
  1. async-task

    Task abstraction for building executors

    v4.7.1 2.0M #task #task-queue #async-executor #executor #future #spawn #async-await
  2. async-executor

    Async executor

    v1.13.1 1.9M #executor #async #spawn #single #multi #asynchronous
  3. pollster

    Synchronously block the thread until a future completes

    v0.4.0 230K #async-executor #run-time #executor #async #block-on #minimal
  4. async-global-executor

    A global executor built on top of async-executor and async-io

    v2.4.1 1.3M #async-executor #async-await #async-task #executor #async #future #await
  5. embassy-futures

    no-std, no-alloc utilities for working with futures

    v0.1.1 55K #future #async #embassy #alloc #executor #utilities #no-alloc
  6. executor-trait

    A collection of traits to define a common interface across executors

    v2.1.2 102K #async-executor #async-await #async #executor #future #await
  7. executors

    A collection of high-performance task executors

    v0.10.0 500 #thread #executor #concurrency
  8. async_executors

    Implements Spawn, SpawnLocal and SpawnHandle for commonly used executors

    v0.7.0 10K #async-executor #executor #future #async #async-await
  9. esi

    A streaming parser and executor for Edge Side Includes

    v0.6.0 #edge #fastly #streaming-parser #side #executor #specification #compute
  10. reactor-trait

    A collection of traits to define a common interface across reactors

    v2.0.0-alpha.2 98K #async #async-await #await #future #executor
  11. async_nursery

    Primitive for structured concurrency

    v0.6.0 #async-executor #executor #future #async
  12. any_spawner

    Spawn asynchronous tasks in an executor-independent way

    v0.2.0 12K #async-task #executor #async-executor #run-time #spawn #future #spawning
  13. dbus-executor

    Launch arbitrary programs via D-Bus

    v0.1.0 120 #dbus #launch #programs #executor #exec
  14. edge-executor

    Async executor suitable for embedded environments

    v0.4.1 17K #async-executor #executor #async #embedded
  15. tc-transact

    Traits and locking utilities for a TinyChain transaction

    v0.21.1 #transaction #tiny-chain #executor #data-structures #distributed-database
  16. pasts

    Minimal and simpler alternative to the futures crate

    v0.14.3 320 #future #cross-platform #async-io #io #executor #futures #platform-agnostic
  17. task_forge

    A flexible and simple task pool for asynchronous execution

    v0.1.1 210 #async-pool #tokio #async #pool #executor #concurrency #send-message
  18. tokio-executor-trait

    executor-trait implementation for tokio

    v2.1.3 56K #tokio #async-executor #executor #async-await #async #await #future
  19. ballista-executor

    Ballista Distributed Compute - Executor

    v43.0.0 #apache-arrow #distributed #query-engine #ballista #big-data #executor #compute
  20. miniloop

    The simpliest async executor without heap memory allocation

    v0.3.0 290 #executor #async-executor #task #no-alloc #heap #create #schedule
  21. code-executor

    designed for the backend of competitive programming platforms

    v1.1.0 260 #competitive-programming #platform #back-end #executor #java #python #runner
  22. capp

    Common things i use to build Rust CLI tools for web crawlers

    v0.4.3 #web-crawler #web-scraping #async-executor #task-queue #async #executor #web-apps
  23. unm_engine

    The engine base for UnblockNeteaseMusic, including the executor and the Engine trait

    v0.4.0 #unblock-netease-music #engine #executor #traits #base
  24. spin_on

    inefficient Future executor

    v0.1.1 20K #future #executor #cpu #inefficient #simplest #ready #polls
  25. puteketeke

    An asynchronous runtime built on smol

    v0.0.5 230 #async-executor #executor #async #non-blocking #future #futures
  26. async-global-executor-trait

    executor-trait implementation for async-global-executor

    v2.1.2 93K #executor #async-await #async #await #future
  27. io2

    single threaded async-io library

    v0.0.2 140 #threaded #io #executor #direct-io #async-io #give #single-threaded
  28. smolscale2

    hitdns fork of original smolscale

    v0.6.0 850 #async-task #task-scheduling #stealing #auto-scaling #executor #message #thread-pool
  29. parallely

    command line process parallelization executor

    v0.2.0 #command-line #process #parallel-processing #parallelization #executor #command-line-tool #echo
  30. async-executor-trait

    executor-trait implementation for async-std

    v2.1.2 2.4K #async-executor #executor #async-await #await #future #async
  31. thread-executor

    Lightweight futures executor using std::thread::park

    v0.2.0 #thread #thread-executor #executor #future
  32. task-motel

    Opinionated (Tokio) task manager with nested task groups and stoppable tasks

    v0.1.0 1.4K #task-manager #tokio-task #group #nested #opinionated #executor #stoppable
  33. wasm-ticker

