
  1. redis

    driver for Rust

    v0.28.2 1.2M #redis-cluster #connection-pool #cluster #sentinel #pub-sub #async-api #tls-connection
  2. deadpool

    Dead simple async pool

    v0.12.1 1.0M #connection-pool #object-pool #async-pool #pool #async #connection-manager #database
  3. bb8

    Full-featured async (tokio-based) connection pool (like r2d2)

    v0.9.0 511K #connection-pool #bb8-connection #tokio #database #postgresql #r2d2
  4. mysql_async

    Tokio based asynchronous MySql client library

    v0.35.1 99K #mysql #database-client #connection-pool #async #async-client #database #database-driver
  5. r2d2

    A generic connection pool

    v0.8.10 273K #connection-pool #pool #database #thread-pool #resources #generic
  6. diesel-async

    An async extension for Diesel the safe, extensible ORM and Query Builder

    v0.5.2 82K #async-orm #query-builder #connection-pool #sql-database #orm #async #database
  7. mysql

    client library implemented in rust

    v26.0.0 44K #connection-pool #database-driver #sql-database #database-client #rustls #statement #database
  8. r2d2_sqlite

    SQLite and SQLCipher support for the r2d2 connection pool

    v0.26.0 65K #connection-pool #sqlite #r2d2 #pool
  9. rquest

    An ergonomic, all-in-one TLS, JA3/JA4, and HTTP2 fingerprint HTTP Client for spoof any browser

    v2.0.0 9.9K #http-client #websocket #websocket-client #async-http-client #http-request #connection-pool #ja3
  10. deadpool-postgres

    Dead simple async pool for tokio-postgres

    v0.14.1 195K #postgresql #async-pool #connection-pool #async #connection-manager #pool #database-client
  11. rbatis

    SQL Toolkit and ORM Library. An async, pure Rust SQL crate featuring compile-time Dynamic SQL

    v4.5.48 2.8K #orm #sql-database #database #database-table #database-driver #connection-pool #postgresql
  12. r2d2_postgres

    Postgres support for the r2d2 connection pool

    v0.18.2 7.7K #connection-pool #postgresql #sql-database #pool #database #sql #postgres
  13. cdrs-tokio

    Async Cassandra DB driver written in Rust

    v8.1.4 5.4K #cassandra #database-driver #driver #load-balancing #async #client #connection-pool
  14. deadpool-redis

    Dead simple async pool for redis

    v0.18.0 91K #connection-pool #async-pool #redis #pool #async #connection-manager
  15. elephantry

    Object model manager for PostgreSQL

    v4.0.1 #postgresql #database #object #connection-pool #model
  16. r2d2_mysql

    MySQL support for the r2d2 connection pool

    v25.0.0 4.3K #mysql #connection-pool #r2d2 #sql-database #pool #database #sql
  17. bb8-tiberius

    bb8 connection manager for Tiberius

    v0.16.0 2.4K #connection-pool #mssql #tiberius #connection-manager #pool #bb8-connection #database
  18. bb8-redis

    Full-featured async (tokio-based) redis connection pool (like r2d2)

    v0.20.0 283K #connection-pool #bb8-connection #tokio
  19. monoio-transports

    Monoio Transporter

    v0.5.3 #connection-pool #network-communication #connector #monoio #io-uring #tls-connection #transport-layer
  20. surrealcs

    client code for SurrealDB

    v0.4.4 3.2K #connection-pool #key-value-store #tcp-connection #key-value #embedded-database #database-client #client-server
  21. simple_pg_pool

    Dead simple async pool for tokio-postgres

    v0.17.1 #connection-pool #postgresql #pool #async-pool #async #database #query-builder
  22. bb8-postgres

    Full-featured async (tokio-based) postgres connection pool (like r2d2)

    v0.9.0 83K #connection-pool #postgresql #bb8-connection #async #tokio #database #r2d2
  23. qorb

    Connection Pooling

    v0.2.1 3.7K #connection-pool #backend-server #back-end #how #dns-server #connect #tcp-connection
  24. deadpool-lapin

