser #low-latency #rewriter #cloudflare-workers
  32. css-inline

    High-performance library for inlining CSS into HTML 'style' attributes

    v0.14.4 4.1K #css #html-css #html #style-sheet #email #inlining
  33. tauri-plugin-clipboard

    A clipboard plugin for Tauri that supports text, html, rtf, files and image, as well as clipboard update listening

    v2.1.11 3.8K #tauri-plugin #clipboard #rich-text #read-write #image #text-image #html
  34. liquid-lib

    The liquid templating language for Rust

    v0.26.9 64K #template-engine #liquid #html-templating #templating #template #html #language
  35. sauron

    A versatile web framework and library for building client-side and/or server-side web applications

    v0.61.9 4.0K #web-apps #web-framework #server-side-rendering #web #html #dom #web-components
  36. ructe

    Rust Compiled Templates, efficient type-safe web page templates

    v0.17.2 950 #html-templating #template #web-page #web #template-engine #html #templating
  37. html-minifier

    can help you generate and minify your HTML code at the same time. It also supports to minify JS and CSS in <style>, <script> elements, and ignores the minification of <pre>, <code> and <textarea> elements.

    v5.0.0 1.1K #minify-html #minify #html #style #sctipt
  38. ansi-to-html

    ANSI escape codes to HTML converter

    v0.2.2 46K #html #terminal-colors #ansi-codes #terminal #ansi-colors #html-text #text-formatting
  39. mlc

    The markup link checker (mlc) checks for broken links in markup files

    v0.19.0 390 #markdown-html #markdown #markup #broken #html #documentation #link-checker
  40. markup_fmt

    Configurable HTML, Vue, Svelte, Astro, Angular, Jinja, Twig, Nunjucks and Vento formatter

    v0.18.0 5.1K #markup-language #formatter #formatting #vue #html #svelte #astro
  41. dom_query

    HTML querying and manipulation with CSS selectors

    v0.11.0 600 #html-css #html-parser #css-selectors #html #css-parser #html-content #css
  42. html-asset-hasher

    Asset cache busting for your static HTML files, with optional Tailwind CSS bundling!

    v1.3.1 600 #tailwind #html #asset #static #cache #optional #bundling
  43. trunkls

    A language server for Trunk's custom HTML attributes

    v0.1.2 210 #trunk #editor #lsp #html #language-server #wasm
  44. tree-sitter-html

    HTML grammar for tree-sitter

    v0.23.2 14K #tree-sitter #html-parser #html #incremental #parser
  45. orion-ssg

    A static site generator to create a simple blog from Markdown files

    v1.1.7 #static-site-generator #markdown-html #blog #markdown #static #blog-post #html
  46. html2md

    binary to convert simple html documents into markdown

    v0.2.14 6.4K #convert-html #markdown-converter #html #markdown-html #markdown #converter
  47. visdom

    A html document syntax and operation library, use APIs similar to jquery, easy to use for web scraping and confused html

    v1.0.2 390 #html-parser #web-scraping #html #selector #scrape #query #jquery
  48. webpage

    Small library to fetch info about a web page: title, description, language, HTTP info, links, RSS feeds, Opengraph, Schema.org, and more

    v2.0.1 6.8K #rss #web #html #html-parser #open-graph #info #http
  49. htmltoadf

    An HTML to Atlassian Document Format (ADF) converter

    v0.1.10 4.4K #convert-html #html #atlassian #converter #adf #binary-format #wasm-module
  50. liquid-core

    Core liquid functionality

    v0.26.9 69K #template-engine #html-templating #liquid #templating #template #html #language
  51. html-generator

    robust Rust library designed for transforming Markdown into SEO-optimized, accessible HTML. Featuring front matter extraction, custom header processing, table of contents generation…

    v0.0.3 850 #markdown-html #html #seo #web-dev
  52. clipboard-rs

    Cross-platform clipboard API (text | image | rich text | html | files | monitoring changes) | 跨平台剪贴板 API(文本|图片|富文本|html|文件|监听变化) Windows,MacOS,Linux

    v0.2.2 3.8K #text-image #rich-text #clipboard #cross-platform #html #api #monitoring
  53. mandu

    A static site generator to create a simple blog from Markdown files

    v1.2.1 #markdown-html #markdown #blog #generator #static #html #static-site-generator
  54. tagger