    Non-block tick executor for WebAssembly Rust

    v0.1.2 #tick #executor #events #ticker #callback #web #node
  34. act-zero

    Ergonomic actor system

    v0.4.0 440 #actor-system #future #async #async-await #executor #static #polymorphism
  35. smol-executor-trait

    executor-trait implementation for smol

    v3.0.2 420 #async-await #executor #await #future #async
  36. handle

    Trait for asynchronous context pipeline

    v1.0.2 2.0K #context #future #async #pipeline #middleware #executor #block
  37. yomi

    styled CLI builder and terminal command executor

    v0.1.2 130 #command #builder #styled #terminal #executor #subcommand #parser
  38. yash-executor

    single-threaded concurrent task executor

    v1.0.0 #single-threaded #executor #concurrency
  39. chord-core

    async parallel case executor

    v0.1.21 #async-parallel #parallel-testing #async-task #parallel #async #executor #testing
  40. firewheel-graph

    Core audio graph algorithm and executor for Firewheel

    v0.1.0 #audio #game #graph-algorithms #executor #algorithm #firewheel #engine
  41. embedded-runtime-rp2040

    A tiny async runtime for embedded devices, with predefined runtime hooks for the rp2040

    v0.4.0 #embedded-devices #run-time #future #rp2040 #single-threaded #stack-allocated #executor
  42. poolparty

    Added functionality for the futures::executor::ThreadPool futures executor

    v2.0.1 #thread-pool #future #async-executor #executor #async #futures #threadpools
  43. task-stream

    a global task executor, run in no_std

    v0.3.7 #task #executor #async-executor #async-task #stream #spawn
  44. executor

    A minimalistic async/await executor

    v0.8.4 #minimalist #wasm #async-await
  45. compiler_base_parallel

    A common domain programming language framework

    v0.1.0 #execution-engine #compiler #task-execution #parallel #executor #concurrency #framework
  46. whorl

    was created to teach you how async executors work in Rust

    v0.1.1 #async-executor #async #executor #run-time #single-file
  47. smartpoll

    A 'Task' abstraction that simplifies polling futures

    v2.0.0 #async-task #task #async-executor #future #executor #async #futures
  48. async-task-ffi

    Task abstraction for building executors

    v4.1.1 #task #executor #future #task-queue #spawn #ffi
  49. chord-output

    async parallel case executor

    v0.1.21 #async-parallel #parallel #executor #case #async #testing #async-test
  50. silx-types

    aSynchronous Interactive calcuLation eXecutor: an easy to use executor for asynchronous and interacting processes

    v0.1.2 #executor #async #multi-process #asynchrone #multiprocess #networking
  51. wookie

    Async test/bench toolkit including single stepping executors. No-std compatible.

    v0.3.2 #testing #future #executor #async #stepping #futures
  52. aiur

    Single threaded async executor with structured concurrency

    v0.0.8 #async-executor #concurrency #executor #async #async-task #threaded #channel
  53. chord-input

    async parallel case executor

    v0.1.21 #parallel-testing #async-parallel #parallel #testing #executor #case #async
  54. embedded-executor

    Embedded systems-friendly Futures executor

    v0.6.1 #future #embedded #executor #systems-friendly
  55. markdown-gem

    Markdown code chunk runner and renderer

    v0.1.0 160 #markdown #executor #runner #cli #code-chunk
  56. scheduledexec

    REST service to execute series of command lines at specific moments of time

    v0.1.0 #command-line #execute-command #rest #schedule #executor #status-command #post-requests
  57. chord-util

    async parallel case executor

    v0.1.21 #async-parallel #parallel-testing #parallel #executor #testing #async #case
  58. blaze-devkit

    Rust devkit for the Blaze build system

    v0.2.16 #build-system #blaze #devkit #executor
  59. spawns-executor

    Async executors for thread context task spawner

    v0.1.1 #async-task #run-time #context #thread #spawner #executor #spawn
  60. csx64

    An Intel-style x64 assembler and executor

    v0.1.2 #assembly #execution-engine #linker #x86-64 #emulator #executor #machine
  61. chord-action

    async parallel case executor

    v0.1.21 #async-parallel #parallel-testing #testing #parallel #executor #case #async
  62. agnostic_async_executor

    Agnostic Rust Async Executor

    v0.2.2 #async-executor #executor #async #wasm #async-task #agnostic
  63. chord-cli

    async parallel case executor

    v0.1.21 #async-parallel #parallel-testing #parallel #executor #async #async-task #case
  64. extern_executor

