
  1. console

    A terminal and console abstraction for Rust

    v0.15.10 3.3M #terminal #ansi #command-line-interface #terminal-colors #ansi-codes #terminal-interface #text-formatting
  2. console_error_panic_hook

    A panic hook for wasm32-unknown-unknown that logs panics to console.error

    v0.1.7 929K #panic-hook #error #console #nodejs #stack-trace #wasm #error-logging
  3. termcolor

    cross platform library for writing colored text to a terminal

    v1.4.1 5.8M #colored-text #cross-platform #io-write #ansi #console #terminal-colors #terminal-text
  4. pretty

    Wadler-style pretty-printing combinators in Rust

    v0.12.3 201K #pretty-printing #functional-programming #console #functional
  5. console_log

    A logging facility that routes Rust log messages to the browser's console

    v1.0.0 449K #log-messages #console #logging #log-level #log #wasm #web-sys
  6. terminal_size

    Gets the size of your Linux or Windows terminal

    v0.4.1 2.9M #dimension #size #console #term #terminal
  7. termbg

    Terminal background color detection

    v0.6.1 10K #background-color #terminal #terminal-colors #console
  8. cliclack

    Beautiful, minimal, opinionated CLI prompts inspired by the Clack NPM package

    v0.3.5 17K #prompt #command-line #console #terminal #npm-package #cli
  9. tokio-console

    The Tokio console: a debugger for async Rust

    v0.1.13 16K #debugging #async-task #console #async #tokio-task #debugging-tool #tracing
  10. vm-superio

    Emulation for legacy devices

    v0.8.0 16K #real-time-clock #emulation #devices #serial #legacy #console #controller
  11. demand

    A CLI prompt library

    v1.6.0 8.1K #input-validation #prompt #console #text-input #cli-input
  12. tui-big-text

    A Ratatui widget for displaying big text in the terminal

    v0.7.0 3.4K #tui #user-interface #ratatui #terminal #console #terminal-text #customization
  13. vhost-device-console

    vhost console backend device

    v0.1.0 #back-end #console #vhost #virt #networking
  14. sark0y_tam_rst

    Automation tool to make Console/Terminal more comfy. Have a great Day & Night, Dear User 💯❤️

    v13.10.9 10K #file-manager #automation #console #shell #ergonomics #file-search #run-command
  15. colour

    Macros for creating coloured console output

    v2.1.0 8.4K #terminal-colors #console #terminal #color #print #colors #color-palette
  16. tui-scrollview

    scrollable view for Ratatui

    v0.5.1 2.1K #tui #ratatui #terminal #user-interface #console #cli #terminal-text
  17. cfonts

    Sexy ANSI fonts for the console

    v1.2.0 300 #font #console #ansi-colors #background-color #color #ansi #ascii
  18. console_static_text

    Logging for text that should stay in the same place in a console

    v0.8.2 6.6K #console #progress-bar #logging #static #place #resize #bars
  19. bevy_minibuffer

    A gamedev console inspired by classic Unix text editors

    v0.3.0 310 #bevy #console #gamedev #text-editors #run-command #user-input
  20. console_engine

    terminal framework to draw things and manage user input

    v2.6.1 1.2K #user-input #tui #terminal #input #command-line-interface #screen #console
  21. cat-dev

    interacting with the CAT-DEV hardware units distributed by Nintendo (i.e. a type of Wii-U DevKits).

    v0.0.7 290 #hardware #nintendo #bridge #wii-u #board #console #devkit
  22. tui-prompts

    building interactive prompts for ratatui

    v0.5.0 1.1K #tui #ratatui #text-input #console #command-line-interface #user-interface #user-input
  23. wxfetch

    Console utility for accessing aviation weather information from the command line

    v1.1.1 #aviation #command-line #weather #geo-ip #console #information #accessing
  24. termwiz

    Terminal Wizardry for Unix and Windows

    v0.22.0 62K #read-line #console #curses #tui #terminal #terminal-graphics #readline
  25. tui-popup

    popup for ratatui

    v0.6.0 1.5K #tui #ratatui #console #terminal #user-interface #cli
  26. deno_console

