
  1. starship

    The minimal, blazing-fast, and infinitely customizable prompt for any shell! ☄🌌️

    v1.21.1 9.1K #shell-prompt #prompt #shell #zsh #bash #fish
  2. shell-quote

    shell-quoting strings, e.g. for interpolating into a Bash script.

    v0.7.2 5.7K #escaping #bash #byte-string #fish #unix-shell #dash #zsh
  3. cmd-wrapped

    A CLI tool to view Unix shell history statistics, with support for zsh, bash, fish, and atuin

    v0.4.1 230 #shell-history #unix-shell #shell #fish #zsh #atuin #command-line
  4. nix-your-shell

    A nix and nix-shell wrapper for shells other than bash

    v1.4.6 #nix #shell-environment #configuration-management #fish #nix-shell #nixos
  5. pez

    A Rust-based plugin manager for fish

    v0.1.2 #fish #manager #plugin
  6. clap_autocomplete

    Easy to integrate shell completion for Clap. Finds the user's shell and puts completion files in the appropriate locations.

    v0.4.2 550 #shell-completion #clap #completion #bash #fish
  7. croq

    Fast and customizable shell prompt

    v0.8.2 #shell-prompt #prompt #zsh #shell #fish #bash
  8. almel

    A ZSH theme inspired by agnoster-zsh-theme

    v1.4.7 130 #shell-prompt #zsh #prompt #theme #bash #fish #zsh-theme
  9. croque

    Fast and customizable shell prompt

    v0.7.0 #shell-prompt #prompt #shell #zsh #fish #bash
  10. fish-oxide

    A port of fishdraw to rust

    v0.2.1 100 #port #fish #svg #fishdraw #graphics
  11. seed_gen

    A small helper to work with seeds in shell scripts

    v1.2.0 #shell #random-seed #bash #script #fish #helper #tool
  12. vector-project-manager

    Project folder manager

    v0.2.1 150 #manager #folder #projects #fish #shell #command-line-tool #manage
  13. ironfish-frost

    multi-signature primitives for the Iron Fish chain, based on the FROST protocol

    v0.1.0 270 #primitive #participant #iron #multi-signature #fish #protocols #chain
  14. which-shell

    v0.1.1 250 #shell #fish #cargo-binstall
  15. pay-respects-utils

    pay-respects CLI tool

    v0.1.5 700 #command-line-tool #shell #cli #pay-respects #fish #bash #replace
  16. orbiter

    A cross-shell plugin and package manager

    v0.9.0 #zsh #shell #package-manager #fish #bash #console
  17. nu-completion-script

    A script for generating nu completions from Fish completions

    v0.1.3 #completion #fish #nu #generate-completions #command-line-arguments #script #definition
  18. starship-alt

    The cross-shell prompt for astronauts. ☄🌌️

    v0.33.1 #shell-prompt #prompt #fish #bash #zsh #shell
  19. scotty

    A chillingly fast dir switcher using fuzzy search

    v0.3.4 #fuzzy-search #shell #bash #zsh #fish #cd
  20. clanker

    Minimalistic command prompt for fish

    v0.7.0 #fish #minimalist #prompt #command #compression
  21. cli-completion

    cli completion for bash, zsh, fish and powershell

    v0.4.0 #completion #cli #bash #zsh #fish #powershell #oh-my-zsh
  22. droid

    A command-line tool for checking Android OS version history

    v0.1.5 #zsh #bash #fish #os-version #shell #prompt
  23. fish

    An imperative webhook/callback client API based on async/await

    v0.0.3 #webhook #callback #api-client #non-blocking #imperative #request #received
  24. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  25. synterm

    making beautiful REPLs and Shells with fish like as you type syntax highlighting

    v0.3.1 #syntax-highlighting #shell #repl #fish #color #line #command-line-tool
  26. fish_vars

    Command line program to quickly add a path variable to your Fish Shell config file

    v0.1.3 #variables #fish #config-file #path #shell #add #fv
  27. ironfish

    interacting with transactions on the Iron Fish chain

    v0.3.0 140 #cryptocurrency #blockchain #transaction #chain #fish #iron #facade
  28. fish_hash

    Hashing algorithm used for Iron Fish

    v0.3.0 290 #fish #iron #privacy #blockchain #hashing #algorithm #install
  29. shell-commands-freq

    program to check your shell's commands frequency based on how many times your entered them

    v0.1.1 #shell #fish #zsh #bash
  30. fishy-alias

    generate fish alias functions from bash like alias file

    v0.1.0 #alias #bash #generate #file #fish #functions
  31. starship_module_config_derive

    The minimal, blazing-fast, and infinitely customizable prompt for any shell! ☄🌌️

    v0.2.1 #shell-prompt #zsh #prompt #fish
  32. vifi-prompt

    A super simple prompt for Fish shell with Vi mode indicator

    v0.2.8 #prompt #shell-prompt #fish #vi #indicator #mode #super