
  1. rsfbclient

    Binds to official firebird client lib

    v0.25.1 310 #firebird #database #embedded-database #fbclient #ffi
  2. rsfbclient-native

    Native(using fbclient) implementation of firebird client lib

    v0.25.1 270 #firebird #database #fbclient #ffi #database-client
  3. rsfbclient-rust

    A pure Rust implementation of firebird client lib

    v0.25.1 260 #firebird #database #fbclient
  4. rsfbclient-diesel

    The Diesel implementation for Firebird

    v0.25.0 #database-access #firebird #database #fbclient #query-builder #ffi #back-end
  5. rsfbclient-core

    Core of firebird client lib

    v0.25.1 290 #firebird #database-client #fbclient #database
  6. rfirebird

    Provide a raw access to firebird database file

    v0.1.0 #firebird #parse #fbclient
  7. rsfbclient-derive

    Derives and macros for rsfbclient

    v0.25.1 100 #fbclient #ffi #firebird #database #macro-derive
  8. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.