
  1. mime_guess

    detection of a file's MIME type by its extension

    v2.0.5 2.9M #file-extension #mime #extension #filesystem #detection #mapping
  2. simdutf8

    SIMD-accelerated UTF-8 validation

    v0.1.5 1.5M #utf-8 #simd #validation #string #unicode #extension
  3. icu_locid

    API for managing Unicode Language and Locale Identifiers

    v1.5.0 4.3M #unicode #identifier #locale #language #localization #internationalization #extension
  4. ark-ff

    finite fields

    v0.5.0 1.0M #finite-fields #elliptic-curve #field #prime-field #cryptography #math #extension
  5. x11rb

    Rust bindings to X11

    v0.13.1 531K #shared-memory #x11 #xcb #extension #pointers #cursor #bindings
  6. wayland-protocols

    Generated API for the officials wayland protocol extensions

    v0.32.5 521K #wayland-protocol #wayland-client #client-server #wayland #protocols #extension #client
  7. pgrx

    framework for creating Postgres extensions

    v0.12.9 24K #postgresql-extension #postgresql #extension #postgres #database
  8. magnus

    High level Ruby bindings. Write Ruby extension gems in Rust, or call Ruby code from a Rust binary.

    v0.7.1 70K #ruby #extension #api-bindings #gem #rubygem
  9. chronoutil

    Powerful extensions to rust's Chrono crate

    v0.2.7 72K #date-time #date #time #calendar #extension
  10. system-interface

    Extensions to the Rust standard library

    v0.27.3 179K #file-io #read-write #file #networking #standard #extension #file-extension
  11. wayland-sys

    FFI bindings to the various libwayland-*.so libraries. You should only need this crate if you are working on custom wayland protocol extensions. Look at the crate wayland-client for usable bindings.

    v0.31.5 533K #wayland-protocol #bindings #wayland-client #protocols #api-bindings #extension #libwayland
  12. multiversion

    Easy function multiversioning

    v0.8.0 126K #simd #instructions #cpu #set #multiversioning #extension #attributes
  13. yaxpeax-x86

    x86 decoders for the yaxpeax project

    v2.0.0 7.2K #instructions #x86 #decoder #yaxpeax #extension #set #part
  14. substrait

    Cross-Language Serialization for Relational Algebra

    v0.51.0 402K #serialization #cross-language #relational #algebra #protobuf #deserialize #extension
  15. stdext

    Extensions for the Rust standard library structures

    v0.3.3 28K #extension #helper #standard #enhancement #std #utilities #structures
  16. command-group

    Extension to Command to spawn in a process group

    v5.0.1 88K #process #group #command #extension #increase
  17. wasix

    API bindings for Rust

    v0.12.21 89K #api-bindings #wasi #wasm-bindings #wasm #wasm-interface #extension
  18. core_extensions

    Extensions for core/std library types, and other miscelaneous features

    v1.5.3 53K #extension #traits #string #macro #slice #generics #types
  19. fatality

    extension to thiserror::Error

    v0.1.1 130K #thiserror #error #fatal #annotations #variant #extension #scale
  20. new_mime_guess

    associating MIME types to file extensions

    v4.0.4 16K #file-extension #mime #file-format #extension #format-file #filesystem
  21. rxrust

    Reactive Extensions

    v1.0.0-beta.9 1.1K #rx #frp #extension #reactivex
  22. wayland-protocols-wlr

    Generated API for the WLR wayland protocol extensions

    v0.3.5 325K #wayland-protocol #wayland-client #client-server #wayland #protocols #api-bindings #extension
  23. arma-rs

    Arma 3 Extensions in Rust

    v1.11.11 1.0K #arma #extension #context #state #callback #command #group
  24. wayland-protocols-plasma

    Generated API for the Plasma wayland protocol extensions

    v0.3.5 231K #wayland-protocol #wayland-client #wayland #api-bindings #client-server #protocols #extension
  25. ostree-ext

    Extension APIs for OSTree

    v0.15.3 600 #container-image #commit #ostree #extension #bindings #os-tree #tooling
  26. ocaml

    bindings for Rust

    v1.1.0 5.7K #bindings #interop #ffi #extension #run-time #rust #ocaml-interop
  27. git-metrics

    A git extension to store metrics directly in git, using the notes

    v0.2.4 140 #git-repository #metrics #git-tool #extension #store #notes #github
  28. task-local-extensions

    Task-local container for arbitrary data

    v0.1.4 357K #extension #task #typemap #container #local #task-local #data-store
  29. pgx

    framework for creating Postgres extensions

    v0.7.4 #postgresql-extension #postgresql #extension #postgres #database
  30. ext-trait

    Annotation to easily define ad-hoc / one-shot extension traits

    v2.0.0 151K #traits #extension #impl #methods #custom #method
  31. supabase-wrappers

    Postgres Foreign Data Wrapper development framework in Rust

    v0.1.20 300 #postgresql-extension #postgresql #extension #database #postgres
  32. cargo-pgrx