    Dead simple async pool for lapin

    v0.12.1 5.4K #async-pool #connection-pool #rabbitmq #lapin #amqp #async #pool
  25. deadpool-sync

    Dead simple async pool utitities for sync managers

    v0.1.4 15K #async-pool #thread-pool #pool #connection-pool #sync #async #object-pool
  26. async-bb8-diesel

    async bb8 connection manager for Diesel

    v0.2.1 3.6K #connection-pool #bb8-connection #diesel #tokio #pool #async #async-version
  27. db-pool

    A thread-safe database pool for running database-tied integration tests in parallel

    v0.4.0 #integration-testing #connection-pool #testing #parallel-testing #pool #database #parallel
  28. quaint-forked

    An abstraction layer for SQL databases

    v0.1.3-alpha.8 250 #sql-database #sql-query #abstraction-layer #sqlite #connection-pool #sql #mysql
  29. qp2p

    Peer-to-peer networking library using QUIC

    v0.36.4 #p2p #quic #p2p-communication #connection-pool #peer-connection #tls-connection #fault-tolerance
  30. broccoli_queue

    Broccoli is a simple, fast, and reliable job queue for Rust

    v0.1.2 1.3K #message-queue #message-broker #job-queue #connection-pool #retry #system #processing
  31. toolforge

    Small library for common tasks on Wikimedia Toolforge

    v5.8.0 #wikimedia #mysql #helper #tasks #connection-pool #functions #async-pool
  32. deadpool-diesel

    Dead simple async pool for diesel

    v0.6.1 8.6K #async-pool #connection-pool #diesel #connection-manager #async #pool #database
  33. db-testkit

    A test toolkit for database testing in Rust

    v0.2.0 130 #sqlite #postgresql #database #sqlx #connection #connection-pool #testing
  34. hc_r2d2_sqlite

    SQLite and SQLCipher support for the r2d2 connection pool

    v0.25.0 1.3K #connection-pool #sqlite #r2d2 #pool
  35. hbase-thrift

    A client for HBase's Thrift Interface

    v1.2.0 #thrift #connection-pool #client #hbase #interface #h-base #protocols
  36. s3-simple

    fast and efficient s3 client for bucket operations

    v0.4.1 280 #amazon-s3 #s3 #client #aws #connection-pool #tokio #async
  37. bb8-mongodb

    bb8 connection pooling impmentation for the MongoDB database

    v1.0.0 #connection-pool #mongo-db #bb8-connection #bb8 #pool #async
  38. fibreq

    Non-blocking HTTP client for Tarantool apps

    v0.1.10 280 #http-client #http-request #tarantool #non-blocking #connection-pool #requests #async-io
  39. r2d2-alpm

    R2D2 resource pools for managing ALPM connections

    v0.2.1 #arch-linux #connection-pool #pool #alpm #pacman #database
  40. deadpool-sqlite

    Dead simple async pool for rusqlite

    v0.9.0 6.5K #sqlite #connection-pool #async-pool #pool #async #database #connection-manager
  41. tidb_pool

    that creates a MySQL connection pool for TiDB using a TOML configuration file

    v0.1.2 #connection-pool #connection #pool #toml-config #mysql #config-file #sqlx
  42. sqlx-db-tester

    test sqlx with postgres. It will automatically create a database and drop it after the test.

    v0.5.0 800 #postgresql #sqlx #testing #database #connection-pool #test
  43. r2d2-oracle

    Oracle support for the r2d2 connection pool

    v0.7.0 410 #connection-pool #connection-manager #database-driver #r2d2 #oracle #pool #sql
  44. rusqlite-pool

    A minimal connection pool for rusqlite

    v0.2.0 130 #connection-pool #rusqlite #async #database-access #sync #multi-threaded #tokio
  45. bb8-async-ssh2-lite

    Asynchronous ssh2 connection pool

    v0.4.0 340 #connection-pool #ssh #ssh-client #ssh2 #async
  46. thrift-pool

    Easily make Connection Pools compatible with r2d2 and bb8 from any Thrift Client

    v1.5.0 #connection-pool #client-connection #bb8-connection #thrift #r2d2
  47. monoio-transports-netreq-fork

    personal fork of the monoio-transports crate

    v0.1.1 #connection-pool #connector #tls-connection #tls-connector #monoio #fork #hyper
  48. cdrs