    Console API for Deno

    v0.184.0 18K #console #deno #typescript #javascript #run-time #api #spec
  27. rustymines

    A mine sweeping game with optional duds

    v1.1.19 #console-game #game-console #game #console #mine #sweeper #mines
  28. os-terminal

    Beautiful terminal emulator on no-std environment

    v0.5.8 700 #terminal #font-rendering #no-std #console #color-scheme #emulation #kernel
  29. bevy_console

    dev console for bevy

    v0.13.1 380 #console #bevy #arguments-parser #command #half-life #clap-parser #color
  30. fyi_msg

    ANSI-formatted, prefixed messages for console printing

    v1.4.1 160 #messages #msg #console #printing #stderr #stdout #status
  31. diffr

    An LCS based diff highlighting tool to ease code review from your terminal

    v0.1.5 180 #git-diff #diff #console #git #code-review #cli
  32. enable-ansi-support

    Enable ANSI escape code support on Windows 10

    v0.2.1 117K #ansi-term #terminal-colors #terminal #ansi #console #ansi-codes #ansi-colors
  33. sleepview

    Sleep progress output in the terminal

    v2.0.3 170 #timer #countdown #terminal #console #command-line #real-time #format-json
  34. better_term

    that makes using the terminal easier

    v1.4.61 1.1K #terminal #ansi #terminal-colors #io #console
  35. ltpp-output

    An atomic output library based on Rust that supports output functionalities through functions, builders, and other methods. It allows customization of text and background colors.

    v3.0.0 280 #color #background-color #output #console #print #console-log #log
  36. forestry

    cross-platform CLI logging library for Rust

    v1.7.0 4.7K #logging #console #cli #string #color-string #color #log-messages
  37. binkplayer

    Console player for compiled .json Ink story files

    v1.1.0 130 #ink #interactive #story #scripting-language #console #stories #terminal
  38. workflow-panic-hook

    Based on the console_error_panic_hook this crate provides additional functionality allowing panic hook to bring up an in-browser overlay displaying the panic hook stack trace

    v0.18.0 2.0K #stack-trace #panic-hook #debugging #browser #wasm #mobile-devices #console
  39. hop-cli

    Interact with Hop in your terminal

    v0.2.61 #hop #console #command-line-interface #terminal #terminal-interface #rust #cli
  40. color-output

    An atomic output library based on Rust that supports output functionalities through functions, builders, and other methods. It allows customization of text and background colors.

    v6.1.4 600 #output #color #background-color #text-color #console #print #console-log
  41. textcanvas

    Draw to the terminal like an HTML Canvas

    v3.5.0 #canvas #tui #draw #console #terminal
  42. output_vt100

    activate escape codes in Windows' CMD and PowerShell

    v0.1.3 69K #ansi #console #vt100
  43. chadfetch

    Console utilite for watch info about your system

    v0.2.6 #console #system-information #view #libc #data #watch #linux
  44. cargo-pretty-test

    A console command to format cargo test output

    v0.2.5 650 #cargo-test #test-output #testing #console #cargo-command #command-line #format
  45. rpian-terminal

    basic terminal manipulation

    v0.8.1 #terminal #console #terminal-colors #ansi #io-error #background-color
  46. termbg-with-async-stdin

    Terminal background color detection

    v0.1.1 1.4K #terminal #console #cli #background-color
  47. termcolor2

    cross platform library for writing colored text to a terminal. (fork of termcolor)

    v0.1.1 #console #ansi #io-write #cross-platform #win #colored-text #terminal-colors
  48. ratatui-splash-screen

    A Ratatui widget to turn any image to a splash screen in your terminal

    v0.1.4 500 #ratatui #tui #terminal #splash #console #file-integrity
  49. bencode2json

