
  1. tokio-cron-scheduler

    Schedule tasks on tokio using cron-like annotation, at an instant or repeat them at a fixed duration. Tasks can optionally be persisted using PostgreSQL or Nats.

    v0.13.0 59K #cron-scheduler #postgresql #nats #tokio #cron-job #cron #task-scheduling
  2. croner

    Fully-featured, lightweight, and efficient Rust library designed for parsing and evaluating cron patterns

    v2.1.0 21K #cron-expression #cron #cron-job #cron-scheduler #job-scheduler #day-week #task-scheduling
  3. apalis

    extensible multithreaded background job processing for Rust

    v0.6.4 7.9K #job-processing #cron-job #job-scheduler #background-processing #task-scheduling #job #background-task
  4. tokio_schedule

    schedule tasks in tokio runtime

    v0.3.2 5.1K #tokio #task-scheduling #async-task #cron #async #schedule #cron-job
  5. job_scheduler_ng

    cron-like job scheduling library for Rust (Updated since 2022)

    v2.0.5 4.7K #job-scheduler #job-scheduling #cron-job #cron #cron-scheduler #job #scheduler
  6. cronrunner

    Run cron jobs manually

    v2.11.0 800 #cron-job #cron #run-command #docker #cronjob
  7. zino

    Next-generation framework for composable applications in Rust

    v0.31.2 650 #web-apps #web-framework #cron-job #web #http #framework #jwt
  8. english-to-cron

    converts natural language into cron expressions

    v0.1.2 14K #cron-expression #nlp #cron-job #natural #english #language #convert
  9. permesi-genesis

    Token Zero generator for permesi

    v0.1.14 180 #security #token #cron-job #password
  10. aj

    Background Job based on Actix

    v0.7.0 1.8K #background-jobs #cron-job #actor-model #actix-actor #job-processing #background-processing #cron
  11. apalis-redis

    Redis Storage for apalis: use Redis for background jobs and message queueing

    v0.6.4 1.7K #background-jobs #job-processing #background-processing #redis #cron-job #background-task #message-queue
  12. rcron

    cron job scheduling for rust

    v1.2.3 #cron-job #job-scheduling #cron-scheduler #cron #job-scheduler #task #job
  13. clickup-ical-sync

    Sync iCal calendar to ClickUp tasks. One-way sync from iCal to ClickUp.

    v1.6.0 #postgresql #calendar #sync #ical #task #google #cron-job
  14. netlify-ddns

    CLI tool for setting Netlify DNS records dynamically

    v0.3.4 #dns-records #netlify #dns #cron-job #ddns #dynamic #public-ip
  15. lightspeed_scheduler

    An in-process scheduler for periodic jobs. Schedule lets you run Rust functions on a cron-like schedule.

    v0.60.0 130 #cron-job #job-scheduler #schedule #cron #job #periodic #cron-scheduler
  16. clokwerk

    recurring task scheduler, similar to Python's schedule

    v0.4.0 11K #task-scheduler #job-scheduler #scheduler #async-task #job #cron-job
  17. shell-compose

    Lightweight background process runner for long-running or scheduled jobs

    v0.3.0 210 #shell #cron-job #command-runner #runner #job #command #parallel
  18. apalis-cron

    extensible library for cron-like job scheduling for rust

    v0.6.4 1.7K #job-scheduling #cron-job #background-jobs #job-processing #job-scheduler #background-processing #extensible
  19. cron_tab

    A cron job library for Rust

    v0.2.8 300 #cron-job #cron-expression #cron #job-scheduling #scheduler #delay
  20. tokio-cron

    cron scheduler for tokio

    v0.1.3 650 #cron-scheduler #cron-job #job-scheduler #tokio #tokio-task #task-scheduling #async
  21. grizzly_scheduler

    A scheduler for running async tasks using cron expressions. It is built on top of tokio. Tasks can be parallel or sequential. Fuzzy random offset can be added to the cron expression.

    v0.2.0 #cron-expression #cron-scheduler #async-task #tokio #cron #scheduler #cron-job
  22. crony

    cron runner that spawns another thread to run your cron jobs

    v0.3.1 350 #cron-job #cron #runner #thread #run #another #schedule
  23. cron_runner

    Cron runner that runs your scheduled jobs

    v0.1.3 #cron-job #runner #cron #scheduling #scheduled #schedule #run
  24. graphile_worker_crontab_types