    Cassandra DB driver written in Rust

    v4.0.0-beta.1 750 #cassandra #database-driver #load-balancing #connection-pool #driver #database-client #db
  49. sqlsrv

    functions for managing SQLite connections in a server application

    v0.5.0 #sqlite #connection-pool #database-server #thread-pool #server
  50. pepe-pgpool

    Postgres pool connection with check migration

    v0.2.2 240 #postgresql #connection-pool #check #migration
  51. poolx

    A generic async connection pool with many features like idle connection checking and reaping, healthcheck, and more

    v0.1.3 #connection-pool #health-check #idle #async #generic #database #sqlx
  52. bb8-valkey

    A connection pool for Valkey

    v0.0.0-alpha2 230 #connection-pool #bb8 #valkey #connection-manager #tokio
  53. diesel-connection

    Static diesel r2d2 connection pooling

    v4.1.0 #connection-pool #r2d2 #diesel #postgresql
  54. bb8-failsafe

    thin wapper of failsafe-rs to provide circuit breaker captilites to bb8

    v0.1.17 #circuit-breaker #bb8 #bb8-connection #connection-pool #thin #wapper #captilites
  55. deadpool-r2d2

    Dead simple async pool for r2d2 managers

    v0.4.1 #async-pool #connection-pool #r2d2 #pool #connection-manager #async #database
  56. ibm_db

    DB2 connectivity using CLI Driver

    v1.0.5 300 #db2 #rustdb2 #clidb2 #cli #connection-pool
  57. valensas-actuator

    that provides Prometheus metrics collection capabilities for Rocket applications

    v0.4.1 #prometheus-metrics #metrics-collection #health-check #rocket-web #web-server #grpc #connection-pool
  58. bb8-oracle

    Oracle support for the bb8 connection pool

    v0.2.0 320 #bb8 #bb8-connection #connection-pool #oracle #pool #sql #database
  59. bb8-ruarango

    bb8 connection pooling impmentation for the ArangoDB database

    v0.1.0 #bb8 #arango-db #pool #async #connection-pool #ruarango #bb8-connection
  60. deadpool-tiberius

    Async ms sql server connection pool simple impl of deadpool

    v0.1.8 490 #connection-pool #sql-server #server-connection #async-pool #pool #tiberius #sql-database
  61. deadpool-memcached

    Dead simple async pool for memcached

    v0.3.2 #async-pool #connection-pool #memcached #pool #async #connection-manager
  62. r2d2_redis

    Redis support for the r2d2 connection pool

    v0.14.0 3.3K #connection-pool #redis #r2d2 #pool #database
  63. swimming

    Dive into Efficiency with Swimming: A High-Performance, No-Nonsense Connection Pool

    v0.1.3 #connection-pool #pool #non-blocking #no-alloc #connection-pooling
  64. pingora-pool

    A connection pool system for connection reuse

    v0.4.0 30K #connection-pool #pingora #pooling #async #async-networking
  65. mysql_async_uu

    Tokio based asynchronous MySql client library

    v0.32.4 #mysql #database-client #async-client #async #connection-pool #database #database-driver
  66. rocket_db_pools

    Rocket async database pooling support

    v0.2.0 7.7K #rocket-web #connection-pool #rocket #rocket-framework #pool #database #database-driver
  67. rbdc-pool-fast

    SQL Toolkit and ORM Library. An async, pure Rust SQL crate featuring compile-time Dynamic SQL

    v4.5.11 1.7K #connection-pool #orm #sqlite #sql-database #database #mysql #postgresql
  68. lapin-pool

    A RabbitMQ connection pool which manages connections based on the amount of channels used per connection

    v0.1.0 1.6K #connection-pool #rabbitmq #channel #manage #per #amount
  69. mysql_wasi

    Mysql client library implemented in rust for WASI

    v23.0.2 210 #database-client #database-driver #wasm-edge #wasi #sql-database #connection-pool #database
  70. rocket_sync_db_pools