    A Bencoded to JSON converter library and console app with no intermediary in-memory structure

    v0.1.0 #byte #byte-string #json #utf-8 #console #bencode #structure
  50. zenity

    100 spinner animations and Progress Bars and Support for Multiple Animations at Once

    v3.6.1 #user-input #animation #input-validation #spinner #console #loading
  51. soprintln

    println wrapper that includes a timestamp, shared object ID and thread ID with useful colors

    v3.2.1 #object-id #debugging #console #println #logging #debugging-logging #linker
  52. tui-widgets

    A collection of useful widgets for building terminal user interfaces using Ratatui

    v0.4.1 1.0K #tui #user-interface #terminal #ratatui #console #cli
  53. promptuity

    that provides interactive prompts

    v0.0.5 180 #prompt #interactive #key-input #console #ask
  54. best_skn_message

    Message Library For Rust

    v1.2.4 550 #message #output #notifications #string #library #console #formatted
  55. console-games

    A collection of console games written in Rust

    v1.1.7 #console #game-console #hobby #collection #center #game
  56. tui_lib

    Be the base of a Tui Operation

    v0.1.8 #tui #terminal-interface #console #buffer #line #operation
  57. tokio-console-web

    A web console for tokio

    v0.1.1 #tokio #debugging #console #monitoring #debugging-tool #applications #web
  58. mortal

    Cross-platform terminal interface

    v0.2.4 3.2K #terminal-interface #terminal #console #screen #cli #term
  59. tooey

    A simplistic no-std library for terminal display

    v0.7.2 #tui #console #color #colors #no-std
  60. unicode-icons

    (1869 ) unicode icons in rust

    v2.1.2 #icons #unicode #console #object
  61. cvars

    Configuration variables - a simple and ergonomic way to store and edit configuration at runtime

    v0.4.2 #configuration #console #debugging #settings #gamedev #config #struct-fields
  62. tuifw

    Text User Interface Framework

    v0.26.0 #user-interface #tui #ui-framework #console #text #abstract
  63. soulog

    polished, clean and colourful console logging and error handling

    v1.2.2 #error-logging #logging #console #console-log #log #logger
  64. tcp-console

    A TCP console to send command to running applications

    v0.2.1 410 #console #tcp #command #applications #send #running #subscription
  65. ydcv-rs

    version of YouDao Console Version

    v0.6.3 120 #version #console #ydcv #you-dao
  66. ColorShell

    A small crate for coloring text for rust

    v1.1.5 500 #colorshell #text-color #color-string #console #coloring #print #weight #static
  67. win32console

    wrapper to interact with the windows console from rust

    v0.1.5 750 #console #winapi #windows #crossterm-winapi #wincon
  68. remotemob

    Console tool for streamlining remote mobbing

    v1.2.1 650 #mob #branch #remote #cli-tool #console #programming #git
  69. unsafe_forestry

    cross-platform CLI logging library for Rust, now static and mutable

    v1.7.0 #logging #log-messages #console #cli #string #color-string #error-message
  70. prettytty

    lightweight terminal I/O and configuration

    v0.1.0 #tty #console #raw-mode #cbreak-mode #terminal #query-response #command-output
  71. term-snip

    Write limited number of lines to terminal

    v0.1.8 #console #terminal #cli
  72. tw-econ

    Teeworlds external console

    v0.6.2 #teeworlds #console #api-bindings
  73. newt

    Rust bindings for the Newt console UI library

    v0.6.8 #bindings #ui #tui #console #widgets #applications #console-application
  74. oma-console

    Console and terminal emulator handling library used by oma

    v0.25.0 800 #terminal #console #oma #pager #progress-bar #command-line-utilities #scroll
  75. tui-cards

    A playing card widget for Ratatui

    v0.2.0 #tui #ratatui #terminal #console #cli #user-interface
  76. wasm-logger

    A logger that sends a message with its Rust source's line and filename to the browser console

    v0.2.0 43K #console-log #logging #console #logger #front-end #wasm #log
  77. ruscii

    Terminal graphics engine

    v0.4.0 120 #terminal-graphics #terminal #game-engine #key-events #graphics-engine #console #command-line-interface
  78. lowcharts

    draw low-resolution graphs in terminal

    v0.5.8 9.9K #graph #console #grep #prometheus-metrics #troubleshooting #data-analysis #text
  79. console-utils