    Crontab types package for graphile_worker, a high performance Rust/PostgreSQL job queue

    v0.5.4 130 #job-queue #cron-job #job-scheduler #types #graphile-worker #performance #high
  25. cron_manager

    manager to add/remove cronjobs

    v0.1.1 130 #cron-job #cron #manager #jobs
  26. job_scheduler

    cron-like job scheduling library for Rust

    v1.2.1 1.3K #job-scheduling #cron #cron-job #cron-scheduler #job #scheduler
  27. async-cron-scheduler

    Runtime-agnostic async task scheduler with cron expression support

    v2.0.1 #cron-expression #cron-scheduler #async-task #task-scheduler #cron #cron-job #job-scheduler
  28. spring-job

    Integrate tokio-cron-scheduler with spring-rs framework

    v0.3.1 330 #job-scheduling #cron-job #cron-scheduler #spring #task-scheduling
  29. periodically

    running tasks on a schedule

    v0.2.0 #cron-job #periodic #cron #task-scheduling #job #jobs
  30. graphile_worker_crontab_parser

    Crontab parsing package for graphile_worker, a high performance Rust/PostgreSQL job queue

    v0.5.5 140 #job-queue #job-scheduler #cron #cron-job #parser #performance #high
  31. cron-job

    A cronjob implementation using the cron scheduler

    v0.2.0 #cron-scheduler #cron #cron-expression #job-scheduler #jobs #schedule
  32. croncycle

    cron job scheduler

    v0.1.1 #cron-scheduler #cron-job #job-scheduler #cron #scheduler #job #schedule
  33. croner-scheduler

    A threaded cron job scheduler library for Rust

    v0.0.12 #cron-job #task-scheduling #job-scheduler #cron #cron-scheduler #scheduler #task
  34. async_job

    async cron job crate for Rust

    v0.1.4 210 #cron-job #crawler #spider #async #async-task #tokio #schedule
  35. nauman

    A CI inspired approach for local job automation

    v1.1.2 #task #task-runner #runner #env-vars #development #utility #cron-job
  36. graphile_worker_crontab_runner

    Crontab runner package for graphile worker, a high performance Rust/PostgreSQL job queue

    v0.5.6 210 #job-queue #cron-job #job-scheduler #worker #runner #performance #high
  37. rjob

    Job Scheduler By Rust

    v0.1.2 #job-scheduler #http-request #cron-job #http
  38. capter

    lightweight end-to-end testing tool for APIs

    v1.0.0-alpha.35 #api #yaml #qa #nodejs #cron-job #cli
  39. archimedes_crontab_types

    Crontab types package for archimedes, a high performance Rust/PostgreSQL job queue

    v0.5.0 #cron-job #job-queue #archimedes #performance #high #job-scheduler #types
  40. actix-jobs

    job scheduler for Actix

    v0.1.7 160 #job-scheduler #actix #actix-web #cron-job #run #seconds #async
  41. cfc

    A crontab replacement for container environment

    v0.1.0 #cron #cron-job #ofelia #cronjob #container-image
  42. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  43. cron_rs

    A Cron Parser Library And Job Scheduler Written In Rust

    v0.1.6 #cron #periodic #schedule #cron-scheduler #cron-job #job-scheduler #time
  44. time-condition

    Check whether the current time matches a condition passed via CLI args

    v0.1.0 #time #condition #command-line-tool #cron-job #day-week #iso #matches
  45. schedule-flows

    Schedule integration for flows.network

    v0.3.0 #cron-job #flows #schedule #flow #networking #integration #scheduling
  46. archimedes_crontab_parser

    Crontab parsing package for archimedes, a high performance Rust/PostgreSQL job queue

    v0.5.0 #cron-job #parser #job-queue #job-scheduler #archimedes #performance #high
  47. friday-builder

    console analog of jenkins, written in Rust

    v1.0.0 #jenkins #ci #cron #build #cron-job #yaml-config
  48. v_notify

    My notifs crate

    v0.1.0 #cron-job #notifications #sending #meant #myself #notifs
  49. cronitor

    Make cron jobs but SIMPLER

    v0.1.0 #cron #cron-job #jobs #framework #simpler
  50. archimedes_crontab_runner

    Crontab runner package for archimedes, a high performance Rust/PostgreSQL job queue

    v0.5.0 #job-queue #cron-job #runner #postgresql #job-scheduler #archimedes #performance
  51. cron_next

    base on cron_clock and tokio, make it easy to use with cron jobs

    v0.1.0 #cron-job #jobs #base #tokio #tool #next #cron-clock
  52. schedule

    An in-process scheduler for periodic jobs. Schedule lets you run Rust functions on a cron-like schedule.

    v0.1.0 #job #periodic #cron-job #cron #jobs #minutes