    Rocket async database pooling support for sync database drivers

    v0.1.0 6.3K #connection-pool #rocket-web #rocket #rocket-framework #pool #database #database-driver
  71. bb8_surrealdb2

    Surrealdb support for the async bb8 connection pool

    v0.3.0 #surrealdb #pool #connection-pool #bb8-connection #database
  72. r2d2_firebird

    Firebird support for the r2d2 connection pool

    v0.25.1 #connection-pool #firebird #database #pool #sql #sql-database
  73. gotham_middleware_diesel

    A Gotham Middleware that provides access to a Diesel connection via an R2D2 pool to allow other Middleware and Handlers to interact with a database

    v0.5.1 180 #gotham #database-access #diesel #connection-pool #web #async #http
  74. bongonet-pool

    A connection pool system for connection reuse

    v0.4.0 140 #connection-pool #pooling #bongonet #async
  75. bolt-client

    A client that sends messages using the Bolt protocol

    v0.11.0 #graph-database #database-client #database-server #bolt #client #neo4j #connection-pool
  76. vmemcached

    Memcached client for Rust

    v0.5.0 800 #memcached #cache #memcache #driver #database #connection-pool #bb8-connection
  77. l337

    connection pooler

    v0.11.0 #connection-pool #tokio #experimental #pooler #traits #manage-connection
  78. r2d2-memcache

    Memcached support for the r2d2 connection pool

    v0.6.0 500 #connection-pool #memcached #nosql #pool #memcache #database
  79. miraland-deadpool-sqlite

    Miraland patch for deadpool unreleased rev. e6de358 and after which have not been published to crates.io, requird as deps and should exist on crates.io. Dead simple async pool for rusqlite

    v0.8.3 #sqlite #async-pool #connection-pool #async #pool #connection-manager #database
  80. mobc-redis

    Redis support for the mobc connection pool

    v0.8.2 5.9K #connection-pool #redis #pool #async-await #async #await
  81. lunatic-mysql

    Mysql client library implemented in rust

    v0.1.1 #mysql #sql-database #query-parameters #connection-pool #statement #named-pipe #database
  82. monoio-http-client

    Http client for Monoio

    v0.3.3 #http-client #cookie-jar #connection-pool #tls-connection #monoio #redirect #automatic
  83. butane_rocket_pool

    Butane database adapter for Rocket framework

    v0.5.3 120 #rocket #rocket-framework #butane #database #connection-pool
  84. redis-kiss

    A really stupid approach to managing Redis PubSub

    v0.1.4 370 #redis #pub-sub #connection #connection-pool #message #publish #subscribe
  85. r2d2-clickhouse

    ClickHouse support for the r2d2 connection pool

    v0.1.0 #clickhouse #connection-pool #r2d2 #pool #sql #database
  86. r2d2-diesel

    r2d2 support for Diesel

    v1.0.0 3.3K #connection-pool #r2d2 #diesel #sqlite #pooling #postgresql #database
  87. pravega-connection-pool

    A connection pool used by the Pravega Rust client

    v0.3.7 #connection-pool #client-connection #streaming #client #pravega
  88. bb8-aykroyd

    Aykroyd micro-ORM for the bb8 connection pool

    v0.3.1 #bb8-connection #connection-pool #postgresql #aykroyd #micro-orm #tokio #async
  89. valve-rs

    Auto-scale R {plumber} APIs concurrently using Tokio, Axum, and Deadpool

    v0.1.3 #api #connection-pool #valve #web-api #restful #plumber #axum
  90. tchannel_rs

    Network multiplexing and framing RPC protocol

    v0.0.2 #rpc #networking #protcol #connection-pool
  91. cueball-tcp-stream-connection

    cueball Connection trait for TcpStream from the rust standard library

    v0.3.1 #connection-pool #pool #nodejs #traits #service #node #cueball
  92. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  93. cueball-static-resolver

    cueball Resolver trait that provides a static list of backends for use by the connection pool

    v0.3.1 #connection-pool #pool #service #resolver #cueball #traits #nodejs
  94. reool