    CLI Input and Control Utilities

    v1.6.0 #user-input #terminal #console #cli-input #command-line-utilities #cli
  80. dekor

    styling and character repository in Rust

    v0.2.2 150 #text-styling #utf-8 #console #characters #terminal-text #ansi-codes #terminal
  81. console-utilities

    handling console input and output utilities

    v1.0.1 150 #input-output #console #user-input #utilities #color #cursor
  82. ez_logging

    dirt-cheap logging system

    v0.1.4 500 #logging #console #thread-safe #file #timestamping #system #log-messages
  83. timelog

    timer for logging time durations like console.time in JavaScript

    v1.0.5 #timer #logging #durations #console #timing #javascript #time
  84. verynicetable

    Number one table

    v0.5.0 #tui #table #terminal #console
  85. doryen-rs

    Pure rust OpenGL accelerated roguelike console API with native/wasm support

    v1.3.0 #rogue-like #opengl #roguelike #mouse-input #keyboard-input #console #game-engine
  86. qpprint

    console printing/formatting

    v0.2.1 #terminal #console #print #format #cli
  87. rusty-termcolor

    A light-weight terminal coloring library for Rust

    v0.1.62 #terminal #terminal-colors #console #print #text-formatting #terminal-text #println
  88. hds_tokio-console

    test crate, do not use

    v0.1.14 #async-task #tokio-task #applications #debugging #console #task-list #resources
  89. chromalog

    A customizable logger with dynamic color coding and file logging

    v0.0.2 #log-file #log #console #file #logger #logging #colored
  90. read_input

    Ask for user input until the data inputted is valid

    v0.8.6 2.9K #user-input #input #user-data #cli-input #console #text #command-line
  91. richterm

    rich terminal, follow's python's famous rich library

    v0.5.0 #ansi-colors #ansi-term #terminal-colors #ansi #color #console #rich-text
  92. google-search-console-api


    v0.1.1 #google-search #console #search-console #google-api #index #search-console-api #com
  93. vga-framebuffer

    A text console output over a VGA compatible signal

    v0.9.0 #vga #micro-controller #console #display #output #pixel #framebuffer
  94. interactor

    (usually command-line) user interaction

    v0.1.3 330 #user-input #console #fuzzy-finder #ui #terminal-ui #terminal
  95. codelighter

    A fast error, warning and notes highlighter for Rust

    v1.0.2 #error #terminal #console
  96. print_and_log

    printing and logging messages with timestamps

    v0.1.2 #log-messages #logging #log-file #timestamp #printing #output #console
  97. ttycolor

    easy way to use termcolor

    v0.1.3 #console #termcolor #color
  98. dunh

    Highlights code for printing

    v1.0.2 #error #terminal #console
  99. yapp

    Password Prompt

    v0.4.1 110 #cli-password #password #prompt #cli #console #terminal #read
  100. tui-box-text

    A Ratatui widget for displaying text using the box drawing characters

    v0.2.0 #ratatui #tui #terminal #console #cli
  101. tuifw-xaml

    Text User Interface Framework. XAML preprocesser.

    v0.26.0 #tui #user-interface #ui-framework #text #xaml #parser #console
  102. winconsole

    A wrapper for console-related functions in the Windows API

    v0.11.1 1.9K #console #input #winapi #api-bindings #terminal #conversion #windows
  103. table-format

    Formats tables for printing to terminals and logs

    v0.0.5 #text-format #terminal-text #text #text-formatting #format #console #terminal
  104. crosstermine

    mine for Rust with crossterm

    v3.3.0 370 #crossterm #console #stdout #mine #stdin
  105. rline

    Input line retrieval using libreadline's "Alternate Interface"

    v0.3.3 #text-input #input #read-line #readline #console #user-input #command-line-interface
  106. termris

    terminal tetris for Rust

    v3.4.5 500 #tetris #crossterm #console #stdout #stdin
  107. console-lib

    A very simple TUI library for Linux (ncurses) and Windows (Win-API)

    v0.2.0 #console #terminal #winapi #ncurses #tui #linux
  108. starbase_console

    Console reporting layer

    v0.4.1 1.3K #console #layer #reporter #ui #reporting #stderr #stdout
  109. cliclr