    Write SVG / HTML / XML programmatically

    v4.3.5 3.4K #html-xml #xml #svg #markup #html #xml-element #tags
  55. datavzrd

    create visual HTML reports from collections of CSV/TSV tables

    v2.45.0 290 #csv-tsv #reports #html #config-file #interactive #table #histogram
  56. entities

    raw data needed to convert to and from HTML entities

    v1.0.2-rc.1 49K #convert-html #html #escaping #character
  57. to-html

    Render a terminal with ANSI colors as HTML

    v0.1.6 #ansi-colors #html #html-rendering #terminal-colors #terminal #color
  58. html

    Structured HTML encoder

    v0.6.3 1.2K #structured #safe #encoder
  59. bevy_hui

    pseudo Html templating ui crate for the bevy-engine

    v0.2.1 550 #bevy-ui #html #ui #bevy #xml #html-templating #dsl
  60. htmd-cli

    The command line tool for htmd

    v0.3.4 #markdown-converter #convert-html #markdown-html #html #command-line-tool #markdown #converter
  61. alignoth

    creating alignment plots from bam files

    v0.13.0 #plot #bam #vega-lite #format #alignments #format-json #html
  62. leptos_meta

    Tools to set HTML metadata in the Leptos web framework

    v0.7.3 36K #web-framework #metadata #html #web-apps #meta #server-side-rendering #tags
  63. cmake-parser

    parse cmake language

    v0.1.0-beta.1 120 #cmake #command #html #parser #error #org-cmake-help-v3 #txt
  64. minify-html

    Extremely fast and smart HTML JS CSS minifier

    v0.15.0 18K #minify #html #css #html-parser #js #lookup-tables #compression
  65. lilac

    Static site generator-esque tool for adding include statements to HTML

    v1.0.0 #static-site #statement #file #static-site-generator #syntax-tree #html #ast
  66. nanohtml2text

    A zero-dependency library to convert HTML to plain text

    v0.2.1 1.2K #html-text #plain-text #html-parser #convert-html #html #text
  67. rust_html

    Minimal compile-safe HTML templating library

    v1.1.5 500 #html-templating #template #html #component #templating #rhtml #template-string
  68. miser


    v0.1.5 140 #server #simple #response #html #http-server #beginner #http-request
  69. rphtml

    A html parser written in rust

    v0.5.10 380 #html-parser #html #minify-html #parser
  70. patternfly-yew

    PatternFly 5 components for Yew

    v0.6.3 500 #yew-component #yew #html #patternfly #web-apps #web-framework #web
  71. slack-blocks-render

    Slack blocks render is a Rust library to render Slack blocks as Markdown

    v0.3.0 850 #slack #markdown-html #markdown #data-model #html
  72. horrorshow

    a templating library written in rust macros

    v0.8.4 3.1K #html-templating #template #html
  73. stilts

    A compiled templating language with rust syntax

    v0.3.3 180 #template-engines #html-templating #html #jinja2 #markup #jinja #render-template
  74. kuchikiki

    (口利き) HTML tree manipulation library

    v0.8.6-speedreader 189K #html #tree #kuchiki #information #fork #口利き #reference
  75. htmlparser

    Pull-based, zero-allocation HTML parser

    v0.2.1 110 #parser #html #tokenizer
  76. html_parser

    general purpose html/xhtml parser

    v0.7.0 30K #pest-parser #parser #html #dom #pest #web-scraping #json
  77. jss

    Create dynamic css easily using json notation

    v0.6.2 2.6K #css #html-css #web #html
  78. yew-nested-router

    A router for Yew which supports nesting

    v0.7.2 800 #yew-router #yew-web #yew #nested #router #html #html-rendering
  79. cdp-html-shot

    capturing HTML screenshots using CDP

    v0.1.23 1.1K #screenshot #html #cdp #html2image #html-to-image
  80. cargo-bazel

    A collection of tools which use Cargo to generate build targets for Bazel

    v0.16.0 140 #bazel #cargo-build #targets #generate #collection #html #rules
  81. typora-img-to-base64

    Typora image to base64

    v0.2.0 #image #convert-images #base64 #typora #html #automatic #local
  82. markup

    A blazing fast, type-safe template engine for Rust

    v0.15.0 3.7K #template-engine #template #html #pug #compile-time #proc-macro #haml
  83. notion2html