    Async executor which delegates futures polling to external event-loop

    v0.1.2 #async-executor #async-task #executor #async #events #future
  65. chord-flow

    async parallel case executor

    v0.1.21 #async-parallel #parallel-testing #parallel #executor #case #async #testing
  66. task-executor

    A task executor

    v0.3.3 #task #async-std #async-await #executor #task-queue #tokio
  67. dipse

    Directory Independent Project Script Executor

    v0.6.0 #config-file #alias #directory #toml-config #command #executor #script
  68. futures-executor-preview

    Executors for asynchronous tasks based on the futures-rs library

    v0.3.0-alpha.19 8.4K #asynchronous-programming #future #executor #async-task #control-flow #join #methods
  69. chord-web

    async parallel case executor

    v0.1.21 #async-parallel #parallel-testing #parallel #executor #async #case #testing
  70. spin-executor

    Spin SDK async executor

    v3.1.0 1.0K #executor #async-executor #spin #sdk #spin-sdk
  71. beul

    It executes futures

    v1.0.0 110 #future #async-executor #executor #run-time #async #futures
  72. falcon-finch

    Symbolic Execution against Falcon IL

    v0.5.2 #falcon #symbolic #finch #execution #il #executor #execute
  73. hdrepresentation

    HYDRAulic Damnation's representation of filesystem for fuzzing

    v0.1.852 #fuzzing #representation #filesystem #executor #h-dfuzzer #hydr-aulic #damnation
  74. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  75. juliex

    a very basic future executor

    v0.3.0-alpha.8 380 #future #crossbeam-channel #thread-pool #executor #concurrency #multiple #primitive
  76. raph

    AWS Profile Handler and executor

    v0.1.2 #aws-cli #profile #shell-environment #cli-command #run-command #command-line-arguments #executor
  77. txrx

    take on the C++ unified executors proposal

    v0.1.0 #executors #tasks #async #executor #task
  78. executor-service

    A fast and efficient Thread Pool like Java ExecutorService

    v0.2.2 #thread-pool #thread #executor #task-pool #concurrency #threadpool
  79. ste

    A single-threaded executor with some tricks up its sleeve

    v0.1.0-alpha.11 #background-thread #thread #executor #single-threaded #task #low-latency #tags
  80. async_main

    Runtime-agnostic async main proc macro

    v0.4.0 #proc-macro #async #cross-platform #executor #main #platform-agnostic
  81. rider

    bounded executor for tokio; limit the count of tasks running 🚦

    v0.1.2 #tokio-task #executor #async-task #bounded #running #limit #count
  82. nb-executor

    Single-future, #![no_std] executor based on event bitmasks

    v0.4.2 #executor #async-executor #non-blocking #async #send-sync
  83. zamm

    Quick and dirty script executor

    v0.2.1 #shell #linux-command #executor #dont #execute #json #invocation
  84. single_executor

    Traits for concurrent primitives

    v0.4.1 #multi-thread #executor #async-executor #single-threaded #traits #concurrency #primitive
  85. staging-xcm-builder

    Tools & types for building with XCM and its executor

    v18.0.0 66K #xcm #building #executor #types #stable #config
  86. html_executor

    Execute JS rendered HTML from a request

    v0.1.1 #html #web-page #execute #request #executor #javascript #reqwest
  87. local-pool-with-id

    A minor variation on a LocalPool executor which exposes unique IDs for tracking future completion

    v0.1.1 #executor #unique-id #local #localpool
  88. uasync

    fast, safe, async executor

    v0.1.1 #executor #async-executor #spawn #async #asynchronous
  89. staging-xcm-executor

    An abstract and configurable XCM message executor

    v18.0.0 66K #xcm #executor #message #configurable #abstract
  90. runkins

    makes it easy to manage command execution

    v0.1.0 #cgroup #process #grpc #script #manage #long-running #executor
  91. pulz-executor

    Abstractions of some async runtimes

    v0.1.0-alpha #async-executor #executor #pulz #async
  92. geese_executor

    Asynchronous executor with Geese event system integration

    v0.1.3 #event-system #events #future #geese #executor #async #run-time
  93. emu-runner

    Command builder and executor for various emulators

    v0.1.1 #emulator #builder #executor #command #tas #data-structures
  94. unm_api_utils

    developing UnblockNeteaseMusic API

    v0.4.0 #napi #unblock-netease-music #engine #executor #unm #build #full
  95. silx-core

    aSynchronous Interactive calcuLation eXecutor: an easy to use executor for asynchronous and interacting processes

    v0.1.2 #executor #multi-process #asynchrone #networking
  96. miden-tx

    Miden rollup transaction compiler, executor, and prover

    v0.6.2 #miden #transaction #data-store #executor #rollup #account #prover
  97. lemu