    A very simple wrapper for termcolor

    v0.1.2 #termcolor #console #color #line #print-colored-text #wraps #console-line
  110. egui_console

    A Console Window for egui

    v0.2.0 #console #egui #widgets #command-line-interface
  111. lunar-logger

    logger with write to file functionality

    v0.2.1 #logging #write-file #console #wasm #lunar #env-logger #info
  112. colorful-console

    way to get colored text in the console!

    v0.3.0 #console #colorful #colored-text #console-log #terminal #logging #warn
  113. firo_logger

    A logger that prints colours

    v0.2.1 #logging #console #output #colored #customizable #file #applications
  114. terminal-prompt

    Tiny library for prompting sensitive or non-sensitive data on the terminal

    v0.2.3 21K #terminal #input #prompt #console #tty
  115. tokiocli

    An Unix CLI based on Tokio

    v0.1.3 100 #tokio #unix #command-line-interface #async #console #cli
  116. code_highlighter

    Highlights code for printing

    v0.2.0 #terminal #console #error
  117. lessify

    Output text through a pager

    v0.3.0 #pager #terminal #less #console #tui #env-vars
  118. linefeed

    Interactive terminal input reader

    v0.6.0 3.5K #input #read-line #key-bindings #console #terminal #command-line #config-file
  119. ruspiro-console

    Lightweight console abstraction for bare metal implementations to print strings to an output channel that could be easely configured/attached

    v0.5.3 #bare-metal #console #ruspiro #raspberry-pi #raspberrypi #rus-pi-ro
  120. mdlogger

    Multi-device logging system library crate

    v0.1.1 #log-messages #logging #logger #message #handler #console #system
  121. ayun-console

    Framework for Web Rustceans

    v0.24.0 #web-framework #web #console #rustceans
  122. wasm-rs-dbg

    dbg! macro for WebAssembly environment

    v0.1.2 8.9K #debugging #wasm #dbg #console #wasm32 #macro #replace
  123. termine

    mine for Rust with termion

    v3.3.0 #termion #console #mine #stdout #stdin
  124. fathyb/carbonyl

    Chromium running inside your terminal

    GitHub 0.0.3 #browser #chromium #terminal #web-api #console #run #server
  125. px8

    Open source fantasy console in Rust

    v0.0.4 #python #lua #8-bit #rust #pixel #console
  126. irox-log

    Basic console and file logging

    v0.2.1 390 #console #irox #log #logging
  127. puni

    A constrained virtual computer

    v0.1.0 #retro #console #constrained #virtual #computer
  128. terminal

    Unified API over different TUI libraries

    v0.2.1 310 #tui #console #cli #tty
  129. minefield

    abstract layer for mine sweeper by Rust

    v3.3.0 #mine #console #stdout #stdin
  130. logex

    logger I made for my game engine. Use it as you want.

    v1.0.0 #logger #console #game-engine #simple
  131. cartographer-rs

    A small TUI crate for easily making simple, searchable, menus

    v0.1.3 #menu #tui #console #cartographer
  132. backtrace_printer

    print std::backtrace::Backtrace with filtering and more

    v1.3.0 33K #backtrace #console #dev
  133. ianaio-console

    Convenience crate for working with browser's console

    v0.1.2 #console #ianaio #console-log #browser #wasm #access #logging
  134. pipedconsole

    Easily manage multiple windows consoles from one single process

    v0.3.2 #console #terminal #winapi #windows #named-pipe
  135. orbiter

    A cross-shell plugin and package manager

    v0.9.0 #zsh #shell #package-manager #fish #bash #console
  136. tuifw-window

    Text User Interface Framework. Overlappable hierachical windows.