    Cargo subcommand for 'pgrx' to make Postgres extension development easy

    v0.12.9 13K #postgresql-extension #postgresql #extension #postgres #cargo-subcommand
  33. dirscribe

    A CLI tool that combines contents of files with specific extensions from a directory

    v0.4.0-alpha.1 430 #directory #file #concatenate #utility #cli-file #extension #file-extension
  34. substrait-validator

    Substrait validator

    v0.1.1 341K #substrait #validation #query #yaml #plan #extension #pattern
  35. git-credential-keepassxc

    Helper that allows Git and shell scripts to use KeePassXC as credential store

    v0.14.1 #git #keepass #keepassxc #git-config #extension
  36. mime2ext

    Given a mimetype, suggest a file extension

    v0.1.53 7.5K #file-extension #extension #mime #media-type #filesystem #no-std #lookup
  37. cargo-pgx

    Cargo subcommand for 'pgx' to make Postgres extension development easy

    v0.7.4 1.2K #postgresql-extension #postgresql #extension #postgres #cargo-subcommand
  38. void

    The uninhabited void type for use in statically impossible cases

    v1.0.2 1.6M #statically #cases #impossible #uninhabited #error #extension #enums
  39. cap-time-ext

    Extension traits for SystemClock and MonotonicClock

    v3.4.2 186K #time #clock #system-clock #extension #security #sandboxing #traits
  40. extend

    Create extensions for types you don't own with extension traits but without the boilerplate

    v1.2.0 126K #extension #traits #boilerplate #dont #types #own #ext
  41. wayland-protocols-misc

    Generated API for misc and deprecated wayland protocol extensions

    v0.3.5 4.5K #wayland-protocol #wayland-client #client-server #wayland #protocols #extension #server
  42. cap-std-ext

    Extension APIs for cap-std

    v4.0.4 3.3K #cap-std #extension #api #helper #github #migrate #issue
  43. savvy

    R extension interface

    v0.8.2 1.0K #interface #extension #sexp #convert #vector #extendr #generate
  44. cap-net-ext

    Extension traits for TcpListener, Pool, etc

    v3.4.2 156K #udp-socket #tcp-listener #sockets #non-blocking #pool #extension #traits
  45. delharc

    parsing and extracting files from LHA/LZH archives

    v0.6.1 700 #lha #unlha #lzh #extension
  46. yaml-merge-keys

    YAML merge key extension. http://yaml.org/type/merge.html

    v0.7.0 41K #yaml #yaml-parser #serde-yaml #merge #key #mapping #extension
  47. zed_extension_api

    APIs for creating Zed extensions in Rust

    v0.2.0 6.1K #zed #extension #text-editors #editor #api #api-version #write
  48. ratchet_deflate

    Permessage Deflate for Ratchet

    v1.2.1 3.0K #websocket #deflate #compression #ratchet #protocols #permessage #extension
  49. julid-rs

    loadable extension for SQLite that provides Joe's ULIDs

    v1.6.18033988 #unique-identifier #sqlite-extension #sqlite #ulid #extension #julid
  50. swipl

    A high-level library for building SWI-Prolog extensions and embedding SWI-Prolog in rust applications

    v0.3.16 #foreign-interface #swi-prolog #blob #definition #extension #embedding #predicate
  51. unicode_categories

    Query Unicode category membership for chars

    v0.1.1 1.8M #unicode-characters #unicode #character #category #membership #member #extension
  52. racer

    Code completion for Rust

    v2.2.2 430 #completion #extension #nightly #cargo #source #rls
  53. num-derive

    Numeric syntax extensions

    v0.4.2 2.5M #proc-macro #macro-derive #math #numeric #extension #numerics
  54. clatter

    no_std compatible implementation of Noise protocol framework with Post-Quantum extensions

    v1.1.0 300 #noise-protocol #noise #post-quantum #protocols #post-quantum-cryptography #cryptography #extension
  55. gh-bofh-rs

    classic bofh command as a GitHub CLI extension

    v1.2.1-next.1 550 #github #command-line #extension #bofh #excuse #generate #gh
  56. raki

    RISC-V instruction decoder written in Rust

    v1.3.1 950 #risc-v #decoder #instructions #extension #traits #formatting #decode
  57. wasi-crypto

    Experimental implementation of the WASI cryptography APIs

    v0.1.14 #wasi #crypto-api #wasm #web-assembly #extension #cryptography #crypto
  58. extension-traits

    Annotation to easily define ad-hoc / one-shot extension traits

    v2.0.0 134K #traits #extension #impl #methods #annotations #custom #method
  59. nodex

    ease of creating nodejs native addon

    v0.2.4 #nodejs #add-on #native #js #extension #napi #module
  60. rb-sys

    Rust bindings for the CRuby API

    v0.9.105 72K #ruby #bindings #api-bindings #bindings-generator #low-level #extension #native
  61. fitsrs

    FITS image parser

    v0.2.11 100 #fits #parser #hdu #data-block #reading #extension #fit
  62. sentry-actix

