
  1. rusty-tags

    Create ctags/etags for a cargo project and all of its dependencies

    v3.11.0 100 #ctags #tags #navigation #source #cargo #file-source #cargo-toml
  2. ptags

    A parallel universal-ctags wrapper for git repository

    v0.3.5 #git-repository #ctags #universal-ctags #parallel #search #acceleration #file
  3. run-ctags

    Generate a ctags file for your Rust project with Universal Ctags

    v0.1.15 #ctags #tags #universal-ctags #vim #file #emacs #generate
  4. cargo-symbols

    A cargo sub-command to run ctags on the top-level project dependencies

    v0.1.1 #cargo-subcommand #ctags #cargo #subcommand #env-vars #plugin
  5. ttags

    Generate ctags using Tree Sitter

    v0.4.2 130 #tree-sitter #ctags #generate #file-path #source
  6. modeling

    tools to analysis different languages by Ctags

    v0.6.2 #ctags #analysis #language #generate #different #regex #process
  7. cargo-ctags

    analyze dependencies and generate single TAGS for cargo projects

    v0.2.5 #cargo #subcommand #ctags #tags #projects #analyze #single
  8. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  9. retag

    `A commandline tool and shell plugin that watches for file changes in a directory and incrementally rebuilds your ctags file for the files which have changed

    v0.0.3 #rebuild #directory #ctags #plugin #watches #file #incrementally