    v0.26.0 #user-interface #tui #ui-framework #hierarchical #text #console
  137. serde_spaniel

    Spaniel Interactive Deserialiser for Serde

    v0.4.0 #interactive #serde #console #terminal
  138. ludus

    headless NES emulator crate

    v0.2.2 #emulation #nes #headless #console #cartridge #cpu #applications
  139. aparte

    XMPP console client written in Rust and inspired by Profanity

    v0.2.0 #console #xmpp #client #bookmarks #completion #profanity #auto
  140. press-btn-continue

    A smalll no-dependency library to get a "Press any key to continue" console prompt

    v0.2.0 360 #console #terminal #press #prompt #key #continue #windows
  141. rogu

    logger library

    v0.2.7 #logging #android #console #stdio #customization #plain #web
  142. glerminal

    A lightweight OpenGL terminal

    v0.3.0 #opengl #renderer #terminal #command-line-interface #terminal-text #console #background-color
  143. menu_rs

    command line menu

    v0.3.1 #menu #terminal #console #cli
  144. rnacos-web-dist-wrap

    rnacos server's console front-end dist embed wrap project

    v0.5.9 800 #rnacos #front-end #console #dist #server #embed #wrap
  145. netr

    Display network interface throughput by second and by minute along with a graph. This is quick and easy to use via a mobile handset or similar device where typing is cumbersome.

    v0.1.6 #networking #mobile-devices #statistics #console #display #graph #interface
  146. weblog

    that defines a set of macros for calling console.log() and other members of the browser’s console API when targeting Wasm

    v0.4.0-beta.1 1.3K #console-log #console #logging #wasm #log #web-assembly
  147. heartless

    a card game inspired by mshearts

    v0.1.0 #card-game #card #console-game #heart #console #game-console #mshearts
  148. ttycarousel

    Console animations for Rust

    v0.1.4 200 #animation #console #terminal #tty
  149. mairs

    was created for simply programing CLI programs, with the simplest console graphical interface

    v0.1.6 190 #command-line #graphical #console #character #rectangle #simplest #programs
  150. cat-loggr

    lightweight utility for making beautiful logs

    v1.0.2 #log-level #logs #logging #console #content
  151. cute_print

    An easy and beautiful way to print

    v0.7.0 #background-color #terminal #console #output #text-color #terminal-text #colored
  152. dont_disappear

    Tiny crate that prevents the console window from closing when the program finishes

    v3.0.1 1.2K #console #window #dont #ends #closing #wait #command
  153. anubis

    Game launcher for gaming consoles

    v0.0.2 #slint #ui-toolkit #gaming #console #steam #launcher #neo
  154. ml-progress

    Single line progress indicator for terminal/console

    v0.1.0 #progress-indicator #progress-bar #progress #terminal #cli #console
  155. coloriz

    colorful temrinal

    v0.2.0 #terminal-colors #ansi-colors #color #terminal #ansi #console #cli
  156. durylog

    An easy to use library to implements logging on stdout, file or both

    v0.1.2 #logging #log #log-file #debugging-logging #stdout #console
  157. tracing-pbar

    Ready-to-use tracing config

    v0.1.0 #tracing #layer #line #default #logging #console #open-telemetry
  158. shrust

    creating interactive command line shells in Rust

    v0.0.7 120 #shell #command-line #interactive #command #console #terminal
  159. serial-console

    A command line tool to communicate with a serial console

    v1.0.1 #serial-port #serial #console #rs232 #command-line #command-line-tool #baud-rate
  160. forget

    Command line todo in Rust

    v1.5.0 #productivity #terminal #todo #command-line #console #command-line-utilities #command-line-interface
  161. happylog

    logging backend for command-line utilities

    v0.3.0-b7 #logging #console #command-line #log-messages #command-line-utilities #back-end #progress
  162. browser_log

    log in wasm/browser

    v0.3.0 #wasm #log #log-messages #web #console #output #api
  163. hrkk

    list up aws resources and print selected resources

    v0.2.1 #aws #aws-cli #resources #print #console #up #command
  164. fwdansi

    Forwards a byte string with ANSI escape code to a termcolor terminal

    v1.1.0 6.9K #terminal-colors #ansi-term #terminal #ansi #ansi-colors #color #console
  165. cargo-html

    create self-contained HTML programs

    v0.2.1 #html #browser #self-contained #programs #generate #console #cargo
  166. wasm-log