    Sentry client extension for actix-web 3

    v0.35.0 15K #actix-web #sentry #actix-web-middleware #error #actix-middleware #integration #extension
  63. nom-recursive

    Extension of nom to handle left recursion

    v0.5.1 2.3K #nom #recursion #left #parser #handle #extension
  64. copypasta-ext

    A clipboard library providing useful extensions for copypasta

    v0.4.4 8.2K #clipboard #x11 #copypasta #exit #contents #extension #escaping
  65. tfhe-ark-ff

    finite fields

    v0.4.3 3.2K #finite-fields #prime-field #cryptography #ark #arithmetic-operations #extension #numbers
  66. phper

    The framework that allows us to write PHP extensions using pure and safe Rust whenever possible

    v0.13.1 750 #php #extension #binding #module
  67. rubedo

    useful functionality and extensions

    v0.6.3 110 #utility #extension #http #standard #serde #process #base
  68. smtp-proto

    SMTP protocol parser

    v0.1.5 7.3K #smtp #parser #protocols #smtp-server #lmtp #protocol #extension
  69. sigalign

    A Similarity-Guided Alignment Algorithm

    v0.4.0 #bioinformatics #nucleotide #alignment #bio #extension
  70. easy-ext

    A lightweight attribute macro for easily writing extension trait pattern

    v1.0.2 43K #traits #extension #attributes #macro #proc-macro #no-alloc
  71. devela

    A development foundation

    v0.21.2 180 #helper #extension #dev #no-alloc #std #library
  72. type-map

    typemap container with FxHashMap

    v0.5.0 262K #hash-map #extension #container #values #typed #context #testing
  73. riscv-decode

    decoding RISC-V instructions

    v0.2.2 2.5K #risc-v #instructions #decoding #isa #extension #riscv #compression
  74. prometools

    Extensions for prometheus-client

    v0.2.2 33K #prometheus #serialization #serde #extension
  75. rxr

    Reactive extensions for event-driven applications

    v0.1.9 #observable #event-driven #reactive #extension #observables #subject #subjects
  76. ratchet_ext

    WebSocket extensions for Ratchet

    v1.2.1 2.8K #extension #async #future #tokio #futures
  77. pathmut

    Command line utility for extracting, removing, and replacing components from path strings

    v0.4.0 #file-path #path #file-extension #file #extension #command-line-tool
  78. radicle-git-ext

    extensions to the git2 crate

    v0.8.1 490 #git #radicle #extension #git2
  79. pgxn_meta

    The PGXN distribution metadata specification

    v0.5.1 100 #postgresql-extension #postgresql #extension #validation #pgxn #package-management
  80. wd_tools

    tools for rust

    v0.13.14 #extension #toolset #error #encode #list
  81. unarray

    working with uninitialized arrays

    v0.1.4 1.6M #array #uninitialized #traits #extension #options #api #unarray-array-ext
  82. p2panda-core

    Extensible data-types for secure, distributed and efficient exchange of data

    v0.1.0 #p2p #data-type #extensible #secure #distributed #exchange #extension
  83. fluvio-extension-common

    Fluvio extension common

    v0.14.4 140 #data-streaming #data-pipeline #stream-processing #fluvio #event-driven-architecture #extension #real-time
  84. extendr-engine

    Safe and user friendly bindings to the R programming language

    v0.7.1 1.1K #programming-language #unit-testing #integration #bindings #extension #integration-tests #user-friendly
  85. backtrace-error

    wrap errors with automatic backtrace capture and print-on-result-unwrap

    v0.5.1 210 #error #backtrace #capture #extension #automatic #conversion #expect
  86. rustc_utils

    working with the Rust compiler

    v0.12.0-nightly-2024-12-15 300 #compiler #rustc #compiler-plugin #framework #range #extension #graph
  87. cooklang

    parser with opt-in extensions

    v0.14.0 310 #recipe #unit-conversion #extension #cooking #config-parser #language #error
  88. jnix

    High-level extensions to help with the usage of JNI in Rust code

    v0.5.1 7.8K #jni #java #java-class #ffi #proc-macro #extension
  89. elfx86exts

    Decode x86 binaries (ELF or MachO) and print out which instruction set extensions they use

    v0.6.2 #mach-o #x86 #elf #disassembly #extension #x86-64 #binary-format
  90. rpfm_extensions

    contains extended functionality (dependencies manager, global search,…) over the rpfm_lib crate, meaning stuff that didn’t fit in there, it’s here

    v4.3.11 310 #modding #total-war #extension #totalwar #documentation
  91. findex-plugin

    Plugins library for Findex

    v0.8.2 #file-search #findex #plugin #extension #user #file-extension #plugin-system
  92. deno_io

    IO primitives for Deno extensions

    v0.94.0 5.5K #deno #io #file-io #filesystem #primitive #extension #run-time
  93. vsixHarvester

    A CLI tool to download VSCode extensions from extensions.json

    v0.1.6 120 #vsixharvester #extension #download #json #verbose #cli #proxy #recommendations
  94. nonzero_ext