    Convert Notion pages to HTML

    v1.0.1 #notion #html #markdown #cli
  84. rieltor_parser

    A parser for extracting detailed apartment information from the rieltor.ua website's HTML

    v0.1.3 370 #apartment #html #information #price #url #parser #ua
  85. moostache

    Mustache template engine

    v0.6.0 800 #template #mustache #html #markup #template-engine #partial
  86. deno_websocket

    WebSocket API for Deno

    v0.189.0 5.7K #deno #websocket #run-time #typescript #spec #html #whatwg
  87. yew-oauth2

    OAuth2 components for Yew

    v0.11.0 600 #oauth2 #yew #yew-web #oidc #html #yew-prelude #web
  88. mintyml-cli

    Creates HTML from MinTyML, a minialist alternative syntax to HTML

    v0.1.18 #html #min-ty-ml #syntax #minimalist #convert #command #information
  89. workflow-rs

    Rust application development framework for native and web applications

    v0.18.0 #wasm-framework #rpc-framework #websocket #rpc #web-apps #html #web-framework
  90. rspack_dojang

    Dojang, a EJS like Html Template Engine

    v0.1.9 1.2K #html-templating #template #html #template-engine #html-template
  91. angust_cli

    A CLI tool for the Angust GUI framework

    v0.1.1 #gui-framework #angust #tool #html #component #template #object
  92. swc_html_visit

    Visitor for html

    v5.0.0 4.6K #html #html-parser #web #swc #typescript #compiler #javascript-parser
  93. ssgen

    A [S]tatic [S]ite [Gen]erator written in Rust

    v0.3.2 #yaml #html #rweb #generator
  94. dom_finder

    HTML parsing with CSS seletors

    v0.4.2 130 #html-parser #html-css #css-selectors #css-parser #html #css #parser
  95. terrazzo-client

    macro to clone variables before passing them into a move closure or async block

    v0.1.3 #closures #node #terrazzo #attributes #html #template #macro
  96. graph-rdfa-processor

    Graph RDFa processor

    v0.3.2 600 #semantic-web #rdf #graph #extract #html #rd-fa #n-triples
  97. cans

    An elegant and lightweight Rust-based literal template engine for managing web content, enhanced with a world module for streamlined regional and city information, as well as robust MIME type management

    v1.0.0 130 #mime #template #world #html #html-text #template-engine
  98. yarte

    Type-safe, compiled Handlebars

    v0.15.7 650 #template-engine #html-templating #handlebars #template #html #wasm
  99. no_browser

    a light-weight, head-less 'web browser' based on reqwest

    v0.4.0 140 #html-css #html #css #testing #html-parser #http-request #web-scraping
  100. htmd

    A turndown.js inspired HTML to Markdown converter

    v0.1.6 3.8K #markdown-converter #convert-html #html #markdown #converter
  101. freemanke-learning-rust

    Learning Rust

    v0.1.0 #learning #org #github #html #kaisery #io-trpl-zh-cn-title-page #语言官方文档
  102. domrs

    Document builder and serializer

    v0.0.16 290 #html-css #svg #html #css #builder #serialization #serialize
  103. hyperbuild

    Fast allocation-less HTML minifier with smart whitespace handling

    v0.2.4 #minify-html #minify #html #nodejs #minification #compression
  104. html-languageservice

    The basics of an HTML language server

    v0.7.1 240 #html #language-server #lsp #html-parser #languageservice #data-provider #languageserver
  105. munyo

    A data language which aims to be the most efficient way to handwrite data

    v0.8.0 #dsl #html #async #ddl #serde-derive #error-message #line-numbers
  106. mdbook-pagebreaks

    A mdbook preprocessor to insert page breaks when rendering to HTML

    v0.3.1 #mdbook #html #break #page #insert #print #replace
  107. crowbook-text-processing

    some utilities functions for escaping text (HTML/LaTeX) and formatting it according to typographic rules (smart quotes, ellipsis, french typograhic rules)

    v1.1.1 150 #escaping #text-formatting #quote #ellipsis #latex #rules #html
  108. bobo_html_parser

    parser of html markdown

    v0.1.1 230 #html-parser #pest-parser #html #parser #pest
  109. bertrand

    A dead-simple demo system for backend prototypes

    v0.1.1 #back-end #prototypes #system #demo #html #dead-simple #file
  110. blogs-md-easy