    A logger that sends a message with its Rust source's line and filename to the browser console

    v0.3.1 2.4K #console-log #console #log #logger #front-end #wasm #logging
  167. casual

    parsing user input

    v0.2.0 650 #user-input #input #text-input #input-validation #console #text #cli
  168. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  169. slowchop_console

    A Quake style console and log plugin for Bevy

    v0.1.3 #console-log #console #bevy #log #quake #log-messages #log-level
  170. consclr

    console text colorful

    v0.2.2 #text-color #console #colorful #enums #traits #string #regular
  171. simple-psf

    parsing PSF bitmap font files

    v0.1.2 #bitmap-font #font-file #psf #linux-kernel #console #file-format #store
  172. swc-plugin-remove-console

    A swc plugin to remove console.log statements

    v0.3.0 #swc-plugin #statement #console #remove #console-log #helps
  173. cvars-console-fyrox

    In-game console for the Fyrox game engine, using the cvars crate for configuration

    v0.5.0 #console #debugging #configuration #settings #gamedev #game-engine
  174. bitformat

    Formats bit-focused data structure for printing to terminals and logs

    v0.0.5 #text-format #console #format #text #terminal #terminal-text #console-log
  175. qair

    Send/receive files with builtin HTTP server and terminal QR code

    v0.7.0 #qr #http #console #http-server
  176. tuifw-screen-ncurses

    Text User Interface Framework. Basic text screen implementation for Unix/Linux platform.

    v0.26.0 #user-interface #tui #ncurses #screen #framework #console #platform
  177. bevy_console_parser

    console command parser for bevy_console

    v0.4.0 #console #bevy #command #parser #bevy-console #add #string
  178. tracing-human-layer

    A human-friendly tracing console output layer

    v0.1.3 110 #tracing #layer #human-friendly #output #tracing-subscriber #console
  179. highlight_error

    Highlights an error for printing

    v0.1.1 600 #error #terminal #console #utilities
  180. termcolor-json

    writing colored JSON output to a termcolor terminal

    v1.0.0 #json #serde-json #color #console #ansi #serde
  181. term-ctrl

    ANSI terminal text formatting assistant

    v0.7.8 #ansi-term #ansi #terminal #console #terminal-text
  182. bevy_tui

    A plugin for making interactive Bevy applications with a TUI instead of a graphical interface

    v0.14.0-rc.0 #tui #terminal #bevy #console #keyboard-events #cli #command-line-interface
  183. read_pipe

    read console pipes

    v0.2.0 #pipe #read-input #stdin #console #read #linux
  184. almanac

    Display calendar .ics in command line

    v0.4.0 #ics #calendar #terminal #ical #console
  185. term_cursor

    handling terminal cursor movement in a platform independent way

    v0.2.1 270 #cursor #terminal #cursor-position #platform-independent #console #caret
  186. libcli-rs

    common library for CLI development

    v0.1.4 #progress-bar #yaml #cli #output #console #json
  187. pause_console

    Pauses the console

    v0.2.0 #console #pause #enter #message #cpp #system #continue
  188. outputs

    print package for custom console output

    v0.0.6 #console #output
  189. cvars-console-macroquad

    In-game console for the macroquad game engine, using the cvars crate for configuration

    v0.3.0 #console #configuration #debugging #settings #gamedev #game-engine
  190. rustty

    A terminal UI library

    v0.1.12 #tui #terminal #ui #tty #console
  191. prologue_logger

    produce Rust-like logs for source code or settings files

    v0.1.0 #source #settings #produce #logs #console #target #warnings
  192. ttxcat

    Show Teletext pages in the console

    v0.1.1 #teletext #unicode-characters #console #page #show #color #url
  193. ttype-app