    Extensions and additional traits for non-zero integer types

    v0.3.0 851K #non-zero #integer #traits #extension #types #numbers #literals
  95. opencl-sys

    OpenCL C FFI bindings for the Rust programming language

    v0.4.0 1.3K #opencl #gpu #gpgpu #api-bindings #api #extension #resources
  96. string_more

    Extension traits for String and &str types

    v0.3.0 #edit-distance #string #str #extension #in-place
  97. easier

    making rust easier

    v0.3.0 #sorting #vec #act #utilities #group-by #extension #read-line
  98. x11rb-protocol

    Rust bindings to X11

    v0.13.1 506K #shared-memory #x11 #extension #xcb #pointers #bindings #cursor
  99. bevy_query_ext

    Extensions for Bevy's queries

    v0.5.0 180 #bevy-ecs #bevy #gamedev #extension #game-dev
  100. cargo-criterion

    Cargo extension for running Criterion.rs benchmarks and reporting the results

    v1.1.0 7.2K #benchmark #criterion #performance #cargo-plugin #reporting #running #extension
  101. est

    Extensions for the rust Standard library and Tokio

    v0.6.0 1.0K #index-map #collection #anyhow #result #std #extension #collections
  102. wybr

    Collection of preferential voting methods

    v0.0.6 140 #voting #election #tally #condorcet #stv #math #extension
  103. wii-ext

    Wiimote Extension Controller (nunchuk, classic controller) driver for Rust embedded-hal traits

    v0.4.0 180 #controller #driver #classic #extension #wiimote #i2c #embedded-hal
  104. enumeration

    An extension to rust enum

    v3.3.1 1.1K #enums #variant #enum #traits #extension #index #casting
  105. wgsl-tools

    Various tools to parse, verify, evaluate and modify wgsl shader source

    v0.0.2 #wgsl #syntax-tree #shader #source #language #parse #extension
  106. recycle_vec

    method for Vec to recycle it's backing allocation for use with another Vec of different type

    v1.1.2 140 #vec #allocation #data #recycle #lifetime #extension #change
  107. mkbkp

    dead simple command to append .bkp extension to a file

    v0.1.0 110 #bkp #extension #append #file #dead #command #backup
  108. cjval

    Schema-validation of CityJSON CityJSONSeq datasets

    v0.8.1 #schema-validation #json-schema #city-json #dataset #check #extension #json-object
  109. plprql

    A procedural language PostgreSQL extension for PRQL

    v1.0.0 120 #postgresql-extension #postgresql #extension #pgrx #prql #sql-query #query-language
  110. nvtx

    Rust bindings for the NVIDIA® Tools Extension SDK (NVTX)

    v1.3.0 9.7K #nvidia #api-bindings #gpu #profiling #cpu-gpu #sdk #extension
  111. colink


    v0.3.10 #applications #extension #server-status #protocols #requests #access #computation
  112. dcap-ql

    Idiomatic Rust bindings for libsgx_dcap_ql. SGX: Software Guard Extensions DCAP: DataCenter Attestation Primitives QL: Quoting Library

    v0.4.0 1.9K #intel-sgx #sgx #dcap #sgx-enclave #quote #datacenter #extension
  113. std-macro-extensions

    A collection of macro extensions for Rust's standard library data structures, simplifying the creation and manipulation of common collections such as HashMap, Vec, and more

    v0.17.6 400 #extension #macro #structures #standard #simplifying #data-structures #structure
  114. iter_num_tools

    Create simple iterators over non integer ranges. itertools num = iter_num_tools

    v0.7.1 480 #range-iterator #iterator #math #numeric #mathematics #numerics #extension
  115. openapi_utils

    Extension method and utilities to work with OpenAPI 3.0 files

    v0.6.1 130 #openapi #extension #utilities #data #openapi-v3 #methods #information
  116. deno_tls

    TLS for Deno

    v0.171.0 7.0K #deno #tls #javascript #extension #run-time
  117. foundations_ext

    Foundation extensions published from the ewe_platform but usable by all

    v0.0.4 140 #ewe-platform #ewestudios-platform #extension #foundation #traits
  118. nom-packrat

    Extension of nom to apply Packrat Parsing

    v0.7.0 2.6K #nom #parser #packrat #extension #apply #packrat-parser
  119. zk-aluvm

    AluVM extensions for zero knowledge, STARKs and SNARKs

    v0.12.0-beta.4 800 #zero-knowledge #functional #risc #virtual-machine #emulator #extension
  120. swc_ecma_ext_transforms

    Extensions for @swc/core (nodejs)

    v6.0.0 15K #javascript-compiler #typescript #swc #javascript-parser #nodejs #extension #web
  121. llm-lsp

    LSP server to communicate with LLMs

    v0.1.1 #lsp #llm #extension #helix #codeium #language-server #language-model
  122. stary