    Iteratively convert a collection of Markdown files into a respective HTML template

    v0.3.8 #markdown-html #html-templating #markdown #html #template #blog
  111. irospace

    color space and conversion method

    v0.1.0 100 #color #conversion #rgb #color-space #hsv #hsl #html
  112. parsercher

    Parses and searches Tag documents. (e.g. HTML, XML)

    v3.1.6 #html-xml #xml-parser #html-parser #tags #xml #xml-document #html
  113. html5tokenizer

    An HTML5 tokenizer with code span support

    v0.5.2 #html-parser #tokenizer #html5 #html #whatwg #parser
  114. askama_axum

    Axum integration for Askama templates

    v0.4.0 22K #html-templating #axum #web-framework #template-engine #html #template #jinja2
  115. rstml-control-flow

    Custom nodes with control flow implementation for rstml. Usefull when you need to implement If, For, etc.

    v0.1.1 #control-flow #html-templating #html #rsx #syn #jsx #macro
  116. fun-html

    HTML as a rust function

    v1.6.0 280 #html #html-rendering #functional #web
  117. asciidork-dr-html-backend

    Asciidork Asciidoctor HTML backend

    v0.14.2 440 #html #asciidoc #asciidork #back-end #asciidoctor #parser-backend
  118. templito

    A template language library that allows multiple parameters to pass between templates

    v0.4.9 470 #template-engines #template #language #html
  119. hash-tag

    Markdown to HTML parser

    v0.1.16 800 #markdown-html #html #html-parser #markdown #parser
  120. htmlify

    Trait used to generate HTML from Rust structures

    v1.3.1 210 #generate-html #html #web #html-string #wasm #javascript #element-attributes
  121. hypertext

    A blazing fast type-checked HTML macro crate

    v0.6.2 440 #html-macro #html-rendering #html #macro #escaping #lazy-evaluation
  122. format_xml

    Fast, minimal, feature-rich, xml-like formatting syntax for Rust!

    v0.3.0 310 #xml #template #svg #format #html #control-flow #generate
  123. shellpage

    conversion of markdown to html and quick blog setup

    v0.2.0 #markdown-html #blog #html #markdown #html-templating #tera-templates
  124. sanitize_html

    Rule-based HTML Sanitization library

    v0.8.1 2.8K #html #input-validation #sanitize #fragments #rules #rule-based #predefined
  125. markerml_cli

    CLI for simple markup and templating language, that is transpiled to HTML

    v0.1.0 120 #html #language #command #markerml #markup #templating #transpiled
  126. hypersynthetic

    An HTML template engine that chose composition over inheritance

    v0.8.0 #template-engine #html #template #web-apps #web-framework #hypermedia #html-macro
  127. shrimple

    Minimal CLI for static website generation, supercharged with Lua

    v0.3.0 #static-site-generator #static-website #template-engine #lua #cli #html #generation
  128. html-auto-p

    function like wpautop in Wordpress. It uses a group of regex replaces used to identify text formatted with newlines and replace double line-breaks with HTML paragraph tags.

    v0.2.4 #html #paragraph #wpautop #br #html-text #autop #regex
  129. twee-tools

    A compiler for Twine stories

    v0.2.1 #gamedev #twine #compiler #story #twee #html #file
  130. swc_html_codegen

    HTML code generator for the swc project

    v5.0.0 4.6K #typescript #typescript-compiler #javascript-compiler #html #swc #web #typescript-parser
  131. accessibility-scraper

    HTML parsing and querying with CSS selectors with CSS binding styles to elements

    v0.0.14 180 #html-parser #css-selectors #web-scraping #css-parser #html-css #css #html
  132. html2md-rs

    Convert HTML to Markdown

    v0.10.2 490 #convert-html #markdown-parser #html #markdown-html #markdown #html2md #html-to-markdown
  133. jumpcut