    Console typing test

    v0.2.0 #typing #console #test #terminal #macos #press #ttype
  194. procdump

    A console program to display detailed information about a running process

    v0.1.3 #process #information #running #display #command-line-tool #linux #console
  195. ratatui-calloop

    A small library for building calloop EventLoop based Ratatui applications

    v0.2.0 #ratatui #terminal #tui #console #cli #command-line-interface
  196. marsrover

    Drive a rover across mars surface without falling into a crater!

    v0.1.0-alpha.3 #game #game-console #console #cli-game #config-toml #cli
  197. stump

    Simplified command line logging

    v0.2.1 #logging #log-level #console #set #verbose #line #command-line
  198. makeup-console

    Console helper library for makeup

    v0.0.7 #console #makeup #helper
  199. wasm-bindgen-console-logger

    backend for the log crate that sends messages to the Web browser's console

    v0.1.1 1.4K #wasm-bindgen #log #console #message #web #browser #sends
  200. fmt-log

    Macros for logging to the console, but also returning the formatted string

    v0.1.1 #logging #string #formatted #console #macro #output #print
  201. lazer

    A console printer with a fluent API

    v0.3.1 #console #print #logger #log
  202. net-serial-console

    Serial console tcp server/multiplexer and web client

    v0.3.7 #serial-port #serial #console #web-client #client-server #multiplex #tcp-server
  203. gloo-console-timer

    Convenience crate for working with JavaScript timers

    v0.1.0 6.3K #timer #console #wasm #measurement #browser #api #developer
  204. kube-event-exporter

    Watches for kubernetes events and prints them to the console

    v1.0.0 #kubernetes #events #stdout #container #exports #console #print
  205. termfest

    A thread-safe TUI library

    v0.2.0 #tui #terminal #console #tty #key-input
  206. soliterm

    CLI Klondike Solitaire written in Rust

    v0.1.0 #console-game #cards #console #tui #solitaire #game
  207. jcalendar

    Japanese Calendar for Rust

    v0.1.2 #calendar #date #console #week #koyomi #parser
  208. catch-input

    implementing a macro for retrieving user input from the console

    v1.1.2 #input #cli-input #console #user-input #shell #terminal #cli
  209. AngryWolf

    Console utility to output file into console

    v0.1.1 #angrywolf #console #output #file #utility #command-output #command-line-utilities #read
  210. any_terminal_size

    Gets the terminal size of your process or [transitive] parent process

    v0.1.21 #terminal-size #size #terminal #dimension #console #term #dimensions
  211. typelerate

    Words fly accross the screen. Make them disappear before the reach the other side!

    v0.1.0-alpha.1 #console #game-console #cli-game #game #cli
  212. simple-pcf

    parsing PCF bitmap font files

    v0.1.1 #bitmap-font #font-file #parser #no-alloc #pcf #console #store
  213. tracing-subscriber-wasm

    A tracing-subscriber writer that writes to the console using wasm-bindgen

    v0.1.0 4.3K #tracing-subscriber #subscriber #tracing #console #writer #wasm #debugging
  214. test_e6910ed6

    test cargo publish with hello world

    v0.2.0 #hello-world #publish #cargo #console #prints
  215. sc-informant

    Substrate informant

    v0.44.0 15K #substrate #informant #block #polkadot #sdk #progress #console
  216. cnsl

    that provides methods and macros for interacting with the command line

    v0.1.3 #stdout #stdin #stderr #console #cli
  217. snarkvm-console-algorithms

    Console algorithms for a decentralized virtual machine

    v1.1.0 1.7K #virtual-machine #decentralized #console #algorithm #zero-knowledge #execution #blockchain
  218. colorify

    Convenience macros for printing to the terminal in color on non-Windows platforms

    v0.2.3 500 #terminal-colors #color #terminal #ansi-colors #ansi #console #format
  219. console_renderer

    A console renderer for the ABC Game Engine

    v0.1.0 #console #renderer #graphics #game-engine #gamedev