    A collection of modules that aim to feel like extensions of core, alloc, and std

    v0.2.1 420 #extension #alloc #std #supplement #no-alloc #core
  123. savvy-cli

    A CLI for savvy framework

    v0.8.2 #framework #bindings-generator #savvy #interface #generate #extension #command
  124. type-toppings

    Opinionated extensions to standard types

    v0.2.1 1.3K #extension #opinionated #standard #iterator #types #toppings #future
  125. index-ext

    Index slices with arbitrary ints and as arrays

    v1.0.0 #index #extension #array-index #int-index #integer-arithmetic
  126. old_school_gfx_glutin_ext

    Extensions for glutin to initialize & update old school gfx

    v0.34.0 1.3K #glutin #gfx #graphics #winit-window #gamedev #extension
  127. extHarvester

    A CLI tool to download VSCode extensions from extensions.json

    v0.1.4 200 #extharvester #download #json #cli #extension #tool #vs-code #command-line-tool
  128. bp3d-util


    v1.4.0 #env-vars #error #utilities #path #variables #environment #extension
  129. ds-ext

    Extensions to standard Rust data structures which provide additional capabilities

    v0.3.0 120 #data-structures #order #ordered #set #map #extension #custom
  130. composable-tower-http

    Highly costumizable http utilities built on top of tower

    v0.3.0 800 #tower-http #tower #http #composable #extension #http-middleware #middleware
  131. ark-ff-zypher

    finite fields

    v0.4.2 220 #finite-fields #elliptic-curve #prime-field #cryptography #square-root #math #extension
  132. riscv-isa

    RISC-V instruction set architecture library

    v0.2.0 210 #risc-v #instructions #extension #architecture #set #isa #riscv
  133. aoko

    extension library

    v0.3.0-alpha.30 #extension #aoko #tap
  134. mime_guess2

    detection of a file's MIME type by its extension

    v2.0.5 121K #file-extension #mime #extension #filesystem #mapping #guessing
  135. mdbook-spec

    An mdBook preprocessor to help with the Rust specification

    v0.1.1 #specification #extension #transitive #help #intended
  136. egui_autocomplete

    Auto complete text box for egui

    v8.0.0 270 #text-input #egui #autocomplete #suggestions #ui #extension #user-input
  137. duckdb-bitstring

    BIT type support for duckdb-rs

    v0.4.0 #duck-db #bit-vec #database #bitstring #parameters #extension #query-parameters
  138. store-flows

    Store extension for flows.network

    v0.3.2 750 #key-value-store #flows #serde-json #networking #lambda #flow #extension
  139. lep

    Mini language for interactive consoles, featuring small code footprint

    v0.5.0 #query-language #domain-specific-language #language #lisp #interpreter #repl #extension
  140. nom-unicode

    Unicode extensions for Nom

    v0.3.0 12K #nom #unicode #extension #parser #primitive #string #complete
  141. lock_ext

    Extensions to std::sync::Mutex

    v0.1.3 #extension #facebook #source #open #projects #repository #mononoke
  142. namaste

    v0.29.1 #locks #processes #unix #extension #byte
  143. marksad

    Markdown parser library with all the extensions

    v0.1.2 #user-name #user #platform #detect #extension #whoami
  144. superslice

    Extensions for slices

    v1.0.0 25K #slice #performance #permutation #ord #extension
  145. vscode-generator

    A powerful VSCode snippets generator with support for multiple languages. Create, manage and share your code snippets effortlessly.

    v0.2.0 110 #snippets #visual-studio-code #generator #productivity #vscode #extension #development-tools
  146. ambient_std

    Ambient standard library extensions

    v0.3.1 320 #low-level #gamedev #game-engine #ambient #extension #multiplayer-game #std
  147. polyhedron-ops

    Conway/Hart Polyhedron Operations

    v0.2.7 250 #geometry #graphics #3d #creative #rendering #extension
  148. futures-signals-ext

    Extension to futures-signals: MutableOption with combinators, spawning, predicate driven selections from SignalVec

    v0.5.0 250 #combinator #spawning #predicate #driven #extension #selection #futures-signals
  149. twitch_highway

    Twitch Api reqest Http

    v0.0.10 600 #twitch-api #twitch #user #chat #stream #channel #extension
  150. raw-window-handle-extensions

    C representation for the raw-window-handle crate

    v0.6.0 260 #raw-window-handle #ffi #representation #extension
  151. extension_api

    自定义wasm plugin 扩展api

    v0.0.4 360 #extension #api #wit #http #plugin #workoss #http-client
  152. mime-infer

    detection of a file's MIME type by its extension

    v3.0.0 4.3K #file-extension #mime #extension #filesystem
  153. demand-share-accounting-ext

    Sv2 share accounting extension

    v0.0.12 700 #sv2 #accounting #share #extension
  154. findsource

    configurable tool for searching source files by extensions easily!

    v0.2.4 #file-search #source-file #file-extension #extension #find #config-file #aopt
  155. real_parent

    Symlink-safe path extension for parent directory

    v0.4.0 #path #symlink #filesystem #parent #directory #extension #safe
  156. tdx-tdcall