    An asynchrounous connection pool for Redis based on tokio and redis-rs

    v0.30.0 #connection-pool #connection #redis #tokio #async
  95. r2d2-aykroyd

    Aykroyd micro-ORM for the r2d2 connection pool

    v0.2.1 #connection-pool #r2d2 #postgresql #aykroyd #micro-orm #client
  96. deadpool-aykroyd

    Aykroyd micro-ORM for the deadpool connection pool

    v0.3.1 #connection-pool #postgresql #deadpool #tokio #aykroyd #micro-orm #connection-manager
  97. bb8-lapin

    r2d2-lapin, but for async tokio based connections

    v0.5.0 1.1K #connection-pool #bb8 #bb8-connection #tokio #async #lapin #prelude
  98. deadpool-fantoccini

    Dead simple async session pool for fantoccini

    v0.3.0 #session #pool #async-pool #web-driver #connection-pool #async
  99. cueball-dns-resolver

    Joyent's node-cueball DNS resolver

    v0.3.2 #connection-pool #dns-resolver #pool #service #traits #cueball #joyent
  100. bb8-libsql

    connection pooling manager for libsql using bb8

    v0.1.2 110 #connection-pool #bb8-connection #bb8 #connection-manager #sqlite #pool
  101. r2d2_pulsar

    Connection pooling for pulsar client

    v0.1.3 #pulsar #connection-pool #api #api-bindings
  102. redi-rs

    Lightweight async Redis client with connection pooling written in pure Rust and 100% memory safe

    v0.1.0-alpha.0 #client-connection #memory-safe #connection-pool #pooling #pure #100
  103. rsmc-tokio

    An async memcached client for Tokio

    v0.4.0 #tokio #memcached #async #memcache #connection-pool #api-bindings
  104. bb8-diesel

    bb8 connection manager for Diesel

    v0.2.1 #diesel #tokio #pool #r2d2 #connection-manager #connection-pool #async
  105. r2d2_redis_cluster

    Redis cluster support for the r2d2 connection pool

    v0.1.6 100 #redis-cluster #connection-pool #redis #cluster #r2d2 #pool #database
  106. tk-pool

    Generic connection pool for tokio

    v0.5.3 #connection-pool #connection #pool #tokio #tcp-connection #tcp
  107. deadpool-ldap

    LDAP support for the deadpool connection pool

    v0.3.1 #connection-pool #ldap #pool #deadpool #async-pool #async #ldap-3
  108. cueball-postgres-connection

    cueball Connection trait for postgres::Client from the rust-postgres crate

    v0.3.2 #connection-pool #postgresql #pool #resolver #cueball #traits #service
  109. net-utils

    Network utility library which provides client connection pool for TCP/SSL connctions

    v0.0.5 #connection-pool #ssl #tcp #connection-manager #client-connection
  110. whitepool

    lightweight, generic pooling library for Rust+Tokio inspired by Elixir poolboy

    v1.0.0 #pool #connection-pool #database #worker-pool #workerpool
  111. nickel-diesel

    Nickel middleware providing a diesel ORM with r2d2 connection pooling

    v0.9.0 #nickel #diesel #middleware #connection-pool #database
  112. cueball-manatee-primary-resolver

    cueball Resolver trait that is specific to the Joyent manatee project. It queries a zookeeper cluster to determine the PostgreSQL replication primary from a set of PostgreSQL replication peers.

    v0.5.1 #postgresql #zookeeper #connection-pool #pool #replication #resolver #primary
  113. geese_pool

    Message-passing system for networking with Geese

    v0.3.0 #connection-pool #system #events #message #channel #geese #networking
  114. mobc-reql

    RethinkDB support for the mobc connection pool

    v0.6.4 #connection-pool #pool #async #reql #database #query
  115. tang-rs

    A light weight asynchronous connection pool

    v0.2.0 #connection-pool #pool #async-pool #async #light-weight #thread-pool #future
  116. rsmc-core

    runtime-agnostic async memcached clients

    v0.4.0 #memcached #async #memcache #api-bindings #consistent-hashing #connection-pool
  117. r2d2_odbc_api