    M-LOG runner

    v0.2.20 #logic #executor #mindustry #emulator #emulation
  98. embassy-traits

    v0.0.2 #embedded #hal #executor
  99. bastion-executor-trait

    executor-trait implementation for bastion

    v0.5.3 #executor #await #async-await #future #async
  100. simple-async-local-executor

    A single-threaded polling-based executor suitable for use in games, embedded systems or WASM

    v0.1.0 #executor #async-executor #single-threaded #async
  101. rapidquery

    Rapid Query Executor

    v0.2.6 #query #parser #node #parsed #resolver #executor #rapid
  102. nature_integrate_test_executor

    Local Executors used by Nature Test

    v1.5.0 #nature #executor #testing #integrate #local
  103. fibers_global

    The global executor of fibers

    v0.1.2 250 #fibers #executor #test #anywhere #future #sync #oneshot
  104. future-result

    An ideomatic way of mapping a Result to a Future of Result

    v0.1.0 #future #mapping #async #ideomatic #executor #block #u32
  105. manual-executor

    Async executor with manual waking

    v0.1.0 #async-executor #executor #async #future #futures
  106. sqlx-executor-alias-macro

    SQLx Executor alias macro

    v0.2.0 #sqlx #executor #alias #macro
  107. async-spawner

    executor independent task spawner

    v2.1.0 #task #spawner #executor #independent #async-std #future #block
  108. simple-async

    Very simple async runtime for Rust

    v0.2.0 #executor #async #future #coroutine #async-task #futures
  109. futwaiter

    The container of Future's that has the ability to complete them all at once

    v0.1.0 #future #container #complete #ability #once #wait #executor
  110. uexec

    work-stealing global and local executor

    v0.1.4 #executor #future #async-await #await #async #worker-thread
  111. what-the-async


    v0.1.0 #run-time #async #model #reactor #executor #executor-reactor
  112. labirust

    Naive rust crate for implementing and testing maze solving Algorithms

    v0.3.0 #algorithm #maze #solving #naive #testing #executor #generate
  113. fox-job

    Job executor

    v0.1.0 #task-runner #job #executor #execute
  114. its_ok_to_be_block_on

    A minimal implementation of block_on, to execute futures in a syncronous context

    v0.1.0 #future #executor #execute #context #block #block-on #completion
  115. ocl-stream

    OpenCL Stream execution framework

    v0.3.5 #opencl #stream #ocl #execution #executor #abstraction #streaming
  116. tpx

    Task scheduler

    v0.1.0 #task #executor #scheduler #ctn #task-scheduler #coroutine #thread
  117. pollster-macro

    Proc-macro crate for pollster

    v0.4.0 14K #async-executor #executor #run-time #async #block-on #minimal
  118. ipcs-executor

    Executor of IPCS functions

    v0.0.2 #ipcs #executor #functions #computation #system #ipfs #data
  119. kona-executor

    An no_std implementation of a stateless L2 block executor for the OP Stack

    v0.2.3 300 #op #executor #stack #block #stateless #l2 #trie-db
  120. actm

    Tiny async actors framework for rust

    v0.1.0 #actor #tiny #executor #framework #async #synchronous
  121. test_process_executor

    Test utility for process launching

    v0.1.0 #process #executor #launching
  122. triex

    Trivial Executor

    v0.1.0 #async #executor #trivial #future #thread
  123. embassy-executor-macros

    macros for creating the entry point and tasks for embassy-executor

    v0.6.2 21K #embassy #executor #task #entry-point #macro #async
  124. direct-executor

    An executor that directly executes futures, suitable for embedded environments

    v0.3.0 #executor #future #io #async #futures
  125. global-executor

    Configure a global executor you can reuse everywhere

    v0.1.0 #executor #await #async-await #future #async
  126. wta-executor

    Executor for the what-the-async runtime

    v0.1.0 #executor #task #thread #what-the-async #context #run-time #task-queue
  127. futures-glib

    Spawn futures on the glib event loop

    v0.4.0 180 #future #glib #events #loop #executor
  128. hdlibaflexecutor

    libafl_cc compiled executor for LKL

    v0.0.11 #executor #shared #libafl-cc #lkl #compiled
  129. scheduled-executor

    Single and multi-threaded task scheduler

    v0.4.0 #executor #scheduler #thread-pool #task-scheduler #multi-threaded #scheduled #executed
  130. revme

    Rust Ethereum Virtual Machine Executable

    v2.3.0 170 #evm #ethereum #virtual-machine #binary #testing #execute #executor
  131. baka

    Stupid simple future executor!

    v0.1.0 #executor #stupid #future
  132. wasm_main_executor

    Run futures from web workers on the main browser thread

    v0.1.0 #web-worker #thread #future #browser #executor #tasks #await