    Constants, stuctures and wrappers to access TDCALL services

    v0.2.1 #intel #tdx #tdcall #extension
  157. b3d

    A parser for the b3d extension

    v0.1.9 #parser #game-engine #extension #blitz3d #weight #bones #documentation
  158. interactive-clap

    Interactive mode extension crate to Command Line Arguments Parser (https://crates.io/crates/clap)

    v0.3.1 2.4K #command-line-arguments #arguments-parser #interactive #clap-parser #prompt #extension #user
  159. cloudformatious

    Extension traits for rusoto_cloudformation

    v0.7.0 #cloud-formation #aws #stack #long-running #infrastructure #cloudformation #extension
  160. sos-ipc

    Inter-process communication for the Save Our Secrets SDK

    v0.16.6 500 #secret #ipc #communication #inter-process #extension #native #password
  161. pathext

    A small path trait extension with some convenience methods

    v0.2.1 #path #path-buf #extension #methods #convenience #utilities #traits
  162. platz-chart-ext

    Platz Helm chart extensions

    v0.5.14 #helm #chart #extension #platz
  163. libsimple

    Rust bindings to simple, a SQLite3 fts5 tokenizer which supports Chinese and PinYin

    v0.3.4 #sqlite-extension #sqlite #tokenizer #extension #fts5 #temporary-files
  164. rw-exact-ext

    Extension of std::io to read and write data types with exact amounts of bytes

    v0.1.10 420 #read-write #io-read #read #write #extension #io-write #numbers
  165. netsblox-extension-util

    Allows for automatic generation of a NetsBlox extension that uses WASM

    v0.2.7 #extension #nets-blox #generation #macro #generate #automatic #wasm
  166. exstd

    that provides a set of commonly used extensions for the Rust standard library, including serialization, asynchronous programming, HTTP requests, logging, error handling, and more

    v0.1.6 #http-request #asynchronous-programming #error-logging #regex #extension #tokio #async-http
  167. jyafn-ext

    Jyafn extension creation helper library

    v0.1.1 #extension #jyafn #creation #helper #python #resources #language
  168. spargeo

    GeoSPARQL functions

    v0.1.2 #geo-sparql #extension #register #functions #register-geosparql-functions #query-options #oxigraph
  169. panic-ext

    Extension library to panic facilities to make it more usable

    v2.1.0 #panic #facilities #extension #alloc #details #types #require
  170. bevy_gltf_kun

    Bevy glTF plugin using gltf_kun

    v0.1.0 #gltf #import-export #bevy #bevy-plugin #gltf-kun #processing #extension
  171. itermaps

    Implement commonly used combinations of Iterator::map

    v0.2.10 #iterator-extension #iterator #extension #adapter
  172. typst-preview

    A previewer for the Typst typesetting system

    v0.11.7 #typst #preview #low-latency #typesetting #visual-studio-code #extension #document
  173. jnt

    full of just neat things

    v0.2.0 180 #neat #error #parser #sockets #phf #extension #contain
  174. error-ext

    Error utilities

    v0.2.2 180 #error #error-response #axum #extension #methods #module #std-error-ext
  175. git2-ext

    git2 Extensions

    v0.6.2 190 #git-hook #git #git2 #extension #cherry-pick #squash #goal
  176. embedded-nal-tcpextensions

    Extensions to embedded-nal's TCP parts around the more precise use of the stack's buffers

    v0.1.3 210 #embedded-nal #networking #buffer #tcp #stack #extension #precise
  177. command-ext

    Extension traits for std::process::Command

    v0.1.2 100 #command #error-logging #process #cargo-script #command-output #cargo-command #extension
  178. rb-sys-test-helpers

    Helpers for testing Ruby extensions from Rust

    v0.2.1 1.0K #ruby #extension #test-helpers #helper #testing #vm #rb
  179. tupley

    Extension for primitive tuple (Hlist based on recursive structure)

    v0.1.1 #tuple #hlist #extension
  180. simple_scan

    Iterator extensions for simple scan operation

    v0.3.1 #iterator-extension #scan #iterator #extension
  181. spaik

    Programming Language

    v0.3.1 #programming-language #garbage-collection #lisp #continuation #async-await #extension #dynamic
  182. rs-std-ext

    An extension for the standard library

    v0.3.0 #extension #standard #traits #ext #methods #system #options
  183. kurtbuilds_std_ext

    Standard library extensions

    v0.1.12 190 #standard #extension #kurtbuilds-std-ext
  184. atomic-ext

    Atomic extensions

    v0.2.0 #atomic #arc #ext #extension #sync #pointers #order
  185. nats-extra

    Set of utilities and extensions for the Core NATS of the async-nats crate

    v0.1.0 #nats #extension #messaging #api #extra #api-bindings
  186. fallible_map

    fallible mapping over Option and iterators using functions that can return Results

    v0.1.1 #mapping #fallible #options #result #extension #error-handling
  187. yadir