    CLI for converting Fountain-formatted text files into FDX and HTML formats

    v0.7.2 #fountain #screenwriting #html #command-line-tool #format #convert #fdx
  134. select

    extract useful data from HTML documents, suitable for web scraping

    v0.6.0 18K #web-scraping #html #extract #data #document
  135. markdown2html-converter

    converting a Markdown file to a single HTML file with built-in CSS and JS

    v1.1.12 130 #markdown-html #markdown #markdown-converter #html-css #html #latex #highlight
  136. rst_renderer

    a reStructuredText renderer

    v0.4.1 1.8K #restructuredtext #renderer #html #xml #parser #json #standalone
  137. swc_html_ast

    AST definitions of html

    v5.0.0 4.2K #ast #html #web #swc #html-parser #typescript #typescript-compiler
  138. askama_parser

    Parser for Askama templates

    v0.2.1 411K #html-templating #template #jinja2 #html #markup #template-engine #proc-macro
  139. html-page

    Represent HTML using Rust types

    v0.4.0 100 #html #generate-html #web-page #browser #types #specification #whatwg
  140. tidier

    Format HTML, XHTML and XML documents

    v0.5.3 1.1K #html-xml #tidy #xml-format #html #xml #format #pretty
  141. whatwg-datetime

    parsing the datetime microsyntax, as defined by the WHATWG HTML Standard

    v0.1.1 #date-time #whatwg #html #html-datetime
  142. el

    Write and manipulate HTML elements as data

    v0.2.0 500 #html #mathml #svg #hiccup #data-structures #html-rendering
  143. map-to-javascript-html

    serializing a map to JavaScript code in HTML usually for dynamically generating strings on web pages

    v2.0.5 #javascript #html-string #generate-html #html #map #btree-map #hash-map
  144. tagu

    Write SVG / HTML / XML programmatically

    v0.1.6 3.6K #html-xml #svg #xml #markup #html #tags #tag
  145. mdka

    HTML to Markdown converter

    v1.2.12 390 #markdown-converter #convert-html #html-parser #html #markdown-parser #markdown #html-text
  146. pulldown-cmark-escape

    An escape library for HTML created in the pulldown-cmark project

    v0.11.0 271K #html-string #escaping #markdown-html #html #markdown-parser #common-mark #markdown
  147. deno_webstorage

    WebStorage API for Deno

    v0.179.0 4.6K #deno #typescript #web-storage #html #javascript #spec #run-time
  148. askama_escape

    Optimized HTML escaping code, extracted from Askama

    v0.10.3 488K #escaping #html #html-templating #template-engine #askama #helper #utilities
  149. yew_flight_indicators

    Flight indicators for Yew websites

    v0.2.1 350 #indicator #yew #flight #component #website #html
  150. dom_smoothie

    extracting relevant content from web pages

    v0.2.0 240 #readability #html #content #extracting #pages #dom #web
  151. bloom-core

    A react-like framework for descriptive UIs. Renderer Agnostic but built with HTML in mind.

    v0.1.2 #ui-framework #ui-component #state #react #renderer #html #bloom
  152. rinja_parser

    Parser for Rinja templates

    v0.3.5 60K #template #template-engine #html-templating #markup #jinja2 #html #proc-macro
  153. csv2html

    Convert CSV files to HTML tables

    v3.1.1 #csv #html #command-line-tool #table #convert #converter #build
  154. liquid-derive

    The liquid templating language for Rust

    v0.26.8 73K #templating-engine #liquid #html-templating #templating #template #language #html
  155. tinytemplate-async

    lightweight template engine

    v1.1.2 1.0K #template-engine #html-templating #html #minimalist #async #template #tiny-template
  156. fast_html2md

    A fast html2md crate for rust

    v0.0.41 2.3K #markdown-converter #markdown-html #html #markdown #converter
  157. justshell

    webapp wrapper

    v0.3.1 130 #web-apps #gtk #pdf #local #html #viewer #url
  158. swc_html

    HTML apis for rust

    v6.0.0 1.8K #html #web #swc #html-parser #compiler #javascript-compiler #typescript
  159. heart

    Hypermedia-based web development of the 1990 future!

    v0.1.21 #web #stack #html #prelude #future #web-apps #hypermedia-based
  160. stylish

    implementing colorized text

    v0.1.0 480 #ansi-colors #text-styling #text-rendering #text-formatting #diagnostics #html #ansi-codes
  161. crabtml

    flexible template engine written in Rust

    v0.1.9 310 #template #template-engine #render-template #templating #html #language #engine
  162. diff-to-html

    html diff to html

    v0.2.2 #html #diff #yaml
  163. ldd_md_parse

    markdow to html simple tool

    v0.1.0 160 #html #md #tool #markdow #test
  164. templr

    template library

    v0.2.4 #web-framework #template-engine #template #compile-time #html-templating #html #rsx
  165. rustbolt_dojang

