
  1. aws-sdk-mediapackagev2

    AWS SDK for AWS Elemental MediaPackage v2

    v1.59.0 360 #aws-sdk #aws #describe #operation #media-package #content #live
  2. gitea-client

    This documentation describes the Gitea API

    v1.22.1 #api-client #gitea #org #api-version #generator #openapi-generator #describe
  3. voxcov

    Write something

    v0.2.8 #voxel #coverage #run #blur #describe #demo #write
  4. confi

    confidence intervals and significance levels for statistical computation

    v0.1.4 120 #level #confidence #intervals #significance #describe #null #hypothesis
  5. cargo-describe

    CLI tool to produce human-friendly information from cargo-metadata

    v0.2.0 #cargo-toml #cargo-manifest #cargo #describe #irox
  6. pi_sinfo

    used to describe the 'structure', that is, the meta information of the structure

    v0.3.0 #structure #meta #information #pi #describe
  7. envuse-parser

    a parser to envuse file

    v0.9.1 #config-parser #config-file #file-format #variables #envuse #describe #expression
  8. line_messaging_api

    This document describes LINE Messaging API

    v0.0.3 180 #api-client #line #messaging #bot #open-api #describe #sdk
  9. bubblesort

    Bubblesorts stuff

    v0.1.1 #vector #bubblesorts #how #syntax #send #patch #describe
  10. describe_err

    Easily describe similar errors in your code

    v1.0.1 #error #io-error #description #generate #describe #add
  11. swerve_vehicle_descriptors

    describing swerve vehicles

    v0.1.0 #robot #drive #vehicle #swerve #descriptor #describing #describe
  12. gitea-rs

    This documentation describes the Gitea API

    v1.19.0 #api-client #gitea #api-version #org #open-api #describe #documentation
  13. enum_pipeline

    way to use enums to describe and execute ordered data pipelines

    v2.0.0 #pipeline #enums #execute #ordered #describe #data-pipeline #variant
  14. rustspec

    BDD style test library

    v0.1.16 #testing #bdd #expect #describe #syntax-error #testing-debugging
  15. oblivious_state_machine

    defines an abstraction level to conveniently describe state machines

    v0.6.5 #state-machine #abstraction #transitions #level #state-transition #describe #conveniently
  16. valued

    Describe your data in terms of basic data structures. Get serialization and other facilities for free

    v0.1.1 #facilities #structures #serialization #describe #free #terms #basic
  17. reihendorf

    Row-based DB built on top of sled. The name means "row-based village" in German, used to describe villages with farmland attached to each house on a narrow road.

    v0.1.0 #village #row-based #built #top #sled #describe #german
  18. kind-span

    Describes locations for the Kind compiler

    v0.1.3 100 #kind #compiler #locations #describe
  19. ezy

    Easy to use tweening library

    v0.1.1 #tween #tweening #math #lerp #describe #value #time
  20. aleshaleksey/q-moose

    A personal etude into rust software (RPG<-it's more fun to debug) development: Tales of the Great White Moose

    GitHub 0.1.0 #white #great #fun #debugging #describe #moose #etude
  21. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  22. console-traits

    Basic console traits, such as setting char position and writing strings

    v0.3.0 #console #position #string #describe #basic #traits #character
  23. peripheral-register

    Describe peripheral register

    v0.1.4 #peripheral #register #describe
  24. describe

    A testing toolkit for writing legible, ergonomic unit tests

    v0.1.0 #unit-testing #toolkit #legible #assert #case
  25. qma

    command line tool for aggregate structured log

    v0.1.1 #log #command-line-tool #structured #table #aggregate #definition #describe
  26. ast-description-lang

    A language to describe your language's AST

    v0.4.0 #language #ast #describe #description
  27. soroban-spec-json

    Soroban contract spec utilities for generating JSON

    v22.1.0 1.0K #json #specification #soroban #contract #generate #utilities #describe
  28. asdl

    Parser for ASDL format. Describes the abstract syntax of compiler intermediate representations and other tree-like data structures

    v1.0.1 #intermediate-representation #describe #abstract #syntax #compiler #structures #data-structures
  29. crates_tlietz_test_publish

    Hello Rustaceans!

    v0.1.0 #rustaceans #calculations #performing #utilities #organization #describe #collection
  30. fvm-abi

    describe the contract struct

    v1.0.0 #describe #contract #struct #generate #file #hyperchain #generate-json
  31. build-version

    Git version info

    v0.1.1 280 #git-version #applications #describe #version-info
  32. flo_animation

    Describes a FlowBetween animation

    v0.1.0 #animation #vector #editing #flow-between #describe #editor #path
  33. near-runtime-fees

    Fees applied to near runtime encapsulated in a separate crate. Might merge it later.

    v2.2.0 330 #run-time #near #merge #separate #applied #describe #account
  34. patience-diff

    v0.1.0 #diff #patience #elements #compute #describe
  35. libpolymesh

    The core PolyMesh library

    v1.0.0 #mesh #poly-mesh #3d #file-format #describe #3d-rendering #pmf
  36. wot_types

    Describes some of the constant types used in World of Tanks source code

    v0.1.0 #type #constant #world #tanks #parser #describe #battle
  37. descdeps

    CLI utility to describe project dependencies

    v0.3.1 #dependencies #describe #utility
  38. line_manage_audience

    This document describes LINE Messaging API

    v0.0.1 #describe #line #messaging #document #was #client #api-client
  39. line_insight

    This document describes LINE Messaging API(Insight)

    v0.0.1 #insight #describe #line #messaging #document #client #api-client
  40. line_channel_access_token

    This document describes Channel Access Token API

    v0.0.1 #access-token #channel #describe #document #line #client #api-client
  41. line_membership

    This document describes LINE Official Account Membership API

    v0.0.1 #membership #describe #line #document #account #client #api-client
  42. enforce

    v0.0.1 #fluid #assertions #syntax #testing #stainless #push #describe