    Dependency Injection Registry for Rust

    v0.3.2 #registry #run-time #design-pattern #dependency-injection #extension
  188. insertfmt

    fast & easy formatter MySQL INSERT queries

    v1.0.4 #mysql #query #insert #formatter #extension #visual-studio #format
  189. pr47

    A semi-experimental programming language. Still working in progress.

    v0.1.4-CHARLIE 100 #programming-language #configuration-language #extension #procedural #interaction #semi-experimental #programs
  190. httpsig-hyper

    Hyper extension for http message signatures (RFC9421)

    v0.0.16 2.4K #http #hyper-http #message #signature #extension #verify-signature #rfc
  191. ai-chain-moonshot

    implementing ai-chains for moonshot OpenAI’s models. Chains can be use to apply the model series to complete complex tasks, such as text summation.

    v0.14.2 #llm #chatgpt #chain #langchain #extension
  192. fe2o3-amqp-management

    An experimental impl of AMQP 1.0 management extension

    v0.13.0 4.6K #amqp #management #extension #experimental #protocols #fe2o3-amqp #tokio
  193. perovskite_game_api

    Multiplayer voxel game written in Rust - default game content plugin API

    v0.0.4 190 #voxel-game #plugin-api #multiplayer #content #extension #perovskite #points
  194. rb-sys-build

    Build system for rb-sys

    v0.9.105 72K #ruby #native #extension #rb-sys #rubygem #ruby-extension #system
  195. nostr-extensions

    Nostr relay extensions

    v0.4.7 #nostr #relay #extension #scalable
  196. sfml-xt

    Various extensions to SFML's core functionality

    v0.2.0 #sfml #extension #sfml-xt
  197. powerfmt

    powerfmt is a library that provides utilities for formatting values. This crate makes it significantly easier to support filling to a minimum width with alignment, avoid heap…

    v0.2.0 6.8M #heap-allocation #formatter #display #extension #fmt #format #no-alloc
  198. futures-stream-ext

    Asynchronous stream extensions for the futures(-core) crate

    v0.2.2 100 #async-stream #stream #async #extension #future #traits
  199. tryiter

    functions for Iterators of Results

    v0.4.0 160 #iterator #traits #result #try #extension
  200. ocaml-sys

    Low-level OCaml bindings for Rust

    v0.25.0 63K #ocaml #ffi #rust #extension
  201. usher

    Parameterized routing for generic resources in Rust

    v0.2.1 #web-services #tree #http #node-tree #io #extension #data-structures
  202. toml-query

    work with toml::Value objects more conveniently

    v0.10.0 900 #toml #value #value-object #extension #error #foo-bar #integer-value
  203. cargo-simd-detect

    Rust nightly cargo command to report which SIMD extensions your Intel/AMD CPU supports and are enabled

    v0.1.1 #simd #cargo-subcommand #cargo #extension #subcommand
  204. bevy_b3d

    A Bevy extension for B3D loading

    v0.4.0 390 #bevy #b3d #game-engine #loading #weight #bones #extension
  205. candle-ext

    An extension library to Candle that provides PyTorch functions not currently available in Candle

    v0.1.7 #pytorch #candle #extension #tensor #devices #functions #ext
  206. unreachable

    code optimization hint in stable rust

    v1.0.0 936K #optimization #stable #hint #extension #options #traits
  207. scale_extension_interfaces

    The Scale Extension Interfaces for generating host and guest extensions across multiple languages

    v0.1.4 #scale #extension #interface #language #run-time #guest #host
  208. deno_canvas

    OffscreenCanvas implementation for Deno

    v0.53.0 4.2K #deno #extension #typescript #offscreen-canvas #api #javascript #run-time
  209. fe2o3-amqp-cbs

    An experimental impl of AMQP 1.0 CBS extension

    v0.13.0 3.8K #amqp #protocols #extension #amqp-client #cbs #experimental #tokio
  210. fe2o3-amqp-ext

    Extension types to fe2o3-amqp

    v0.13.0 1.2K #amqp #amqp-client #extension #tokio #serde #fe2o3-amqp #protocols
  211. ssh-protocol

    Pure Rust implementation of the SSH protocol as described in RFC4251/RFC4253 as well as OpenSSH-specific extensions (WIP)

    v0.1.0-pre.0 #ssh #openssh #certificate #cryptography #sshsig #extension #crypto
  212. fb_futures_ext

    future crate extensions

    v0.2.0 #future #extension #facebook #mononoke #eden #projects #open
  213. iterators_extended

    Some useful extensions to Rust's iterators

    v0.1.0 130 #iterator #extension #buffered #stateful #threaded #error #memory
  214. frunk-enum-core

    Implemenation of genericized enums for use with frunk

    v0.3.0 2.1K #enums #frunk #generics #labelled-generic #data #data-structures #extension
  215. json-patch-ext

    Unofficial extensions and helpers for json_patch

    v0.1.1 390 #helper #patch #json #extension #operation #json-patch #error
  216. nvtxw

