
  1. ntex

    Framework for composable network services

    v2.10.0 7.3K #async-networking #framework #async #networking #composable-networking #async-http #future
  2. ntex-bytes

    Types and traits for working with bytes (bytes crate fork)

    v0.1.27 8.0K #byte-buffer #buffer #zero-copy #buffers #io #composable-networking
  3. ntex-service

    ntex service

    v3.4.0 7.3K #framework #async-networking #async #future #composable-networking #networking #async-http
  4. ntex-util

    ntex framework

    v2.9.0 6.8K #composable-networking #async-networking #framework #async #future #networking #async-http
  5. ntex-io

    encoding and decoding frames

    v2.9.3 6.4K #codec #async #future #framework #networking #composable-networking #futures
  6. ntex-tls

    SSL streams for ntex backed by OpenSSL

    v2.4.0 6.8K #ssl-stream #framework #async #future #networking #composable-networking #futures
  7. ntex-server

    Server for ntex framework

    v2.6.2 6.1K #framework #server-framework #async #future #composable-networking #async-http #networking
  8. ntex-rt

    ntex runtime

    v0.4.24 7.3K #async-networking #framework #async #future #networking #composable-networking #websocket
  9. ntex-http

    Http types for ntex framework

    v0.1.13 8.5K #async-http #async #future #networking #composable-networking #http-framework #framework
  10. ntex-router

    Path router

    v0.5.3 7.2K #ntex #composable-networking #services #path #async-http #router #framework
  11. ntex-tokio

    tokio intergration for ntex framework

    v0.5.3 6.4K #composable-networking #async #future #networking #framework #async-http #futures
  12. ntex-net

    ntexwork utils for ntex framework

    v2.4.0 6.0K #framework #async #future #composable-networking #networking #async-http #futures
  13. ntex-async-std

    async-std intergration for ntex framework

    v0.5.1 140 #async-networking #composable-networking #async #networking #future #framework #async-http
  14. ntex-codec

    encoding and decoding frames

    v0.6.2 7.6K #codec #async-networking #framework #future #async #composable-networking #networking
  15. ntex-glommio

    glommio intergration for ntex framework

    v0.5.2 160 #framework #async-networking #async #composable-networking #future #networking #async-http
  16. ntex-compio

    compio runtime intergration for ntex framework

    v0.2.4 800 #framework #async-networking #async #future #composable-networking #networking #async-http
  17. ntex-connect

    ntexwork connect utils for ntex framework

    v1.1.0 750 #async-networking #framework #async #future #composable-networking #networking #futures
  18. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  19. ntex-rt-macros

    ntex runtime macros

    v0.1.1 #ntex #run-time #composable #services #framework #async #composable-networking