    Dojang, a EJS like Html Template Engine

    v0.1.9 #html-templating #template #html #template-engine #html-template
  166. sauron-html-parser

    parsing dynamically parsing html at runtime

    v0.61.9 180 #html-parser #web-apps #web-framework #html #web #server-side-rendering #html-rendering
  167. silkenweb

    building web apps

    v0.8.0 #web-apps #server-side-rendering #web-framework #dom #reactive #html #browser
  168. bubble-bath

    Small and quick HTML sanitizer

    v0.2.1 400 #security #html #input-validation #sanitization #xss
  169. mdbook-treesitter

    mdBook preprocessor for html adding tree-sitter highlighting support

    v1.0.0 #mdbook #tree-sitter #highlighting #html
  170. wasmdev

    web development server library

    v0.1.7 #web-frontend #web-server #wasm #front-end #web-dev #cargo #html
  171. tera-hot-reload

    Hot Reload for Tera templates

    v0.2.3 #hot-reloading #hot-reload #tera #reloading #html #templating #template-engine
  172. html2maud

    / cli to convert html to maud template code

    v0.1.11 110 #html-templating #convert-html #maud #template #html
  173. auk

    An eDSL for writing HTML using standard Rust syntax

    v0.6.0 100 #domain-specific-language #html #dsl #html-templating #markup #html-content #markup-language
  174. swc_html_utils

    Utils for HTML

    v5.0.0 4.7K #swc #html #web #html-parser #javascript-compiler #javascript-parser #typescript
  175. farmfe_plugin_html

    Html plugin of farm

    v0.0.14 270 #build-tool #web #vite-compatible #build-web #farm #html #front-end
  176. htmlq

    Like jq, but for HTML

    v0.4.0 6.9K #html-css #html #html-content #css #html-text #query #text-content
  177. soupy

    querying tree-based formats, similar to BeautifulSoup

    v0.8.3 550 #html-parser #html-xml #xml-parser #html #xml #regex-parser #soup
  178. minify

    text minification. Currently supported: html, json

    v1.3.0 750 #minify-html #minification #html #json #json-text
  179. another-html-builder

    html builder, focused on being a helper for creating elements, escaping attributes, escaping text, but not caring if the html structure is valid. It's up to the developer to test that.

    v0.2.0 500 #builder #html #attributes #escaping #another #elements #text
  180. html-compare-rs

    comparing HTML with configurable comparison options

    v0.3.0 460 #html #comparison #compare #assert #testing #diff #html-content
  181. statue

    Easier way to query selectors for static HTML pages

    v0.3.1 900 #css-selectors #html #selector #query #css
  182. rusty-scrap

    HTML Scrapper

    v0.1.9 230 #scrap #url #html #scrapper #page #scrape #wikipedia
  183. fun-htmx

    HTMX attributes for fun-html

    v1.1.0 #htmx #html #functional #fun-html #web
  184. unpoly

    Helper for the Unpoly API, initially for usage in Axum handlers

    v0.1.2 #axum #frontend #html #forms #render #validating #update
  185. libhtmlfilter

    filter html by tags and classes

    v0.1.2 #html #html-string #filter #lib
  186. oidc_pages

    Serve static HTML with OIDC for authorization and authentication

    v1.1.0 #oidc #pages #serve-static #authorization #html #authentication #security
  187. cercis

    Template engine for HTML in Rust

    v1.2.0 #html-templating #web #html #template #rsx #jsx #template-engine
  188. wini-maud

    Compile-time HTML templates to work with Wini

    v0.26.4 470 #html #maud #template #html-templating #wini #macro #axum
  189. rohanasantml

    An easy way to write your messy html code in a better way

    v0.0.2 #html-parser #html #compiler #interpreter #parse #parser
  190. custom-element

    A CustomElement trait for implementing custom elements (web components) in Rust

    v0.1.4 #web-components #html #wasm #custom-elements #web-assembly
  191. galerio

    Generate static HTML galleries from a directory containing JPEGs

    v1.2.0 #jpeg #generate-static #flexbox #image #gallery #image-resizing #html
  192. ruma-html