    Rust bindings for the NVIDIA® Tools Extension SDK Writer API (NVTXW)

    v0.1.0 1.5K #extension #nvidia #writer #sdk #api #bindings #interface
  217. fmc_noise_multiversion

    Easy function multiversioning

    v0.7.4 #simd #instructions #set #cpu #run-time #extension #multiversioning
  218. kube-client-ext

    Extension trait (helpers) for kube::Client

    v0.0.39 1.1K #client #extension #kube #helper #traits
  219. rusqlite_regex

    A regex extension for rusqlite

    v0.2.0 #sqlite #regex #sqlite-extension #extension #database
  220. argus-lib

    Trait debugger analysis for IDE interactions

    v0.1.13 #traits #debugging #error #ide #analysis #extension
  221. trace-err

    A small extension to the tracing crate, which provides a single method 'trace_expect()' for Result<T, E> and Option<T>

    v0.1.1 #tracing #logging-tracing #logging #error-logging #extension #single #trace
  222. atomex

    Atomics extensions in Rust

    v0.1.0 #atomic #traits #extension #sync
  223. groestl-aesni

    Hardware-accelerated Groestl hash for x86-64 systems with AES extensions

    v0.3.1 #digest #hash #groestl #cryptography #extension #crypto
  224. borc

    CBOR done right

    v0.6.0 #cbor #data-model #binary-data #streaming #tags #extension #representation
  225. wext

    web-sys extension traits, convenience functions and types

    v0.7.2 #web-sys #extension #convenience #traits #functions #types
  226. dotenv_plus

    A dotenv extension for Rust

    v0.4.0 #env-vars #env-file #dotenv #env #extension #utilities
  227. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  228. whiskers-launcher-core

    A create containing the essential code for Whiskers Launcher and it's extensions

    v0.4.0 #launcher #extension #containing #whiskers
  229. iter-scanb

    Extend Iterator::scan, but use B, instead of Option<B>

    v0.3.1 #iterator #scan #adapter #extension #no-std
  230. core-ext

    Useful extensions to core::convert library

    v0.1.1 190 #extension #convert #module #ext #standard #default #conflict
  231. hdf5-dst

    DST extensions for HDF5

    v0.2.1 #hdf5 #dst #extension #api
  232. plctag

    wrapper of libplctag, with rust style APIs and useful extensions

    v0.4.0 #plc #modbus #automation #ethernet #hardware #api-bindings #extension
  233. log-ndc

    log extension with NDC-like functionality

    v0.3.0 650 #log-messages #logging #thread-local #extension #ndc #env-logger #variables
  234. pax-designtime

    Debug-mode-style extension to the Pax Engine runtime, enabling runtime introspection and manipulation of definitions as needed for designability

    v0.38.3 150 #pax #run-time #definition #introspection #debug-mode #extension #designability
  235. slack-flows

    Slack extension for flows.network

    v0.3.4 #slack #flows #integration #flow #extension #text #integrating
  236. uncrx-rs

    Uncrx is a library that helps you convert a CRX Extension to a zip file that can be easily extracted

    v0.2.2 #zip-file #extension #crx #convert #extract #extracted #helps
  237. wasmer-wasi-experimental-io-devices

    An experimental non-standard WASI extension for graphics

    v3.2.0-alpha.1 #wasi #graphics #experimental #framebuffer #type #extension #wasmer
  238. cargo-local

    A third-party cargo extension that lists local source locations of dependencies

    v0.3.1 #cargo #cargo-plugin #local #source #locations #listing #extension
  239. into-bytes

    For converting into Vec<u8>

    v0.2.0 #vec-u8 #traits #converting #type #extension
  240. proxy-sdk

    Write extensions for Proxy-WASM for WASM or Native environments

    v1.1.0 120 #proxy #wasm #sdk #wasm-plugin #extension #leaksignal #version
  241. polyNext

    polyN extension

    v0.1.0 #polynext #extension #poly-n #sbr #region #base #insert #locate
  242. yew-html-ext

    Handy syntactic extensions for Yew's HTML macros

    v0.2.0 160 #html-macro #yew #frontend #wasm #extension #web-assembly #web
  243. core_maths

    Extension trait for full float functionality in #[no_std] backed by libm

    v0.1.0 190K #libm #maths #float #traits #std #extension #backed
  244. editsync_extension_api

    APIs for creating Editsync extensions in Rust

    v0.2.0 #extension #editsync #api #api-version
  245. syn-ext

    Human friendly or editable extension for syn

    v0.4.0 7.7K #syn #extension #ext #human-friendly #shortcuts #editable #documentation
  246. system-extensions

    A robust set of extensions for operating system operations

    v0.0.4 #operating-system #file-metadata #process #metadata #processes #os #extension
  247. varnish-sys

    framework for creating Varnish Caching Proxy extensions

    v0.3.0 750 #cache #http #varnish #reverse-proxy #vmod #extension #api-bindings
  248. radiate-extensions

    Extensions for radiate. Genetic Programming implementations for graphs (neural networks) and regression analysis

    v0.1.2 160 #genetic #evolution #search #artificial #learning #extension