
  1. aws-sdk-frauddetector

    AWS SDK for Amazon Fraud Detector

    v1.53.0 1.9K #aws-sdk #detector #fraud #amazon #request #api #request-http
  2. aws-sdk-ioteventsdata

    AWS SDK for AWS IoT Events Data

    v1.53.0 360 #aws-iot #aws-sdk #events #detector #data #api-client
  3. opentelemetry-resource-detectors

    A collection of community supported resource detectors for OpenTelemetry

    v0.6.0 6.0K #open-telemetry #resources #detector
  4. file_type

    File type detector

    v0.2.0 1.1K #file #format #file-extension #byte #detector #signature #media
  5. mmdeploy

    Safe MMDeploy Rust wrapper

    v1.1.0 500 #deployment #model #ci #detector #open-mm-lab #classifier #pose
  6. apollo-environment-detector

    detecting different compute environments

    v0.1.0 1.7K #environment #detecting #compute #detector #detect #different #apollo
  7. dlib-face-recognition

    Unofficial Rust wrappers to the C library dlib, face recognition tools

    v0.3.2 100 #face #neural-network #dlib #recognition #detector #wrappers #identifying
  8. charset-normalizer-rs

    Truly universal encoding detector in pure Rust - port of Python version

    v1.0.6 490 #character-encoding #character-set #text-encoding #charset #encoding #detector #conversion
  9. term-detect

    Terminal emulator detector

    v0.1.8 130 #desktop-environment #env-vars #path-environment #variables #detector #check #detect
  10. generic-camera-asi

    An efficient and ergonomic interface to capture images using cameras

    v0.0.10 #camera-image #interface #asi #zwo #api #generic-camera #detector
  11. phi-accrual-detector

    Pluggable phi-accrual-detection package for healthcheck of monitored processes

    v0.3.1 150 #distributed-systems #monitoring #health-check #detector #phi-accrual #distributed-system #healthcheck
  12. java-runtimes

    detecting java runtimes in current system

    v0.3.1 290 #java #runtimes #system #detect #detecting #detector #environment
  13. lol-core

    A Raft implementation in Rust language

    v0.9.5 #consensus-algorithm #raft #failure #raft-storage #grpc #detector #replication
  14. dasp_envelope

    Audio PCM DSP envelope detection with peak and RMS implementations

    v0.11.0 116K #signal-processing #audio-processing #digital-signal-processing #envelope #peak #rms #detector
  15. alice_protocol_reader

    Reader library for reading raw binary data from the ALICE detector into a convenient structure for implementing analysis

    v0.15.0 #binary-data #data-analysis #alice #parser #detector #verification #protocols
  16. hyperpolyglot

    A fast programming language detector

    v0.1.7 430 #programming-language #language-detection #detector #github #path #detecting #linguist
  17. caribon

    A repetition detector program and library

    v0.8.1 #string-matching #repetition #language #words #fuzzy-string #html #detector
  18. phi-detector

    Phi Accrual Failure Detector

    v0.4.0 270 #distributed #failure #detector #server #algorithm #phi #accrual
  19. cld3

    Rust binding for Compact Language Detector v3 (CLD3), a neural network model for language identification. the C code is from https://github.com/google/cld3

    v0.1.1 #language #language-model #language-detection #identification #compact #detector #binding
  20. lolraft

    A Multi-Raft implementation in Rust language

    v0.10.2 #consensus-algorithm #raft #grpc #failure #multi-raft #snapshot #detector
  21. prometheus-edge-detector

    Find the most recent rising or dropping edge from a prometheus query

    v0.3.0 #prometheus #edge #dropping #rising #find #detector #recent
  22. opentelemetry_resourcedetector_gcp_rust

    support for detecting GCP resources like GCE, GKE, etc

    v0.11.0 #open-telemetry #gcp #resources #detector
  23. dikc-detector

    Find bad Mac users

    v0.1.1 #detector #user #mac #bad #find #error #model
  24. bilby_rust

    domain-specific geometrical operations for Bilby to mirror the functionality in bilby-cython using PyO3

    v0.1.0 #time #operations #bilby #pyo3 #python-bindings #tensor #detector
  25. aem-eye

    a very fast aem detection tool

    v0.1.8 #detection #aem #detector #tool #🦀
  26. drop_tracer

    memory leak detector

    v0.1.1 #memory-leaks #leak #memory-leak #detector #detection #local #tracing
  27. text-reader

    Text reader

    v0.2.1 #text #reader #character #position #line #cursor #detector
  28. stream-tls-client_hello-detector

    stream TLS ClientHello detector

    v0.2.0 #tls #client-hello #detector #stream
  29. framework

    detector for different frameworks in one projects

    v0.2.4 #detector #different #projects #frameworks #detect #path #framework-detector
  30. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  31. qrs_detector

    Realtime ECG QRS detector algorithm

    v0.2.0 230 #ecg #real-time #detector #qrs #algorithm #buffer #information
  32. type-detector

    Data type detector from String value

    v0.1.6 #detector #value
  33. windows-service-detector

    that provides Windows Service runtime environment detection

    v0.1.0 650 #windows #service #run-time #detection #environment #running #detector
  34. cargo-scout-audit

    Scout is an extensible open-source tool intended to assist Ink! and Soroban smart contract developers and auditors detect common security issues and deviations from best practices

    v0.3.0 160 #security #soroban #smart-contracts #auditor #ink #practice #detector
  35. aderyn

    Rust based Solidity AST analyzer

    v0.1.9 200 #solidity #detector #ast #path #running #build #file-path
  36. nyth

    Rust based Solidity AST analyzer - Aderyn development framework

    v0.0.19 500 #framework #aderyn #detector #solidity #analyzer #ast #bot
  37. ex3-deposit-detector-public-types

    Deposit detector public type

    v0.17.21 #detector #deposit #public
  38. ex3-secret-vault-client

    Deposit detector canister client-rs/client-canister

    v0.17.11 190 #canister #detector #deposit
  39. ex3-deposit-detector-client

    Deposit detector canister client-rs/client-canister

    v0.17.19 150 #canister #detector #deposit
  40. ex3-asset-creator-detector-client

    Asset creator detector canister client-rs/client-canister

    v0.17.3 #asset #detector #canister #creator
  41. near-delay-detector

    Near delay detector

    v0.1.0 #near #delay #detector #blockchain #protocols #reference #near-protocol
  42. vad

    Voice Activity Detector using WebRTC module

    v0.1.5 #activity #voice #web-rtc #detector #module
  43. bitsy-utils


    v0.1.0 #bitsy #programmatic #detector #traffic
  44. botnet-utils


    v0.2.0 #botnet #programmatic #detector #traffic
  45. bitsy-core


    v0.1.0 #bitsy #programmatic #detector
  46. uchardet-sys

    Low-level, unsafe interface to uchardet encoding detector

    v2.0.3 #uchardet #character-encoding #detect #low-level #unsafe #detector #interface
  47. cld2-sys

    Unsafe, low-level wrapper for cld2 language detection library

    v1.0.2 100 #language-detection #cld2 #detect #wrapper #low-level #detector #hint
  48. jar_conflict_detector

    command line tool to detector the potential conflicted classes in jars

    v0.0.1 #class #java-class #detector #java #jar #command-line-tool #conflicted
  49. botnet-macros


    v0.2.0 #botnet #traffic #detector #programmatic
  50. bitsy-macros


    v0.1.0 #bitsy #programmatic #detector