    Opinionated HTML parsing and manipulating

    v0.4.0 2.7K #html-parser #html #html-content #ruma #parser #convert-html
  193. toph

    An HTML generation library

    v2.0.0 140 #html-templating #html #template #generation #declarative-macro #template-engine #markup-language
  194. markerml_frontend

    Frontend of simple markup and templating language, that is transpiled to HTML

    v0.1.4 390 #language #frontend #markup #templating #html #transpiled #markerml
  195. mextron

    Blazing fast static site generator

    v2.3.0 #static-site-generator #site #static #static-website #html #website-generator #generator
  196. rusty-render

    Rust-based server that listens on a TCP socket and renders HTML pages dynamically based on incoming requests

    v0.1.14 550 #html #render #server #ssr #rust
  197. frenring

    generator tool for webrings with posts from frens

    v0.2.0-rc2 #blog-post #feed #source #generator #html #webring #tool
  198. elephantry-extras

    A collection of additional components for elephantry

    v0.7.1 #yew-component #tera #elephantry #askama #collection #pager #html
  199. tera-shortcodes

    Tera Shortcodes: A WordPress-Like Implementation

    v0.1.7 #tera-templates #dynamic-content #tera #template #html-templating #template-engine #html
  200. mle

    The markup link extractor (mle) extracts links from markup files (Markdown and HTML)

    v0.25.2 #markdown-html #markup #links #markdown #html #link #broken-links
  201. render_readme

    Render Markdown or reStructuredText with syntax highlighting and image filtering similar to GitHub's

    v0.12.0 170 #syntax-highlighting #markdown-html #html #github #markdown #convert-html #convert
  202. escaper

    HTML entity encoding and decoding

    v0.1.1 3.6K #codec #html-xml #html #html-parser #decoding #xml #parser
  203. shave

    shaving data from websites

    v0.2.2 #web-scraping #web #scraping #html #async #image #api-bindings
  204. reflexo-vec2sema

    Render vector items into HTML semantics

    v0.5.4 300 #vector #html #semantics #typst #items #render #wasm
  205. sidoc

    Generate structured/scoped indented documents

    v0.1.2 230 #document #text-document #text #html
  206. html_forge

    A robust and efficient HTML parsing library for Rust

    v0.1.0 #html-parser #html #parser #dom #text-parser #element-attributes #document
  207. html-outliner

    Outline HTML documents for better SEO

    v0.1.6 #html #outline #outliner #document
  208. re_web_viewer_server

    Serves the Rerun web viewer (Wasm and HTML) over HTTP

    v0.21.0 12K #web #viewer #rerun #visualization #html #build-web #wasm
  209. axohtml

    Type checked JSX for Rust

    v0.5.0 #html #html-macro #jsx #syntax #checked #attributes #document
  210. templr_parser

    Parser for templr templates

    v0.2.1 #template #template-engine #rsx #html #markup #compile-time #web-framework
  211. angust

    GUI framework in Angular style

    v0.1.1 #gui-framework #style #angular #component #html #template #dynamic
  212. leptos_form_tool

    A declarative way to create forms for leptos

    v0.2.3 100 #leptos #web #html #wasm
  213. femark

    A Markdown to HTML converter and code syntax highlighter using pulldown-cmark and treesitter

    v0.1.6 100 #markdown-html #syntax-highlighting #markdown-syntax #markdown #markdown-parser #syntax #html
  214. wild-doc-server

    wild-doc server

    v0.13.10 1.7K #javascript #v8 #html #database #database-server #xml
  215. pukram2html

    converting Pukram-formatted text to HTML

    v0.1.1 #markup-language #text-formatting #html #convert-text #markup #pukram #text-content
  216. ansi2html

    v0.2.2 #html #terminal #ansi #convert-html #format #parse
  217. k-lighter

    syntax highlighter for K language

    v1.0.4 #syntax-highlighting #language #style #html #foo #file #write
  218. pdf-min

    Very minimal crate for writing PDFs

    v0.1.12 120 #pdf #html #conversion #font #min #tags #parser
  219. sidoc-html5

    Helper functions for generating HTML5 documents for sidoc

    v0.1.2 110 #html #sidoc #html5 #generating #helper #document #function
  220. tectonic_engine_spx2html

