
  1. libp2p-noise

    Cryptographic handshake protocol using the noise framework

    v0.45.0 220K #noise-protocol #p2p #handshake #public-key #protocols #cryptographic #framework
  2. pea2pea

    low-level, and customizable implementation of a TCP P2P node

    v0.50.0 380 #p2p #tcp-connection #node #peer-to-peer #low-level #customizable #handshake
  3. tentacle-secio

    Secio encryption protocol for p2p

    v0.6.4 6.4K #p2p #encryption #secio #framework #aead #multiplexed #handshake
  4. quinn-hyphae

    Noise protocol framework handshakes for the Quinn QUIC library

    v0.1.0-beta.0 #noise-protocol #noise #quic #quinn #handshake #hyphae #protocols
  5. kuska-handshake

    Secure Scuttlebutt handshake boxstream library

    v0.2.0 270 #box-stream #handshake #scuttlebutt #ssb #networking #kuska #dapp
  6. kemeleon

    encoding algorithms for obfuscating ML-KEM handshake elements

    v0.1.0-rc.1 #key-exchange #ml-kem #cryptography #algorithm #handshake #obfuscation #secure
  7. vru-noise

    Noise handshake protocol implemented in Rust

    v1.7.1 #noise-protocol #handshake #protocols #implemented
  8. schultz

    node - a handshake peer aware of its own identity

    v0.1.1 230 #peer #handshake #identity #own #aware #validation #casper
  9. ant-libp2p-noise

    Cryptographic handshake protocol using the noise framework

    v0.45.1 #noise-protocol #p2p #handshake #protocols #public-key #remote #io
  10. hswp

    pqkd handshake

    v0.1.0 #noise-protocol #handshake #protocols #libsodium #ring #primitive #resolver
  11. oneshot-handshake

    providing a symmetric one time use channel type

    v0.1.5 #channel #bidirectional #linear #symmetric #handshake #time #unsafe
  12. quinn-noise

    quinn noise implementation

    v0.4.0 #shared-key #handshake #psk #noise #encryption #quinn #key-exchange
  13. humphrey_ws

    WebSocket support for the Humphrey web server

    v0.5.1 #websocket #web-server #humphrey #stream #messages #handshake #websocket-server
  14. bip_handshake

    Common handshaking interface as well as a default handshake implementation

    v0.7.1 #bittorrent #handshake #peer #disk #bip #interface #default
  15. ssb-handshake

    Secret-handshake protocol for Secure Scuttlebutt

    v0.5.1 #scuttlebutt #secure-scuttlebutt #ssb #handshake #secret-handshake #shs
  16. rust-vhost

    extract SNI from tls handshake where you transfer traffic to any destination you want

    v0.1.3 100 #tls #extract #sni #handshake #traffic #destination #transfer
  17. cometd-client

    Client for LongPolling CometD connections

    v0.3.6 #http #cometd #client #path #handshake #connection #cometd-client-builder
  18. ssb-box-stream

    Implemenation of Scuttlebuts authentication and encryption protocol for peer connections

    v0.2.0 #box-stream #ssb #handshake #scuttlebutt #encryption #peer-connection
  19. mwc-libp2p-noise

    Cryptographic handshake protocol using the noise framework

    v0.29.2 140 #noise-protocol #public-key #p2p #handshake #mwc #protocols #remote
  20. skrillax-security

    Security implementation for Silkroad Online packet streams

    v0.1.0 #handshake #security #silkroad
  21. libp2prs-noise

    Cryptographic handshake protocol using the noise framework

    v0.3.0 #p2p #public-key #noise-protocol #peer-to-peer #handshake #networking #protocols
  22. bip324

    Encrypted messaging over the Bitcoin P2P Protocol as specified by BIP 324

    v0.6.0 1.5K #encryption #protocols #p2p #bitcoin #handshake #packet #secret
  23. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  24. keynesis-network

    network library leveraging keynesis

    v0.3.1 #connection #handshake #keynesis #protocols #noise #networking #peer
  25. adnl

    Abstract Datagram Network Layer

    v2.0.0 600 #ton #datagram #client-server #key #handshake #abstract #layer
  26. rust-dash-handshake

    performing Dash network handshakes

    v0.1.0 #dash #ip-address #handshake #full #message #version #performing
  27. shs_core

    Secret-handshake protocol core

    v0.3.0 #scuttlebutt #ssb #handshake #crypto #secret-handshake #secure-scuttlebutt
  28. rust-govhost

    extract SNI from tls handshake where you transfer traffic to any destination you want

    v0.1.0 #tls #handshake #extract #transfer #sni #destination #traffic
  29. bramble-handshake

    Bramble Handshake Protocol

    v0.1.0 #handshake #protocols #bramble #version
  30. shs_async

    Secret-handshake protocol (async)

    v0.3.0 #handshake #scuttlebutt #ssb
  31. harlequinn

    A real-time networking library primarily aimed at games

    v0.1.1 #real-time #aimed #networking #stream #connection #ordered #handshake
  32. handshake-encoding

    Encoding Library for Handshake

    v0.1.1 #handshake #encoding #handshake-encoding
  33. cardano_ouroboros_network

    implements the networking layer for the Ouroboros protocol used by Cardano blockchain

    v0.2.8 #cardano #layer #ouroboros #protocols #blockchain #framework #handshake
  34. rsd

    A Handshake full implementation written entirely in Rust

    v0.1.0 #handshake #crypto #dns
  35. susyp2p-noise

    Cryptographic handshake protocol using the noise framework

    v0.5.0 #noise-protocol #susyp2p #handshake #protocols #framework #cryptography #io
  36. handshake-types

    Handshake types

    v0.1.1 #handshake-types #handshake #type
  37. handshakes

    Handshake transaction construction in Rust

    v0.7.0 #handshake #transaction #serialization #covenant #builder #signature #change
  38. websocket_handshake

    cli for setting fan curves on some asus laptops

    v0.1.0 #curve #laptop #fan #handshake #websocket #asus #setting
  39. pallas-handshake

    Ouroboros network handshake mini-protocol

    v0.4.0 #handshake #pallas #ouroboros #mini-protocol #network
  40. meetbox

    Handshake server for WebRTC libraries

    v0.0.1 #web-rtc #handshake #server