    ODBC support for the r2d2 connection pool Via odbc-api Based on https://github.com/Koka/r2d2-odbc

    v0.2.0 #r2d2 #pool #connection-pool #odbc #sql #database #connection-manager
  118. bb8-bolt

    A bolt-client adaptor for the bb8 connection pool

    v0.8.0 #bb8 #connection-pool #bolt #pool #bb8-connection #neo4j #database
  119. r2d2_sqlite_neonphog

    Sqlite support for the r2d2 connection pool

    v0.18.0 440 #r2d2 #connection-pool #pool #sqlite #connection-manager
  120. r2d2-jfs

    JFS support for the r2d2 connection pool

    v0.2.0 #r2d2 #pool #json #connection-pool #json-file #connection-manager
  121. bb8-memcached

    async connection pool for memcached, based on bb8 and memcache-async

    v0.5.0 120 #memcached #memcache #async #cache #connection-pool #bb8-connection #database
  122. deadpool-bolt

    A bolt-client manager for the deadpool connection pool

    v0.2.0 #connection-pool #bolt #deadpool #pool #neo4j #connection-manager #database
  123. bb8-redis-cluster

    Full-featured async (tokio-based) redis cluster connection pool (like r2d2)

    v0.1.1 1.1K #redis-cluster #connection-pool
  124. mobc-arangors

    ArangoDB support for the async mobc connection pool

    v0.2.2 #connection-pool #mobc #async #connection-manager #arango-db #arangors #reqwest
  125. r2d2_cypher

    Cypher support for the r2d2 connection pool

    v0.4.0 #r2d2 #connection-pool #cypher #neo4j #connection-manager
  126. r2d2_arangors

    ArangoDB support for the r2d2 connection pool

    v0.2.3 #r2d2 #connection-pool #arango-db #arangors #adaptor
  127. mobc-bolt

    A bolt-client manager for the mobc connection pool

    v0.2.0 #connection-pool #bolt #mobc #pool #neo4j #connection-manager #database
  128. r2d2-influx_db_client

    InfluxDB support for the R2D2 connection pool

    v0.1.1 #influx-db #r2d2 #connection-pool #pool #database #influxdb
  129. bb8-redis-break-with-error

    Full-featured async (tokio-based) redis connection pool (like r2d2)

    v0.12.0 #redis #connection #async #pool #r2d2 #connection-pool #tokio-based
  130. surreal_bb8

    An async connection pool for SurrealDB built on top of the bb8 library

    v0.1.0 #connection-pool #surrealdb #bb8-connection #bb8 #async #database
  131. r2d2_redis_cluster2

    Redis cluster support for the r2d2 connection pool

    v0.23.3 #redis-cluster #connection-pool #redis #cluster #r2d2 #pool
  132. r2d2-lapin

    Lapin support for the r2d2 connection pool

    v0.2.2 #connection-pool #r2d2 #lapin #pool #amqp #connection-manager
  133. r2d2_redis2

    Redis support for the r2d2 connection pool

    v0.23.3 #connection-pool #r2d2 #redis #pool #database
  134. joyent/cueball

    A connection pool to manage connections to a multi-node service

    GitHub 0.3.5 #connection-pool #service-discovery #pool #node #resolver
  135. r2d2-ldap

    LDAP support for the r2d2 connection pool

    v0.1.1 #connection-pool #ldap #r2d2 #pool #connection #ldap-3
  136. r2d2-mongodb

    A MongoDB adaptor for r2d2 connection pool

    v0.2.2 180 #mongo-db #r2d2 #pool #connection-pool #database #connection-manager
  137. pooly

    A protobuf to Postgres adapter + connection pooling middleware

    v0.2.1 #connection-pool #postgresql #middleware #protobuf #pooling #adapter #role
  138. diesel-crud

    Perscriptive Diesel CRUD and connection pool management

    v0.2.0 #rest #diesel #crud #connection-pool
  139. r2d2-sqlite3

    Sqlite support for the r2d2 connection pool

    v0.1.1 #r2d2 #connection-pool #pool #sqlite #connection-manager