    The Tectonic engine that converts SPX output to HTML

    v0.3.2 600 #html #typesetting #tectonic #engine #tex-engine #spx #output-format
  221. bbscope

    BBCode to HTML with scoping rules, auto-close tags, highly extensible

    v0.2.0 #html-parser #html #markup #scope #bbcode #parse #parser
  222. ultralight

    Rust bindings for Ultralight: Next-Generation HTML Renderer

    v0.1.7 200 #bindings #html #renderer #next-generation #script #version #case
  223. leptos-markdown

    A component which can render markdown as html element in leptos

    v0.1.0 #leptos #markdown #component #render #element #html #markdown-html
  224. fluke-h2-parse

    HTTP/2 parser and base types

    v0.1.1 #http2 #frame #payload #parser #io-uring #http #html
  225. nate

    Not a Template Engine. Derive Display using a template.

    v0.4.0 #template #html-templating #html #io-write
  226. toks

    Efficient tokens for html5ever::rcdom::RcDom Handle parsing aiming for O(1) HTML DOM walking & efficiency

    v1.3.0 700 #html-parser #html #parser
  227. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  228. mintyml

    A minialist alternative syntax to HTML

    v0.1.18 #html #markup #syntax #minimalist #convert #reference
  229. syn-rsx

    syn-powered parser for JSX-like TokenStreams

    v0.9.0 2.0K #html-macro #html #syn #jsx #html-parser #rsx #macro
  230. html-rs

    Generate HTML code using Rust builders

    v0.3.0 #generate-html #html #web #builder #html5
  231. wild-doc

    You can read and write data using XML and output various structured documents.You can also program using javascript/TypeScript.It's Deno compatible.And you can optionally use python

    v0.110.0 #typescript #xml #xml-data #javascript #html #document #read-write
  232. ctchi

    Home made web framework

    v0.19.1 #web-framework #web-page #template #personal #home #html #middleware
  233. heart-patched-maud

    Compile-time HTML templates. (patched for HEART - do not use)

    v0.26.0 170 #template #html #html-templating #compile-time #macro #heart #patched
  234. rinja_axum

    Axum integration for Rinja templates

    v0.3.5 350 #web-framework #axum #html-templating #template #jinja2 #html #html-rendering
  235. yarte_config

    Config file parser of yarte

    v0.6.1 #template #html-templating #handlebars #html #markup #compile-time #conditional
  236. wkhtmlapp

    Convert html to pdf or image

    v1.0.2 100 #convert-html #html #pdf #image #wkhtmltopdf #wkhtmltoimage
  237. reqwest-scraper

    Web scraping integration with reqwest

    v0.5.8 #web-scraping #json-response #reqwest #css-selectors #json-path #html #integration
  238. gema_texto

    parse gemtext and render HTML

    v1.0.0 #html #render #parser #gemini #line #gema #texto
  239. ludtwig-parser

    Lossless parser for HTML / Twig templating syntax

    v0.6.0 100 #html-templating #html-parser #syntax-tree #html #template #twig #parser
  240. hatter

    positively mad, zero dependency html templating language

    v0.1.4 #html-templating #templating-engine #html #web-framework #programming-language #zero #html-content
  241. opie

    An Opus decoder written in Rust

    v0.1.0 #decoder #opus #html #scratch #xiph #ietf #datatracker
  242. web

    interacting with the web browser

    v0.2.12 #browser #build-web #wasm #wasm-js #html #js-wasm #random
  243. web-tools

    Tools for the Web

    v0.2.3 850 #yew #html #yew-web #tool #web
  244. crml

    Crab Markup Language

    v0.1.6 #markup-language #crab #html
  245. popper-rs

    using Popper in Rust

    v0.3.2 950 #yew #wasm-bindings #popper #html #yew-web #web
  246. csi

    processing a directory of text files. Particularly useful for building static websites.

    v1.0.2 #static-website #text-file #html #website #static #file-processing #builder
  247. table_to_html

    interface to convert a tabled::Table into a HTML table (<table>)

    v0.6.0 500 #table #html #print #pretty-table #format
  248. mlscraper-rust

    Scrape structured data from HTML documents automatically

    v0.1.2 #web-scraping #html-css #css-selectors #html #css #scraping #html-parser